Thursday 22 August 2019

3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 3 2019


Altar Servers

Saturday 24th August - Serah Staju, Luse & Sami Asi and Lachlan Criddle
Sunday 25th August - Indeg & Nye Jones-Hogan and Lisiate Hausia

Birthday Greetings to
Henry Robinson, Neight Fraser, Ben Gillies, Eva Keno and Emily McGeown

Cross Country
On Tuesday we held our first combined cross country with Oamaru North School which was a success.  The reason we are combining our cross country and athletics is because we are in the same North Otago Sports zone. Schools over a certain roll are in an individual zone and all the other schools combine with another school or two to make another zone. The weather gods ensured we had a good day for it which was neither hot nor wet.
The course offered something different this year with the children being able to go over jumps and across water, a real cross country. Congratulations to our children who participated in the cross country, especially the children who found it extremely difficult and persevered to the finish line, we are proud of you all.
A huge thank you goes to Rebecca Heffernan who helped with the set up and organisation of the course and also to our parent helpers and St Kevin's students who were our marshalls and our brilliant photographers Mrs Whiston and Mrs Stringer who were there to capture the moment. With over 200 photos of the children you can go to this link and view them.

2019 Cross Country

Certificates and trophies will be presented at assembly on Friday 30th August at 2.20 pm.

North Otago Cross Country - the first 6 children from either Oamaru North and St Joseph's have been given  a permission slip to attend the North Otago Cross Country on Monday 2nd September at 4.00 pm at the Oamaru Race course.  Can all permission slips be returned by Tuesday 27th August. We are looking for a couple of parent helpers to help out with the NOCC as our school is in charge of organising it this year.  Please let Mrs Brien know if you can help.

Otago Cross Country - is on Friday 30th August in Dunedin.  If your child is interested in attending, please let Mrs Brien know by next Monday 26th August.

Home and School Hungry Horse Cafe
The Yr 7 class are on cafe duty on Sunday 22nd September at the race course.  Parent volunteers are needed to do shifts throughout the day.
Last Sunday was another great day in the cafe and thank you to the Yr 8 parents who helped on the day.  They were joined in the dining room with the Magician Magic Max and Friends and Face Painter - Pop Face Art.  A huge THANK YOU to Glynn Cameron who is donating pies to the cafe for the rest of the year.

Keeping Our Kids Safe

All students will shortly be participating in the Keeping Ourselves safe programme. Attached to the email is information about keeping kids safe and including helpful tips for parents. 

Thursday 22 - Pasifika Fiafie night from 5.30 to 7.00 pm
Friday 23 - Singing Cup auditions
                 - assembly at 2.30 pm - Kapahaka group performing
Sunday 25 - First Holy Communion
Monday 26 - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Tuesday 27 - Kapahaka Festival at the Opera House

Scholastic Book Club

Book club orders close on Friday 30th August.

Can all winter sports uniforms and gear bags be washed and cleaned and returned to the office.  Coaches/managers/parents please let Mrs Brien know of any feedback regarding the winter sports season and email to thanks.

Basketball Draw - Wednesday 28th August
4.00 pm - St Joseph's Bolts v Waitaki Valley Vikings - back court - playing for 5th and 6th
4.50 pm - St Joseph's Cavaliers v Papakaio - main court - playing for 3rd and 4th
4.50 pm - St Joseph's Raptors v Weston Blue Wings - back court - playing for 5th and 6th


Score bench duty
4.00 pm - St Joseph's Cavaliers - main court - need a volunteer
4.50 pm - St Joseph's Bolts - back court - need a volunteer

North Otago Rugby are looking for a manager for the North Otago U16 rep side.  If you are interested in being the manager, please let Jason Forrest know at North Otago Rugby.

Yr 5/6 playground models
During this term the Yr 5/6 class decided they wanted to design a new playground.  This was stemmed from their peer writing and inquiry about the environment and which also involved maths measurement.
For the playgrounds to get off the ground, the children had to plan, design and build a model.  They had to think of safety, age level suitability, was it challenging, was it creative to use, would it suit someone with a disability and they had to use sustainable materials and no plastics.
The children did themselves proud with their amazing creations.

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