Thursday 8 August 2019

3. School Notices - Week 3, Term 3 2019

Altar Servers
Saturday 10th August - Annalise & David Kilgour, Lachlan Criddle, Luse & Sami Asi
Sunday 11th August - Indeg & Nye Jones-Hogan and Hana Davies

Birthday Greetings to

Natalie Shah

Cross Country
We would like to apologise for not attaching the cross country letter with the email that was sent out yesterday as we had sent only the map but not the letter. A hard copy of the notice was given to the children.

Dear Parents/Caregivers

On Tuesday 20th August, we are holding our annual cross country with Oamaru North School at the Oamaru Racecourse.  All children will participate in the cross country and if they can’t run it, they can walk it. The races will be held in the morning as Pembroke School are using it in the afternoon. 

The course is run on the paddocks south of the race track and is the same as North Otago Cross Country.  The entrance for parents will be through the main southern entrance and you walk along the southern side of the track to the start of the course.  Car parking is in the southern carpark.  Supporters can watch the races from the marked viewing area as nobody is allowed on the horse racing track. Buses will transport the children to the grandstands and they will walk to the start of the course.

The children will run in their year levels with Oamaru North School and the juniors will start first with the Yr 8’s running last. The whole school will be travelling out by bus at 9.20 am and when the juniors have finished their races, they will come back to school.

Children are to wear their PE gear to school including school polar fleece and bring the following:
·         warm trousers (navy or black) and school jacket
·         a spare pair of socks and shoes and a hand towel
·         plastic bag in case you have to put dirty socks and shoes in it
·         extra food and drink for the day as they will take their school bags with them to the event
·         Medication e.g. inhalers and give them to their class teacher.

Below is a timetable of approximate times for each race. 

Yr 8                                                                            11.20 am
Yr 7                                                                           11.05 am     
Yr 6                                                                            10.50 am
Yr 5                                                                            10.35 am
Yr 4                                                                            10.20 am
Yr 3                                                                            10.10 am
Yr 2 & 1                                                                     10.00 am

Help - In order for this event to run safely I require 12 parents to help out as marshals.  Please email me at or let the office know if you can help by next week.  Without your help we cannot run this event safely and smoothly.  We also require a large number of picnic rugs and tarpaulins for the students to sit on, so please drop them to your class teacher if you have any.

The postponement date is Wednesday 21st August.  The top 6 children from either school in years 4-8 will qualify for the North Otago Cross Country on Monday 2nd September and will be given a note home.  The Otago Cross Country will be held on Friday 6th September.  Please contact me if you have any queries.  Thank you Paula Brien

Dominican Choir
The Dominican Choir are leading the singing at the First Communion Mass on Sunday 25th August at 9.30 am in the Basilica.  They have been learning and practising songs and hymns for this Mass and it is expected that your child will attend and participate.
The children will wear good tidy clothes (not school uniform) and arrive in the Basilica by 9.15 am.  The children have received a hard copy of this notice with a tear off portion to attend.

Library Visits
The Senior and Intermediate syndicate classes have enjoyed visiting the Waitaki Library over the last couple of days. We found out that along with borrowing books you can download free books and magazines, both adult and children's to your device from the library's website. You can even download fantastic audiobooks to for your children to listen to. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful library as the one we have in Oamaru.

Muffins for Sale
Each Wednesday for 1.50 each this term.  Orders to be taken on the Tuesday beforehand. Please support this fundraiser otherwise we have to discontinue. 

Singing Cup Notice
Kia Ora all Year 5,6,7 & 8 students and whanau
This years' Singing Cup is going to continue to promote our talents in singing as well as hold the prestige that was shown at last year's finals.
We encourage all year 5-8 students to audition.  There are House points for all entries.  Auditions are on Friday 23rd August during school time.

Students will choose from the song list below and sing one verse and one chorus.  this year the Duet/Group competition will also include groups of 3-6 participants.  Auditions for Duets/Groups need to be able to present their song choice with harmony.  Due/Groups can be mixed boy/girl and mixed houses.
Song Choices for auditions are:

Soloist:                                                                 Duet/Group

1.  Hold my Hands                                               1.  Te Aroha
2.  Gifts                                                                 2.  Holy Ground
3.  Blessed be God                                                3.  Own choice
4.  Ka  Waiata
5.  Own choice

There is an audition pack available from class teachers.

Finalists - choose their own song and accompanist but we can help you.  Backing tracks maybe used but they must only be instrumental.  A TIME LIMIT of 3 minutes is required.
Finals will be held on Friday 20th September in our school hall starting at 9.15 am sharp.

The Judge has the following Marking Criteria
  • Tune
  • Volumne
  • Diction
  • Timing
  • Presentation
We are looking for 'Excellence' and participation and look forward to the final results.
Kind Regards - Mrs Brookes and Mrs Asi

Uniforms - as winter sports are slowly coming to a close for the season, can you please return all washed uniforms and gear bags to the office.
Photos - can we please have team photos of all sports codes for our notice board.
Football - the First Kicks programme finishes Friday night.
Rugby - finishes on Saturday.  Coaches to give names for Development Days for 10 to 12 year olds.
Netball - Goal-athon money is due back on Saturday and is to be handed into the netball office.  Please ensure your name and school is written on the pink card.

Teacher Only Day
School is closed tomorrow - Friday 9th August

Community Notices
  • Family History Month- to support the activities of Family History Month in August, the Archive at the Forrester Gallery will be open extra hours.  Thursday 8 & Thursday 15 August - 11.00 am to 11.40 -Archive Tours.  Join us for a brief introduction to Archive services including reference area and a look around the collection store.  Email or phone 433 0852 to book.  Saturday 10th August from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm.  Explore the range of family history resources with expert assistance.  No booking necessary.

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