Thursday 25 June 2020

1. Principal's News Week 11 Term 2 2020

Thoughts on Good and Evil by Libby (year 8)
"We cannot please everyone and we cannot solve world problems on our own but if we all live in harmony and have the ability to co-exist with evil while still following God, we have done our job on earth because we have let the good shine through.  God allowed evil on our earth for the greater good so in the end we have evil so good can exist".  

Getting Ready for Mid Year Reporting
For mid year reporting our senior school are keeping track of their learning and recording under the "Learning Capabilities."  This will enable them to make comments for their reports on what they have done at their level and have examples ready to share with you at parent interviews.

The juniors are doing their's using the app 'Seesaw' where they can explain their learning in a short video.  The videos are classified according to the Learning Capabilities and parents will receive their own copies.  I'm particularly impressed that they have been taught how to do this themselves and are independent with it.

All children will have a summary paper report showing their attendance record, curriculum levels for reading, writing and maths and teacher's comment.

Learning Provocations
The juniors are continuing to engage in learning provocations - these are independent activities which stimulate creativity and critical thinking.  They are available in their class environment while the teacher is working with specific children.

Sport Begins
The rugby kits were handed out today and Iverson is ready for rugby, wearing a new St Joseph's rugby top.

Special Character
We are proud of our Catholic Special Character and the way it helps the children to reach their full potential - spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and physically.

Jack is training with his teacher, Miss Sollano, to prepare for reading at mass

Sniffles and things
Thank you to you the parents who are helping us all stay well by keeping your children at home when they are not well.  Thank you for ringing/texting/emailing early and telling us the reason.  If children have cold or flu symptoms at school, we will still need to ask you to take them home.


We have done a number enrolments in the last couple of weeks.  If you know of anyone wishing to enrol for next year, please get them to contact us as soon as possible as classes are filling up.  We still have a small number of open places.

Aroha and God Bless,

Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 11 Term 2 2020

Welcome/Kiaora/Malo e Lelei
Special Character Focus
School and Family Mass- 
You are welcome to join us for Thursday Mass at 9:15 am in the Basilica. Thank you to Kakapo -Mrs Winders class for the presentation of the gospel at Mass last Thursday. Today the Mass and Gospel presentation lead by Kiwi Year  3/ 4 - Miss Sollano.  Next Thursday, Mass and Gospel will be lead and presented by Year 8 Mrs Jones Hogan's class.

Religious Education: God Strand
Key Ideas
God created the world
How can we know about God? - God is revealed through Jesus
God is all powerful and remains a mystery
God loves us individually (he has made a Covenant with us)

Faith Facts
Week 11 22nd – 26th June (Green)
22nd St John Fisher and Thomas More
24th Nativity of John the Baptist

The Beatles land in New ZealandThis week in 1964, Beatlemania hit New Zealand. 7000 hysterical fans greeted the Fab Four in Wellington. On 22 June the Beatles played their first New Zealand concert, repeating a 30-minute 11-song set as fans screamed. We thank God for musicians, and the lift they give to us with their creativity and talent. We especially thank God for all those gifted people and families that inspired us with their music through the lock-down.
Image result for fun facts john the baptist
TERM TWO SCRIPTURE / PRAYERS 2020- Week 11: Philippians 2:4
"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." 
The Good News: It's OK to consider what's best for you and your family, but you should also keep in mind what will be most beneficial for your community. Trust that others are also looking out for your interests as well. Everyone has to work together. 
NEW TESTAMENT - After the Ascension - Paul's Letters to the churches. 
Malo 'Aupito
Thank you and God Bless 
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 11, Term 2 2020


Birthday Greetings
Atlanta Williams-McDowell, Alexie Phillips, Milah Anderson, Angelina Pardede and Mikayla Criddle

Please record the reason why your child is absent when you leave a message.

Advice from the Sport's Sidelines
If you are going to be a spectator at a sports ground this season, please take the time to read the excerpt  further on the blog.

Plastic Free Day
Tuesday 16th June Plastic Results:
-Glad wrap: 21
-  Chip/ snack wrappers: 86
-  Straws: 1
- Yoghurt tubs: 9
- Ziploc bags: 11

Plastic Free Day Plastic Results 
- Glad wrap: 4
- Chip/ snack wrappers: 27
-  Straws: 0
- Yoghurt tubs: 3
- Ziploc bags: 3

The Envirogroup are very happy with the results and thank you for your support. Next Plastic Free Day is in term 3.

We would love some parents to help us weekly with our gardens. 30 minutes or one hour of your time a week would be great! Please contact Mrs. T, if you have time to help.

Good Luck

To our rugby players who start their season tomorrow and to our footballers who started their season last weekend.

Home and School
AGM - The Home and School held their annual AGM last week and the following ladies were re-elected to their office bearer positions: President - Rebecca Heffernan, Secretary - Suzanne Aston and Treasurer - Shiralee Bremner. A big thank you to these ladies and their committee as they do an amazing job for our school with lots of behind the scenes work and being an integral part of fundraising and our school community liaison.

Pies and Milo
This initiative will start up again on Wednesday 22nd July in term 3 (first Wednesday back at school).  All pies are to be wrapped in foil with the child's name written on the outside and if they want a drink of milo to bring their named cup and 50 cents.

Junior Catholic School's Quadrangular Tournament
This tournament is for Yr 7, 8, 9 and 10 students and is being held in Dunedin on Tuesday 4th August and our intermediate sport teams go as part of St Kevin's College.  This year we are entering two netball teams and one futsal team and a permission letter will go home with the selected students today. All permission slips need to be in by Tuesday 21st July.

There is a hard copy of the weekly school newsletter on the notice board outside the office.  This is put there every Friday morning.

The boy's miniball team will have their first practice next Wednesday after school from 3.15 to 4.00 pm at St Joseph's.

If you are interested in attending coaching zoom courses, the links and dates are available on the North Otago Netball website or their Facebook page.  Click the link for the website.

The rugby tops were handed out to players yesterday for their game this Saturday.  This year all games are played in the spirit of rugby and getting children out on the field so there will be no trophies to play for as there is only 6 games.  Teams will be even matched on the fields so if one team is 2 players short, one player will play for another team or thereabouts.
Mouth guards are to be worn in all grades.

Please note the first team named provides the referees unless one is named.  WCS stands for Whitestone Contracting Stadium.

Draw - Friday 26th June - note change of day
11/12 years - 5.15 pm - Athletic v St Joseph's - Athies Ground in front of club rooms (WSC 5)

Draw - Saturday 27th June 

7/8 years - 10.00 am - St Joseph's v Valley Black at SKC
9/10 years - 10.30 am - St Joseph's v Valley Gold at SKC

Sports Code of Conduct
Every family who has a child playing sport for St Joseph's will be given a hard copy of our Sports Code of Conduct.  This is both for you and your child to read and to adhere too.

Sport Fees
We would like the fees to be paid or a payment plan in place before the season starts in term 3 or
you can speak to Mrs Frances-Rees about options. (Rugby is to be paid before term 3 starts, not
their start date of 27 June).  Thank you very much to the families who have already paid these fees.
Uniforms will be given out to netball, basketball and miniball next week if you have made
payment towards them otherwise it will be in week one of term 3.

Strapping Course
With winter sport back, what better time to have a strapping course led by local and current New Zealand Heartland rugby team physio 'Phillipa Masoe Physiotherapy'.
  • This course is limited to 20 people
  • Wednesday 1st July from 7.00 to 8.30 pm
  • North Otago Hockey Turf Pavillion
  • Cost $20.00 per person (tape cover)
To register please contact Mitch McRae on 027 434 9379 or email

Subway Lunches
Start up again next Friday 3rd July and as an opening special they will be half price e.g. $3.00 for a 6 inch and $4.50 for a foot long.

Wheels Day
Is on again tomorrow, remember to bring your helmets.

4. Why Parents Must Stop Coaching from the Sidelines

This excerpt is taken from a basketball point of view and this information applies to all sporting codes which has been edited to reflect this and is well worth a read.

Why Parents Must Stop Coaching From The Sidelines

Usually teams have one coach but  it turns out this isn't always true on most youth sport teams.  Enter your nearest gym, court or field and listen closely during any game and you'll quickly find out most youth sports teams actually have 8 - 10 coaches surrounding the court/field.  Unfortunately, only one of these is the real coach.
The other 90% are parents who have tagged themselves with an assistant coaching role and now feel the need to shout out their own instructions to the players on the court/field.
Don't get me wrong...  Most of these parents do have good intentions. They sincerely believe they're helping their child's performance on the court/field when they're yelling out commands from the sideline. But, they're not and the parents coaching from the sidelines epidemic needs to stop.
Here’s what you need to know…
Understand and Respect Your Role at Every Game
Let's start with the basics...
There are four main roles at every youth game:
  • Coach
  • Player
  • Referee
  • Spectator
Every person who attends a game can fill only one of these four roles.
  • If you're the coach, you coach the team.
  • If you're a player, you play the game.
  • If you're a referee, you officiate the game.
  • If you're a spectator, you watch the game.
Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it?  It's incredibly important that every person who attends a  game understands and respects the role that they’re required to play throughout the game.
Where some people get confused is they don’t understand that their role can change at different games e.g. 
Some parents will assume that because they're the coach of their son's U16's team, they have the right to coach from the sidelines during their daughter's U12's game.  No. Their role changes between coach and spectator depending on which game they're attending.
And while we’re on that topic…
Your Coaching and Playing Experience is Irrelevant
Unfortunately, some adults feel entitled to voice their opinion from the sidelines if they have previously coached or played at a high level. But previous experience doesn't change your role.
You're still a spectator even if you were good enough to play division 1 college basketball 25 years ago...
You're still a spectator even if your daughter's coach doesn't have the same level of coaching experience as you do...
You're still a spectator even if you claim to 'have been around basketball for 40 years and you know what you're talking about'...
Parents must understand this:  If you're not the team's coach during the current game, you still have no right to coach from the sidelines.  Even world-class coaches like Frank Martin follow this advice...
Check out this must-watch video below:
​With all that said, let's break down the main reasons why parents coaching from the sidelines is hurting young players
4 Reasons Why Parents 'Sideline Coaching' Must Stop

1. Confusing Players with Conflicting Instructions

Put yourself in your child's shoes for a minute... Before the game and during timeouts/breaks, the coach will talk to the team about strategy and may give each player specific instructions to give the team the best chance of success.
And then as soon as a player gets out on the court/field, parents start screaming out conflicting instructions that go against the team's strategy and the player's role on the team.
This leaves the child in a tricky situation...
  • Who should they listen to?
  • Which adult do they choose to make happy?
  • Which adult do they choose to disappoint?
Players are forced to choose.  And since they don't want to get yelled at on the car ride home, most players will listen to their parents and go against the team's strategy.  This will lead to poor team performance and could even lead to the player receiving less time on the court/field.
Check out this video by Kevin Eastman where he teaches parents how difficult it is to have many different instructions being shouted at you.

2. Stealing Their Decision Making Opportunities

Learning how to make smart decisions through experience is crucial for player development.  To give specific examples of decisions, this includes:
  • When to pass.
  • Which teammate to pass to.
  • Which pass type to use.
  • How hard to throw the pass.
  • The exact spot to pass to.
When a parent screams out instructions from the sideline, they take away the learning opportunity from the player.  Here are the type of phrases I'm talking about...
  • "Shoot/kick!"
  • "Pass to Jimmy!"
  • "Attack the paint!"
When adults are constantly feeding players this "do this, do that" information, players can quickly start to rely on their input instead of thinking for themselves. Instead, parents should sit back and allow their child to make decisions. Which involves allowing your child to make mistakes.
Each player must know that they're not going to be criticized when their decisions do result in mistakes. If a player knows they're going to be yelled at each time they commit a turnover or miss a shot, their anxiety levels will shoot through the roof.
There's no way they'll be able to make decisions and then learn from their mistakes in that environment.
basketball coach

3. Takes Authority and Respect Away From the Coach

If a coach is willing to volunteer their time to coach your son or daughter, please let them do the coaching. A parent screaming out instructions from the sideline just makes their role even more difficult than it already is. If you absolutely need to voice your opinion all game, wait a few months and put your hand up to coach the team next season.
But most aren't willing to do that.
They'd rather voice their opinion without the extra responsibilities of:
  • Arriving 15 minutes before practice to set up.
  • Spending several hours each week running practices.
  • Taking the time to plan out each practice.
  • Researching effective drills and plays.
  • Struggling to teach players the team's offense.
  • Trying to remember substitutions throughout the game.
Coaching youth sports takes up a large chunk of time and to do it well is much harder than it looks.
Appreciate and respect those willing to devote their time and effort.

4. Makes the Referees Worse

When coaching from the sidelines, some parents do more than scream out instructions to the players on the team. There are many who decide to yell at referees, too. Here are a few of the main negatives to doing this:
a. You're teaching your child to make excuses
When your child notices you complaining to the referee, they'll feel like they're allowed to do the same thing. Instead, teach them to immediately move onto the next play.
b. The referees will get worse
With a bunch of angry adults yelling in their direction, you can guarantee that the game's officiating will quickly deteriorate.
Parents (and coaches) must understand that a referee will never change their decision just because you angrily let them know your opinion from the sidelines.
Lead by example and keep your thoughts on the officiating inside your head.

Parents Should be Supporting New Coaches
Have you ever heard a parent say this: 
"My son's coach has no idea what he's doing!"  Well, for the moment, let’s say they’re right.
Maybe your son's coach doesn't make perfect substitutions every time and the player's don't get exactly even court/field time.
Maybe your daughter's coach doesn't understand the minor details of every offense and defense the team comes up against.
Maybe your son's coach isn't familiar with all the advanced lingo and they fumble their way through timeouts/breaks.  Just like players, many coaches are still learning.
In fact, tens of thousands of parents with very little sports background step up each season to coach simply because there's no one else to do it. Stop expecting your son's under 10's coach to be pe​rfect.
Stop sitting on the sidelines shaking your head and rolling your eyes. We have to do our best to support new coaches as they gain experience and develop their coaching knowledge.
Everyone has to start somewhere.
basketball youth game

So, What Should Parents Do Instead?

A parent's role as a spectator is very simple. Watch the game and encourage the players on the court/field. Watching the game is self explanatory and doesn’t require further explanation.
But perhaps ‘encouraging’ does…  Encouraging does not mean:
  • Giving coaching advice.
  • Yelling out to any of the players or referees.
  • Over the top celebrating.
It means enjoying the game and occasionally clapping and cheering for the team. Here’s a rule of thumb to remember….  As soon as you stand out from the crowd, you’re doing something wrong.
Overall, here's the point: When parents are yelling out from the sidelines, they're making each player's youth sporting experience less enjoyable.  Don’t get me wrong...
99% of youth sports parents are fantastic.
Personally, I’ve had very little problems with any of my team’s parents in the past and I’m very thankful and appreciative of that.  But, as with every sport, there are a few bad eggs amongst the parents who need to read this.
Parents who continually confuse their child with unnecessary coaching advice, embarrass their child with over-celebrating or complaining, and even parents who slow down their child’s sporting development by making them nervous about committing a mistake.
To improve the youth sporting experience for players everywhere… Parents need to take a step back and do a better job of understanding their role. And remember...
- Your kids aren’t going to be playing youth sports forever.
- Sit back, enjoy the game, and let the coaches do the coaching.
- Coach Mac

5. Diary Dates - Week 11, Term 2 2020

Friday 26

Saturday 27

Thursday 2
Friday 3

Monday 20
Tuesday 21

Wednesday 22

Thursday 23
Friday 24

Saturday 25
Thursday 30
Friday 31

Tuesday 4
Monday 10

Friday 25

Monday 12

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 
Wheels Day 
Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm *
Rugby starts today 

School Mass at 9.15 am *
Subway lunches start back today at half price 
Wheels Day 
Technology for Yr 7 & 8 
Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm *
Last day of school for term 2
School starts for term 3
Junior Quad permission slips due back *
Miniball starts today 
Hockey starts today 
Pies and Milo start today *
Basketball starts today 
Hockey starts today 
School Mass at 9.15 am *
Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm *
Netball starts today 
School Mass at 9.15 am *
Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *

Junior Quadrangular tournament for Yr 7 & 8 in Dunedin 
Teacher Only Day *

Last day of school for term 3

School starts for term 4