Friday 30 September 2022

Principal's News Term 3 Week 10 2022

A Great Term

We are coming to the end of what has been one of the fullest terms I can remember.  I am so proud of all that our staff and children have achieved this term.  Just flicking through the calendar we've:

  • Had a three day external special character review with an excellent report stating we are a "leading school."
  • Children have been prepared for and received the Sacrament of Confirmation
  • We screened our movie "Let Your Light Shine."
  • We trained for and ran our cross country.
  • Then our school organised the North Otago cross country and managed that - amidst snowflakes!
  • Our intermediate students had a Winter camp.
  • Our students prepared for and performed at Fiefia night, the Matariki Hui Ako and Polyfest
  • The house leaders (and teachers) prepared for and managed the house football tournament
  • The house leaders (and teachers) have prepared for Singing Cup - House Choirs which will be completed by the time this newsblog goes out.
  • Our Intermediate students have studied technology and had extension classes in literacy and maths at St Kevin's.
  • We've had a Science focus on the local environment - the Waitaki River and Tuna (eel) migrations.

I've recalled some of the term in order to congratulate our staff and students and the parents who support us.  THANK YOU.

House Football Tournament

It was lovely to have our ex-pupils back last week to referee the house football tournament, Lachlan Brookes (Mrs Brookes' son) and Antonio Frances-Rees (my son).  It was only yesterday they were running around out there too.

A selection of photos from the football tournament last week:

Singing Cup - House Choirs

We will have done these by the time this newsblog comes out.  We will post photos on Facebook.

Summer Uniform

We return to school on Monday, October 17th and children will be wearing Summer uniforms.  School photos are on Tuesday, October 18th and the correct summer uniform and shoes must be worn please with no exceptions. No PE uniform.

Please find your school hat as hats are compulsory in term 4 while outdoors.  The hat is a navy wide-brimmed hat that can be purchased from the Warehouse.

Teacher Only Days

A reminder that we are closed for professional development in structured literacy on Monday and Tuesday 14th and 15th of November.

Have a safe and blessed holiday break

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)

2. Special Character Week 10 Term 3 2022

School and Family Mass 

Thank you to Ruma Hoiho- Year 5/6 for presenting Mass last week.

This week's Mass was presented by JH1 -Year 1. Thank you Mrs. Thomas and Miss Sollano and your class for the work that you both do. Thank you parents and parishioner's for all your support and prayers. We are looking forward to seeing all next term.

Acknowledgement: Communion

I just want to say a huge thank you to Fr Wayne for his prayers, support and help.

I would like to acknowledge Adrienne Wylie and Elaine Hurley for the work, guidance and support that you gave me and our sacramental children. Thank you.

A gratitude of thanks to Mrs Frances Rees, Mrs Winders, Mrs Brookes and all St Joseph's staff for your support, prayers, and the mahi that you all do. We are proud of our children and the work that we do.

Thank you also to prayer partners, caterers and parents for your support and prayer. May God bless us all and may you all have good and happy holidays.

Faith Facts:

Week 10- September 26 - 30 (Green)












St Vincent de Paul, priest



Sts Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, archangels


St Jerome, priest, doctor


St Thérèse of the Child Jesus

Since the early 1900’s, young people have been involved with the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society in New Zealand. Many of our schools in the Dunedin Diocese have Young Vinnies groups.

The Society was founded by seven people, most of whom were teenagers. The object of having a youth arm of the Society that caters to people from age about 11 to 30ish is to help them to realise that there are people in society in need, and to encourage them to help those people.

They are also encouraged to realise that the reason Vincentians help people is not just because they feel good doing this work, but because of the Gospel message to love your neighbour as yourself.

Something to think and pray about these holidays.

Prayer for young Vinnies

We have full and busy lives, Lord, and may not know what it is like to sit alone, longing for a knock at the door and someone to talk to. We are young and fit, Lord, how can we understand what it is like to be old and helpless with eyes that are dim, ears that are deaf and limbs that are stiff and clumsy. We are fit and strong, Lord, and find it hard to imagine what it is like to be in bed day after day, suffering paIn that no one wants to hear about. Lord, we will seek out the lonely the sick, the old, and bring them into the warmth of our lives. Amen

Ngā mihi

God Bless

Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 10, Term 3 2022


Birthday greetings for the next two weeks:

Amy C, Lillie C, David K, Xiao Hui, Liam L, Marc M, Jane V and Analiese W

Chocolate Fundraiser
We are excited to advise we have raised $2200.00 from our chocolate fundraiser and we thank all of you for your work in selling the chocolates.  The money raised will go towards new drinking fountains for our children.

To Ellie C and Eva F for making the Otago Touch U12 girls squad and U14 Blue team respectively. They trialed last weekend in Dunedin in cold, wet and windy conditions against players from North Otago, Dunedin and Balclutha.  The girls will travel each Wednesday for practices and will play in tournaments up to Christmas. Well done girls.

Pies and Milo
There will be no pies and milo in term 4.

School Photos
A reminder school photos are on Tuesday 18th October which is the first week back of term 4.  If you want a sibling photo, please ensure you bring the form which has the sibling information on it which was sent home a couple of weeks ago.

Sports Fees
If you have any outstanding sports fees, can you please pay them by the start of term 4.  Thank you.

Sports Teams
  • We still require a coach/manager for a yr 5/6 touch team.  If you know of anyone who would like to manage a team, please let the office know.
  • Contact details have been sent to families in the Tigers, Rockets, Ferns and Dynamo teams.  When we get a manager for the Broncos team, we will send out the contact details to you.
  • Gear bags will be given to the coaches on Tuesday 18th October.
  • Fees are $10.00 for any new players playing touch this term. Players who played and paid in term 1, do not need to pay for term 4.
  • The draw will be sent out to all families and it can also be found on the North Otago Touch Facebook page.
  • We require a manager for the Yr 5/6 futsal team. If you can help, please let the office know.
  • Contact details will be sent out to families once we have managers for all teams.
  • Fees will be $30.00 per player per team and these can be paid to the school account with the reference futsal.
  • The first game starts on Monday 31st October.
Community Notices
  • Musical Theatre Oamaru has a production taking place next week, October 6-8, which we think would make a great staff event - or a gathering of a group of friends!

    A talented group of locals (and even some from Twizel!) have been busy rehearsing some of the best songs that Andrew Lloyd Webber has written and they are looking forward to getting on stage and singing to an audience. The Scottish Hall will be transformed into a relaxed lounge bar, with comfy chairs and cosy couches; a cash bar for refreshments, and platters from Pozzobons can be pre-purchased at the time of booking tickets.

    All bookings can be made at Rose's General Store on Tyne Street or online at 

4. Diary Dates - Week 10, Term 4 2022



Friday 30


Monday 17

Tuesday 18

Thursday 20

Friday 21

Monday 24

Friday 28

Monday 31


Monday 14

Tuesday 15

Friday 18

Monday 28

Tuesday 29

Wednesday 30


Friday 2

Friday 9

Friday 16

Term 3 finishes

Term 4 starts

School photos for everyone *

Touch rugby starts today *

Yr 6 Camp at IONA 

Yr 6 Camp at IONA 

Yr 7 & 8 at Technology *

Labour Day - school closed *

Yr 7& 8 at Technology *

Family Fun Evening at school starting at 5.30 pm *

Futsal starts today *

School closed - Teacher Only Day 

School closed - Teacher Only  Day 

School athletics *

North Otago athletics *

Multicultural Day *

Interschool in Timaru for Yr 7 & 8 *

School disco for Yrs 1-6 *

Yr 7 & 8 social *

School finishes for 2022 

Friday 23 September 2022

1. Principals News Week 9 Term 3 2020

Excellent Special Character Review    

Every three years we have an external review of the school as a school of special character.  I am pleased to say that the review of our school and the ensuing report are excellent.  The full report is here, but here are some snippets from the report:

"The faith-based leadership of board, leadership and staff can be seen in the behaviour and attitudes of ākonga (students). 

Strong faith based leadership also flows into effective curriculum leadership and the desired

impact is growth and development of ākonga (students).  These initiatives place St Joseph’s as a leading school in the diocese in Religious Education and integrated curriculum development.

The methodology for planning teaching and assessment is the result of effective leadership and staff collaboration and a strong focus on the growth and faith development of ākonga. This curriculum development is impacting positively on the growth and development of ākonga (students) who are immersed in faith and knowledge.

Staff also convey a “sense of belonging, feeling blessed and supported.”

Parents spoken to showed a great appreciation for the opportunities their children receive to grow and develop in their faith.

The rapport between ākonga and Kaiako (teachers) at junior, middle and senior levels was natural, engaging and mutually respectful and reflected well the spiritual culture and values of the school."

We are very happy that our report reflects what we think is important and indicates that we are successful in our aims.

Revisioning and Community Connection

After our movie earlier this term we got lots of parent feedback to help the Board with strategic planning and revisioning for St Joseph's.  Two of the strong themes that came out of it for the way that St Joseph's is seen, was love (aroha) and family (whanau).

This next step is to find out more about what you want about specifics and the choices we have to make for our school - and yes we will be looking at uniform too.

To do this, again we need your input at a Family Fun Evening

Family Fun Evening - Friday 28th October starting at 5.30pm at St Joseph's

  • Bring your own takeaway tea and we will have a picnic celebration outside (hopefully it's fine or in the hall if it's not fine).
  • Games with prizes will be organised for the children
  • We encourage the children to dress up and there will be prizes for the most imaginative costumes.
  • There will be boards set up in the staffroom for parents to share your ideas and vote on the areas you think are most important.  This will not be a difficult or time-consuming task.  There will be a raffle prize and tickets given to every parent who participates. 
  • The questions we will be considering will be given out by the start of next term so you can consider them in advance.

After this, our Board will be able to draft some vision statements and strategic goals which will also be given out for feedback before we finalise them.

We hope to start 2023 with a new vision statement, and a clear idea of what this will look like and be like in our school.

Deciding How We Connect as Community
One of the things we got as strong feedback after the movie is that you want more social events.  Previously this has been handled by parents in the Home and School Association.  Now, we need to find a way to do this differently as the Home and School Association is now likely to come to an end.

So we have invited parents to join us on Tuesday 27th September at 6.30pm in the school staffroom to decide what to do about the Home and School and where we go from here.  The first and most important thing to consider is how do we come together as a community and make connections with each other. 
Please don't feel you are too busy for this, - YOU are our COMMUNITY and if our community is saying it wants more connection, then we need YOU to make it happen.    You won't be given a "job" to do.  Ideally, all of our cultures will be represented in our community.
So please come to both these dates:
Tuesday 27th September at 6.30pm - How We Connect as Community
Friday 28th October 5.30pm = Family Fun Evening

Teacher Only Days in Term 4
Please note we are closed for teacher professional development in structured literacy on
Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th November.

We have a small number of open places available and we are taking enrolments for 2023.  Please share this with your friends and family and encourage them to look at St Joseph's.  Our buildings are in need of revitalistion (which is happening) and right now we don't have a state of the art reception area but look at our review above - we are high performing in the areas that really matter.

Singing Cup - House Choirs
Our Singing Cup House Choir competition is next Friday at 2.15pm - please come as this is a great event and the children have been preparing all year.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)

2. Special Character Week 9 Term 3 2022

 School and Family Mass 

Thank you to Ruma Kakapo- Year 4/5 for presenting Mass last week.

This week Mass was presented by Ruma Hoiho- Year 5/6.

Next week Mass presentation will be Ruma Kiwi-Year 2/3.

Thank you to all the teachers and children for all the preparation that you do. Ka pai!

First Holy Communion

This Sunday, our Sacramental children will receive their First Holy Communion. Please remember these children in your prayers and a huge thank you to the parents and prayer partners for your support and prayers. Please be there by 9:15 am to put your medal on. At the end of Mass, we welcome you to a cup of tea to celebrate them receiving their First Holy Communion.

Special Character

Children continue learning about God. Parents can find more information on this R.E Strand by clicking on this link For parents-God

Faith Facts: Week 9 - September 19 - 23 (Green)












Sts Andrew KimTae-gŏn, priest, 

Paul Chŏng Ha-sang& companions,


St Matthew, apostle, evangelist



St Pius of Pietrelcina, priest


St. Matthew is an important figure in the Bible who went from being a despised tax collector to being an apostle of Jesus. Matthew was present at several of the most important events in Jesus' life. He wrote the Gospel of Matthew to tell about Jesus' life and his understanding of who Jesus was.

Ka rawe to mahi!
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 9, Term 3 2022


Birthday Greetings to:

Zachary C and Genne R

Book Fair
The annual book fair was held this week and all sales gave a commission to the school to buy books for the library. On Wednesday was Book Character Dress Up day and children were invited to dress up as their favourite book character. Geronimo Stilton even paid a visit to the fair !!

Chocolate Fundraiser
We would like all the chocolates sold and the money to be returned to the office by next Tuesday 27th September.  If you have queries regarding this, please contact the office.

A pink backpack was found in the carpark earlier this week.  Please come to the office to collect it if it belongs to you.

House Football Competition
It was lovely to see the children interact in the term football house competition and there were some very talented children playing football. The weather gods were kind to us again with the skies turning blue for the games.  A big thank you to our referees Antonio Frances-Rees, Lachlan Brookes and Ellen McAtameny from Sport Waitaki for refereeing our games and to Mrs Winiders and the House Captains for organising the games.  Well done Guzman House on being the overall winner.

Sunday 25th - First Holy Communion Mass at 9.30 am
Monday 26th - School is closed
Tuesday 27th - Chocolate money to be returned
Friday 28th - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
                   - last date for term 3

School Closed
Due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, a public holiday will be observed on Monday 26th September so our school will be closed.

School Photos
Our school photos are scheduled for Tuesday 18th October (week 1 of term 4).  Information sheets were sent home earlier this week and on the back of these sheets is the form for sibling photos.  Please ensure you return this form if you would like a photo of your siblings.

Summer Uniform
Our summer uniform is to be worn in term 4 with everybody required to wear a hat when they go outside.

Summer Sports 
Please see the team lists and information regarding touch and futsal on another page on the blog. We do need some coaches for our futsal and touch teams and sadly we cannot register them if we do have a coach.  If you can help, please contact Mrs Brien.

Community Notices
  • Waitaki Basketball Camp - Basketball legend Leonard King is running another basketball camp in the October school holidays.  Children in years 4-6 are from Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th October and children in years 7-10 from Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th October.  Cost is $50.00 per day from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Waitaki Boys gym.  To register; please go to or contact Ian Cathcart at
  • Musical Theatre Oamaru  presents:
     'Rising Stars' a concert celebrating 10 years of Junior Theatre in Oamaru.
    October 15th & 16th 2.00pm Waitaki Boys High School Auditorium.
    Tickets $10.00 plus $1.00 booking fee at Rose's General Store Tyne St or online at     Limited door sales.

    Thankyou, Pat Gunn 
    Musical Theatre Oamaru
  • Luzettes Holiday Art Classes - Tuesday 4th and 11th October and Wednesday 5th and 12th October from 10.30 am to 12.00 pm.  $27.00 per class.  Book now at
  • North Otago Tennis - Tennis is all about serving, rallying and scoring. Tennis Hot Shots helps make this easier for kids because of the smaller courts, slower balls and shorter racquets, sessions are made up of tactical, technical, fun and social elements which create development readiness in children.

    North Otago Tennis also runs Hots Shots tennis lessons every Wednesday from 3,30pm, for Terms 4 and 1. If this could be published in your newsletter for any children wanting to come along, or if you have any further questions please email

4. Summer Sports teams

          Touch Teams -  Term 4 2022


Yrs 1/2

 Mixed Tigers

Yr 3/4

Mixed Rockets

Yr 5/6 

Mixed Ferns

Yr 5/6 

Mixed Broncos

Yr 7/8 

Mixed Dynamos

Mary B

Lillie C

Zoey C

Carter F

Jayden H

Clare L

Zion L

Gavin P

Lydia M

Anto S

Ryan B

Manaia D

Taylor D

Lucy F

Hunter F

Emma H

Mark L

Roger L

Emere K

Tala T

Jane V

Manu A

Luke L

Theo M

Mikayla P

Siale T

Zachary C

Taerea K

Emily M

Mele A

Milah A

Luke B

Millie F

Tevita L

Liam L

Malachi L

Molly M

Sephrin S

Eva F

Marc M

Caleb T

Daniel W

Ellie C

James L

Soa M

Analiese W







Balajoji Salibindla 


Victoria Forrest 






 Lee Woodhouse

As we had too many children on each team, we had to move some children up to a higher year level to play.  The families and children concerned have been notified of this. Because of this, it has resulted in our two Yr 5/6 teams not having any coaches and we need someone from each team to be a coach/manager for these teams.  Can you please let Mrs Brien know if you can help next week.
The first day of competition starts on the first Tuesday in term 4.


 amended 21-9-22

Yrs 1-2 

(4 v 4)

Yrs 3-4

(4 v 4)

Yr 5-6

(5 v 5)

Yr 7-8

(5 v 5)

James A

Zoey C

Phoebe C

Gavin P

Gihansa P

Ian Rosas R

Anto S

Jane V

team is full

William A

Ryan B

Nilah C

Manaia D

Taylor D

Emily M

Alexander R

team is full

Luke B

Liam L

Soa M

Molly M

Tendayi R

Larnik V

can have another 1-2 players

Jac B

Emily C

David K

Marc M

Lincoln M

Patricia M

Allan R

Genne R

Daniel W

team is full





Coach/Manager:  Sacha Cogle 

Coach/Manager:   Rory McGeown

Coach/Manager:  required 


Andy Bradley 

All teams are full apart from our Yr 5/6 which can have another 1 -2 more players.  We need a coach/manager for this team and if you can help, please let Mrs Brien know.  The first day of competition is on Monday 31st October.