Thursday 28 July 2016

1. Principals News - Week 1, Term 3 2016

Term 3 has had a very busy beginning.  I have been warmly welcomed by staff and students and am loving my time at St Joseph's. It has been great to meet parents as well.

The week started off with a very successful ski day held in beautiful weather at Ohau ski field.  Our thanks to Mr Cartlidge and his support crew.

School Mass
Father Wayne is unwell today so we were not able to attend Mass this morning.  We wish Father a speedy recovery and if all is well we will have our school Mass tomorrow at 9.15 am.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

St Mary's Interschool
Today our Yr 8 students are taking part in our annual interschool against St Mary's from Mosgiel at St Kevin's College.  The children enjoyed themselves and played with passion.  The sports on offer were netball, rugby, mixed basketball and mixed football.  We won all four games convincingly and thank Mrs Souness, Mr Cartlidge, Mr Cant and Mr and Mrs Whiston for all their help today.  Photos of the interschool will be shown in next weeks blog.

Manderin Teachers
Next Thursday, our Manderin language classes begin for students in years 4-8.  We warmly welcome Cynthia and Alice our Manderin teachers to our school.  They visited us today and introduced themselves to the staff so we are all set to begin next week.

Student Safety Survey
Last term the school surveyed our students on 'How Safe they Feel at School' and here is the result from this survey.
Jill Baird
Caretaker Principal

Below is a message from your new principal in term 4.
Kia Ora!   For those who don't know me, my name is Lorraine Frances-Rees and I'll be starting at St Joseph's in term 4 as your new principal.  From 2012 to early 2015 I was the year 7 teacher at St Joseph's, assistant principal and then deputy principal.  My boys Antonio and Daniel also went to St Joseph's and I had the very great privilege of teaching them both.  I am presently principal at St Joseph's in Pleasant Point.

I have a great love for St Joseph's school.  I'm looking forward to guiding the school into its future and working with our excellent staff to provide a nurturing and vibrant learning environment for our lifelong learners in the Catholic Faith.    

2. Special Character Week 1 Term 3 2016

The importance of prayer:  Jesus taught us to pray. St Luke tells us that Jesus prayed always. Jesus prayed before his choice of the 12 Apostles. He prayed in the synagogue and temple. He prayed in the desert and the garden. He prayed for long periods of time and for short moment in time. The Gospels rarely describe what his prayer was like, simply noting that he prayed often.
Make time for personal prayer. Make time to pray with your family. Take a look at the website Pray as you go. You can download the app too! It’s great!

PRAYER is a very big part of what we do at St. Joseph's. We all start our day with PRAYER and finish our day with a PRAYER.
In the holidays I reread a book called 'Painting Rainbows with Broken Crayons' by Bernadette McCarver Snyder. It is a small book with prayers for teachers, parents and caregivers. I am going to share the first one with you.
Look at me! Look at me! See what I DID. See what I FOUND. See what I MADE. See what I INVENTED. See what I BROKE.
No, no - kids never call our attention to something they broke. But they DO want you to notice, to look at their every achievement and discovery. Well, I guess adults like that kind of attention too, Lord.
So remind us how important it is to stop, look and listen to those young voices. Help us exult and rejoice with them as they discover things we have already seen or already know. Help us to give them our undivided attention - as we often wish others to give to us.
And thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to look at the world again through the fresh, shiny, innocent eyes of youth. Forgive us if we ever think we are too busy to pass up such a generous gift, such a wondrous chance to start over and to really see all the things we missed the first time around.
It's often said that children are today's investment and tomorrow's dividend. Help us to invest wisely, Lord -- not selfishly, not begrudgingly, but generously and joyously.
It's also said that teachers are people who make the little things in life count! Once we've taught those sweet little things to count numbers, Lord, help us to teach them to recognise the things in life that really count!
Then we can shout to you and say.
Look, Lord, Look!
Look what I DID!
Look what I TAUGHT!

3. School Notices - Week 1, Term 3 2016

Altar Servers
Saturday 30 July - Joseph & Sebastian Spillane, Bronson  Bartlett, Max Fatafehi and Isabella McNaught
Sunday 31st July - Jonathan Jorgensen and Arthur Cartlidge

Birthday Greetings to:
Vince Vidallon and Olivia Owen

Basketball Tournament

In the middle weekend of the school holidays some of our students were involved in the Network Waitaki Yr 7 & 8 Basketball tournament held at the Waitaki Recreation Centre in Oamaru.  Our students were involved in 4 teams being the North Otago Girls Development team, North Otago U13 A team, North Otago Penguins and our own St Joseph's team.  Well done to all of you.  The results were as follows:
- St Joseph's got 3rd in the boys development grade out of 8 teams
- North Otago Penguins (Campbell Fowler and Baxter Lewis) came 5th in the development grade
- North Otago A (Jacob Fowler, Duran Cooper and Sebastian Whiston) won the final of the boys A grade by in a very close game by only 2 points.
North Otago Girls (Tegan & Tessa Souness, Grace Keno and Antonia Black) came 3rd.

Dominican Celebrations
This Saturday evening July 30th at 7.00 pm, the Dominican Choir are special guests at the Dominican
Celebrations being held in our school hall.  There is a special Mass at 5.00 pm in the Basilica followed by a Pot Luck tea at 6.00 pm in our hall and at 7.00 pm, the evening entertainment will begin.  Everyone is invited to the Mass and meal as part of the parish celebrations.  Parishioners please bring a plate to share. The Dominican Choir is to let Mrs Brookes know ASAP if they are attending this celebration.

First Communion
Children who are going to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist have received a notice to take home regarding dates of meetings.  Please either email your response or return the notice to the office.

Home and School
Telephone Books
In May we gave each family one Big Print Telephone Book to try and sell and asked for either the money and/or the book to be returned by 20th June. During the term we asked for the books to be returned otherwise you may be charged for them.  As there are over 50 families who have not yet returned this book, we are now adding $10 on to your school account.

Mid Winter Raffle
This will be the Home & School's fundraiser for term 3.  A number of local businesses have been very generous with some great prizes and vouchers for this raffle.  A raffle card will be given out to each family on Monday 1st August so please keep an eye out for this in your child's bag and support this great fundraiser for our school.

School Mass
Due to Fr Wayne being sick today, Mass has been postponed till tomorrow at 9.15 am.

Scholastic Book Club
Orders for the book club are due in on Friday 19th August to the office.

Singing Cup
Kia Ora all Year 5,6,7 & 8 students and whanau.  This year's Singing Cup is going to continue to promote our talents in singing as well as hold the prestige that was shown at last year's finals.  We encourage all year 5-8 students to audition.  There are House points for all entries.  Auditions are on Wednesday 24th August during school time.
Students will choose from the song list below and sing one verse and one chorus.  This year we are modifying the Duet competition to also include groups of 3-6 participants.  Auditions for duets/groups need to be able to present their song choice with harmony.  Duet/groups can be mixed girl/boy and mixed houses.  Song choices for auditions are:
Soloist:                                               Duet/Group
1.  Gifts                                              1.  Te Aroha
2.  Hold my hands                              2.  Holy Ground
3.  Ka Waiata                                     3.  Fa 'ata fai ' e

Finalists may choose their own song and accompanist.  Backing tracks may be used but they must only be instrumental. A TIME LIMIT of 3 minutes is required.  Finals and house finals will be held on Wednesday 14th September in our school hall starting at 9.15 am sharp.  Please note there is no evening Singing Cup presentation this year.

The Judge has the following Marking Criteria:

  • Tune
  • Volume
  • Diction
  • Timing
  • Presentation
We are looking for 'excellence' and participation and look forward to the final results.  Kind Regards Leanne Brookes.

We warm welcome 7 new students to our school this week.  Snow Kelly & Fitu Tuuefiafi to our new entrants class, Milly Campbell & Olly Wickham to our Yr 2 class, Charlotte Howell to our Yr 3 class, Phoebe Wickham to our Yr 4 class and Logan Howell to our Yr 7 class.  Absent from the photo is Fitu Tuuefiafi.
Community Notices
  • PMP Distribution ... Deliverers Wanted - Would you like to earn some pocket money?  Be part of a dynamic team from a reputable and well-respected company and deliver advertising material and newspapers to local houses.  We require honest, reliable people aged 11 years and over in the following areas now.  (1)  Waitaki Herald and/or Circulars in the South Hill area and (2)  Waitaki Herald and/or Circulars in 2 areas in the  Weston area.  Contact Shannon on 027 390 8913.
  • Girls Youth Group - Catherine Boyle (leader of ICONZ) has just started a girls youth group at Weston Church.   This is a girls only programme for girls aged 5-14 years and is based on the Girls  Brigade and is a modern revamp of it.  the programme runs on a Monday night from 4.00 to 5.30 pm during the school term.  Girls can look at Facebook (Iconz4Girlz) and can contact Catherine on 434 9390 or Jessie-May Tepper on 027 254 6168 for further information.
  • Special Needs Pool Party - the North Otago Lions Club are sponsoring this pool party with the support of the Waitaki Aquatic Centrte on Saturday 20th August from 6.00 to 7.00 pm. Any person with special needs is welcome but must be accompanied by a support person.  To register contact the Aquatic Centre on 433 0410 and all registrations are required by Wednesday 17th August and are free.  After the swim they will supply a sausage and patty sizzle, drink and sweets so if any dietary needs are required, let them know and they will cater for them including carers.  For further information contact Myrel Parsons - Convenor on 437 0388 or email
  • A Fun Evening with Jo Seagar - to help celebrate the publication of her fabulous new cook book called 'Elbows off the table, please'. Held on Wednesday 14th September at 7.30 pm in the St Kevin's College Auditorium.  Tickets cost $15.00 and is available from Paper Plus.  Jo will show her foodie gift ideas, how to lay a table, wrap special gifts plus lots of cunning tips and trips and to help make us all a little more thoughtful as we go about our daily lives and bring a little joy to others. 
  • Scotts Own Sea Scouts Quiz Night - held Friday 12th August at 6.30 pm at the Scottish Hall, Tyne Street, Oamaru.  Cost $30.00 per team (no eftpos).  No more than 6 people per team.  Drinks, food, spot prizes.

4. Sports Draw - Week 1, Term 3 2016

Netball - Saturday 30th July – Goal-a-thon money is due back on Saturday
-  St Joseph's is on duty this Saturday
8.30 am - set up – St Joseph’s Rebels
9.00 am – office – Mrs Black and Mrs Souness
10.00 am – office – St Joseph’s Ferns
11.00 am – office – St Joseph’s Gold

North Otago Junior Umpiring session tomorrow from 3.30 to 4.30 pm at the Taward Street courts. Remember your whistles.  This is a catch up and/or reminder to make sure we enjoy the rest of the 2016 season.  It is all about encouraging and supporting our young and up and coming future umpires

Intermediate 1.1
10.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v Duntroon Diamonds – Pearsons

Intermediate 1.2
9.00 am - St Joseph’s Rebels v OIS Shakers – Sport & Outdoors

Year 5/6 Big Hoops
11.00 am - St Joseph's Ferns v Pembroke Blue – Court 2

Year 5/6 Small Hoops  
9.00 am – St Joseph's Warriors v Athletic Mini Copper – Fitness 24

Year 3/4
10.00 am – St Joseph’s Maroon v Valley Magic Red  
11.00 am - St Joseph’s Steel v Valley Magic Yellow

Year 1/2
10.00 am –

9.00 am – Yneke Edzes, Antonia Black and Tegan Souness
11.00 am – Harriet Heaphy and Skyla Ludemann
Rugby - Saturday 30th July
5 yrs 
10.00 am – Excelsior Vipers v St Joseph’s Blue – WCS 9b
11.00 am – Athletic v St Joseph’s Maroon – WCS 9a

7/8 yrs
11.00 am – St Joseph’s v Kurow – WCS 8

9/10 yrs – note new ground changes from original draw
11.00 am – St Joseph’s v Kurow/Union – WCS 2

11/12 yrsnote new ground changes from orginal draw
12.00 pm – St Joseph’s v Kurow/Union – WCS 2
Football - Saturday 30th July
11.00 am - St Joseph's Little Whites v Meadowbank Magic – Showgrounds M1

The draw was unavailable at the time the sports draw went to print.
Hockey – Tuesday 2nd August
5.00 pm – QuickSticks v West Navys

Hockey – Wednesday 3rd August
No draw was available at the time the sports draw went to print.

No draw was available at the time the sports draw went to print.
Miniball - Tuesday 2nd August
Prize giving for Miniball will be held on Tuesday 23rd August with semi-finals being played on Tuesday 16th August.
The draw was unavailable at the time the sports draw went to print.  Please check the notice board and Facebook for the draw.
Basketball - Wednesday 3rd August
The draw was unavailable at the time the sports draw went to print.  Please check the notice board and Facebook for the draw.

5. Diary Dates - Week 1, Term 3 2016

Friday 29                   -  Celebration kotuitui at 2.30 pm

Monday 1                   -  Ski Programme at Ohau *
Tuesday 2                  -  ICAS  - English
Thursday 4                -  School Mass at 9.15 am *
Friday 5                      -  Celebration Kotuitui at 2.30 pm *
Monday 8                   -  Ski Programme at Ohau *
                                      -  First Communion Parent Meeting 1 at 7.00 pm in the staff room *
Wednesday 10          -  Cross Country for the whole school at the race course in the morning
Thursday 11              -  School Mass at 9.15 am
                                       -  Yr 7 ECB & Young Vinnies
Friday 12                    -  Celebration Kotuitui at 2.30 pm *
Monday 15                 -  Maths Week
                                      -  Ski Programme at Ohau *
                                      -  First Communion Parent Meeting 2 at 7.00 pm in the staff room *
Tuesday 16                -  ICAS – Maths
                                      -  Board of Trustees meeting at 7.00 pm
                                      -  Cross Country postponement date – note new date *
Thursday 18              -  School Mass at 9.15 am *
                                      -  Mini Olympics from 11.00 am to 1.30 pm *
Friday 19                   -  Scholastic Book Club orders due back today *
                                      -  Daffodil Day – annual staff v Yr 8 netball game * - note new date
                                      -  Celebration Kotuitui at 2.30 pm *
Sunday 21                  -  First Communion
Monday 22                 -  North Otago Cross Country
                                      -  Ski Programme at Ohau *
Tuesday 23                -  Yr 6 netball tournament in Dunedin
Wednesday 24          -  Singing Cup Auditions for Yr 5-8 during school time *
Thursday 25              -  North Otago Cross Country postponement day
                                      -  Yr 8 netball tournament in Dunedin
                                      -  School Mass at 9.15 am
                                      -  Yr 7 ECB & Young Vinnies
Friday 26                   -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at SKC *
Monday 29                -  Ski Programme at Ohau *
Wednesday 31          -  Kids for Kids

Monday 5                   -  Ski Programme at Ohau *
Friday 9                      -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at SKC *
Monday 12                 -  Fire wise Programme for Yr 1-4 *
                                      -  Ski Programme at Ohau *
Tuesday 13                -  Fire wise Programme for Yr 1-4 *
Wednesday 14          -  Singing Cup Finals in our school hall starting at 9.15 am * - note new date
Friday 16                   -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at SKC *
Friday 23                   -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at SKC *

Monday 31                 -  School Athletics

Monday 7                   -  Yr 8 Camp at Staveley
Tuesday 15                -  Yr 7 Camp 

Friday 8 July 2016

School Production - Slice of Heaven

Last night we were treated to a brilliantly lead school production where the students took ownership of their acts, spoke clearly and precisely, sang with passion and the dance moves polished.  Thank you very much to everyone involved with the production especially Mr Cartlidge and Mrs Brookes, the Yr 8 students, teachers and parents involved with the costumes.  Thanks to the Home and School for selling food and to the ticket collectors and to St Kevin's College for letting us use the auditorium.  There is a large number of photos that was taken that can be viewed on the blog.  Looking forward to the next school production!!

Thursday 7 July 2016

1. Principal News Week 10 Term 2

Thank you and farewell
As I was preparing to write my final newsblog, I came across this photo from my first principal's message in our paper newsletter in 2007. St Joseph's was my first principalship and I remember how privileged I felt when appointed to the role. I have continued to feel privileged during my tenure at St Joseph's and I have been so blessed to be part of a supportive school staff and Parish.
A very big thank you to all of the staff and students for a most memorable farewell mass last week. It was such a well planned and truly beautiful occasion.  Thank you to Mr Burton who took some wonderful photos that will  enable me to be able to share the festivities with my family and friends in Melbourne. Thank you to everyone for the beautiful gifts and good wishes I have received. I will not be able to forget any of you and will look forward to following the children's progress online.

Thanks Mr Burton and our talented young artists for their special gift of mini Oamaru paintings.

Farewell Miss Tangney
We wish Miss Tangney our blessings and safe travels as she leaves to travel overseas for Term 3 and 4. We thank her for her hard work as a teacher, leader and netball coach for 2016 and look forward to welcoming Morgan back to teach Year 7 at St Joseph's in 2017.
Safe travels Miss Tangney
A Slice of Heaven
Thanks to Mr Cartlidge, Mrs Brookes and the senior school teachers for all of their work preparing the students for the production. I have just watched the final dress rehearsal and I am looking forward to the performance this evening at St Kevins at 6:30pm.

Film Makers Award
Congratulations to our students who received an award for 2nd place in the Best Film category!! Special congratulations to Cameron Mather who was recognised as the best male actor.

Board casual vacancies and Concerns flow chart 
The Board publishes the concerns flow chart annually to remind parents of the pathway to follow if they have any worries or concerns. This information is now published on the board blog.
Here is the link Your class teacher is always your first contact.
As a result of our recent board elections, the board will be co-opting Talanoa Palu and Reis Pe as cultural representatives on the board.
There are also two casual vacancies for two parents who had applied to become board members but were for various reasons ineligible at the close of election - Chris Heaphy and Dan Keno.
The board has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection with Chris Heaphy and Dan Keno.
If 10 percent or more of the eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancies, then a by-election will be held. Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold a by-election should write to:
Chairperson, Board of Trustees, St Joseph's School, 36 Usk Street Oamaru.

2. Special Character Week 10 Term 2 2016

What a beautiful moving 'Thanksgiving Mass' we shared last Friday for Mrs Jenny Jackson. We were all so proud of the way our wonderful children showed so much respect and reverence at this very special celebration. Having past students from St. Kevin's College was also special. There are some photos of the Mass further in the blog.


Today, after Mass, we came together in our Whanau groups to share what we have learnt during our 'Church Strand'. These groups are lead by our Year 7 students.

 Paolo and Sandrene Mordeno sharing their beautiful artwork.
Summer and Bella Moriarty at their Whanau group

Arthur, Heath and Holly Cartridge happy to be working together 
in their Whanau group.

Whanau groups sharing what they have learnt 
during the Church Strand.

3. School Notices and Sports Draw - Week 10, Term 2 2016

Jenny Jackson
Today Jenny has top billing of the school notices and we have a few photos of Jenny to share during the last 10 years she has spent here at school.  Some highlights include: Principal's Award, Staff netball team, Book Character Week, leading assemblies and others.  We will miss you dearly and wish you all the best in whatever you do in Melbourne.  Take care and good luck.

Altar Servers
Saturday 9th July - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham and Troy Chikowore
Sunday 10 July - Rhea Ratgali, Seth Bartley, Jonathan Jorgensen and Henry Robinson
Saturday 16th July - Joseph & Sebastian Spillane, Max Fatafehi, Samuel Plieger and Vince Vidallon
Sunday 17th July - Antonia Black, Cameron Mather, Sebastian Whiston, Morgan Baillie and Arthur Cartlidge
Saturday 23rd July - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Seth Sinclair, Lachlan Brookes and Elizabeth Plieger
Sunday 24th July - Michael Misiloi, Hana & Zara Davies and Molly-May Mestrom

Birthday Greetings
Marianne Alegre, Emily Hayman, Emily Chen, Carlin Huang, Molly Whittaker, Eden Davison, Eva Fatafehi, Jacob Robinson and Bella Moriarty

Busy Bumbles School Holiday Programme
Week 1, Term 2 from Monday 11th to Friday 15th July in St Joseph's school hall.
Grade 12 Football Reps
Well done to Samuel Plieger and Matthew Gough who have been selected in the Waitaki 12th Grade Football rep team.  The boys play in a tournament in Blenheim on 6th to 8th October.
U13 Basketball Reps
Well done to Grace Keno and Tessa Souness who were selected in the North Otago U13 Girls Basketball team.  The girls will play in the Network Waitaki tournament in the July holidays.
Happy Birthday Fr Wayne
We wish Fr  Wayne a very special 70th birthday tomorrow from all of us at St Joseph's.
Incredible Years Programme - Missing information from the pamphlet
IYP Programmes - July to December 2016
  • Oamaru North School, Torridge Street, Oamaru delivered by Family Works, contact person Ray Hubac on 470 0848 or 027 221 6776
  • Fridays 12 August - 25 November from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm, no cost and transport and childcare remuneration available.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Incredible Years Programme is an evidence based programme for parents of children aged 3-8 years who have challenging behaviour.  There is a focus on social emotional competence and the parent-child relationship.  This is a 14 week programme led by trained facilitators.  The programme takes a break during the school holidays.
The majority of parents who have completed this course have found it really beneficial and supportive; and we see some marked changes in parenting practice, parent child relationships and the intensity and frequency of challenging behaviour post programme.

Jenny Jackson's Thanksgiving Mass
Photos from this Mass are on another page on the blog.

Lost Jersey
The Jorgensen family have lost a named school jersey.  Please check your child's clothing to see if they have the correct jerseys.

Mufti Mania Day

Tomorrow is a mufti day for Caritas which is about catholic children helping others in the Pacific and this year the focus is once again in the Solomon Islands and improved conditions for St John Bosco Nila Primary School.  Please bring a gold coin donation.

North Otago Basketball Tourament
St Joseph's has a number of students who will be participating in the Network Waitaki Basketball tournament being held in Oamaru on 15th to 17 July at the Waitaki Recreation Centre.  If you are looking for something to do in the holidays, why not watch a game of exciting basketball.  Good luck to all involved.

Parish Freezer
A big thank you to all the families who have donated food this month to the parish freezer.  We were overwhelmed with food and Mrs Whiston thanks you all so very much for your generosity.

Ronald McDonald  Road Show
This week the junior school were treated to the Ronald McDonald Road Show where they taught our students about road safety.  Ronald McDonald was a big hit with the young children.

School Production
Tonight is our school production called 'Slice of Heaven' which will be held at St Kevin's auditorium at 6.30 sharp.  Children are to be dressed in their costumes and arrive no later than 6.15 pm.  Doors open from 6.00 pm.   Please note THERE ARE NO DOOR SALES.  The Home and School are selling sausages for $2.00 each outside the auditorium from 5.30 to 6.10 pm and ice blocks and trumpets at half time. The mini ices cost $1.00 each and the trumpets cost $3.00 each.

Remember the first day back at school for term 3 is your first ski day for the term.  Everyone is to meet in the school hall at 7.30 am on Monday 25th July. Mr Cartlidge will be sending you an email during to the holidays to up-date you requirements.

Sports Draw 
Rugby - Saturday 9th July
5 yrs 
10.00 am – Excelsior Hawkes v St Joseph’s Blue – WCS 2
10.30 am – Excelsior Eagles v St Joseph’s Maroon – WCS 3

7/8 yrs
10.00 am – St Joseph’s v Athletic Maroon – WCS 7

9/10 yrs
11.00 am – Excelsior/Old Boys v St Joseph’s – WCS 2

11/12 yrs
11.00 am – St Joseph’s v Athletic – WCS 1
Football - Saturday 9th July
11.00 am - St Joseph's Little Whites v Riverside Kiwis – Showgrounds M1

9.30 am - St Joseph's White Knights v Meadowbank Missiles – Showgrounds J1
9.30 am – St Joseph’s United v Riverside Dynamoes – Duntroon Domain
Hockey – Tuesday 26th July
4.00 pm – QuickSticks v OIS Red

Hockey – Wednesday 27th July
4.00 pm – Mixed Monkeys v Weston Wonderers

5.00 pm – Mixed Magic v Papakaio Sky
Miniball - Tuesday 26th July
The draw was unavailable at the time the sports draw went to print.  Please check the notice board and Facebook for the draw.
Basketball - Wednesday 27th July
The draw was unavailable at the time the sports draw went to print.  Please check the notice board and Facebook for the draw.

Sports Photos
Fr Wayne braved the cold last Friday night to watch the 11/12 year rugby team play Valley at Weston and was watching the Little Whites Football team play Awamoa Tigers on Saturday morning.  Also Miss Suzy Lind went and watched the St Joseph's Rebels v St Joseph's Thunder mini-ball teams play each other on Tuesday night with the St Joseph's Thunder team being the victors.  The game was played in great spirit and sportsmanship.

Community Notices
  • New Dance School - 'Creative Fusion' Contemporary Ballet, Jazz/Street Funk and Hip Hop Classes.  All ages at affordable prices.  After school classes.  Enquiries to Nicola Wolfe on 027 841 9922 or  See for more information.
  • Fitness 24 - want your child to get Fit and Healthy in a safe and controlled environment?  Give Kids Fit a Go at  Fitness 24.  Aimed to build strength and increase Fitness.  Gets them working in a team environment and increases self confidence.  Runs every Monday for term 3 from 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm for ages 8-13 years.  Cost $90 or 4 payments of $22.50.  Limited spaces - phone 434 5777 to book a spot today.
  • Winter Holiday Fun - Waitaki Aquatic Centre - Survival Skills Programme in week 1; Forrester Gallery and North Otago Museum Wonderlab theme in week 2.  Contact the Waitaki Aquatic Centre or the Forrester Gallery for further information.