Thursday 28 March 2019

1. Principal's News Week 8 Term 1 2019

Lockdown and other Emergency Procedures
We normally practice our lockdown procedure twice a year and were due to practice them last week but in the circumstances, I held off.  However, we do need to practice and several of our year 8s asked me last week when we were going to practice.  Having been in a lockdown situation in Christchurch, I can say that our's stands up well to scrutiny.  I made it in collaboration with the local Police force two years ago... and reviewed it again with them, last week.  I don't want our children to be anxious so I have always down-played the reasons for lockdowns.  But now they will know more about it.  The main thing to emphasise is that we need to do this so that we can take quick and effective safety action.   More likely than not it would be for something happening in the community that has nothing to do with us and is no danger to us.  But we need to know the right thing to do to keep ourselves safe.

The main thing for parents to know is that once we are in lockdown you can't come in and no-one can come out.  I know how much you would want to come and take your child in the situation but if you knock on windows or doors you would really scare the children.  So please just know they are hidden away and if they stay there they have the best chance of being safe.  When its over, in a genuine lockdown situation you would need to come and sign your child out from their class teacher so that we keep a clear count of everyone.

In the case of earthquake many of you would want to take your children as soon as it is safe and again, please sign them out with the class teacher.

If there is ever any danger of tsunami we won't be stopping.  We will be accounting for everyone and leaving the school, going up Torridge Street.  North School take the same route so we will continue to walk across the reservoir to where skyline walk meets Reservoir Road.  Children can be picked up from there.  Its a quiet street but there is only so much parking so you would need to be patient and probably park and walk a short way.  Again your child would be with their teacher and you would need to sign them out.

We pray we will never have to use any of those procedures in real life but we know when or if we do we will know what to do.

Before School Supervision
Please note our main door is unlocked at 8.00 am so that children who are booked into Before School Care can enter.  They are not able to enter the building and are unsupervised if they arrive earlier than 8.00 am.
Children arriving before 8.30 am and who are not in Before School Care are not in our care and can't enter the building or playground before 8.30 am.  

Our Before School Care is very reasonably priced.  Please inquire at the office if you wish your child to have this before school supervision.

Play-based Learning
Here are Junior Hub 1 learning through play.  We have noticed their negotiation, resilience, problem-solving and oral language is improving as they use play alongside their learning program.

Holy Week
Mrs Winders' year 4/5 class will be displaying some of their artwork in an Easter ecumenical display at St Paul's church starting on Holy Thursday.  Here is a sample of their work:

God Bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 8 2019

To All Children who received their first Reconciliation as part of St Patrick’s parish last Sunday -24/3 at 9:30 am Sunday Mass.

How is your commitment for Lent going?  Have you let yourself down at all?  If so, it's ok.  But it’s 
important to start again, and try to keep to what you’ve committed to until Easter.

We are now into our Fourth Week of Lent. Lent is a time for Prayer/Karakia, Almsgiving and Fasting. Here are some very simple suggestions how we can all get ready for Easter.

Image result for cross
    v  Pray for help with problems
    v  Thanksgiving prayers     
          v Personal Prayer
    v  Pray for others in need/ Pray a decade of Rosary                                                           

v  Give some extra time to your family tonight
v  Give to the caritas Lenten Appeal
v  Help with the Garden Clean Up in the Church
v  Give heaps of smiles away today

“The role of Faith in prayer
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob witnessed the role of faith in prayer. God's call came first.   
They responded in faith, but not without a struggle.  Essential to their prayer was
trust in God’s fidelity to his promises.  Centuries later, God called Moses to be his
instrument for the salvation of Israel from slavery.”   
U United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (2006) United States Catholic Catechism for Adults.  
Washington, D.C, USCCB, p. 464.

Image result for whatever we have in our hands significant or insignificant
May God's blessings 
Shine upon you today!
Jesus calls us to repent and change. 
Do one small thing to make the world a better place todayJ
Lord please never let me forget that holiness is possible.
Give me the courage to go out and create with you as many holy moments as possible. 
Let God be our prayer.
Thank you
 Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 8, Term 1 2019


Altar Servers
Saturday 30th March - Serah Staju, Sami Asi, Annalise Kilgour and Mariah Cunningham
Sunday 31st March - Nye Jones-Hogan

Birthday Greetings to
Daniel Maher and Freya Spooner

There is an opportunity for parents to come along with their children to view marine life tanks from the Aquavan which is visiting St Joseph's next Tuesday 2nd April from 3.00 to 4.00 pm.  Senior classes will be participating in the programme during the day with Year 5/6 on Thursday at Weston School.
The Aquavan provides opportunities to encounter the diversity of marine flora and fauna.  These encounters provide stimulus for discussion and activity around environmental issues.  Led by marine educators and scientists, the programmes offered by the NZ Marine Studies Centre provide opportunities for youth and the wider community to develop science skills and take part in environmental action that will lead to a better understanding of the wider marine ecosystem.

Board of Trustees Election Time
It is the Board of Trustee election time again.  Our St Joseph's School Board is made up of 7 parent trustees as well as 4 Proprietors Representatives appointed by the Bishop.  Board of Trustees are elected every 3 years and this is Election year for schools throughout the country.  Our board has decided that our Election Day will be on June 7th and there will be more information about the election soon.
However if you are interested in finding out what Board of Trustees do and what being a trustee involves, you are invited to an information evening run the The School Trustees Association on Monday 8th April at 6.00 pm at the Brydone Hotel.  Attendance is free and everyone is welcome.  RSVP to

Brain Workshop
On Monday 1st April at 7.00 pm, there is a parent session being run by Megan Gallagher from Palmerston Primary school.  It is about the brain and how we learn and how we can deal with big emotions.  This would be a very valuable workshop for anyone to attend.  The workshop is held at Palmerston Primary School.

Classroom Work
A poem about bees from Yr 4 student Blake Meek.
All cricket is finished for this season.  The new one starts in term 4.

Home and School
Our Home and School held their AGM recently with the Chairperson (Rebecca Heffernan), Secretary (Suzanne Aston) and Treasurer (Shiralee Bremner) being re-elected again.  The hard working committee is made up of parents who want the best for their children and our school and having a few laughs along the way.  If this sounds like you and you are interested in either helping out or being on the committee please contact the office or Rebecca Heffernan.  Their next meeting is on Thursday 4th April at 7.00 pm.

Friday 29 - celebration assembly at 2.20 pm - swimming trophies presented - note new time
Tuesday 2 - touch rugby finishes today
                 -  aquavan here at school between 3.00 and 4.00 pm
Thursday -  school mass, ECB and young vinnies and terrific thursdays

Swimming Trophies - will be presented at assembly at 2.20 pm tomorrow.
Junior - their swimming lessons finished yesterday and what an improvement the children have made in their 6 lessons.  It is wonderful to see them gaining confidence in the water.  Special thanks to our wonderful parent helpers who either walked with the children or helped at the pool.
There is no technology for Yr 7 & 8 on Monday 8th April due to St Kevin's hosting the senior catholic sports tournament.

Winter Sports
The team lists will be sent out in an email tomorrow.

Whitestone Wipeout
On Saturday our Home and School organised a very fun and successful Mud Run called the Whitestone Wipe Out at the Oamaru Race course. Ages varied from 1 year to people in their seventies and all of them thoroughly enjoyed themselves, especially the epic water slide at the end. People either ran or walked the 3.5 or 4.5 course with Cody Marshall being the first person back.  Thank you to our local businesses who donated the many spot prizes and to our parent and teacher helpers who were marshalls on the day.  To view more photos, click the links to Whitestone Wipe Out or . 

Community Notices
  • Multi-Cultural Concert - this Saturday 30th March at 7.00 pm at the Oamaru Opera House.  Book now at the Opera House.
  • Pasifika Treasures - this exhibition will be a fantastic collection of Pacific art from the community.  Viewing at the Oamaru Opera House from the 3rd - 6th April.
  • Forrester Gallery - Autumn Holiday Fun - learn about the art and craft of the Pacific with Maiele Paia, Fanua Pereira-Ueleni and guest tutors from the Pasifika community.  Designed for the whole family: it will be a fun hands on programme with different activities each day.  Suitable for all ages and levels.  $2.00 per child, no bookings required.

4. Diary Dates - Week 8 Term 1 2019

Thursday 28                 -  School Mass at 9.15 am
                                     -  Terrific Thursday at 2.15 pm
                                     -  Junior netball umpire sessions at 4.00 pm at the netball courts
Friday 29                     -  Celebration assembly  at 2.20 pm – swimming trophies presented *

Monday 1                    -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Tuesday 2                    -  Touch rugby finishes today
                                    -  Aquavan at school for everyone to visit between 3.00 and 4.00 pm *
Thursday 4                  - School Mass at 9.15 am
                                    -  Yr 7 ECB & Young Vinnies
                                    -  Terrific Thursdays at 2.15 pm
                                    -  Junior netball umpire sessions at 4.00 pm at the netball courts
                                    -  Home and School meeting at 7.00 pm *
Friday 5                       -  Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm
Monday 8                    -  Walk n Wheel Week
Tuesday 9                    -  Walk n Wheel Week
Wednesday 10             -  Walk n Wheel Week
Thursday 11                -  Walk n Wheel Week
                                    -  School Mass celebrating Palm Sunday at 9.15 am
                                    -  Terrific Thursday at 2.15 pm *
Friday 12                    -  Washing the Feet – Yr 4/5 class at 10.00 am *
                                    -  Stations of the Cross – Yr 8’s at 2.30 pm, all welcome as there is no 
                                        assembly *
                                    -  Term 1 finishes
Saturday 13                 -  Netball starts for Yrs 5-8
Thursday 18                -  Holy Thursday
Friday 19                     -  Good Friday
Sunday 21                   -  Easter Sunday
Monday 22                  -  Easter Monday
Thursday 25                -  ANZAC Day
Monday 29                  -  Term 2 starts in your winter uniform
                                    -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Saturday 4                   -  Netball starts for Yrs 1-4
                                    -  Rugby starts today
                                    -  Football starts today *
Monday 6                   -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Tuesday 7                   -  Miniball starts today
                                   -  Hockey starts today for Yrs 7 & 8
Wednesday 8              - Basketball starts today
                                   -  Hockey starts today for Yrs 1-6
Monday 13                 -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Monday 20                 -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Monday 27                 -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *

Monday 3                  -  Queens Birthday holiday – school closed
Wednesday 5             -  Catholic Quad tournament for Yr 7 & 8 in Dunedin
Sunday 9                   -  Confirmation

Friday 5                     -  Term 2 finishes
Saturday 6                 -  Netball finishes for Yr 1 & 2
Monday 22                -  Term 3 starts

Friday 27                   -  Term 3 finishes

Monday 14                 -  Term 4 starts
Monday 28                 -  Labour Day holiday – school closed
Tuesday 29                 -  Yr 7 & 8 camp
Wednesday 30            -  Yr 7 & 8 camp
Thursday 31               -  Yr 7 & 8 camp

Friday 1                      -  Yr 8 camp

Thursday 21 March 2019

1. Principal's News Week 7, Term 1, 2019

After the horrific events in Christchurch last week our school is having a whole school focus on kindness.  We believe we can make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.  Our Just like Jesus role model vouchers at the moment are focused on kindness.  I have said to the children that if we get 200 vouchers in the box by the end of term we can have a whole school trip to the botanical gardens at the start of next term and have an Easter egg hunt.  I want to give our children something positive to focus on.  We are a health promoting school and we are not promoting eating chocolate however a very small chocolate Easter egg does not tip over our food pyramid, it is a reminder of the new life Jesus gained for us through His Resurrection at Easter and we are hopeful through practising kindness that we can create an even better world.

Mufti day this Friday - our year 8 leaders have initiated a "wear bright colours for hope" mufti day this Friday.  Please bring a gold coin donation and we will be making a coin trail.  Proceeds will go to the families of the victims in Christchurch.

Whitestone Wipeout
Don't miss the Whitestone Wipe Out this Saturday. . Sign up now or on Saturday morning.

The Urge to Play
"Developmental research acknowledges the "urges" that children have in their play.  Urges (also known as schema) encourage the neurological pathways to "come online."  Neural pathways grow through nurture and play.  Biologically, play is the tool to ensure survival, through the practice of skills and inquiry.  It is fundamental wiring!" (Longworth Education)
Oral Language
Research into classroom talk shows that in an average classroom 88% of the talk time belongs to the teacher.  12% of talk is used by the children and of that, half is disregarded as invalid - e.g. child interrupts.  Higher performing classrooms with better outcomes for children have teachers talking about 55% of the time.

At St Joseph's we have had recent professional development in oral language and it is one of our targets for 2019.  One of the ways we are promoting oral language is through play-based learning for our year 1-2s underpinned by our school values of respect, reverence, resilience and relationship.  Last year junior hub 2 did a term of play-based learning to support the reading program.  This term Pukeko class have loved having a play environment wrapped around their learning.  They have shown marked increases in the quality and duration of their discussions as they learn.  I have seen intense, elaborate, creative conversations as they engage in their classroom even before the start of the day.

In other areas of the school, teachers are "scaffolding" oral language by giving children cues e.g. "Thank you _____ for your ideas, and I would like to add."  You can see this happening throughout the school.  Good written literacy skills are embedded in strong oral language.

Examples of discussion scaffolds
Year 7 discussion group

How amazing is this!
Great writing Stirling
Ruma Kiwi children show some of their work around "Lent: Living our lives in love"

God bless and aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 7 2019

Welcome to Second Week of Lent.

PictureOn Sunday the 24tH March, 15 children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please remember them in your family prayer. God wants you to live a life full of loving, healthy, merciful and supportive relationships. Reconciliation gives us the ability to reflect on our weaknesses and receive the strength and encouragement for our lives through the Holy Spirit. This is an opportunity for us to physically experience the love and forgiveness God offers us, and to allow it to change our lives.

Image result for st josephs dayImage result for st patrick's day
The New Zealand Church celebrates the Feast of St Patrick on March 18th this year as March 17th is a Sunday.  St Patrick is a pivotal character in the history of the Irish Catholic Church, and where the Irish have gone, they’ve taken Patrick with them! Several churches are called "St Patrick's" including our parish church.

“Scripture reveals the relationship between God and his people as a dialogue of prayer.  
He constantly searched for us. Our restless hearts seek him, though sin often masks and
frustrates this desire.  God always begins the process. The point where his call and our
response intersect is prayer.  The event is always grace filled and a gift.”  
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (2006) United States Catholic Catechism for Adults.  
Washington, D.C, USCCB, p. 464
God Bless
Tua Misiloi

3. School Notices - Week 7, Term 1 2019


Altar Servers
Saturday 23rd March - Mariah Cunningham, Annalise Kilgour, Lachlan Criddle & Sami Asi
Sunday 24th March - Lilly Kelcher, Alexie Phillips and Henry Robinson

Birthday Greetings to:
Alexander Perniskie, Ayla Beattie, Jacob Bartley, Allan Roberts and Jada-Rose Keno

Clothes Wanted
The junior school would appreciate any spare shorts/underwear/togs/towels that you do not require any more or have been loaned out in the past.  This is for the times when children forget their clothes or have the odd wee accident.  If you are able to help with any of these items, please donate them  to the junior school teachers. If clothes get loaned to you, please remember to bring them back. Thank you.

Club cricket - Tomorrow is the last day of cricket for this term.  The Intermediate B team's game has been cancelled.

Easter Timetable for St Patrick's Church
Holy Thursday - Mass of the Last Supper - Basilica at 7.00 pm
Good Friday - Commemoration of Jesus Christ's Death - Basilica at 3.00 pm
Ecumenical Walk - 10.00 am gather at St Paul's Church in Coquet Street to look at displays in church and prayer.  Proceed through the Stations of the Cross.  10.30 am process with the cross to St Luke's Church for a service at 11.00 am.  All welcome and you are invited to join in at any part of the morning.
Saturday Easter Vigil Mass - Basilica at 8.00 pm (no 5.00 pm Mass) and Kurow at 6.00 pm
Easter Sunday - Basilica at 9.30 am

Mud Run
It's still not to late to register for this fun mud run/walk.  $10.00 per person and it on this Saturday at the Oamaru Race course at 10.00 am.  To register go to . 
Saturday 23 - Our school mud run at the Oamaru Race course at 10.00 am
Sunday 24 - First Reconciliation Mass
Monday 25 - school closed
Tuesday 26 - swimming lessons for Yr 1-3
Wednesday 27 - swimming lessons for Yr 1-3

Rippa Rugby Tournament
Last Friday our school sent 3 mixed rippa rugby teams to the annual North Otago Rippa Rugby tournament held at Centennial Park. All the teams played at least 4 games with the Yr 7/8 team winning 3 of theirs and the Yr 4/5 team 2 games.  All the children enjoyed themselves and showed great team spirit.  A very big thank you to our wonderful parent helpers who either helped with coaching or with transport and Adrienne Spillane who was the manager for the day.

Winter Sport Teams
A notice has gone home yesterday with the names of children who are playing a winter sport for St Joseph's. A copy of this notice is on another page on the blog. If your child is not down for a sport and wants to play, please let Mrs Brien know asap.
There are a couple of additions to the netball notes regarding junior umpire sessions and a April holiday development camp.  Please take note of start dates for the different codes as some codes are starting earlier than others. If you know of any more people who wish to play rugby for our school, please let us know. We also need another coach for a basketball and miniball team.

Community Notices
Dear North Otago school community,

Council is currently reviewing its District Plan which provides rules for subdivision and land use across the district. We must review this plan every 10 years. As it is a 10 year document, it is important to get the right information to plan ahead for the next 10-20 years. Understand housing choice is important in writing new plan provisions so we can best accommodate the needs of our community. A housing survey has been developed to help guide Council in this area. The survey runs until 1 May 2019. There is no need to include personal details in the survey, so all responses will remain anonymous. A link to the online housing survey can be found at

If your school is happy to assist Council in promoting this work, we would appreciate if you were able to include this message in your school newsletter and/or website, asking if families with connections to your school may consider making some time to complete the survey.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your consideration,


Victoria van der Spek
Consultant Planner

4. Winter Sports Teams 2019

2019 Winter Sport Teams
Children have been placed into their winter sport teams which will be confirmed early next week. Some teams require a couple of extra players to make up a team so we are waiting to see if anyone else wishes to play. Registrations for some codes have to be sent away next week.
Thank you to the parents who enrolled their children either electronically or verbally.  Some children have spoken to me about playing for school and I have included them in our team lists.  If you do not wish for your child to play a winter sport for our school please let me know asap.
I have attached the sport teams for you to have a look at.

Coaches – thank you to the coaches who have offered to coach a team this year because without you, we could not enter teams.  I will confirm which team you are coaching next week once we get confirmation of teams. We still require a coach for a basketball and miniball team.

Practices – once coaches are confirmed, please let me know what time your practices are and where you will be practicing.

Fees – please start paying them when teams have been confirmed.

Basketball – we require another 2 more boys and girls to make up our basketball teams.  The boy’s team has 12 players and the girl’s has 5.  We require coaches for our boys’ teams.  There could be trials for the boys’ team if we get more players.

Football – we have 7 midget players who will attend the skills based sessions.  Last year it was held on Friday nights from 4.00 to 5.00 pm so I will let you know more information in due course.  The boys who will be in the primary and intermediate grade, we will try and find a club for you since we don’t have the numbers here at school to make up a team.

Hockey – children will be joined with other schools to make up teams.  Further information will be given when teams have been finalised with other schools.

Miniball – we have enough children for both miniball teams but if more children wish to play, we could move some Yr 6 children up into the basketball teams.

Netball – we need some more children to play netball in all grades to make up teams.  There will be trials held for the Yr 6/7/8 children starting Thursday 21st March after school and going to 4.30 pm as we only have 14 girls to make 2 intermediate teams and will need some Yr 6 girls to make up the team. We need a coach for the Yr 3 & 4 team. Umpire sessions will be held next Thursday 28th and 4th April at 4.00 pm at the netball courts for anyone interested in umpiring.  A development camp for Yr 7 & 8 players will be held on Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th April. To register go to North Otago Netball  or click on this link Yr 7 & 8 Development Camp

Rugby – we require more players for each team.  If we don’t get any more players from school we will combine some teams with another club.  If you know of anyone who wants to play rugby for our school please let us know. St Kevin’s may give us some more players for the 11 & 12 year team.  We have coaches for all teams at this stage. The 5 & 6 year old teams may combine to make up one team.
If there are any queries or questions, please contact me.
Paula Brien, Sports-Coordinator

Yr 7/8 Boys
5 aside
Yr 7/8 Girls
5 aside
Yr 8
Siaosi Asi
Bronson Bartlett
Liam Cameron
Troy Chikowore
Cooper Jones
Nye Jones-Hogan
Cody Marshall

Yr 7
Sami Asi
Paddy Spillane
Kenton Tokai
Riley Tuffley
Michael Woodhouse
Yr 8
Jada-Rose Keno
Kristiana Whiston

Yr 7
Hannah Fowler
Alexie Phillips
Atlanta Williams-McDowell

Game:  Wednesdays starting 8th May
Game:  Wednesdays starting 8th May


Yr 4/5/6 Boys
 5 aside
Yr 4/5/6 Girls
 5 aside
Yr 6
Ben Gillies
Eli Herbst

Yr 5
Hamish Fowler
Hunter Gough

Yr 4
Blake Meek
Vilivea Tahitu’a
Iverson Wylie-Taukolo
Tevita Leo – Yr 3


Yr 6
Willow Bartlett
Eva Keno
Ashlyn Marshall
Paige Strachan
Kacymea Tahitu’a

Yr 5
Luse Asi
Indeg Jones-Hogan
Mya Robinson

Yr 4
Eva Fatafehi


Game:  Tuesdays starting 7th May

Game:  Tuesdays starting 7th May

Midget – 5 aside
Age 4,5 or 6 years
Primary – 5 aside
Age 7 to 8 years
Age 11 to 12 years
Marco Alegre – 5 yrs
Zachary Castro – 5 yrs
Maximo Catalan-Gomez – 6 yrs
Reynaldo Marasigan – 5 yrs
Alexander Roa – 5 yrs
Sephrin Staju – 6 yrs
Cooper van Rooy – 6 yrs

Charlie Bremner – 8 yrs
Clarence Coscos – 7 yrs
Paolo Mordeno – 13 yrs

Skills Development – Friday ?

Game:  Saturday 4th May?

Game:  Saturday 4th May?

Yr 8 & 7
7 aside
Yr 6 & 5
6 aside
Yr 4 & 3
5 aside
Yr 2 & 1
4 aside
Yr 7 & 8
Hannah Fowler
Jada-Rose Keno
Mya Lindsay
Bridie McGeown
Molly-May Mestrom
Summer Moriarty
Alexie Phillips
Cassidy Rawson
Libby Seddon
Serah Staju
Jayla Strong
Ofa Tokai
Atlanta Williams-McD
Adriana Wylie-Taukolo

Yr 6
Lilly Kelcher
Eva Keno
Ivy-Belle Mestrom
Paige Strachan

Yr 5
Milly Campbell
Xanthe Clarke
Indeg Jones-Hogan

Yr 4
Mia Catalan-Gomez
Kaycee-Mae Gibbins
Leah Kofoed

Yr 3
Georgia Moore
Evie Phillips

Yr 2
Hila’atu Leo

Yr 1
Olivia Geypen
Mia Ridgway


Skills based sessions at netball courts
Coaches:  CONFIRMED, could change after trials

**  TRIALS  -  for Yr 6 & 7 & 8
This Thursday 21st March at  3.20 pm to 4.30 pm at school and maybe Tuesday 26th March

Parent Help:

Game:  Saturdays starting 13th April
Starts Saturday 4th May


Rippa - 7 a-side
Rippa - 7 a-side
Small Blacks - 10 a-side
William Allardice – 4 yrs
Hunter Forrest – 5 yrs
Jack Phillips – 5 yrs
Theo Mestrom – 5 yrs


Pippa Campbell – 6 yrs
Millie Fogarty – 6 yrs
Lewis Geypen – 6 yrs
Siale Tokai – 6 yrs


Luke Bremner – 7 yrs
Marconi Hausia – 7 yrs
Stirling Heffernan – 8 yrs
Lucas Kofoed – 7 yrs
Blake Meek – 7 yrs
Warren Pardede – 8 yrs
Daniel Woodhouse – 8 yrs
Iverson Wylie-Taukolo – 8yr


Junior Blacks - 15 aside
Super Blacks - 15 aside
Luse Asi – 9 yrs
James Bremner – 10 yrs
Isaiah Castro – 10 yrs
Hamish Fowler – 9 yrs
Elias Fraser – 9 yrs
Ben Gillies – 10 yrs
William Pardede – 10 yrs
Kenton Tokai – 10 yrs
Michael  Woodhouse – 10 yrs
Sione Tuuefiafi – 10 yrs – Pembroke

Sami Asi – 11 yrs
Siaosi Asi – 12 yrs
Liam Cameron – 12 yrs
Troy Chikowore – 12 yrs
Levi Heffernan – 11 yrs
Nye Jones-Hogan – 11 yrs
Cody Marshall – 12 yrs
Paddy Spillane – 11 yrs
Kristiana Whiston – 12 yrs
Plus SKC Students
Morgan Baillie ?
Jack Hayman
Seb Spillane                      (12)

Games:  Saturdays starting 4th May?

GRADE (Yrs 1 & 2)
(Yr 5 & 6)
(Yr 7/8)
Holly Ridgway – Yr 2
Mia Ridgway – Yr 1

Mya Robinson – Yr 5  )
Ben Gillies – Yr 6         
Mia Cant – Yr 8


Games:  Wednesdays starting 8th May

Game:   Tuesdays starting 7th May