Thursday 28 May 2015

1. Principal News - Week 6 Term 2

Whanau Group learning time
Engagement in deep learning in relation to the Holy Spirit was shared in whanua groups this morning. This happens at the end of an RE strand and it is a great way to share the children's understanding of their learning concepts.The children come together in small family groups led by Year 7's and 8's and share their learning with each other.

Safety around buses
Concerns have been shared with us by the local bus companies with regards to safety around school buses. Please take note of the following:
-20 km is the speed limit when you pass a stationery school bus parked on either side of the road
-Double parking is dangerous. It restricts vision for everyone and buses cannot get past  especially in Usk Street due to it being a narrow street.

Learner Licenses and Student Agency
During the week, Senior Hub 2 learners met with their teachers to reflect on their learner licenses. Read about the process and listen to Kaleb, Joseph, Trish and Cushla share their views about the process by going to this link.

Student News
Read the latest student updates.Find out about the Worship Band and more by going to this link.
Year 7 leaders who gave a presentation to St Kevin's staff last week.

Thanks to all of our staff and students who continually aim high and reach for the stars in all that they do.
Every blessing to our children who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation during Mass at 9:30 am on Sunday. We look forward to sharing this very special time with you and your families as the gift of the Holy Spirit strengthens and nourishes all of us.
Have a safe long weekend and we will see you all back at school on Tuesday 2nd June.

2. Special Character Week 6, Term 2

Click on the link above to find out about the Gifts of The Holy Spirit

On Sunday 31st May, 21 of our St. Joseph's children along with 5 other young Parishioners will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. In Baptism we are brought into God's Family. In Confirmation we make a commitment confirming that we want to belong to this loving family. We hope that many of our school family members will be able to join us on Sunday for this wonderful occasion.
A letter went home earlier in the week, with the children being confirmed, with some final details for Sunday. As part of our preparation for Sunday we also had Reconciliation today at 1.00 pm with Father Wayne. We will be having a practice with Bishop Colin Campbell on Friday at 1.00 pm in the Basilica. You are welcome to join us if you wish.
Any concerns or questions please come and see me. 
God Bless
Ann Dooley/CO-Director of Religious Studies

Click on the link above to find out about the Fruits of the Spirit


3. School Notices - Week 6, Term 2 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 30th May - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham, Joshua Criddle and Ben Cullimore
Sunday 31st May - Cameron & Laura Mather, Sebastian Whiston, Antonia Black and Cody Haynes

Birthday Greetings to:
Anika Robinson, Jonathan Jorgensen, Nisha Wilson and Lilly Kelcher

Lost Clothing
Rolfe Patalbo is missing his named school jacket during the past 2 weeks, if found please return it to the school office.

These items have been handed into the office during the term.
-  1 x blue watch
-  1 x paua necklace
-  1 x pink ball necklace

Home and School
There are still 15 entertainment books outstanding and these must be handed in by Tuesday 2nd June or we will have to pay for them.  Please check that they are not sitting in your child's bag.

St Joseph's School Ski Programme 
If your child is interested in the skiing programme being offered by the school, please return the form back to the office as soon as possible.

North Otago Music Festival Tickets
The Dominican Choir are performing in the North Otago Music Festival held at the Oamaru Opera House on Wednesday 1st July at 7.00 pm.  Tickets are limited to 2 per family and are $7.00 each.  St Joseph's tickets are available now and need to be purchased by June 12th after which your name would be put on a waiting list.  A note has gone home today to the Dominican Choir students.

We warmly welcome Vilivea Tahitu'a and Anioso Tuakoi to our new entrants class this week.
Rugby - Town v Country
Congratulations to these St Joseph rugby players who got selected for the annual Town v Country rugby game played this Saturday.
U11 squad - Max Fatafehi, Campbell  Fowler, Corbin Fraser, Sam Keno, Toby Lewis and Fergus McMullan.
U13 squad - Lachlan Brookes and Jacob Fowler

Nominate a Sport Volunteer
Nominate a volunteer involved in sport at your school and the school will go in the draw to win $500 worth of sporting goods, plus your volunteer will win a bag of sporting gear.  There are two major prizes to be won, plus everyone nominated will also go in a monthly draw for a $500 sporting goods or clothing voucher and the chance to be named the Lotto Volunteer Foundation's Sport Maker of the Year.  Schools can nominate as many sport volunteers as they like.  Nominate your volunteers and email them to Mrs Souness by Thursday 18th June on

Zero Fees for Under 13s
From July 1st 2015, all children under the age of 13 years are eligible for zero fees general practice visits, both during the day and after-hours.  Under 13's are also exempt from the standard $5 pharmacy charge for each prescription item from 1st July 2015.  Sent by the Ministry of Health.

Community Notices
  • Learn to Run 5 km - it's not too late to join.  We have just kicked off!  Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays at 6.30 pm.    If you can walk for 20 minutes, you can do this.  Just $120.00 for 6 weeks, includes 12 free gym passes. Contact the Waitaki Recreation Centre  on 434 6932 or email and join this small friendly group of like minded people. 
  • Waitaki Newcomers - Contact us today if you have moved to the area and would like to meet others and participate in our many events.  Contact Christine on 027 242 8643 or go to and join up.
  • Waitaki Aquatic Centre - will be closed for annual maintenance from Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July 2015 and will reopen on Saturday 4th July.
  • OSCAR Holiday Programme - 6th to 17th July - Come and join our pirate and mermaid themed based activities.  Make pirate paraphernalia, build a pirate ship, make treasure boxes and maps, mermaid jewels and much more.  For more information, call Jenny on 434 8797 or email

4. Winter Sports Draw - Week 6, Term 2 2015

Rugby – Town v Country – Saturday 30th May
Under 11 town squad - play at 11.00 am at WCS 1.  All players to meet at Whitestone Contracting Stadium at 10.00 am.

Under 13 town squad – play at 10.00 am at WCS 1.  All players to meet at Athies at 8.45 am.
Football - Saturday 30th May
Football will be played on Queens Birthday weekend due to the U20 Fifa World Cup double header game being played in Dunedin the following week.  There will be no football played on Saturday 6th June.

11.00 am - St Joseph's Aces v Awamoa Panthers – St Joseph’s

9.30 am - St Joseph's Knights v Awamoa Knights – Awamoa Park

10.30 am – St Joseph’s United v Riverside Hammers – Showgrounds I1
Hockey (Kiwi Sticks) – Tuesday 2nd June
5.00 pm – St Joseph’s v Papakaio
Miniball - Tuesday 2nd June
St Joseph’s is on late duty on the back court which involves packing up the score bench into bags including the clock, ball, score sheets etc.  The bags are to be put in the NOBA cupboard at the south end of the front court.

5.15 pm - St Joseph's Apollos v Weston Wildcats- back court
5.45 pm - St Joseph's Bullets v Fenwick Lakers - back court

Referee and Score Bench
6.15 pm – referee and score bench– back court – St Joseph’s Bullets
Basketball - Wednesday 3rd June
All St Joseph’s basketball teams have the bye due to the quadrangular tournament in Dunedin.

5. Diary Dates - Week 6, Term 2 2015

Friday 29                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s
Sunday 31                   -  Sacrament of Confirmation – 9.30 am Mass

Monday 1                    -  Queen's Birthday Holiday
Tuesday 2                   -  Entertainment Books due back to the office *
Wednesday 3              -  Catholic Quadrangular Tournament in Dunedin for Yr 7 & 8
                                    -  ICAS Exam - Science
Thursday 4                  -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies
                                    -  Pasifika at 6.30 pm *
                                    -   Pagsasama at 7.30 pm
Friday 5                       -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s

Tuesday 9                   -  North Otago Music Festival Practice
Wednesday 10            -  Rippa Rugby Yr 5/6 Final in Timaru
Thursday 11                -  Rippa Rugby Final postponement date
Friday 12                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s

Tuesday 16                  -  ICAS Exam - Spelling
Thursday 18                 -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies

Sunday 21                    -  Lions Speech Competition
Friday 26                      -  Reports to be sent home *
                                     -  Filipino Pagsasama – discuss English classes at 7.30 pm *
Monday 29                   -  Parent/Teacher meetings 3.30 – 7.30 pm
Tuesday 30                  -  Board of Trustees meeting

Wednesday 1               -  Parent/Teacher meetings 3.30 – 7.30 pm
                                     -  North Otago Choir Festival *
Thursday 2                   -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies *
Friday 3                        -  Mufti Mania Day
                                     -  Last day of term 2, holidays begin
Monday 20                   -  School resumes for term 3

Tuesday 28                  -  ICAS Exam – English *
Wednesday 29             -  Teacher Only Day
Thursday 30                 -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies *

Tuesday 11                  -  ICAS Exam – Maths
Thursday 13                 -  St Mary’s inter-school *
                                     -  Family Learning Hui  at 6.00 pm *
Sunday 16                    -  First Communion *
Tuesday 18                  -  Enrolment Day *
Wednesday 19             -  Enrolment Day *

Thursday 21 May 2015

1. Principal News Week 5, Term 2 2015

Engaged Learning Shared with the Whitestone Learning and Change Network
On Monday six of our Year 8 leaders presented slide shows about what engages them in their learning to staff from the Whitestone LCN including St Kevin's College staff. All of us were very impressed with the articulate way they shared their presentations and answered the tricky questions afterwards. As well as getting to experience the high school environment through technology classes for our Year 7 and 8's, opportunities such as sharing about learning are other ways to promote a richer learning transition to high school.
Special thanks to those students for stepping up and moving out of their comfort zones on Monday.

Visit with Miss Jackson at Holy Family School, Melbourne
This weekend my healthy mother is celebrating her 80th birthday. I have taken the opportunity to travel over and spend a day at Miss Chantelle Jackson's school in Mt Waverley. There are many different initiatives that take place in Catholic schools in Melbourne and it is a great opportunity to gain an insight first hand. I will be starting the day as a teacher aid in Miss Jackson's classroom! I am writing this blog from her classroom and have already had a tour of the very large and spacious school. I am looking forward to meeting with staff involved in different parts of the school today and look forward to sharing my learning with staff here when I return on Monday.

Competitions at the Opera House
A huge congratulations to the large number of St Joseph's children who participated in the speech, drama, dance and instrumental competitions last weekend.  Many of our talented children were awarded with scholarships, cups and ribbons. 

Mrs Bridget McNally said that our children were outstanding in the way they supported and encouraged each other and demonstrated our school values of respect and resilience.  I'd like to share with you some reflections from Mrs McNally. She emailed me to say: 

Aside from the results, I just wanted to email and tell you about the amazing behaviour and special character that all kids showed throughout the weekend. First time performers on stage that were petrified showed incredible resilience and got up on stage to give it their best shot. Quite a few kids were nervous before the bible reading so I just said 'just pretend you are in church' to which they replied ' oh yeah'. I think sometimes it's taken for granted the amazing exposure they get at St Josephs school and to them getting up in church is a piece of cake (which it certainly is not). This exposure helps them tremendously in competitions like this as they are able to take that prior experience and use it in another setting.
Well done to all participants who showed us how to Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners of the Catholic Faith.

2. Special Character Week 5, Term 2 2015

Sacrament of Confirmation
Sunday 31st May 2015
9.30am Mass
Thank you to all those who have returned their Confirmation Cards with the details needed for Confirmation. If you have not returned yours, please return by Friday. The information on these cards needs to be checked by Father Wayne and certificates need to be written up before the BIG DAY. Thank you.
We have had two offers to help with the Morning Tea after the Confirmation Mass. We still need a few more. Please return the pink notice I sent home last week if you are able to help or just call in and  let me know. Many thanks.
God Bless and Take Care
Ann Dooley/CO Director of Religious Studies

3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 2 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 23rd May - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Elizabeth Plieger, Seth Sinclair and Lachlan Brookes
Sunday 24th May - Michael Misiloi, Tess McAtamney, Seth Bartley and Joel Kunnethedan

Birthday Greetings to:
Christian and Morgan Baillie and Halalova Asi

Assembly - Friday 22nd May
There will be no assembly tomorrow as the school will be going to St Kevin's to have a quick look at their school production.

Practise your English
Adults - do you want a chance to practise speaking English?  Come along every Wednesday morning from 9.00 to 10.00 am.  Jenny Jackson and Liza Gutierez will meet with you for a cup of coffee and time to talk to help improve your English.  Please let Jenny know if you are interested by emailing Jenny on

St Kevin's College Enrolment Forms
Tomorrow is the last day to return the enrolment forms for St Kevin's College.  They can be either dropped off at our school office or at the office at St Kevin's.

Lost Clothing
Frankie Finn has lost her named school jersey and Tannah Rintoul has lost her named school jacket. If found please return them to the office.

Lost Property
There is a collection of lost unnamed clothing which is situated in our sick bay.
-  pink rim reading glasses (in a purple case)
-  black shoes (yr 7/8 size)
-  black shorts (size 6)
-  navy tights (size 9/10)
-  school jacket (medium 10 yrs)
-  navy polar fleece jacket (size 8)
-  lunch boxes
-  khaki green jacket
-  hooded sleeveless vest (logo soul and glory 5/6 yrs)

Netball Holiday Programme
There is a netball programme being run in the July school holidays on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th July at the Waitaki Community Recreation Centre from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.  It is for Years 4-8 (limited spaces available).  Cost is $40.00 and please bring a drink bottle and morning tea.  Holiday programme forms are available at the school office.

Adopt a Piece of Garden
Parishioners are invited to 'adopt' a piece of the parish garden to care for as part of their service to our parish community.  Contact Elaine at the Presbytery on 434 8543 if you are interested.
-  No matter how large or small
-  Individually/small group/family
-  Time given is at your discretion

Community Notices
  • Noel Leemings Catholic Schools Special - An offer to family and friends of New Zealand Catholic Schools from Noel Leeming.  Please click the link so you can benefit from the special pricing on offer.
  • Fine Art Exhibition - featuring some of the best fine art available in New Zealand at the Opera House on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th May from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm daily.
  • Forrester Gallery - Erewhon The Book of the Machines - Gavin Hipkins from 29th May to 12th July.
  • Recycled Relics - the sculptures of Chris Meder at Steampunk HQ, Oamaru from 29th May to 31st August.

4. Congratulations - Week 5, Term 2 2015

We warmly welcome back to school Yr 7 student Nicolas Raimundo who has returned after being away for a couple of years.

Tai Kwan Do

Last weekend, Lewis Gough, Joseph and Patrick and Sebastian Spillane travelled to Dunedin to compete in a Tai Kwan Do tournament where there were competed with fighters from all parts of the South Island.  They boys fought in their respective height, weight and belt grades.  Congratulations to Sebastian who received a gold medal and Joseph, Patrick and Lewis received silver medals.

5. Winter Sports Draw - Week 5, Term 2 2015

Netball - Saturday 23rd May
Intermediate 1.1
10.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v Valley Ferns – LJ Hooker court

Intermediate 1.2
9.00 am - St Joseph's Rebels v OIS Magic – Sport & Outdoor court 

Intermediate 1.3
11.00 am - St Joseph's Steel v Duntroon Dazzlers – BNZ

Year 5/6
10.00 am - St Joseph's Blue v Valley Magic – RD 1 court

Year 4
11.00 am - St Joseph's Maroon v Papakaio – Adore Spa court

Year 3
10.00 am – St Joseph’s v Valley Rebels – Court 6

Yr 1 & 2
10.00 am – St Joseph’s – Pearsons court

10.00 am – Niveek Wilson
11.00 am – Laura Mather and Tannah Rintoul  

Rugby – Friday 22nd May
9/10 yrs
6.00 pm – St Joseph’s v Valley Blue – WCS 5

Rugby - Saturday 23rd May  
5 yrs – Duty Club
10.00 am – St Joseph’s v Athletic – WCS 9a

7/8 yrs
11.00 am – St Joseph’s v Kurow – WCS 8

9/10 yrs
11.00 am – St Joseph’s v Kurow – WCS 1

11/12 yrs
11.00 am – Old Boys Valley v St Joseph's/Excelsior – Weston

Football - Saturday 23rd May
11.00 am - St Joseph's Aces v Riverside Dynamite – Duntroon Domain

9.30 am - St Joseph's Knights v Riverside Dynamoes – St Joseph’s

St Joseph's United has the bye
Hockey (Kiwi Sticks) – Tuesday 26th May
St Joseph’s has the bye
Miniball - Tuesday 26th May
3.45 pm - St Joseph's Apollos v Fenwick Mulchettes- front court
5.45 pm - St Joseph's Bullets v Fenwick Lakers - back court

Referee and Score Bench
4.15 pm – referee - front court - St Joseph's Apollos
6.15 pm – referee – back court – St Joseph’s Bullets
Basketball - Wednesday 27th May
4.00 pm - St Joseph's Saints v OIS Breakers - front court
5.15 pm - St Joseph's Warriors v OIS Honey Badgers - back court
5.40 pm - St Joseph's Thunder v OIS Warriors - front court

Referee and Score Bench
4.50 pm – referee - St Joseph's Saints - front court
6.05 pm – score bench - St Joseph's Warriors – back court
6.30 pm – referee - St Joseph's Thunder - front court


6. Sport - Saturday 16th May

Last Saturday Fr Wayne was seen at the netball, football and rugby fields with his camera in tow. Here are a few photos that he snapped while encouraging the teams from the sideline.

7. Food Revolution Day - Junior School

Last Friday the junior school had a Food Revolution Day in which they adapted Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Day.  They used his ideas to use vegies from our school garden and in season vegetables from the supermarket.  They listened to his video and rap about looking after your body because we only have one!  Also one half of the world are starving while the other half are consuming too much. They talked about the importance of not being wasteful and eating foods that are in season.  A big thank you to our parent helpers:  Mrs Jorgensen (kale maker extraordinaire), Mrs Gough, Mrs Tuffley, Mrs McLaren, Mrs Gonzales, Mrs McNaught, Miss Cunningham, Mrs Criddle and Mrs Finn.

8. Diary Dates - Week 5, Term 2 2015

Friday 22                     -  St Kevin’s Enrolment Forms for Yr 8’s due back

Monday 25                  -  Rippa Rugby – all classes during school
Tuesday 26                  -  Rippa Rugby – all classes during school
Friday 29                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s
Sunday 31                    -  Sacrament of Confirmation – 9.30 am Mass

Monday 1                    -  Queen's Birthday Holiday
Wednesday 3              -  Catholic Quadrangular Tournament in Dunedin for Yr 7 & 8
                                    -  ICAS Exam - Science
Thursday 4                  -  Open morning from 9.00  to 10.00 am
                                    -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies
                                    -  Pagsasama at 7.30 pm
Friday 5                       -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s

Tuesday 9                    -  North Otago Music Festival Practice
Wednesday 10            -  Rippa Rugby Yr 5/6 Final in Timaru
Thursday 11                -  Rippa Rugby Final postponement date
Friday 12                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s

Tuesday 16                   -  ICAS Exam - Spelling
Thursday 18                -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies
Friday 19                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8

Sunday 21                    -  Lions Speech Competition
Friday 26                     -  Filipino Pagsasama  7.30 – 8.30 pm

Monday 29                  -  Parent/Teacher meetings 3.30 – 7.30 pm
Tuesday 30                  -  Board of Trustees meeting

Wednesday                 -  Parent/Teacher meetings 3.30 – 7.30 pm
Friday 3                       -  Mufti Mania Day *
                                    -  Last day of term 2, holidays begin
Monday 20                  -  School resumes for term 3
Tuesday 28                  -  ICAS Exam – English *
Wednesday 29            -  Teacher Only Day

Tuesday 11                  -  ICAS Exam – Maths *

Thursday 14 May 2015

1. Principal News Week 4 Term 2

Engage every student in deep learning for success

At St Joseph's we are adamant that we are living out this powerful learning goal across the school. Our staff are role modelling deep learning for success too. Most of us are studying during our holidays and after school time. We are fortunate to have the support of a forward thinking Board of Trustees who understand that if our teachers are passionate about engaging in learning, then our children will be too. 

I have been encouraged to share my recent personal learning experiences with you. During the Easter holidays, I completed a leadership essay for my master's studies. My results for previous papers ranged from credits to distinctions. This time I was awarded a High Distinction. Having a growth mind set attitude and being committed to working hard, helped me to achieve this outcome.This is no different for our children at school. If they develop their independent learning skills and key competencies, they will be able to achieve excellent results too.
Our goal is to instill a desire and passion for learning into our children so that they will leave us at the end of Year 8, ready to go to high school and succeed. These skills and competencies don't develop over night. They need a combined focused belief in success from both you and your child. Together with our teachers, we can make it work for your children. 

During our recent open morning, it was possible to view the transition and development of learning throughout the school from the 5 year olds to the 13 year olds. 
If you weren't able to make the open morning but would still like to see our engaging learning spaces (ELS's) in action then I suggest that you contact me. Let's make a time for a personal tour at a time that suits you. Please don't judge our ELS's without having experienced them in action for yourself.

I would like to share part of a video taken during a visit from teachers from Waverly Park school last week. Our visitors interviewed our Head Boy Joel Kunnethedan about our ELS's. Although we are only in our second term of the year, we believe that the responses Joel gave epitomize what we want for all of our students by the end of Year 8. 

We believe that every student will be able to confidently articulate and competently take ownership of their learning before they leave us for high school. This will only happen if we (teachers and parents together) believe in the capabilities of our children. We believe that they will be able to succeed through dedication and hard work. At St Joseph's,
our professional teaching team are passionate about ensuring success for all children.

Presentation at St Kevin's for the Whitestone Learning and Change Network
Today I was fortunate enough to work with six of our Year 8 leaders who have been invited to prepare a presentation about learning for the staff of St Kevin's and other schools from the network.
We were able to collaborate on a google slide show with a focus on how we engage in our learning and ways to make the transition to high school work well for all students. Our colleagues at St Kevin's and in other schools are aware that shifts in practice and pedagogy will help support our learners to transition to high school.
Our Year 8 leaders preparing for a learning presentation at St Kevin's 
National Young Leader's Day
One of the strengths of our school is our focus on leadership. Every student takes on a leadership role in Year 8. This builds self-esteem and confidence and prepares our students for future success at high school.
On Monday, Mr Moore and I took all of our Year 8's to Dunedin for the annual National Young Leader's Day. This year's theme was focused on 'amazing journeys'. Speakers included William Pike, Tamsin Cooper, Steve Guerney and Jamie McDell. Messages about giving everything 100% and taking every chance that comes your way were emphasised during the presentations.
Every year our students tell us that this day is one of the highlights of the year for them. They always return with a passion and belief in their own abilities as young leaders of the future.

Chopper Appeal
Thanks to everyone who contributed to our mufti day appeal for the Westpac Chopper Appeal. We raised $274. This will go directly to supporting our local Otago rescue helicopter. Our support will help keep the life saving rescue choppers in the air.

Family Learning Hui - Did you miss it ? Catch up and learn more
Thanks again to everyone who attended last week's hui. Here is a link to a blogpost with information about the learning that took place. 
There are also some videos to watch as well. Next term's Family Learning Hui will be a student led hui and involve our senior and junior children. 
Good luck to all sports players and competitors in the Speech, Vocal and Instrumental presentations at the Ink Box theater this weekend. All of you are showing us how to 'Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith'.