Thursday 9 December 2021

1. Principal's News - Week 8, Term 4 2021

 Year 7 & 8 Social

Many thanks are due to our Home and School for organising and funding the annual Year 7 & 8 social.  A particular big thank you to Rebecca Heffernan and Adele Whiston who decorated the hall beautifully.  Also to Adele Whiston with help from Adrienne Spillance preparing a delicious sit-down meal for our year 8 graduates.  The students have been learning social dancing all term and had a wonderful evening of dining, dancing and socialising to mark the end of our year 8s time at St Joseph's.

House Choirs

Congratulations to our year 8 house leaders and cultural leaders who prepared their houses for a modified version of house choirs this year.  We weren't able to have an audience, and we didn't have the usual practice time we would have had in term 3 but still, everyone got into the spirit of the occasion and enjoyed supporting their houses.

Junior Nativity - Monday 13th December 11.15am
The juniors are preparing for their nativity presentation at next week's final Mass of the year.  Normally this Mass is in the evening and our families attend.  This year we can't do it that way and we won't be able to invite families to join us at the Mass.  The Mass will be live-streamed from 11.15am on Facebook and we hope you will join us in a virtual way.  We encourage you to tune in as this is normally our communal end of year event.  At the end of Mass at about 12 noon, we will be presenting the JJ awards. 
Senior students are to wear their school uniform and not their pe gear.

Here are our junior school practising for their presentation today.

Just Like Jesus Awards

These Just Like Jesus (JJ) awards are given out annually, one to each year group.  The recipient of the JJ award in each year group is a child who we think most exemplifies being Just like Jesus and who is a role model to others.  These awards will be presented at the end of Mass on Monday at about 12 noon and will be part of the Facebook livestream.

Intermediate Camp

Our intermediate students are on camp at the moment.  Photos from the camp will be in our Facebook page over the weekend or early next week.

Tuesday 14th December 11.00am

  • Prize-giving Assembly in the Basilica
  • Handover of leadership roles to year 7s
  • Leavers Certificates for Year 8s
  • Head boy and Head girl speeches
  • Prize-giving and leaving candle ceremony for year 8s

Year 7 & 8 children will be in the Basilica on the right hand side.  Parents of year 7 & 8 students only are invited to sit on the left side wearing masks and social distancing from each other.  This keeps us as a gathering of less than 100 in Level 2 requirements as this assembly is about leadership roles which is part of our school curriculum.  The students are asked to wear their school summer uniform and not their PE gear.

The rest of the school will watch this event in our hall and it will be live streamed from the Basilica to the hall and also to Facebook.  This keeps our actual gathering below 100 and is the only way we can get our year 7 & 8 parents in to share the graduation, prize-giving and handing over of leadership roles with the intermediate students.

Wednesday 15th December 12.15pm - School finishes, please pick children up.

We will have a short school assembly and carols before finishing at 12.15pm.  IF IT IS FINE WE WILL HAVE ASSEMBLY OUTDOORS AND FAMILIES ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US AT A SOCIAL DISTANCE.  If it is not fine we will have it in the hall and will not be able to invite people in.  Let's pray for fine weather!

Start date for term 1 next year is Monday 31st January

You will receive the stationery lists for your child's class next year with the end of year reports which will go home next Tuesday with your children.  The stationery lists are also on the website.

Thank you whanau for your support and encouragement in 2021 and I wish you a Happy Christmas and every blessing for the New Year.

God Bless and Aroha


2. Special Character Week 8 Term 4 2021

 Welcome to Week 8

Special Character Focus- Advent

The Advent Wreath

This is the third Sunday of Advent. We light three candles on the third Sunday, 2 purple candles and the pink candle. In a week, next Sunday we light the fourth candle. The season of Advent is a time of joyful waiting as we prepare to welcome Jesus. As we light another candle on the Advent wreath we remember that Christmas is getting closer. 


School Mass-

Last week's gospel presentation was Ruma Kiwi- Year 3. 
This week's gospel presentation was  Junior Hub 1- Year 1/2. 
Next week's Mass will be the End of Year Mass for Year 8 and Junior Nativity. 
Thank you to all teachers and children for preparing these masses. Well done!

Facts on Mass
The Concluding Rites of the Mass
When it is necessary, announcements may be made. The celebrant then blesses the people assembled. The blessing always concludes "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." It is in the triune God and in the sign of the cross that we find our blessing.

The dismissal at the end gives the liturgy its name. The word "Mass" comes from the Latin word, "Missa". At one time, the people were dismissed with the words "Ite, missa est," meaning "Go you are sent". The word "Missa" comes from the word "missio," the root of the English word "mission" The liturgy does not simply come to an end. Those assembled are sent forth to bring the fruits of the Eucharist to the world.  

Faith Facts

Week 9: December 13 – 17 (Violet)

3rd Week of Advent

7th St Ambrose

8th The Immaculate Conception of Mary

13th St Lucy

14th St John of the Cross.

Third week of Advent: Joy
The Third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday, calls for the lighting of the first two candles, as well as the third candle of the Advent Wreath. The candle is known as Joy. On this day, rose-coloured vestments are usually worn and the Bible passages read all relate to St. John the Baptist.

What is the Immaculate Conception?

The Immaculate Conception, the solemnity celebrated on December 8th  is a Catholic dogma that states that Mary, whose conception was brought about the normal way, was conceived without original sin or its stain. That’s what “immaculate” means: without stain

“I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

This would be a good time to discuss the Incarnation. Why did God become man and what does that mean for us?

Also, are we heeding the call to repentance? Will we be prepared when the Lord comes?

Thank you/Malo
God Bless
Tua Misiloi

3, School Notices - Week 8, Term 4 2021


Birthday greetings for December and January

Roger L, Ellie C, Henry H, Chelsea & Rick K, Maria H, Hila'atu L, Soa M, Anashae M, Blake M, Ivy-Belle & Theo M and Haifa T.

Buses - End of Year
All country bus families have been notified about the bus runs for next week.  All buses including the town bus will only run in the morning of Wednesday 15th December.  Families are to collect their children from school on that day.

Christmas and Holiday Mass Times
Please refer to the Mass time table and Mass expectations on another page in the blog.

Contact Details
If you are moving addresses in the holidays or your contact details change including emergency contacts, please email the office at

Farewell the Following Families
We farewell the following families who leave St Joseph's for high school.  We thank them for their contributions to our school and wish them all the best.  Good luck in all your endeavours.

- Baricuatro, Bartlett, Byrne, Kelcher, Kelynack, Mordeno and Spooner.

We thank all our parents, family and friends who have helped during the year with our class and school activities.  We always appreciate any help you give to the school.

Home and School Thank You

I would sincerely like to thank all the parents past and present who have kindly donated their time over the last few years with helping our Home and School at the Hungry Horse Cafe, Food Fairs, School Socials and Discos, Mud Run, and any other Home and school-related activities and fundraisers. I will miss working with all the wonderful parents at St Joseph's and wish the Home and School all the best for the future. Thank you Rebecca Heffernan, Chairperson of St Joseph's Home and School.

Junior School Disco - Friday 10th December
Parents who are helping at the junior disco tomorrow night, please either email or scan your vaccination card to or drop a copy into the office if you have not already done so.

For years 1-6, sorry no pre-schoolers
When - Friday 10th December 
Where - Our school hall
Time - 6.00 to 7.00 pm
Theme - Christmas
Cost - $2.00 for entry, a drink, glowstick and a small bag of chips.  Please bring the correct change as there will only be a small float.
Pick up time - please ensure all parents are there by 7.00 pm to collect the children

Library Books
Please drop off any school library books which are at home to the box outside the office.

Lost Property
There is a large number of items in the lost property area, please come and check if they belong to your children. All left over items will either be donated to the uniform shop or given away.

Road Patrol
Our road patrollers will be acknowledged at assembly on Wednesday for their duty this year. 

School Stationery
All class stationery lists will be handed out next week with your reports and will be on the website for 2022.  If you purchase your child's stationery from OfficeMax online at: you will be able to purchase at their very low Back to School discount prices which are available until the end of February.
Alternatively you can purchase packs online from or in store at Paper Plus.  If you already have certain parts of the stationery list, contact Paper Plus Oamaru who will organise a custom pack for you.

Both companies enable parents to purchase their children's stationery at lower prices and both companies will make a donation to St Joseph's.

Sport Coaches and Managers
Thank you, thank you, thank you, words cannot describe how much you are appreciated for giving up your time in coaching and managing our sports teams. You are all superb and magnificent people who ensure that our children are able to play a sport. If you have managed a team and your name is not mentioned, please accept our apologies and we thank you very much for your time.

Basketball - Cranos Chikowore
Futsal - Rory McGeown, Andy Bradley, Natasha Lindsay, Jason & Victoria Forrest, Suzy & Nathan Oakes and Justine Rodger.
Miniball - Judith Leo and Adele Whiston
Netball - Paula Brien, Suzy Oakes and Katiana Taiti
Rugby - Scott Bremner, Paul Aston, Victoria Forrest and Samara Allardice
Touch - Lee Woodhouse, Adele Whiston, Liz Koni, Victoria Forrest and Max & Michele Fatafehi and Saluni Palaa.

Swimming Dates
Next year we are looking at combining our senior and junior swimming lessons in term 1.  These dates may change and we will let you know the confirmed dates and times next year.  There will be 6 lessons for each class.

Week 3 - Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th February
Week 4 - Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd February
Week 6  - Friday 4th March - senior swimming sports

Technology Dates for 2022
These classes are held on Fridays at St Kevin's College and will start early in term 1.

Uniform Shop
Adele will kindly open the uniform shop on Friday 28th January from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm and again on Monday 31st January from 8.15 to 9.00 am.

The uniform shop will love donations of any school and PE uniforms that are not required anymore.  These can be dropped off at the office.

Volunteer for the Uniform Shop
Adele is stepping down from the Uniform Shop in early term 1 after 10 years of loyal service. The role involves opening the shop every Thursday for 30-45 minutes and on a Monday of each new term and ensuring the stock is displayed and notifying the office when school stocks are getting low.  If you are interested in volunteering for this role, please contact the office.

Welcome new students
We warmly welcome our last two students for the year to our junior school, Elisa H and Sam F.

4. Christmas Mass Time table


Dear Parishioners

You have had the opportunity to read the Pastoral Letter from the Catholic Bishops of

Aotearoa regarding Living, Caring, Worshipping and Ministering in a Covid-19 World. It

reads, in part, ‘The principal of the ‘preferential option for the poor’, which is an integral

part of Catholic social teaching, demands that the needs and vulnerabilities of all these

people take priority as we continue to respond and adapt to the new world shaped by

Covid-19. We accept that for most the decision to be vaccinated or not vaccinated is based

on a sincere conscience.’

While we can disagree with those who have a different view to our own, the Gospel

dictates we continue to show care, love and respect even when we experience the real-

world consequences of the different decisions of people around being vaccinated.

The traffic light system will allow people to gather in churches under certain conditions;

either in limited numbers if vaccination passes are not required, or in potentially

unrestricted numbers by presenting proof in the form of the official ‘My Vaccine Pass’.

It is expected the traffic light colour on 3rd December will be orange. This means in

gatherings where those vaccinated have shown proof there is no limit on numbers, nor is

there distancing but everyone should still be wearing masks. In open gatherings, the

number of people is limited to 50 with 1m distancing and everyone should be wearing


We are legally obliged to abide by these regulations and our PPCC have also referred to the

Parish Safeguarding Mission Statement which outlines our Parish’s preferential options for

the most vulnerable members of our parish community.

  • The PPCC have arranged the following for weekend Masses: -

  • Saturday 5pm for the vaccinated

  • Saturday 6.15pm Open Mass with a limit of 50 and social distancing.

  • Sunday 9.30am for the vaccinated

  • Masks should be worn at all Masses as part of the Safeguarding measure and people

attending the 5pm and 9.30am Masses will be required to show their My Covid Pass.

  • Weekday Masses in the Lounge will be for those who are vaccinated.

  • As St Joseph’s School children are not able to be vaccinated, we need to keep them

separate from the general public. This means only staff and students from St Joseph’s can

attend Thursday 9.15am Mass.

This schedule may not suit everyone but Fr Wayne has to accommodate everyone as best

as he can. This is a very unusual situation and while your views may differ from another’s

we need to have the utmost patience, trust and respect for and to each other.

Thank you for your cooperation and thank you Fr Wayne.

5. Diary Dates - Week 8, Term 4 2021



Friday 10

Monday 13

Tuesday 14

Wednesday 15


Monday 31


Monday 7

Monday 14

Tuesday 15

Wednesday 16

Monday 21

Tuesday 22

Wednesday 23

Sunday 27


Friday 4

Monday 21


Thursday 14


Monday 2



Friday 8

Monday 25



Friday 30


Monday 17



Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Junior Disco for yr 1-6

End of Year Mass & Junior Nativity- no parents - will be live streamed 

Leavers assembly at Basilica -  will be live streamed 

School finishes for term 4 at 12.15 pm - note new time 

School starts for 2022 

Waitangi Day observed - school closed *

School swimming lessons tbc *

School swimming lessons tbc *

School swimming lessons tbc *

School swimming lessons tbc *

School swimming lessons tbc *

School swimming lessons tbc *

Welcome Mass *

Senior school swimming sports *

Otago Annivesary Day - school closed *

Term 1 finishes

Term 2 starts

Term 2 finishes

Term 3 starts

Term 3 finishes

Term 4 starts

Thursday 2 December 2021

1. Principal's News Term 4 Week 7 2021

End of Year Events

Please note our end of year events as per the email to parents earlier this week.   We have had to wait until last Friday to know exactly what we were able to do.  This is when we found out that schools are not moving to the traffic light system until next year and we remain in Level 2 until the end of this year.  Once we knew that, we were able to figure out how we are going to do our end of year events.

Monday 13th December 11.15am

  • Whole school mass with junior nativity pageant and presentation of Just Like Jesus awards in St Patrick's Basilica

Only school children and staff, no guests.  This will be live-streamed onto Facebook.

Tuesday 14th December 11.00am

  • Prize-giving Assembly in the Basilica
  • Handover of leadership roles to year 7s
  • Leavers Certificates for Year 8s
  • Head boy and Head girl speeches
  • Prize-giving and leaving candle ceremony for year 8s

Year 7 & 8 children will be in the Basilica on the right hand side.  Parents of year 7 & 8 students only are invited to sit on the left side wearing masks and social distancing from each other.  This keeps us as a gathering of less than 100 in Level 2 requirements as this assembly is about leadership roles which is part of our school curriculum.

The rest of the school will watch this event in our hall and it will be live streamed from the Basilica to the hall and also to Facebook.  This keeps our actual gathering below 100 and is the only way we can get our year 7 & 8 parents in to share the graduation, prize-giving and handing over of leadership roles with the intermediate students.

Wednesday 15th December 12.15pm - School finishes, please pick children up.

We will have a short school assembly and carols before finishing at 12.15pm but we won't be able to have guests, only children and staff.

New Building Project

We are working with our diocese on planning for our new build.  We were urged by the diocese to see other new builds before Christmas if we could.  Even though it is an extremely busy time, our DP Nicola Winders and myself travelled South on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  We visited new school builds at Sacred Heart School in Invercargill, St Thomas's School in Winton and a build which is 10 years old at St Mary's in Mosgiel.  This was a really useful process as we were able to talk with teachers and see how children interacted with the buildings to find out what worked well and what we should avoid.  

Our Board will digest this information and it gives us a better grounding for engaging with our architects.

A big thank you to the rest of our staff who rallied round to cover our absence at this very busy and demanding time of year.  

Here are some examples of some of what ours could look like:

Behaviour Management

We are a restorative school and we manage behaviour along PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) guidelines.  

For anyone who is interested, a summary of our behaviour procedure is on our school website.  It is also on the classroom walls and children are well aware of the process.  No matter what happens there is always a restorative process between the children.  If there has been something upsetting, parents are informed.  Please bear in mind that we cannot always make ourselves free to make a phone call immediately as children need to managed and taught and schools are very busy places with lots of people interaction happening.  Where consequences are required, they are in line with natural justice.

We manage positive behaviours in class through our Circletime process which is a way the children can air niggles and work through strategies for dealing with them.  We also teach the "Friendly Kids, Friendly Classrooms" process where children are tutored in social skills.  The predominant skills we use are WITS Walk away, Ignore, Talk, Seek help.  And coaching the children how to make "I" statements to say how they feel and what they want to happen.

Please encourage your child to speak kindly to others and to forgive.  It is concerning how many children are watching violent content on TV or games.  For instance, Squid Games on Netflix is for adults only and it is gratuitously violent, but children as young as 7 years old are telling us they have been watching it.  Please note that this normalises violence and does not help child development.  Also, some children's or cartoon dramas. particularly American ones, make being "mean" the norm.  A diet of "mean" and violent eventually ends up coming into real life.  So please have a look, as you may be surprised at the tone and content of some things which appear to be OK.  Thank you.

Planting Project

In our science focus this year the children have learnt the Living World and focused on plants.  The Otago Community Trust has funded us for a substantial planting project and our plants are here.  Each class will be busy planting native plants for the next week or so to complete their learning and design processes for this project.  As an Enviroschool we have managed to make the environment part of our whole curriculum and every child is having the opportunity for practical action from their learning.


Reports will go home on Monday of week 9, with stationery lists for next term.  The splits for classes have been carefully and extensively discussed by teachers taking all factors into account and you will know which class your child is in when you receive your stationery list with the report.   As every class placement is determined by a variety of factors and every change affects a range of other children and so are not negotiable unless there is an extreme circumstance that we need to be aware of.  The decisions have been professional decisions based firstly on age, and then on other learning and social factors for the benefit of all of our learners.

Our classes next year will be:

JH1 - years 0-2 - Mrs Brookes, Mrs Misiloi

Year 2-3 (some older year 2s). Miss Sollano

Year 4-5 (some younger year 5s) - Mrs Streat

Year 5-6 - Mrs Thomas

Year 7-8 - Mrs Winders

Next week our intermediate department will be on camp and I will be joining them on Thursday and Friday so I will not be available on those days.

God Bless and Aroha


2.Special Character Week 7 Term `4 2021

Welcome to Week 7

Special Character Focus- Advent

The Advent Wreath

Advent Wreaths are often found not only in people's homes but also in the church. This circular evergreen wreath usually contains 4 candles (and sometimes 5 candles) and each of these candles represents one of the Sundays of Advent, Families who have this wreath in the home will light the candles on each Sunday and say prayers together. It is believed that this tradition goes back to Lutherans in Germany during the 16th century. Sometimes this wreath is known as an Advent Crown. 

Perhaps in the coming Advent weeks, you could pray this prayer each day in your home.

Light up our lives

Christ, come into our world of darkness

Light up our lives with your coming.

Fulfil all our longings with the joy of your birth

Strengthen our resolve to work for change in our world

And to share the hope of your birth that each Advent brings.


Sr Bridgetta Rooney/CAFOD

School Mass-
Last week's gospel presentation was Ruma Kakapo- Year 4/5. 
This week's gospel presentation was  Ruma Kiwi- Year 3. 
Next week's gospel presentation will be Junior Hub 1Year 1/2. 
Thank you to all teachers and children for preparing these masses with a great and awesome gospel presentation. God bless.

Facts on Mass
Before receiving Communion, the celebrant and assembly acknowledge that we are unworthy to receive such a great gift. The celebrant receives Communion first and then the people come forward.

The people approach the altar and, bowing with reverence, receive Communion. People may receive the Body of Christ either on the tongue or in the hand. The priest or other minister offers the Eucharist to each person saying, "The Body of Christ. The person receiving responds by saying, "Amen," a Hebrew word meaning, "So be it" ( Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2856).

The Communion Rite ends with the Prayer after Communion which asks that the benefits of the Eucharist will remain active in our daily lives.

Faith Facts

Week 8: December 6 – 10 (Violet)

2nd Week of Advent

Liturgical Year Module Advent

7th St Ambrose
8th The Immaculate Conception of Mary

Second week of Advent: Peace

The Jessie Tree

A popular tradition during the Advent Season is the Jesse Tree. This tree, named for the father of David, is one that is decorated throughout the Advent Season with symbols of biblical people that are historically associated with or came before, the birth of Jesus Christ. This can include people such as Abraham, Noah, and Moses, as well as Mary and Joseph. By decorating this tree, children can be reminded of historical biblical figures and can also be taught about the preparatory nature of the Advent Season.

Thank you/Malo
God Bless
Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

3. School Notices - Week 7, Term 4 2021


Birthday Greetings to
James Allardice

At assembly last Friday we acknowledged our senior athletic champions and our school sport teams.  The athletic champions were awarded trophies from 8 to 13 yrs in which there was some very close placings in some of the age groups with only a point separating place getters.

Due to Covid, some of our school sports teams could not finish their season and the different sporting codes had no opportunity to present the teams with their end-of-season awards.  We asked the coaches of all our teams for names of players for the 3 categories of 'Most Valuable', 'Most Improved' and 'Fair Play' and these certificates were presented to our students.  

We have not awarded any certificates to the Futsal teams or the Panthers Touch team as they only starting playing in term 4. The 7/8 year and the 11/12 year rugby teams had their prize giving at Excelsior earlier.

Congratulations to the following children who received trophies and certificates.

8 yrs   
1st - Siale T, 2nd = Luke L and Alexander R   
1st - Emily M, 2nd - Dihviyn S, 3rd = Hila'atu L & Sesilia H        
9 yrs  
1st - Liam L, 2nd - Luke B, 3rd - Soa M         
1st - Ellie C, 2nd - Milah Anderson, 3rd - Aria O

10 yrs -  
1st - Tendayi R, 2nd -          
1st - Chelsea K, 2nd - Molly M, 3rd Jayda M

11 yrs 
1st - Daniel W, 2nd - Warren P, 3rd Elias F      
1st - Eva F and 2nd - Francis T

12 yrs   
1st - Jack O & Kenton T, 3rd Zion L    
1st - Ivy-Belle M, 2nd - Rheanna C, 3rd = Emily C & Kacymea T 

13 yrs 
1st - Lachlan K, 2nd Tommy M, 3rd Isaiah C
1st - Mazvita R and 2nd - Dorothy B    

School Sports Teams

Basketball - Mixed Cavaliers

Fair Play - Vilivea T

Most Improved - Dorothy B

Most Valuable -  Kenton T

Miniball - Boys Breakers

Fair Play - Tendayi R

Most Improved - Jac B

Most Valuable - Lincoln M

Miniball Girls Rebels

Fair Play - Manu-Tala’aho A

Most Improved - Sephrin S

Most Valuable - Taera K

Netball - Yr 7/8 Gold

Fair Play - Lilly K

Most Improved - Patricia M

Most Valuable - Ivy-Belle M

Netball - Yr 4/5/6 Rebels

Fair Play - Hila’atu L

Most Improved - Sephrin S

Most Valuable -  Kaycee-Mae G

Netball - Yr 3 Maroon

Fair Play - Manu-Tala’aho A

Most Improved - Manaia D

Most Valuable - Taylor D

Rugby - 5/6 year olds

Fair Play - Arian L

Most Improved - Jayden H

Most Valuable -  Manase O

Rugby - 9/10 year olds

Fair Play - Stirling H

Most Improved - Luke B

Most Valuable -  Blake M

Touch - Yr 7/8 Dynamos

Fair Play - Isaiah C

Most Improved - Mazvita R

Most Valuable -  Kenton T

Touch - Yr 6 boys Pumas

Fair Play - Marconi Hausia

Most Improved - Blake Meek

Most Valuable -  Daniel W and Warren P

Touch - Yr 4/5/6 mixed Ferns

Fair Play - Ellie C

Most Improved - Luke L

Most Valuable -  Siale T

Touch - Yr 4/5/6 mixed Rockets

Fair Play - Liam L

Most Improved - Millie F

Most Valuable -  Fe’ofa’aki T

Touch - Yr 1/2/3 mixed Broncos

Fair Play - Taera K

Most Improved - Jayden H

Most Valuable -  Dihviyn S

Touch - Yr 1/2/3 mixed Tigers

Fair Play - Taylor D

Most Improved - Mark L

Most Valuable -  Hunter  F

Futsal Draw - Monday 6th December
The draw was unavailable at the time the newsletter was typed.  The draw will be emailed out to families when it is available. This will be the final game for the term.

Hungry Horse Cafe
The Hungry Horse Cafe has one last final race meeting on Wednesday 8th December and the Home and School urgently require 2 more people to help out at these sessions at the cafe.  The sessions are from 12.00 to 3.00 pm and 3.00 to 5.30 pm.  Please contact Rebecca Heffernan on 027 432 4056 if you can help.  All offers of help are greatly appreciated.

Junior School Disco - Friday 10th December
We require 6 vaccinated parents to help at the disco.  Please either email or scan your vaccination card to or drop a copy into the office if you have not already done so and let Rebecca Heffernan know if you can help.

For years 1-6, sorry no pre-schoolers
When - Friday 10th December 
Where - Our school hall
Time - 6.00 to 7.00 pm
Theme - Christmas
Cost - $2.00 for entry, a drink, glowstick and a small bag of chips.  Please bring correct change.
Pick up time - please ensure all parents are there by 7.00 pm to collect the children

Library Stocktake
We would like all library books be returned to the box outside the office by Monday 6th December as the library is having their annual stocktake.

Friday 3rd - St Kevin's College Yr 8 Transition Day - no technology this day
                  - Yr 7 & 8 Social and Yr 8 meal
Monday 6th - House Choirs - live-streamed
                     All school library books to be returned
Tuesday 7th - Board of Trustee meeting
                    - Yr 7 & 8 camp
Wednesday 8th - Hungry Horse Cafe - last one
                         - Yr 7 & 8 camp
Thursday 9th - Yr 7 & 8 camp
Friday 10th - Yr 7 & 8 camp
                   - Junior School disco for Yr 1-6

Yr 7 & 8 Social Dance
Our intermediate children are having a disco themed social tomorrow night with the Yr 8 children having a sit down meal prior to the dance.

Yr 7 & 8 Camp
Good luck to our intermediate children who are away at camp next week at Peel Forest.