Thursday 24 September 2020

1. Principal's News Week 10, Term 3 2020

Staff versus Student Netball

The students brought a six year streak of staff wins and in 2020 the (massive) netball trophy belongs to the students who beat the staff in extra time by. Well done students.

The students all wore something yellow and we raised $220.60 towards local Cancer support.

Chinese Language Week

This week we are celebrating Chinese language week and here is a video with our Mandarin teacher, Joy from Hoiho class.

Welcome Back to Our School Grounds

We are at level 1 so please do come back on our grounds.  We have missed seeing parents at the start and end of the day.  So don't hesitate to drop by your child's class and say hello before 9am or collect the children from the playground in the afternoon.

Please keep the "Drop and Drive" zone directly outside school clear though.  This part is to drive in, stay in car and pick children up.

Masses and Celebration Assemblies

Please feel welcome to join us at school masses at 9.15 am on Thursdays and celebration assembly at 2.30 pm on Friday.  

Teacher Only Days - Important Information

A couple of our expected teacher only days have not happened this year due to Covid restrictions.  We have two teacher only days in Term 4:

Monday 12th October 

(first day of term 4 - this was advertised at the start of the year), and

Monday 16th November.

School will be closed on both of these days.

Thank you to all parents, caregivers and school supporters.  Thank you to Adele Whiston for doing the uniform shop, to Jessica Fogarty for our Subway orders and Judith Anderson for pies and milo.  Thank you to Rebecca Heffernan for continuing to organise our opportunities with the Hungry Horse cafe and to the parents who have helped out there.  A HUGE thank you to all sports coaches and managers.  Your participation and contribution make us a school community.  

Have a safe, relaxing and connecting holiday.  

God bless and aroha,

Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 10 Term 3 2020

Kiaora/ Malo e Lelei 

Welcome to the last Special Character newsletter for Term 3. We thank you Lord, for this term. For the challenges, the successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends. Give us strength and courage to do what is right, to be witnesses of our faith. Keep us safe: give us good rest and good fun. Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term. We thank you for our friends, teachers, parents and our community that cares for us. May we always be conscious of you in our lives. Amen

Special Character Focus

School and Family Mass- 
Presenting the Mass and Gospel is a service opportunity and Ministry for our children in spreading God’s word.
You are welcome to join us for Mass at 9:15 am on Thursday in the Basilica. 
Thank you to Hoiho/Year 5/6 - Mrs Streat's class for the presentation of the gospel at Mass last Thursday. Today the Mass and Gospel presentation lead by Kakapo/Year 4/5- Mrs Winder's class. First Week Thursday Mass for Term 4 will be Kiwi/Year 3/4- Miss Sollano's class.

Faith Facts: Week 10:  21st - 25th September

21st St Matthew

St. Matthew, Patron Saint - St. Matthews Episcopal Church St Matthew, the Apostle: Born in Palestine sometime in the 1st century, St. Matthew was one of Jesus's 12 apostles and also one of the four Gospel writers, according to the Bible. Prior to preaching the word of God, he worked as a tax collector. Matthew is the patron saint of tax collectors and accountants.

Holiday prayer

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this holiday—an extra chance for fun and play.

There’s so much I can learn and do even if I’m not in school.

All the beauty and gifts abound. The world you created is all around.

Today’s a chance to go explore, try new things, and discover more.

I’ll miss my teacher and my friends just as it happens on weekends.

But I know that for today, I’m thankful for this holiday.

Thank you God bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 10, Term 3 2020


Altar Servers

Saturday 26th September - Clarence & Rheanna Coscos and Luse Asi
Sunday 27th September - Lilly Kelcher plus 2 others from other schools

Saturday 3rd October - David Kilgour and King Melecio
Sunday 4th October - No one from school

Saturday 10th October - Paddy Spillane and Isaiah Castro
Sunday 11th October -  Lisiate Hausia and Rolfe Patalbo

Birthday Greetings
Tommy McGeown, Isaiah Castro, Bella Hubber, Fe'ofa'aki Tahitu'a, Ziah Rollan, Xiao hui Li, Iverson Wylie-Taukolo, Stephanie Morondoz, Kenton Tokai, David Kilgour, Paige Geypen, Holly Ridgway, Olivia Geypen, Analiese Whiston and Liam Lindsay

Words cannot describe how much we value our coaches for all of our sports and for the time and effort they put into coaching our teams in the various sports.  We very much appreciate everything they do for our school and for the children and we thank them very whole heartedly.

Cross Country 
Congratulations to the following children who received cross country awards at assembly last week.

Yr 1 - Manaia Darling and Kaleb Beattie
Yr 2 - Emily McGeown and Hunter Forrest
Yr 3 - Hila'atu Leo and Lewis Geypen
Yr 4 - Ellie Clark and James Laming
Yr 5 - Mikayla Criddle and Daniel Woodhouse
Yr 6 - Mya Robinson and Hunter Gough
Yr 7 - Willow Bartlett and Tommy McGeown
Yr 8 - Lavina Ma and Michael Woodhouse

Hungry Horse
Thanks to everyone who has helped so far at the Hungry Horse Cafe.  There are still more gaps in the roster system for Sunday 18th October.  Please let Rebecca Heffernan know if you can help on 027 432 4056.

10.00 am to 12.00 pm - need one person
12.00 to 3.00 pm - need two people
3.00 to 5.30 pm - need two people

There are also gaps for the next race meeting on Saturday 21st November.

Congratulations to our boys miniball team who received the 'Most Improved Team' overall trophy for both boys and girls.  They played in an exciting final on Tuesday night and lost by just 2 points.  Well done team.  Absent is Jac Bradley.
Sadly there is no more netball for the players in Yrs 1-6 as Covid finished your season early.  The Rebels and Gold team still play this Saturday.  If it is raining on Saturday, any games that are played for first and second will be played at St Kevin's gymnasium so this means that both St Joseph's teams will not be playing.
8.30 am - Rebels v Athletic Mini Maroon on court 1
9.30 am - Gold v Kurow on court 1

Rugby Boots 
There is a box of rugby boots to give away outside the uniform shop.  Please help yourself.

Swimming Juniors
Thanks to all the families who ensured the children had their swimming gear this week which allowed them to finish their swim lessons for the year. Thank you to our amazing parent helpers who have offered to walk with the children and help at the pool.

Touch Rugby
All players have been given a hard copy of  the touch rugby notice for term 4.  Contact details will be emailed out to families on Friday incase there are any changes to teams.  The draw will be out in the holidays so please look out for it on the North Otago Junior Touch Facebook page. We will send the draw out when we receive it at school on the Tuesday.
Coaches -  gear bags can be collected on Tuesday, the first day back.
We have had a couple of extra players interested in playing touch in the Yr 1/2/3 team, is there a coach who will be willing to look after the second team?  Please let Mrs Brien know asap.  Thanks.

Please return your washed and clean winter gear bags to the office anytime from now on.

Pies and Milo
There is no more pies and milo next term however Subway lunches are still available on a Friday.
Teacher Only Day
A reminder about the Teacher Only Day on Monday 12th October.  School starts back on Tuesday 13th October in summer uniform and hats are to be worn.

Uniform Shop
The uniform shop will be open on Tuesday 13th October at 8.30 am for anyone wanting summer uniform gear.

Yr 8 v Staff Netball Game
What an exciting game of netball it was on Tuesday afternoon when the staff played the Yr 8 students in their annual game. This year we changed the rules for the Yr 8 students so every student could participate in the game and be part of it. The game was closely contested all the way through and ended up in a draw so we had to play another 2 more minutes to see if there was a winner.  Right at the very end, the students shot the winning goal which ended the game with a euphoric display of cheers from all the students.  The game was played in very good spirt and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the game.  Well done Yr 8 students for their win but look out next year!!

Community Notices
  • School Holiday Family Entertainment - at the Repertory Theatre from Wednesday 7th to Sunday 11th October at 2.00 pm.  Musical Theatre Oamaru Children's Theatre presents WIND IN THE WILLOWS, all tickets cost $10.00.  Book online with iTICKET or at the Repertory Theatre Box Office. From Monday 5th to Sunday 11th October at 12.00 pm.  These shows sell out quickly.  Jump online to secure your ticket.
  • Tumble Tots - term 4 enrolments now open.  Enhance your tots physical development by enrolling them in active movement classes.  We offer two separate classes for babies and toddlers from 3 months up to 3 years.  See attached flyer to the email.
  • Family Portrait for $10.00 - North Otago Plunket has arranged for a professional photographer from Jack n Jill to take photos of children, family and friends.  Held at North Otago Plunket on Saturday 17th October.  Contact Jennifer Bennett on 027 224 8749 and see attached flyer to email.
  • Parenting Course - a free parenting for resilience, confidence and independence course.  Designed for parents by parents.  Book your free spot now or scan the QR or visit the link  The flyer is attached to the email.

4. Diary Dates - Week 10, Term 3 2020



Friday 25

Saturday 26


Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Friday 16

Sunday 18

Friday 23

Monday 26

Tuesday 27

Friday 30


Tuesday 3

Thursday 5

Tuesday 10

Wednesday  11

Saturday 21

Monday 23


Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2

Thursday 3

Friday 4

Wednesday 16


Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

Last day of school for term 3

Netball finishes 

Teacher Only Day - school closed 

School starts for term 4 

Touch Rugby starts for term 4 

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

Hungry Horse Cafe 

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

Labour Day - school closed 

Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm 

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

School production rehearsal at SKC 

School production rehearsal at SKC 

School production at 6.00 pm 

School athletics tbc 

School photos 

Senior school first aid course 

Hungry Horse Cafe 

North Otago Athletics 

Intermediate school camp 

Intermediate school camp 

Yr 6 EOTC 

Intermediate school camp 

Yr 6 EOTC 

Intermediate school camp 

Yr 6 EOTC 

School finishes at 12.30 pm for term 4 

Thursday 17 September 2020

Principal's News Term 3, Week 9, 2020

Teacher Only Days - Important Information

A couple of our expected teacher only days have not happened this year due to Covid restrictions.  We have two teacher only days in Term 4:

Monday 12th October 

(first day of term 4 - this was advertised at the start of the year), and

Monday 16th November.

School will be closed on both of these days.

Staff versus Students Netball Match

Next Tuesday 22 September at 2.15 pm we will be having our annual staff versus students netball game.  The staff and students will be competing for the largest trophy in the school.  This is the day we will celebrate Daffodil Day and we will be having a MUFTI day where students can wear YELLOW (a variation modelled here by Pippa) and bring a gold coin donation.  The donations will go towards Cancer support in North Otago.


Well done to our students who are excelling in science.  Each year we do a science test which is normed against the rest of the country.  Over the past four years the percentage of our students who are at or above the norm has steadily risen.  In 2017, 76% of our students were at or above the norm and this year 90% of them are at or above.

We have put in place extra learning systems around our English Language Learners and in 2018 none of our English Language Learners achieved at or above the norm.  Last year it was 67% and this year it is 88% of our English Language Learners who are now at or above the norm in science.  

Well done to our students, teachers and learning support staff.

Our budding young scientists

National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement 

We welcome visitors from the National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement.  They have been working with our year 4 and 8 students this week and investigating their learning in Te Reo Maori and the Arts.  This information is used to inform national expectations of student achievement.  The teachers have remarked on how respectful, attentive and responsive our children have been.

Leah, Xiao Hui, Eva and Michael made a piece of music inspired by the composer Andrew Huang.  

Junior Swimming

Junior swimming will be happening next week on Wednesday and Thursday next week.  Children may come wearing PE kit on that day and bring togs, towel and goggles (if they have goggles).

Kiwi Class year 4's have already done swimming and activities are organised for them at school next week.

Our Year 8's leading the Gospel with Kakapo Class:

A humorous piece of persuasive writing

This piece of unedited writing needs to be read in a spirit of humour.  It is by Lachlan in year 8:

God Bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2.Special Character Week 9 Term 3 2020

 Kiaora koutou katoa/Welcome 

Kia ora e te Hato Hohepa whanau tumanako kei te pai katoa to koutou - Helo 

St Joseph's family and hope you all well.

Wiki o Te Reo Maori- Maori Language Week

E te Ariki whakarongo mai ra ki a matou- Lord Hear Us

Special Character Focus

School and Family Mass- 
Presenting the Mass and Gospel is a service opportunity and Ministry for our children in spreading God’s word. You are welcome to join us for Mass at 9:15 am on Thursday in the Basilica. 
Thank you to Year 7-Piwakawaka Mrs Herbst's class.for the presentation of the gospel at Mass last Thursday. Today the Mass and Gospel presentation lead  by Hoiho/Year 5/6 - Mrs Streat's class. Next Week Thursday Mass will be Kakapo/Year 4/5- Mrs Winder's class.

Faith Facts: Week 9: 14th-18th September

14th - 20th Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
14th Feast of the Holy Cross
15th Our Lady of Sorrows
16th St Cornelius and Cyprian
19th   NZ General Election-moved to October

Loving God, creator of this world who is the source of our wisdom and understanding, watch over this nation during this time of coming election. Help us to see how our faith informs our principles and actions. God, our creator, People: Guide us in truth and love. 

We give thanks for the right to vote. Help us to hold this privilege and responsibility with the care and awareness it merits, realizing that our vote matters and that it is an act of faith. God, our creator, People: Guide us in truth and love.


Daily Prayer-Matthew 20:1-16

This week, we can be conscious of the invitation of Sunday's gospel to be less judgmental and more aware of how generously and undeservedly we are loved by God. In a very brief moment, we might ask our Lord to give us the grace to share the light, the gifts we've been given, generously.

On another day, we might find ourselves doing what the Lord has asked us to do, but tempted out of our fear and anxiety to "take too much with us," in the sense of not really trusting that our Lord will give us what we need for the journey. This would be a great day for some "friend to friend" conversation with our Lord, before the challenge, in moments during it, and after it is completed, expressing our gratitude.

We can grow in freedom by not being afraid to ask our Lord about anything. The answer surprisingly comes in our own inner peace and trust. By Sunday, we can find ourselves judging others less, and more freely and consciously choosing to turn away from occasions of sin.

Mauruuru/Thank you Ma te Atua e manaaki/God bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices, Week 9, Term 3 2020


Altar Servers

Saturday 19th September - Lachlan and Mikayla Criddle and Serah Staju
Sunday 20th September - Alexie Phillips, Ivy-Belle Mestrom and Indeg Jones-Hogan

Birthday Greetings
Hamish Fowler, James Laming, Isla Anderson and Zachary Castro

Cross Country Certificates
These will be presented at assembly tomorrow at 2.15 pm and sadly no parents are able to attend because of Covid Level 2 guidelines therefore assembly will be live streamed for this reason.

Hungry Horse Cafe
Thank you very much to the families who have offered to help at the cafe for the next 3 race meetings. We have enough people for this Sunday but still require people for Sunday 18th October. The sessions are:
10.00 to 12.00 pm - need 1 person
12.00 to 3.00 pm - need 3 people
3.00 to 5.30 pm - need 2 people

Please drop your form to the office or reply back to the office email
if you can help.  Remember each family only needs to do one session at the cafe which lightens the load for everybody.

Junior  Swimming
Starts next Wednesday and a hard copy of the notice will be sent home tomorrow for all children in years 1-3. A copy of the notice is further on the blog.

Mufti Day
A reminder that next Tuesday is mufti day in support of Daffodil Day.  Please wear something yellow and bring a gold coin donation which goes to our local Cancer office.

Pies and Milo
Next Wednesday will be the last day to bring pies and milo to school as these lunches are only done in the colder months of terms 2 and 3. A big thank you to Judy Anderson from the Home and School who oversees the lunches.

School Photos
The date for our annual school photos has been changed from Wednesday 21st October to Wednesday 11th November.

The Volts are coming to Oamaru on Sunday as part of a National Cricket Promotion.  The Volts are a great group of young men who are well versed in interacting with the 'fans' and have some freebies to give away.  As well as promoting cricket they are wonderful role models. The Volts are at Centennial Park on Sunday 20th September from 1.00 to 3.00 pm.  Come and meet and play cricket with the Volts, player and coach registrations, giveaways and more.

Congratulations to our boys miniball team who are in the final's next Tuesday night.  Good luck for your game.

Netball - Saturday 19th September
As the country is still in Level 2 on Saturday, sadly there is still no spectators allowed to watch the games which includes standing in the St Kevin's grounds. 
If we move to Level 1 for next Saturday, all netball will be played including Yrs 1-6.  
If it is raining on Saturday, any team which is in a semi final will play their game at St Kevin's gymnasium therefore St Joseph's Gold will be playing and will play the early game at 8.30 am.

9.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v OIS Tactix - Court 9, Pearsons - (by the street !!) (semi final game)
9.00 am - St Joseph's Rebels v OIS Stars - Court 6, LJ Hooker

Raining and cannot play outside
8.30 am - St Joseph's Gold at SKC gym
St Joseph's Rebels will not play

Rugby Boots
We have rugby boots to give away to anyone who needs them.  They are in boxes outside the uniform shop.

Rugby - Small Ferns to Black Ferns Holiday Camp Programme
A training camp will be held on Monday 28th September at St Kevin's College, Oamaru for any junior and primary school girls.  Registration is from 8.30 to 9.00 am and the camp is from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm.  Cost is $20.00 and includes a free t-shirt.  Limited to 50 places so register early by clicking the link.


North Otago Tennis is excited to be taking part in Love Tennis national open weekend, alongside 208 clubs from around NZ. Love Tennis is all about showcasing tennis to the local community and demonstrating how tennis is the perfect game for people of all ages and abilities!

Love Tennis 2020 will take place on 10 & 11 October,  from 1pm-4pm each day at the grass tennis courts 32 Chelmer Street (beside the domain playground). The event is perfect for everyone, young or old, whether they’re a current or returning player or have never picked up a racquet before. We hope to grow the tennis membership and introduce new people to our sport. All you need to do is show up!

For more information visit  

Touch Rugby

Teams and coaches have been confirmed for term 4 but we may need to split the Yr 1/2/3 team into two teams as there is 14 players and we will need another coach for the other team. If your child is down to play in this team and does not want to play, please let Mrs Brien know asap so we can sort the teams out.

REPS - a reminder about touch rugby reps this Sunday at 3.00 pm at Centennial Park.  Age groups are U12, U14 and U16.

Touch Teams – Term 4 2020

Tigers - Yr 1/2/3

William Allardice

Zachary Castro

Hunter Forrest

Lewis Geypen

Roger Luo

Theo Mestrom

Siale Tokai

Cooper van Rooy

MIlah Anderson

Manaia Darling

Taylor Darling

Lucy Fogarty

Emma Hu

Angelina Pardede


Ferns - Yr 4/5/6


Milly Campbell

Pippa Campbell

Eva Fatafehi

Millie Fogarty

Paige Geypen

Leah Kofoed

Mya Robinson

Analiese Whiston


Pumas - Yr 4/5/6


Luke Bremner

Hamish Fowler

Hunter Gough

Marconi Hausia

Marco Hubber

Lucas Kofoed

Liam Lindsay

Vilivea Tahitu’a

Iverson Wylie-Taukolo


Coach – Victoria Forrest

Coach: Adele Whiston 

Coaches: Justin & Rachel Fowler 

Rockets - Yr 4/5/6


Cameron Aston

Charlie Bremner

Tevita Leo

Blake Meek

Warren Pardede

Alex Perniskie

Fe’ofa’aki Tahitu’a

Daniel Woodhouse


Dynamos - Competitive 

Yr 7 / 8 

Isaiah Castro

Lisiate Hausia

Paddy Spillane

Riley Tuffley

Michael Woodhouse


OIS students

Ratu Earnest

William Pardede

Sione Tu’uefiafi

Kelepi Vai


Coach – Suzanne Aston

Coach – Lee Woodhouse

Enviroschools Update

The past few months have been a very busy time for the Enviroschools team as we head into spring.


The team has visited Weston and Totara Schools in order to get some ideas of what their Enviroschools are doing and to make connections in the community. The children came away with many ideas and with a great deal of enthusiasm for future projects for St Joseph’s School.


The gardens have been fully weeded thanks to the Year 8’s. New compost has been added to them. We also had a new garden bed built. The team has planted lavender, rosemary, chives and garlic. They have sown carrot seeds and will be sowing bean seeds. The potatoes are being prepared. New word learnt: “chit” as in “chit the potatoes”.

Mrs. Frances-Rees  has also applied for and received funding for our gardens. The Enviroteam surveyed the students in the school and collected ideas of dreams and wishes for our gardens. They then created a dream board after collating all the dreams and wishes, They also incorporated ideas from Weston and Totara School. In the weeks ahead they will be purchasing native plants and planting them to make native  bird and bee friendly areas of our school.

Design A St. Joseph’s Enviroschool Logo:

The competition is open for all students from St. Joseph’s School and closes before the end of term. The person whose design is chosen for our badge will win a gardening set. Please see flyer for more details.




Some things to think about: 

Simple and small enough to fit into a tiny, round badge-shape; Think about the 4 R's 

  • respect for the environment;

  •  reverence for living things; 

  • relationships with the community; 

  • responsibility for our planet. 

  • You are welcome to use the images below for inspiration.