Friday 18 August 2023

1. Principals News - Week 5, Term 3 2023

Dear Parents and Whanau

By the time you receive this newsletter, the application for the principal's position at St Joseph's will have closed.  We intend to interview before the end of the term and will inform you of the outcome as soon as we are able.

On Leave
One of the conditions of me taking the relieving principal's position was that I was able to continue with travel plans that I had made last year.  I will be away from school for four weeks from next Thursday in order to visit my daughter in England.  I will be back on the first day of next term until the end of the year.  I am sorry for this disruption but my wife and I had made bookings and arrangements prior to me being approached by the school.

In my absence, Nicola Winders will be the Acting Principal.  Please contact her if you have any issues or concerns.

Covid 19
The government has scrapped all regulations and restrictions around Covid 19 as of this week.  There is no longer a requirement for students and staff to be away for 7 days.  What we do ask is that if your child is ill no matter what ailment, they stay at home until they are better.

Change of Staff
As many of you will be aware, our teacher in Hoiho (Yr 5/6)  Mia Norwood, has been on medical leave.  Mia has subsequently resigned from her position.  Mrs Ann Dooley has stepped into the position of teacher of Hoiho for the rest of the year.

While I am away, Takahe (Intermediate) will be taken by two teachers Corrin Windwill and Theanne Bulatao in a job share situation.

Board Member Position 
We have a vacancy on our Board of Trustees for a parent/whanau representative.  We would like to give you some forward notice to consider the position or to discuss with another member of the community that you think may be suited to the position.  We will have nomination forms available shortly.  Our next Board meeting is on Tuesday 12th September.  You may like to come along and sit in on our meeting.

Cross Country
A reminder notice about next Tuesday's cross-country is on another page in the blog.  A paper copy will also come home with the children today.  Our school still needs to supply at least 4 more marshalls in order to run this event safely.  Please contact Paula Brien if you are able to help.

God Bless
Allan Mitchell
Acting Principal

2. Faith Facts - Week 5, Term 3 2023

 Welcome to Week 5 Term 3

Thank you Ruma Kereru for leading the Mass this week! Amazing Reading and Reverence shown and shared. Next week Ruma Takahe are our leaders.

Nga mihi nui

Leanne Brookes  DRS

Week 5 14th - 18th August









19th SUNDAY in Ordinary Time


St Maximilian Mary Kolbe



Feast for New Zealand





What is a Holy Day of obligation?

The obligation to participate in the Mass. The obligation to refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the time with God.

In New Zealand, we now have only two holy days of obligations as well as Sundays. They are Christmas Day and the Feast of the Assumption, August 15. This day celebrates the mystery that the Virgin Mary was taken into heaven body and soul. Mary’s assumption into heaven is also the patronal feast of the Catholic people in New Zealand. In other words, she is the Patron saint of New Zealand and this week is her feast day.


 St. Maximillian is the patron saint of families, prisoners, journalists, political prisoners, drug addicts and the pro-life movement. St. John Paul II declared him to be “the patron saint of our difficult century.” The evils which made the twentieth century so difficult were not left behind as we moved into the twenty-first century.


3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 3 2023


Birthday Greetings from 19th August to 1st September
Allison C, Zaylee C, Malachi LT, Emily M, Jayda M and JT Tofilau

Chocolate Fundraiser
If you have not already paid for your chocolates, please ensure they are paid for by Wednesday 23rd August.  The money can either be paid by internet banking with the reference 'chocolate' or it can be dropped into the office.  Thank you to the families who have already sold their chocolates which is very much appreciated.

Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to Lucy F, Manaia D and Annabel G who received the Sacrament at Mass on Sunday from Bishop Michael.  Thank you to Mrs Leanne Brookes for helping prepare them.

To Zachary C who competed in the Hyeon Mu Taekwondo Tournament during Kings' Birthday in Christchurch.  Zachary was awarded 1st place in the Sparring and third place in the Pattern (Poomsae).  Well done Zachary on a great achievement.

Scholastic Book Club
The Scholastic Book Club brochures were sent home this week.  Loop (online) orders open on Monday 21st August.  Please have your orders in by Monday 28th August.

St Vincent de Paul
Thank you to the families who have already donated clothing to this charity.  It is not too late to donate clothes that can be left at the office.  The cut-off date will be Friday 25th August.

We warmly welcome Levi and Tineka R and Victoria F who started at our school recently.

Winter Sports
Gear Bags and Uniforms - please drop off your washed winter sports uniforms and gear bags at the office.
Coaches - a massive shout out to our wonderful parents who had kindly offered to either help coach or manage our teams this year and also to the parents from the country schools who have coached our teams.  Without you, the children cannot play these sports. Thank you to the following:-

Basketball - Toby Lucas and Adele Whiston
Miniball - Mel Smith, Bex Diedrichs, Jan Roa, Steven Tavendale and Judith Leo
Netball - Megan Fogarty, Katiana Taiti and Paula Brien

Certificates - these will be handed out at next week's assembly for basketball, miniball and netball.

Community Notices

In 1957, Theodor Seuss Geisel used this formula and only 200 words to write his second children's book as Dr. Seuss. More than 50 years later, The Cat in the Hat is a much-loved children's phenomenon.

The play was adapted for the stage in 2009 by the National Theatre of Britain.The Cat in The Hat interrupts this rainy afternoon with his unexpected visit to Sally and her brother's cosy home. Their outspoken and outraged pet Fish is astounded and concerned, but this cat will not be deterred. He will teach us all to make our own fun with nothing but a little imagination. "It's fun to have fun, but you have to know how." Along with Thing One and Thing Two, the cat will fill the theatre with mischievous humour and madcap style.

Young and old alike will delight in this faithful adaptation of a classic book come to life before our very eyes.

Spoiler alert:
 Things run amuck, and quickly!

4. Cross Country - Reminder notice 2023


REMINDER NOTICE - 2023 Cross Country

             Event: Combined School Cross Country with Te Pakihi o Maru School

Date: Tuesday 22nd August 2023

Where:  Oamaru Racecourse

Time: 11.00 am start for Yr 0/1/ children

Last Race: 12.05 pm approximately for Yr 7/8 boys

Organisation - Te Pakihi o Maru school is organising the cross country this year with our school helping out.

Helpers Needed: yes please as currently we only have 3 helpers from our school.  Contact Mrs Brien if you can help

Can we start the races if there are not enough helpers? - no because of safety requirements.  We will wait until we get the required number of helpers.

Animals:- Definitely NO DOGS or animals allowed at the racecourse

Parking:  all cars are to park in the designated parking area, not on the race track

Participation: The course is the same as last year apart from the creek and bridge which is not accessible to use this year..  All children are to participate whether walking or running unless a medical reason is given by a parent.

Cancellation - the postponement date is Thursday 24th August.  If it is cancelled on Tuesday, we will let you know in the morning and a message will be sent to all the parents.

Venue - the cross country is held at the Oamaru Racecourse on the left-hand side of the racing track and the entrance for parents will be through the main southern entrance and you walk along the southern side of the track to start the course.

Spectators: are warmly welcomed 

What do the Children wear and bring?  

  • they wear their PE gear to school

  • 1-2 pr warm trousers (in case they fall over) and school jacket

  • A spare pair of socks and shoes and a hand towel to wipe themselves if they get dirty or wet

  • A plastic bag to put dirty socks and shoes in it

  • Extra food and drink for the day as they will take their school bags with them to the event.

  • Named medications e.g. inhalers and give them to the class teacher

Tarpaulins – we require tarpaulins for the children to sit on.  Please name them and give them to your class teacher.

Grounds – will be quite damp, muddy with some animal droppings around so the children will need another pair of shoes to wear afterwards e.g. school shoes. 

Course – a copy of the course is on the noticeboard for all year levels.  This year the children are going through and over jumps and we will have a marshall at each of these jumps. The Yr 1 & 2 children will go past the jumps.  

Buses – leave school at 10.15 am. The children will go to the toilet beforehand. The buses will drop the children off at the carpark and they will walk along the fence to the cross-country paddock.  

The buses will be taking the year 1 & 2 children back to school at approximately 12.00 pm.  The other year levels will go back at the end of the morning at approximately 12.45 pm.

Year Levels – the children will be running in gender year levels e.g. Yr 1 girls first then Yr 1 boys, Yr 2 girls then Yr 2 boys etc. 

Timetable – approximate 5 minutes between each race and some races may start earlier than stated. (Parents/caregivers please come out earlier to watch your children, otherwise you may miss seeing them race).  Girls race first then the boys.  

This could change depending on the number of parents we get to help as marshalls and if we have to wait for parents to go to marshall stations.  Note these times are approximate.

Time Year Level

11.00 am Yr 0 & 1 girls

11.05 am Yr 0 & 1 boys

11.10 am   Yr 2 girls              

11.15 am         Yr 2 boys    

11.20 am Yr 3 girls       

11.25 am Yr 3 boys   

11.30 am Yr 4 girls           

11.35 am         Yr 4 boys  

11.40 am Yr 5 girls          

11.45 am Yr 5 boys      

11.50 am Yr 6 girls

11.55 am Yr 6 boys

12.00 pm Yr 7 & 8 girls      

12.05 pm     Yr 7 & 8 boys

Marshall Stations –  All marshalls and the starter will be wearing high viz vests. Marshalls are to meet at the track by 10.40 am for a debriefing and notified of your marshall station.

Photos – if you take photos we would love to see some for our records. 

North Otago Cross Country - the top 6 children from either St Joseph’s or Te Pakihi o Maru school in years 4-8 will qualify for the North Otago Cross Country on Monday 28th August at 4.00 pm and will be given a note to take home.

Please contact me if you have any queries/questions about the cross country.

Thank you

Paula Brien

Staff member in charge

5. Diary Dates - Week 5, Term 3 2023



Tuesday 22

School Cross Country 

Wednesday 23

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

Thursday 24

School Cross Country postponement date *

Monday 28

Scholastic Book Club orders due back *

North Otago Cross Country 

Wednesday 30

No Technology this week *


Monday 4

Board of Trustee meeting *

Wednesday 6

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *

Monday 11


Tuesday 12


Wednesday 13


Thursday 14


Friday 15


Friday 22

Term 3 ends 


Monday 9

Term 4 starts 

School Photos 

Tuesday 17

First Communion Parent meeting 

Thursday 26

School Camp for Yr 6 

Friday 27

School Camp for Yr 6 


Sunday 5

Sacrament of First Holy Communion 

Wednesday 22

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Thursday 23

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Friday 24

Yr 7 & 8 camp 


Wednesday 20

Last day of school