Friday 13 August 2021

1. Principal's News Term 3 Week 3 2021

Learning at St Joseph's

Looking ahead to next week when my surgery is planned, and I will have some time away, I have been considering what I love most about my job and it is definitely the teaching and learning aspect.  The very best thing is seeing our learners enjoy their learning and making progress.  I also love the problem-solving of figuring out what makes aspects of learning difficult for some and how we can get past that - and it's different for everyone.  I also love that the biggest part of learning is actually about how to be a good human being and get along with other human beings and we all have to learn that one way or another and all the little hiccups aren't setbacks, they are opportunities for learning.  Here are a few photos of learning happening in school today.

Behaviour Plan Review    
We are doing our scheduled three-yearly review of our behaviour plan.  We are a school and our main focus is learning.  So behaviour mishaps are opportunities for learning and our behaviour management systems should be learning systems.  We also need to acknowledge that people can heat up and do or say things they regret and our job is also to help the children to learn to cool down and self-regulate.  Then if they have crossed the line of acceptable behaviour, the response is about putting it right and we use Restorative Justice to make this happen.  Behaviour that has caused damage also requires consequences in line with natural justice and this is part of putting things right.  None of us is perfect and we are all learners.  

This is a draft of what the staff are looking at regarding how we present our behaviour plan.  If anyone has any thoughts or feedback on this you can send your thoughts directly to and they will be considered in any adjustments we make.  Thank you.

The main part of what we do is teaching in the blue zone, the zone where people feel calm, safe and happy.  Everything we do aims to bring children back to this zone where they can learn about themselves, their reactions, other people and their reactions, and thus be in a place to take on curriculum learning.  We acknowledge that children's feelings can escalate, and our role is to help with de-escalating as best we can.  The individual behaviour plan happens when our efforts to bring things back into the whole class teaching phase is not working for an individual child and they need a more tailored approach.  

Policy Reviews
We welcome your input into our policy reviews.

Our present policy reviews are on "Behaviour Management" and our "Concerns and Complaints Procedure"

If you would like to give input here are the instructions:

The community login for the site is at To login, click the link and enter the following details when prompted:

username: stjosephsoamaru

password is: veritas

Go to the tab at the top that says, "Current Review"

Upcoming Events
Please support us in our main community events this term which are Cross Country on 27th August and Singing Cup on 1st October.

Note Teacher Only Days
School will be closed on these days:
30 August
17 September
NEW ONE: 1st November - this is for professional development in structured literacy.  The date is a late confirmation as it has been extremely difficult to get the trainer for this and our Community of Learning is doing it together.

I hope the rest of term goes well for everyone and I will be praying and wishing well for our school.  

God bless and aroha

2.Special Character Week 3 Term 3 2021

Kiaora Whanau,Malo e Lelei 

School Mass: 

Last Thursday Ruma Kereru-Year 1/2 presented the gospel. Yesterday Ruma Takahe-Year 7/8 presented the gospel at Mass. Next Week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Hoiho- Year 5/6. You are welcome to join us in celebrating Mass. Malo 'Aupito

Mass Facts

In the Nicene Greed we say "I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. Consubstantial describes the relationship between Jesus and the Father (New Words, Deeper Meaning, NZCBC 2010).

Holy Communion Parent Meeting

We had our first parent meeting last Monday organised by Mark and Adrienne Wylie. It was a good turn out and thank you to the parents who made it to the meeting. Our final meeting will be next Monday 16th at 7.00 pm at school. The theme was "Our Church gathers to celebrate. We listen to God's word". Parents support their child who took part in this holy sacrament to understand parts of Mass. A video "The Catholic Mass Explained" was shown to them which they can watch it together with their child at home. This video talks about the parts of Mass. "We are called to show our love for God by coming together as a community to celebrate Eucharist". 

Faith Facts

Week 3- 9th – 13th August

 10th St Lawrence

11th  St Clare

15th Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, Patron Saint of New Zealand


The Catholic Church assigns one date out of the year for each and canonized saint — known as the saint’s feast day.  The saints are remembered on their individual feast days with special mention, prayers, and possibly a scripture reading.

The 15th of August is the feast of the Assumption of Mary. Mary is the Patron saint of Aotearoa New Zealand.

It is a holy day of obligation when the Church celebrates Mary being taken to Heaven, body and soul to share in the Resurrection of her Son and anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians. Read this reflection on the Assumption by Father John O’Connor on Food for Faith.

Ka waiata ki a Maria - Let us sing to Mary, Hine i whakaae - The girl who said "Yes Whakameatia mai - let it be as you say, that I become Te whare tangata - the house of mankind." Hine pūrotu - A simple girl Hine ngākau - A strong-hearted girl Hine rangimārie - A quiet girl Ko Te Whaea - The Mother of Jesus, Ko te whaea - and the mother O te ao - of the whole world

Malo 'Aupito

God Bless

Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

3. School Notices, Week 3, Term 3 2021


"All the best Mrs Frances-Rees for your surgery next week" from the St Joseph's school community
Altar Servers
Saturday 14th August - David Kilgour, Jessie Byrne and King Melecio
Sunday 15th August - Lilly Kelcher, Ivy-Belle and Theo Mestrom

Birthday Greetings to
Rheanna Coscos and Arianna & Ezmeralda Lopez Campbell

Cross Country
We have 2 offers of help for the cross country and need a few more people to help as marshalls on the day.  If you can help, please email Paula Brien at  Marshalls are required from 9.30 to 11.30 am on Friday 27th August.
For both Cross Country and Food Fair

Food Fair

On Sunday 26th September, St Joseph's Home and School are running a Food Fair as a fundraiser.  To ensure this is successful, we require parent help, some baked goods (more info on this to come out closer to the time) and to borrow some equipment for the day. 

Do you have any of the following items that you can lend us on the day?  It will need to be bought into school during the week prior to the Food Fair, and collected from school the following Monday. 
- Rice cookers  ( We need 4)
- Waffle maker  (We need 2)
- Crock pots  (We need 5)
- A big shaker to dust icing sugar on food ( like the use for chicken salt or similar in Fish and Chip shops)

We also urgently require some parent helpers on the day.  We start at around 7.00 am and finish around 3.00 pm.  Any time you can give between these hours is appreciated. 
  • Between 7.00 am- 11.00 am we are setting up stalls, gazebos, running wires and putting up signs before the public arrive. 
  • Between 11.00 am - 2.00 pm we are cooking food, serving food, selling food tickets at the gate, selling tickets for the chocolate wheel.  
  • Between 2.00 - 3.00 pm we are packing everything up again.
If you are able to help in any way or lend any of the items above, please text Vic Forrest - 022 654 7500 and let her know in what way you are able to support this.  Thank you.

Prayer Group
We would love to see some more mothers from our school join our prayer group on a Wednesday evening at 7.00 pm for a prayer and social get-together.  Contact Sandy Mascarenhas on 022 041 5296 for further information.

Saturday 14 - last day for rugby and Yr 1/2 netball
Sunday 15 - Hungry Horse Cafe
Monday 16 - First Communion Parent meeting 

Singing Cup

Kia Ora all Year 5,6,7 & 8 Students and Whanau

This Years’ Singing Cup is going to continue to promote our talents in singing as well as hold the prestige that was shown at last year’s finals!

We encourage all year 5-8 students to audition and there are House points for all entries. 

Auditions are on Wednesday 25th August from 9am onwards. Friday 1st October is the date for Finals. Solos and Groups from 9am and House choirs will be from 2.00 pm.


Students can choose from the song list below and sing one verse and one chorus. This year the Duet/Group competition will also include Groups of 3-6 participants.  Auditions for Duets/Groups need to be able to present their song choice with harmony. Duet/Groups can be mixed Girl/Boy and mixed Houses.

Song Choices for auditions are:

Soloist:                                                                 Duet/Group

  1. Hold my Hands                                                 1.  Te Aroha

  2. Gifts                                          2.  Holy Ground

  3. Blessed be God                                                3.   Own Choice

  4. Own choice 

Each child is given an Audition pack from their class teachers and additional packs are available from Mrs Brookes                          

Finalists choose their own song and accompanist but we can help you. Backing tracks may be used but they must only be instrumental. A TIME LIMIT of 3 minutes is required.

Finals will be held on Friday 1st October in our school hall starting 9.00 am sharp. Parents are welcome to attend.

The Judge has the following Marking Criteria:

  • Tune

  • Volume

  • Diction

  • Timing

  • Presentation

We are looking for ‘excellence’ and participation and look forward to the final results.

kind regards, Mrs Brookes.

Touch Rugby Trials

A reminder the North Otago Junior Touch trials are on Sunday 22nd August from 11.00 am at Centennial Park. Boys and Girls grades in U12, U14 and U16. Follow the North Otago Junior Touch on their Facebook page.

Waitaki Multicultural Day

We acknowledge the Waitaki Multicultural Day on Friday 27th August but as it is our cross country day, we are unable to participate but fully support it.  We look forward to celebrating our multicultural day in term 4.

Winter Sports
Good luck to our rugby and yr 1/2 netball teams as they finish their season this weekend. Can coaches
please get a team photo. All sports uniforms and gear bags need to be washed and returned to the office.

Community Notices

15th August 2021

Come join us at the Oamaru Farmers Market

Every Sunday from 9:30 am - 1 pm at the Harbour area

  • Come and stock up on your fresh veges, cheese, fresh milk, sauces and jams, vegan delectables and more. Freshly brewed coffee and breakfast eats are available.

  • The Spud in a Bag Competition is on. To participate, come down to the market this Sunday and grab your Spud in a Bag Competition Kit. Available until the 19th September. Prizes for biggest crop and other fun categories. Judging will be on the 12th of Dec 2021.
  • North Otago Suzuki Grand Opening - Saturday 14th August from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm.  See attached flyer to the email.

4. Sports Draw - Week 3, Term 3 2021

Netball - Saturday 14th August

**  Goal-athon Money - all cards and money are to be given to your coach by this Saturday as

this is the final day for them to be handed in.

 ** Netball finishes on this Saturday for Yr 1/2 and Saturday 21st August for Yrs 3-8.

** North Otago Netball minutes - please read the bottom of the page for a notice regarding finals day netball.

Intermediate Section 2

9.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v OIS Stars – Court 1 (Montessori)

Future Ferns Year 6 (7 a-side)

10.00 am - St Joseph’s Rebels v Kurow White  - Court 2 

Future Ferns Year 3 & 4

10.00 am – St Joseph’s Maroon v Ardgowan Panthers  – court 3 

Yr 1/2 

Please meet on court 1 (Montessori Oamaru) at 9.50 am for a 10.00 am start.


10.00 am - Lilly Kelcher and Jessie Byrne


Rugby - Friday 13th and Saturday 14th August

** The rugby season finishes this Saturday

9/10 yrs - this team plays on Friday night

4.30 pm  - St Joseph’s/Old Boys v Excelsior - WCCP 5


7/8 yrs 

Excelsior Athletic - has the bye

11/12 yrs 

12.00 pm  –  11/12 United v Valley Blue- Ngapara



**  Miniball finishes on Tuesday 24th August

**  Basketball finishes on Wednesday 25th August

Miniball - Tuesday 17th August

The draw was unavailable at the time the newsletter was printed.

Score bench

Please check the basketball draw for duty.


Basketball - Wednesday 18th August

The draw was unavailable at the time the newsletter was printed.

Score bench

Please check the basketball draw for duty.


Netball - North Otago Netball Meeting - Monday 9th August

Juniors – Renee Webster

Rest of the season: 

Intermediate Section 1.

14th August – play the game from 7th August. (No longer will there be a semifinal)

21st August – straight final. 1 v 2, 3 v 4 and 5 v 6

Intermediate Section 2.

14th August – play their last game of the round.

21st August – straight final. 1 v 2, 3 v 4, 5 v 6 & 7 v 8

Year 6.

14th August – play their last game of the round.

21st August – straight final. 1 v 2, 3 v 4, 5 v 6, 7 v 8 & 9 v 10

Year 5.

14th August – play their last game of the round.

21st August – straight final. 1 v 2, 3 v 4, 5 v 6 and team 7 won’t have a game. 

Year 3 & 4.

14th August – continue to play their games as usual.

21st August – last game. No finals for this grade.

Year 1 & 2.

14th August – last Saturday session for this grade.

Format for finals day:

Games will be shortened to 4 x 7 minute quarters and Year 3 / 4 run to the same time with just a game with no skills session

Intermediate Section 1 final will be played at 10:30am, followed by prize giving at 11:20am.

Goalathon Fundraiser:

WOW!!! A massive thank you to our Junior netball players and our community for getting behind them. So far we have raised just over $5000. All goalathon money needs to be in by this Saturday. 

Prizes for goalathon spot prizes: 

  • Vouchers from supermarkets 

  •  Chocolate fish

  • Abbey is on this with Netballsmart & Steel

  • Crombie & Price

 Need to look at spending some of our Goalathon Money towards Junior Netball. Ideas please for what our junior netball needs next year. An idea was to host a ‘Give netball a go’ day. We invite some steel players, have games, drills, fun activities for players to do.  Also to put some of the money towards funding a Development Officer that will go into schools and promote Netball.

Two of our St Joseph's Gold netball team players who were representing North Otago Yr 7 & 8 netball at a tournament in Dunedin recently - Ivy-Belle and Paige

5. Diary Dates - Week 3, Term 3 2021



Saturday 14

Sunday 15

Monday 16

Thursday 19

Friday 20

Saturday 21

Sunday 22

Tuesday 24

Wednesday 25

Friday 27

Monday 30


Wednesday 1

Monday 6

Monday 13

Tuesday 14

Wednesday 15

Thursday 16

Friday 17

Tuesday 21

Wednesday 22

Thursday 23

Sunday 26

Tuesday 28

Wednesday 29

Thursday 30


Friday 1

Monday 18

Wednesday 20

Monday 25

Thursday 28

Friday 29


Friday 19

Monday 29


Tuesday 7

Wednesday 8

Thursday 9

Friday 10

Wednesday 15

Rugby finishes 

Netball finishes for Yr 1/2 

Hungry Horse Cafe Fundraiser 

First Communion Parent meeting 2 

School Parish Mass at 9.15 am 

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *

Netball finishes for Yrs 3-8 

First Communion Mass 

Miniball finishes 

Singing Cup auditions *

basketball finishes 

School Cross Country 

Teacher Only Day - school closed 

Cross Country Postponement day 

North Otago Cross Country 





Teacher Only Day - school closed 

Junior Swimming lessons 

Junior Swimming lessons 

Junior Swimming lessons

St Joseph’s Food Festival 

Junior Swimming lessons 

Junior Swimming lessons 

Junior Swimming lessons 

Singing Cup for Yrs 5-8 

School finishes for term 3 

School starts for term 4 

St Mary’s Interschool in Mosgiel for Yr 7/8 

Labour Day - school closed 

Yr 6 EOTC 

Yr 6 EOTC 

School Athletics 

North Otago Athletics 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

School finishes for term 4