That's How It Happened - Senior Production
Thursday 29 October 2020
1. Principal's News Term 4, Week 3 2020
2.Special Character Week 3 Term 4 2020
Kiaora/ Malo e Lelei
Special Character Focus
Gospel Reflection: Matthew 5:1-12
Lord, we need holiness and transformation that only you can provide. Help us to struggle well and to reflect more of your image.. Thanks be to God.
26th Labour Day
28th Sts Simon & Jude
Please, Lord, anything but humility! Our instinctive reaction to humility might be the result of a culture that exalts riches, honors and pride. Yet all this week Jesus teaches that the way to salvation is through humility. And on the upcoming Sunday, the Solemnity of All Saints, we hear Jesus encourage us to be "poor in spirit", "meek" and "peacemakers." All week we can continue to speak to the Lord as we would to a loving friend who listens to us. And always, we can end our day in gratitude, for the merciful God who loves us so compassionately and longs to be in our hearts. Amen.
3. School Notices - Week 3, Term 4 2020
Sunday 1st November - Ivy-Belle Mestrom and Indeg Jones-Hogan
Athletics - whole school
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Our whole school athletics will be combined with Oamaru North School on Tuesday 10th
November at Whitestone Contracting Stadium/Centennial Park (same venue as last year).
All children are to meet at Centennial Park at 8.45 am at the latest in the grandstand in their classes
so the rolls can be taken and information about the day will be explained.
Junior school children will be given a colour mark on their hand so they know which group they are in.
Junior children aged 5-7 years will finish about 1.30 to 1.45 pm and can go home with parents at that
time, otherwise they will be supervised till 3.00 pm. Please notify your child’s teacher beforehand if
you intend to take your child early or if they are staying till 3.00 pm. Children will not be allowed to
leave the grounds at any stage until it is time for them to go. Senior children finish at 3.00 pm.
Bus children –in the morning, all bus children will be dropped off at St Joseph’s and they will catch
a shuttle bus out to the grounds provided by Ritchies. This bus will leave at 8.40 am on Usk Street and
a teacher will ensure your child catches this bus. In the afternoon, there will be two buses collecting
the children at 3.10 pm outside the main entrance to Centennial Park. Darryl the town bus driver will
collect the town bus children and the Kakanui shuttle bus will collect the country children and take
them to Waitaki Boys High School via St Kevin’s so they can catch their respective buses. Please let
me know if your child is catching either the morning or afternoon bus or both so we can have a list of
bus children on that day. An email will be sent to all families. There will be no before school care
on that morning.
Helpers - can we please have some more helpers for both seniors and juniors. We need parents/
caregivers/grandparents/older siblings who can assist with groups and lead them from one rotation to
another. Thank you very much to the parents who have already offered to help as I have allocated
rotations for you but I am at least a dozen helpers short. I have only one junior parent who has
offered to help at this stage. Helpers will receive information next week on what rotation they are on.
Children are to wear their school PE gear including sport shoes and bring the following items:
SUN HAT – very important
Track pants, school jacket, school polar fleece, thermal, warm clothes (if cold) and school bag
Water bottles x 2 in plastic containers
Enough food and snacks to last the whole day
Please do not bring any glassware, energy or fizzy drinks.
The day will start sharp at 9.00 am with a prayer, roll call and the children notified of what is expected
during the day. We expect all children to be at the grounds by 8.45 am in order for our first rotation to
start at 9.20 am. The rotations should be finished by 2.45 pm followed by tidying up the grounds and
a final thank you. Children will be ready to leave by 3.00 pm.
The day will consist of the junior and senior children running their events simultaneously apart from the sprints and distance which will be run at the same time. A bell will indicate the change of events and to move on to the next rotation. The relays will be run separately and this year it will just straight baton change to the next person. There will be a 400 m relay at the end with the fastest boys and girls in each age group from 8-13 years competing against one another.
Children will run in their age groups from 8 years old as of 1st October 2020 and the juniors from 5-7
years will run in their made up colour groups e.g. red, blue, black, green.
If it is raining, our postponement day is yet to be confirmed as the date has been changed and you will
be notified by 7.30 am if it is postponed by Facebook and email and it will be school as usual.
Students that qualify for North Otago Athletics on Monday 23rd November will receive information
about this.
Anyone wishing to attend Otago Primary Schools athletics on the 17th November please let me know.
The programme of events and times will be given to you next week once we have confirmation of
helpers from both schools.
Any questions about this day, please contact me.
Thanks Paula Brien
The first game of cricket starts tomorrow at 4.30 pm and the draw has been sent to the players. Practices are on Thursday nights at St Kevin's College at 3.30 pm.
Friday 30th October - St Joseph's v Valley Gold at SKC 1
Thank you to the parents and children who helped set up for our duty on Tuesday. This was much appreciated. Draws come out on the weekend on the North Otago Touch Facebook page or emailed out to you on a Monday. Thanks to the coaches who have volunteered their time to coach the teams.
- Waimate Indoor Football - will be providing facilities and supervision for a weekly hour of games. Children aged from 5-12 years are invited to come along and have a go. Players will be placed into teams each week based on age and size - and are asked to wear suitable court shoes. We plan to run for five weeks from Thursday October 29th to November 26th from 3.30 to 4.30 pm. Costs $2.00 per player. Contact Tim Soper on 027 677 5678 for further information.
- Special Needs Pool Party - held on Saturday 21st November from 6.00 to 7.30 pm. Please see attached flyer to the email for further information.
4. Diary Dates - Week 3, Term 4 2020
OCTOBER Friday 30 NOVEMBER Tuesday 3 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11 Thursday 12 Friday Monday 16 Saturday 21 Monday 23 DECEMBER Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4 Thursday 10 Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16 FEBRUARY Monday 1 | Technology for Yr 7 & 8 School production rehearsal at SKC School production rehearsal at SKC School production at 6.00 pm Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at SKC School athletics confirmed School photos Senior school first aid course Senior school first aid course * Orientation Day for Yr 8 at St Kevin’s College from 9.00 to 3.00 pm * Technology for Yr 7 * Teacher Only Day - school closed Hungry Horse Cafe North Otago Athletics Intermediate school camp Intermediate school camp Yr 6 EOTC Intermediate school camp Yr 6 EOTC Intermediate school camp Yr 6 EOTC Multicultural Day End of Year Mass and prizegiving at 6.00 pm School finishes at 12.30 pm for term 4 School starts for term 1 * |
Thursday 22 October 2020
1. Principal's News Week 2 Term 4 2020
Interschool Sports Exchange
Our year 8 students enjoyed a day's sport yesterday with the year 7 & 8 students from St Mary's in Mosgiel. This is an annual event and one we really enjoy as it is an opportunity for our students to socialise with students from another Catholic school. St Joseph's won the overall shield for the day.
Upcoming Dates
Please note school is closed Monday 16th November for a teacher only day.
Senior school production at St Kevin's auditorium 6pm Thursday 5 November.
Athletics Day - 10th November - we still need parent helpers please.
Junior Reading
I enjoyed a day's reading with our junior students yesterday. The junior team leader, Leanne Brookes, myself and our wonderful learning support teachers Michele Fatafehi and Adrienne Spillane tested our junior readers to find out how they are doing. We are very pleased with their progress but above and beyond this I was really impressed by their attitude. Not one child was in any way put out by having to journey down to the other end of the school, or by reading with the principal or anyone else. They knew they were being tested and I had wondered if I needed some incentives but none were needed because the children were confident, friendly and proud of themselves. What positive and inspiring young learners! Thank you parents for your reading support at home.
God Bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees
2. Special Character Week 2 Term 4 2020
Fakaalofa lahi atu ki a mutolu oti- Greetings to you all. Happy Niuean Language Week.
Gospel Reflection
Jesus put an exclamation on this thread in the Gospel found in Matthew. While He responded to the Pharisees’ question that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind, Jesus went on to emphasise the second commandment that “you shall love your neighbor as yourself”.
He also noted that “the whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” All those in each of our lives represent the “neighbours” that Jesus was talking about. The simple truth is that we have a holy obligation to respond with love and compassion to those God has placed in our lives.
Dear Heavenly Father, Your truth is so clearly revealed to us throughout Your Holy Word. As we seek to live out our lives for You, help us to stay focused upon You - first and foremost - and then to use your love and compassion as the example for us to maintain a singular focus upon the needs of others.
In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
Special Character Focus
22nd St John Paul II
“Genuine love …
is demanding. But its beauty lies precisely in the demands it makes. Only those
able to make demands on themselves in the name of love can then demand love
from others.”
“The future is in your hearts and in your hands. God
is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and uplifting, of working with
Him in the building of the civilization of love.”
3. School Notices - Week 2, Term 4 2020
Saturday 24th October - David Kilgour and King Melecio
Sunday 25th October - Alexie Phillips, Serah Staju and Lisiate Hausia
Milly Campbell
- 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
- 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm
- 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm
- Camp fees have to be paid before they go away on camp. You can start making payments towards these camps from now on.
- Winter sports uniforms need to be returned to the office asap.
St Mary's Interschool
- Fast and Furious Swim Race Night - held on Friday 30th October at 5.30 pm at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre. All ages welcome and is free to enter. A great opportunity to give racing a go. Attached to the email is the flyer and entry form.
- Oamaru Multi-Sport - Run, Walk, Run /Duathlon Series held in November. Flyer attached to email for further information.
- My Happy Kids Meditation. Every Friday 345pm -445pm. At Lyndhurst Lounge 424 Thames Highway. A time for relaxation and reflection, with a focus on emotional wellness. Each week we look at a different topic and discuss tools to improve your child's understanding of emotional intelligence. Ages 7-12yrs old. Feel free to bring a blanket. Cost $10 per session. For further information please contact. kate@outofthewoodsco.
4. Diary Dates - Week 2, Term 4 2020
OCTOBER Friday 23 Monday 26 Tuesday 27 Thursday 29 Friday 30 NOVEMBER Tuesday 3 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11 Monday 16 Saturday 21 Monday 23 DECEMBER Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4 Thursday 10 Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16 | Technology for Yr 7 & 8 Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm Labour Day - school closed Junior School Publishing party at 8.30 am * Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm Scholastic Book Club orders due * Home and School meeting at 7.00 pm, everyone welcome * School Mass at 9.15 am Young Vinnies - yr 8 Technology for Yr 7 & 8 School production rehearsal at SKC School production rehearsal at SKC School production at 6.00 pm Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at SKC * School athletics confirmed * School photos Senior school first aid course Teacher Only Day - school closed Hungry Horse Cafe North Otago Athletics Intermediate school camp Intermediate school camp Yr 6 EOTC Intermediate school camp Yr 6 EOTC Intermediate school camp Yr 6 EOTC Multicultural Day * End of Year Mass and prizegiving at 6.00 pm School finishes at 12.30 pm for term 4 |