Friday 19 May 2023

1. Principal's News - Week 4, Term 2 2023

Dear Parents and Whanau

I am well and truly settled into St Joseph's having now been here a month.  I have met many of you in the school grounds, sports fields and parish.  I look forward to meeting more of you in the near future.

Our property decisions are still up in the air.  The Bishop has placed a hold on decisions until he has more clarity on the parish's wishes and stability.  We will keep you updated as soon as we have something concrete to share.

The two teaching awards covering primary school education (Teachers and Principals) have not had their awards settled.  Unfortunately, this is heading to industrial action and may well mean disruption to our children.  Voting on what action teachers will take across the country is happening at present.

The Keeping Ourselves Safe Programme is taking place.  Next week, our Police Education Officer - Jay Morris will be conducting lessons in individual classes to reinforce the message of keeping your children as safe as possible at home, in the community and at school.

A reminder that the Pie n Milo lunches are on a Wednesday.  Please remember to name your child's pie and include their year level.  A named cup and 50 cents are also required.

The Mufti Day was a great success with five boxes of non-perishable items being delivered to the St Vincent de Paul pantry for whanau in need.

Nga mihi

Allan Mitchell
Acting Principal

2. Faith Facts - Week 4, Term 2 2023

 Parent Meeting for Baptism: Tuesday May 30th 7pm in Staff Room

Week 4 15th - 19th  May









6th SUNDAY Easter

Mother’s Day





St John I



St Bernardine of Siena


This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus.

What is this and what does it mean?

The Ascension refers to the day celebrated 40 days after Easter when Catholics celebrate the fact that Jesus returns to God after being with his disciples after the resurrection. It is a central element of Catholic tradition and is included in the creed recited at Mass each Sunday. 

Why go to Mass every Sunday?

Why go to Mass every Sunday?image.png

Each and every Sunday over a billion Catholics worldwide are asked to go to a Sunday mass. Why? It is one of the most basic things required of Catholics. Participating in the community celebration of Sunday Mass is a witness to belonging to the Body of Christ and of being faithful to God.
It is In keeping with Jesus’ instruction to keep the Ten Commandments. “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day” This third Commandment falls under the category of loving the Lord, our God, with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind. Jesus is telling us still to keep the Holy Day Sabbath.

When we go to Mass on Sunday, we are acknowledging the importance of the Lord’s Day in our lives.

3. School Notices - Week 4, Term 2023


Birthday Greetings to:
Taylor D, Sam F, Mikayla P and Alexander R

North Otago Music Festival
The North Otago Music Festival is on Tuesday June 13th at the Opera House.
All students in Ruma Hoiho and Ruma Kiwi along with the Dominican Choir students are performing.
Tickets will be available in early June from the school office.  Save the Date!
The link for Massed choir items will be found in your class email for your student to practice at home.
Any questions please let me know,
Leanne Brookes
Dominican Choir Leader.

Monday 22nd     -  Permission slips due back for Junior Catholic Quadrangular tournament
Wednesday 24th -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
                            -  Pie and Milo 
Tuesday 30th      -  Yr 7 & 8 Young Leaders Day
                            -  Baptismal parent meeting
Wednesday 31st  -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
                            -  Pie and Milo
Thursday 1st       -  North Otago Music Festival Practice

Road Safety Week
In recognition of Road Safety Week, road patrol students from St Joseph's were nominated as 'Road Heroes'. They were awarded certificates from Carrie Hamilton from the Waitaki District Council. A big shout out to our road patrol volunteers and thank you for helping us to cross the road safely each day. 

Sports Draw - Friday 19th May to Thursday 25th May

Netball - Friday 19th May - NOW CANCELLED BECAUSE OF RAIN

Intermediate Section 

3.45 pm - St Joseph's Gold v Twizel Hurricanes - SKC court 2

Future Ferns Yr 5

3.45 pm - St Joseph’s Rebels v Twizel Lightning - court 2 (McBrimar Homes)

Future Ferns Year 3 & 4

4.25 pm - St Joseph’s Maroon v Kurow Pink - SKC court 1

Yr 1 & 2

3.30 to 4.30 pm at St Kevin’s College Gym

Miniball - Tuesday 23rd May

4.45 pm - St Joseph’s Breakers v Pembroke Stars - front court

5.15 pm - St Joseph’s Raptors v Pembroke Rockets - front court

Score bench Duty

none this week

Basketball - Wednesday 24th May

4.40 pm - St Joseph’s Cavaliers v Totara Dragons - front court

Score bench Duty

5.30 pm - St Joseph’s Cavaliers - front court (Rondozai Family)



We warmly welcome 4 new students who started at our school recently - Te Paia T, Samuel G, Manu and Mele A.

Community Notices

  • Youthtown - Join us at Play Hub for an exciting play experience.  Cultural, traditional, recycled and outdoor play activities in a safe and positive environment.  Only $30.00 per week or $10.00 per session.  For school years 2-8 at Pembroke School.  Term 2 every Monday to Thursday starting May 22nd to June 29 from 3.30 to 5.30 pm.  Pick up available from St Joseph's.  Book now at  or enquire Corinth Andzue at or 027 891 2401.

4. Diary Dates - Week 4, Term 2 2023


May 2023

Wednesday 24

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *

Thursday 25

Parish School Mass at 9.15 am*

Tuesday 30

Yr 7 & 8 Young Leaders Day *

Baptismal Parent Meeting at 7.00 pm in the staffroom *

Wednesday 31

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *


Thursday 1

North Otago Music Festival Practice from 10.30 to 12.30 pm 

Monday 5

Kings Birthday - school closed

Wednesday 7

Catholic Junior Quad tournament for Yr 7 & 8 

Tuesday 13

North Otago Music Festival Practice from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm 

North Otago Music Festival from 7.00 to 8.00 pm 

Tuesday 20

Board of Trustee meeting *

Friday 30

School finishes for term 2 *

Friday 5 May 2023

1. Principal's News - Week 2, Term 2 2023

About Myself

Kia Ora, allow me to introduce myself.  As your relieving principal, I will be with you for the rest of 2023 or until a permanent principal is appointed.  Your Board of Trustees has started this process already with the assistance of a Principal Appointment Consultant and the support of the Catholic Education Office.

A little about me; I am married to Judith and have three wonderful adult children and two grandchildren.  We live in Queenstown and I travel to Oamaru on a Monday morning and travel back 'home' on a Friday afternoon.  I have been a School Principal for 32 years, with three appointments in Catholic Schools over this time.

Over the last two years, I have undertaken relieving principalship in various schools in Otago and Southland that are manageable commutes from our base in Queenstown.  My educational passions have been community involvement, special education, gifted education and International students.  My personal pursuits are family, golf, boating, skiing, cycling, gardening and beekeeping.

I am 100% committed to your school and to providing the best environment for your child's learning.  My door is always open and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible.  Please make yourself known to me and never hesitate to contact me if there is anything you wish to ask or discuss.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Our school is running this programme in order to give your children skills and tools to keep themselves as safe as possible.  We are running this over the next two weeks in conjunction with Jay Morriss our Police Education Officer.  We encourage your attendance to be as well prepared for keeping your child safe in this ever-changing digital world.

Monday, May 8 @ 7.00 pm in the staffroom - Cyber safety.

Constable Jay Morriss will be focussing on cyber safety and keeping ourselves safe, particularly for parents who have children in Years 4-8. The invitation is however also open to any parent/caregiver interested. 

Wednesday, May 10 @ 3.15 pm in the Staffroom - Keeping Ourselves Safe Programme
Constable Jay Morriss along with Nicola Winders and Leanne Brookes will be introducing the Keeping Ourselves Safe Programme which will be taught this term in classrooms. This is an opportunity to find out about what is involved in the programme and have anything that you may need to have clarified. 
Please contact Nicola Winders if you have any questions regarding the Keeping Ourselves Safe Parent Meetings.

Board of Trustee Meeting

Our first Board meeting for the term is next Tuesday 9th May at 5.30 pm.  All of our meetings are in the school staffroom and as members of the community, you are most welcome to attend.

Pie n Milo Wednesdays

With winter approaching, we will be restarting our Pie n Milo from next Wednesday 10th May.  Students will need to supply their pie wrapped in foil with their names on it.  If they would like a warm milo, students need to bring a named cup with 50 cents which goes towards the contribution of the milo. The pies and milo are to be dropped off in the hall kitchen before 9.00 am and the students will receive their pies and milo at 12.30 pm in the hall.  We thank Judy Anderson for volunteering her time with helping out.

Allan Mitchell

Acting Principal

2. Faith Facts - Week 2, Term 2 2023

Sacramental Programme

Our 2023 Sacramental programme is currently being planned.

The 1st Sacrament to be celebrated this year will be Confirmation on August 13th.

All Eligible students from Year 2 and above will receive a personal invitation. Candidates will receive in-school lessons to prepare, and Bishop Dooley will bestow the Sacrament with Father Fredy co-celebrating.

We are also calling for candidates for Baptism.

Please contact our DRS, Mrs Brookes for further information.

Church Calendar 1st - 5th May









4th SUNDAY Easter



St Athanasius


Sts Philip and James, apostles 




image.pngPhilip and James were both apostles, and both served Christ faithfully during the very early days of the Church.


New Zealand's first woman doctor registered 3 May 1897. Margaret Cruickshank, practised in Waimate, South Canterbury, until her death from influenza in 1918.

Times have changed since 1897! Let’s pray for all those studying to work in our health sector. 

Loving God, please give them all the courage to persevere, a compassionate heart, good health, an open ear to listen and the skills they need to make a difference. Amen

3. School Notices - Week 2, Term 2 2023


Birthday Greetings to:
Samuel G, Te Paia T and Tendayi R.

Chewing Gum
It has been noticed there are a number of children who are chewing gum at school.  Please remind your children that chewing gum is not permitted on the school grounds.

Mufti Day
Next Friday, we will be having a mufti day to raise funds for the St Vincent de Paul pantry who help families in need.  Instead of a gold coin donation, we are asking each family to donate 1-2 cans of non-perishable or dried food items which can be dropped off in the box outside the office from Monday onwards.

North Otago Music Festival
The North Otago Music Festival is on Tuesday June 13th at the Opera House.
All students in Ruma Hoiho and Ruma Kiwi along with the Dominican Choir students are performing.
Tickets will be available in early June from the school office.  Save the Date!
The link for Massed choir items will be found in your class email for your student to practice at home.
Any questions please let me know,
Leanne Brookes
Dominican Choir Leader.

Monday 8         - Cybersafe Parent Meeting from 7.00 to 8.00 pm 
Wednesday 10  - Pie and Milo starts today 
                          - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
                          - Parent meeting - Keeping Ourselves Safe at 3.15 to 4.00 pm
Thursday 11 - School Parish Mass

- North Otago Music Festival Practice from 10.30 to 12.30 pm

- St Kevin’s College Open Day

Sunday 14 - Mother's Day

Wednesday 17 - Pie and Milo

                          - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Friday 19           - Road Patrol certificates presented at assembly
                          - Mufti Day 

School Visit
Years 5-8 students enjoyed a trip visiting the Aquavan on Tuesday, an initiative from Otago University. The Aquavan brings live marine critters and touch pools to schools and communities, to create awareness and understanding of the connectivity between river health and the coastal environment.
Specially designed to transport marine species, the van is equipped with chilled re-circulating seawater tanks and a mobile touch tank to support hands-on learning.

St Kevin's College Open Day
We are holding an open day and evening on Thursday 11th May to accommodate busy schedules. Day viewing is from 1:30 - 3:00 pm and the Evening viewing is from 6:00 – 7:45 pm.

Any personal tour inquiries can be emailed directly to Mr Devereaux at

Ngā mihi

Sports Draw - Netball, Miniball and Basketball - Friday 5th to Thursday 11th May
The draw has been emailed to the respective families and a new draw for the following week will be sent out next Thursday.

Netball - Friday 5th May

Intermediate Section 

3.45 pm - St Joseph's Gold v OIS Mystics - SKC court 3

Future Ferns Yr 5

3.45 pm - St Joseph’s Rebels v Pembroke Mystics - court 2 (McBrimar Homes)

Future Ferns Year 3 & 4

3.45 pm - St Joseph’s Maroon v Twizel Thunder - court 4 (Unichem)

Yr 1 & 2

3.30 to 4.30 pm at St Kevin’s College Gym

Miniball - Tuesday 9th May

4.15 pm - St Joseph’s Breakers v Pembroke Spurs - front court

5.15 pm - St Joseph’s Raptors v Ardgowan Heat - back court

Score bench Duty

5.45 pm - St Joseph’s Raptors - back court (Castro Family)

Basketball - Wednesday 10th May

4.40 pm - St Joseph’s Cavaliers v OIS Rockets - front court

Score bench Duty

3.50 pm - St Joseph’s Cavaliers -front court (Leo Family)

Happy Mothers Day - Sunday 14th May

To all our fantastic mothers who love, inspire, motivate and remind us to be a better person every single day.

Greetings from Ruma Pukeho - Yr 1 class

4. Diary Dates - Week 2, Term 2 2023


May 2023

Monday 8

Cybersafe parent meeting from 7.00 to 8.00 pm 

Tuesday 9

Hockey for Yr 7 & 8 starts 

Board of Trustee meeting 

Wednesday 10

Pie and Milo starting today for terms 2 and 3 *

Technology for Yr 7 & 8*

Parent Meeting - Keeping Ourselves Safe at 3.15 to 4.00 pm *

Hockey for Yrs 1-6 starts 

Thursday 11

School Parish Mass at 9.15 am *

North Otago Music Festival Practice from 10.30 to 12.30 pm *

Friday 12

Mufti Day - bring canned food or dried foods *

Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm - everyone all welcome *

Sunday 14

Mother’s Day *

Wednesday 17

Pie and Milo *

Technology for Yr 7 & 8*

Thursday 18

School Parish Mass at 9.15 am *

Friday 19

Road Patrol certificates presented at assembly *

Tuesday 30

Yr 7 & 8 Young Leaders Day *


Thursday 1

North Otago Music Festival Practice from 10.30 to 12.30 pm *

Monday 5

Kings Birthday - school closed

Wednesday 7

Catholic Junior Quad tournament for Yr 7 & 8 *

Tuesday 13

North Otago Music Festival Practice from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm *

North Otago Music Festival from 7.00 to 8.00 pm *