Friday 24 March 2023

1. Principal's News Term 1, Week 8 2023


Last year we asked parents for feedback on our Educa reporting system.  One of the things you wanted was more accurate indication of where your children are performing in the curriculum in relation to expectations.  Taking this into account, we have been working on the Progress and Consistency Tool (PACT).  There is a lot of work and training needed in order to use this tool effectively and it uses several pieces of work, so the judgement isn't just on one thing.  The staff are working on Writing at the moment and hope to have the first curriculum-leveled report on Educa to you early next term.  This will be a writing and religious education report.

The report will come with a graph that looks like this (this one is one I did for reading last year):

The green (teal) mark shows the student's results and the green mark on the vertical axis shows the curriculum level.  The black line with dots shows expected curriculum progress.  The shaded area shows where most students perform.  So for this student we can see that the student is performing slightly above expected level and on the upper half of where most students perform.  The student is working at level 3 of the curriculum.  

The really good thing about this process of tracking students is that it tracks progress.  So every time we make an entry, it will show all their entries and so over time there will be a line showing how the student is progressing.  

That is unless the government changes things!

So next term you will get the usual piece of student work shared in Educa and hopefully, all going well, we will be able to give you the graph as well.  This will be the last learning thing I'm working on with staff in week 10 this term.

The reporting schedule on Educa this year is:
Term 2:     Writing and Religious Education
                Health and Physical Education - Movewell Cooperative Games
                Inquiry Curriculum - New Zealand Histories

Term 3:    Science and Writing
Term 4:        Religious Education and Drama

Our Visioning Process

A big thank you to our lovely families who turned out last year for our movie and gave really useful feedback on the school afterward.  Then again on our October Family Fun Evening which had a great turnout and again, very useful feedback.  We haven't forgotten this!  We were fully expecting our rebuild to start in the first 1/4 of this year and we will be working alongside this with developing a new vision, and a new "look" for the school which reflects who we are.  The big things that you value about St Joseph's were:






There has been a little hiccup in the building project, but we are working very hard with our diocese to keep the project on track.  You will hear more about our visioning and how we are revamping the whole school approach and outlook as we move forward, keeping the things that are important central.  I will be sorry not to see this stage of the journey but please know that we have everything lined up and it will continue to unfold.

Plans for Holy Week

Please join us for Holy Week celebrations (3rd - 6th April).

JH1 (Yr 1 & 2) - Palm Sunday - Monday prayers - 9.15 am

Kiwi (Yr 3 & 4) - Washing of the Feet - Tuesday - 12.00 pm 

Kakapo (Yr 5 & 6) (LFR)  - Last Supper - Tuesday - 12.15 pm

Takahe (Yr 7 & 8) - Stations of the Cross -Wednesday - 2.30 pm

Here are the Parish times for Holy Week and Easter.

Rippa Rugby

Congratulations to our year 8s and Mrs Winders.  All of the year 8s have had training from Sport Waitaki in being Physical Activity Leaders (PALS).  They have been coaching throughout the school in PE classes and yesterday they organised a Rippa Rugby tournament for the whole school.  This was very well planned and executed.  Everyone participated with enthusiasm and it was a lovely example of how well our children work together and enjoy each other's company across the age groups.


A warm welcome to Staju Thomas and Sandy Mascerenhas to St Joseph's Board as Parent Representatives.

Teacher Only Day Next Term

Monday 24th April is a teacher-only day given by the Ministry and most schools in North Otago are taking it this day.  The following day is ANZAC day so school will be starting on Wednesday 26th April.

Assembly Today

Our flagpole has been fixed.  Mr Jelgesma and myself fixed it last week using a cherry picker.  It was quite a mission as a deluge of rain came along in the middle of it, but it's done!  So we will be starting assembly at the flagpole again to celebrate the winning house.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)


2. School Notices - Week 8, Term 2023

 Quote for the Week

Birthday Greetings for the next fortnight
Tevita L, Ailin M, Charles M and Alexander P

All schools received a  message from Pearsons Bus Company regarding damage to the insides of the bus caused by children riding on the buses.  (A new bus had seats intentionally damaged by children pulling things off the seats).  Please remind your children to respect the bus and other people on the bus).  All families had signed a contract with the bus company at the beginning of the school year.

Farewell Lorraine Frances-Rees
Please note the time to farewell our principal is at 2.00 pm and not 1.30 pm as previously advertised.  We would love to see as many of our school community here for her farewell.  Remember, children are asked to come to school dressed in the theme of Starman - David Bowie.
Tuesday 28th       - Board of Trustee meeting
                             - Basketball 3 x 3 names to be in
Wednesday 29th   - Rippa Rugby Tournament
                             - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Thursday 30th      - School Parish Mass
Monday 3rd         - Holy Week - Palm Sunday - 9.00 am - junior hub 
Tuesday 4th         - Holy Week - Washing of the Feet - 12.00 pm - Kiwi class
                             - Holy Week - Last Supper - 12.15 pm - Kakapo class
Wednesday 5th     - Holy Week - Stations of the Cross - 2.15 pm - Takahe class
                             - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Thursday 6th        - Farewell for Lorraine Frances-Rees at 2.00 pm 
                             - School finishes for term 1

Rippa Rugby Tournament
Good luck to our students who are competing in the North Otago Rippa Rugby tournament on Tuesday.  We have 3 teams entered in the competition, one each in the Yr 3/4, Yr 5/6 and Yr 7/8 grades.  Thank you very much to our parents who have offered to coach a team or are providing transport.  We do require another parent to help with transport as we have had a cancellation. Please contact Mrs Frances- Rees if you can help.  Remember to pack long trousers and your jacket as it can be cold at times as well as a sunhat.

Sports - 
Basketball, Miniball and Netball
There is a list of names for each team on another page in the blog.

Athletic Rugby Club have their flyer attached to the email.  If you register your child with Athletic, they will provide boots, socks and shorts for under 7's.  Go to or contact Mike Adams on 020 4186 1980.

Excelsior Rugby Club
Subway Excelsior JAB Registration Day!
Saturday 25th March 10am - 12pm at the Excelsior Rugby Clubrooms.
A link has been sent to all members from last year to re-register, if you are new or can't find the link here's this years Rego Link:

Subway Lunches
Subway is currently having trouble sourcing some of its ingredients for our school lunches and if a bun does not have a particular ingredient, it is because there is none available at the shop. At the moment, carrot is unavailable for any lunches.  Remember you can buy chocolate milk for an extra $2.00 with your order.

Swimming Champions
Last Friday at assembly we acknowledged our school swimming champions from our sports day.  This year, there were fewer entries in the competitive races and therefore some placing certificates were not applicable. Next year we would like to see more children enter the competitive races because this year, there were a lot of swimmers who swam in the non-competitive races but could have swam the competitive races confidently. Something to think about.

Congratulations to these children who were awarded trophies and certificates:
- 8 yr boys - no -one
- 8 yr girls - 1st Ellie J, 2= Manaia D and Eva MZ
- 9 yr boys - 1st Alexander R
- 9 yr girls - 1st Emily M
- 10 yr boys - 1st Cooper VR
- 10 yr girls - 1st Millie F, 2nd Anashae M
- 11 yr boys - 1st Alexander P, 2nd Jac B
- 11 yr girls - 1st Analiese W
- 12 yr boys - 1st Xia hui  Li
- 12 yr girls - 1st Eva F, 2nd Kaycee-Mae G, 3rd Chelsea K
- Junior Medley Winner - Ellie J
- Senior Medley Winner - Eva F

We warmly welcome Alourah C to our new entrants class this week.

3. Sports - Basketball, Miniball and Netball

The season starts on Friday 28th April (the first Friday in term 2, no Saturday netball anymore) and all teams have to be registered by next week.  At this stage we have enough players for 3 teams and the Yr 1 & 2 students will go to a skills session on the same day.  We are in the process of sorting out teams as we have some new players and are deciding which grade they will play in.  We do need a couple more players in the Yr 3-6 section and if your child is keen to play or you are interested in coaching/managing a team, please let Mrs Brien know.  Her email address is Boys are very welcome to play.

Once teams are finalised and coaches are confirmed, we will let you know when their practice days are and further information.  This will be done before the end of the term. Below is a list of children wishing to play netball this season.

Heads Up - there is a Yr 5-8 Development Camp being held on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th April from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm at the Waitaki Rec Centre.  Further information will be on the North Otago Netball Facebook page.


Yr 6/7/8

7 aside

Yr 4 & 3 

5 aside

Yr 5 - 6 aside

Yr 2 & 1


Taylor D - Yr 5

Millie F - Yr 7

Kaycee-Mae G - Yr 8

Chelsea K- Yr 8

Hila’atu L- Yr 6

Jayda M - Yr 7 

Sephrin S - Yr 7

Tryphena T - Yr 7


Isla A - Yr 5

Annabel G - Yr 5

Ricky K - Yr 5

Amy C - Yr 4

Michaela C - Yr 3

Manaia D - Yr 4

Sam F - Yr 3

Lucy F - Yr 4

Maria H - Yr 4

Angelina P - Yr 4

Honey Belle R - Yr 3

Tala T- Yr 3


Mary B - Yr 2

Allison C - Yr 2 

Manu H - Yr 2

Sam L - Yr 2

Carolyn S - Yr 1

Felisi T - Yr 1


Coach:  tbc

Practice: tbc

Coach: tbc and may require another coach

Practice: tbc

Parent Help: Can help out at the sessions at the courts

School Miniball and Basketball
The season starts on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd May respectively and teams need to be registered by the end of the term. We need a couple more players for each team and if your child wishes to play, please contact Miss Sollano.  Her email address is  Teams, coaches and other information will be confirmed before the end of the term.

North Otago Basketball is encouraging the use of mouthguards during their competition for both basketball and miniball.

Basketball - we are entering a mixed basketball team made up of Yr 7 & 8 girls and boys. Coach is to be confirmed.

Miniball - we are entering two teams in the miniball competition.  One mixed team in the Yr 3/4 grade and a mixed team in the Yr 5/6 grade.  The first 6 weeks will be a 3 on 3 competition and the rest of the competition will be 5 v 5.  Teams for both competitions will be sorted before the end of the term. Coaches will be confirmed for both teams.



Mixed Yrs 7-8

5 aside


Mixed Yrs 5-6

5 aside


Mixed Yrs 3-4

5 aside

Jac B - Yr 8

Tevita L- Yr 7

Liam L - Yr 7

Malachi LTT - Yr 7

Tendayi R - Yr 7

Sephrin S - Yr 7

Analiese W - Yr 7


need another girl

Milah A - Yr 6

Zachary C  - Yr 5

Taylor D- Yr 5

Emma H - Yr 5

Hila’atu L - Yr 5

Theo M - Yr 6

Alexander R - Yr 5


Manaia D - Yr 4

Jayden H - Yr 3

Ellie J - Yr 4

Gavin P - Yr 4

Honey Belle R - Yr 3

Anto S - Yr 3


need another person

Coach:  tbc

Coach:  tbc

Coach: required

Basketball Tournaments
3 V 3 Tournament - Oamaru
Held Sunday 2nd April from 1.00 to 5.00 pm at the Waitaki Boys High School Turf.  Ages for both girls and boys are:
Year 5-6
Year 7-8
Year 9-10
Year 11-13

Cost is $20.00 per team (teams of 4). 

Please note this will be a parent-run tournament and teams will need to have a parent in charge. If there is no parent, we cannot register the team.  Please give your names to Miss Sollano by Tuesday 28th March as entries close Friday 31st March.  Strictly no late entries.

Otago Nuggets Holiday Camp - Dunedin
This camp is for students from years 7-13 and is held in Dunedin from Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th April from 12.00 to 3.00 pm.  Costs $40.00 per day and there is a free tee shirt for players registering for all 4 sessions.  RSVP by 6th April to    For information, email

4. Diary Dates - Week 8, Term 2 2023


March 2023

Tuesday 28

Board of Trustee meeting at 5.30 pm 

Wednesday 29

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s at 11.15 am 

Rippa Rugby tournament for Yrs 3-8 

Thursday 30

School Parish Mass at 9.15 am *

April 2023

Monday 3

Holy Week - Palm Sunday - Junior school 9.00 am *

Tuesday 4

Holy Week - Washing of the Feet - Kiwi Class 12.00 pm *

Holy Week - Last Supper - Kakapo Class 12.15 pm *

Wednesday 5

Holy Week - Stations of the Cross - Takahe Class 2.15 pm

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *

Thursday 6

School Mass at 9.15 am *

Farewell for Lorraine Frances-Rees at 2.00 pm *

School finishes for term 1 

Friday 7

Good Friday 

Sunday 9

Easter Sunday 

Monday 24

Teacher Only Day - school closed *

Tuesday 25

ANZAC Day - school closed *

Wednesday 26

Term 2 - school open wearing winter uniform *

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *

Friday 28

HPV vaccinations for Yr 8 students “

Netball starts *

Saturday 29

Rugby starts *

May 2023

Tuesday 2

Miniball starts *

Wednesday 3

Basketball starts *

Tuesday 9

Hockey for Yr 7 & 8 starts *

Wednesday 10

Hockey for Yrs 1-6 starts *

Friday 10 March 2023

1. Principal's News Term 1 Week 6, 2023

Fr Wayne's Retirement

We celebrated our last official school mass with Fr Wayne yesterday although he will be doing one more with Fr Fredie when he arrives.  It was a lovely mass as always.

Each class gave Fr Wayne a gift with some of his favourite sayings on it:

  • Pukeko class gave him a purple high-vis vest (for his e-bike he says he is going to get) and on the back it says, "You are the cat's pyjamas."
  • Kereru class gave him a mug with, "You are the bee's knees written on it."
  • Kiwi class gave him a picture of Fr Wayne helping them at mass and the words, "It's not enough to be... you have to do."
  • Hoiho class gave him a pencil case with a picture of Fr Wayne with students and the words, "Let go...and let God."
  • Takahe class gave him a photobook of photos to remember his time at St Joseph's and just some of the many things he has done for and with us.

We are so grateful to Fr Wayne.

We also had a lovely celebration on Sunday with many families and children turning up and sharing one of Fr Wayne's last parish masses.  The church was full.  We enjoyed a friendly morning tea afterwards in our hall and Fr Wayne gave all the children ice creams.

As I said at the mass on Sunday, working with Fr Wayne over my time at St Joseph's has been a true blessing and a highlight for me.

Board of Trustees

In order to run our school effectively we must have a full board of trustees.  Elections are coming up soon and nominations are open now.  Please consider if you would like to be on our Board.  We welcome people of all backgrounds and I am most happy to have a chat with you about what it entails.  The Board is the employer of the staff and is ultimately in charge of the school's strategic direction, property maintenance, health and safety and administering school finances.  All of this is managed by the principal but the Board sets the direction with the principal as a full member of the Board.  Next term when the elections close we are organising some really specific high-quality training for our new board so that you will know exactly what to do and have support to get up and running and onto the board's most important job - employing a new principal.  Please consider if you could take on this very important role.

EPR08 Challenge    

Our Year 7 & 8s were able to develop their Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM) skills last week with two days using the EPR08 kits.

Swimming Sports

We enjoyed our swimming sports last week.  It had a really lovely atmosphere with everybody giving it a go and our confident swimmers supporting our learner swimmers to show what they had learnt.  Everyone was supportive and courageous in what they did.  Congratulations to Ellie, Eva F, Eva M-Z, Manaia, Analiese and Emily McG who qualified to represent St Joseph's at the North Otago Swimming Sports.

A big thank you to the wonderful parents and grandparents who have helped us out with our swimming lessons and swimming sports.  We could not do it without you.

Walking and Wheeling

The children made an extra special effort last week to ride, scooter or walk to school.  This is great for their exercise and wellbeing.  We had a special day where the children were allowed their wheels in the playground and had visitors from the council talk about safety.

Teacher Only Day

The first day of next term, Monday 24th April is a teacher-only day and school will be closed.  Most of the North Otago schools will be closed on this day.  The government has allowed us this day in order to work on the new curriculum developments.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)
