Friday 24 September 2021

1. Acting Principal News Term 3 Week 9 2021

 Acting Principal News Term 3 Week 9 2021

The Burns Memorial Exhibition - Make sure you get a chance to view artwork St Joseph's have created and entered into the exhibition and are looking great. It has been popular so far and the Forrester Gallery is open 10am 4pm Tuesday until Friday and Saturday Sunday 1.30pm-4pm.  The exhibition will be running until Monday 25 October 2021 with free entry, 

Waitaki Event Centre Fundraiser Mufti Day Friday 22nd October 

Recently $5M has been donated by benefactors, and two other generous sponsors to support the funding of the new Waitaki Event Centre. Already we are sneaking up towards $6M of the $10M required from the community. This is exciting and starting to make our $24M goal very achievable.

For students and families to feel part of this exciting endeavour,  local schools are banding together and holding a mufti day on Friday 22nd October to raise funds to go to towards the new event centre.  This is an opportunity for EVERY child and EVERY family to feel that they are contributing to the positive project that this is. It will also enable St Joseph's school to be part of the 'supporters boards' that will be up in the Centre. 

Science Learning - This week Year 7&8 have been learning connections from solar power to create electricity to solar power for photosynthesis. 

This is not electricity but another way the energy from the sun is used to create energy on earth.  It is worth considering that our energy to run our bodies comes from our food and all food ultimately comes from plants and all the energy in plants is created through photosynthesis - thus the sun runs everything!

As part of this learning students have been experimenting measuring ph levels using a soil tester.

Snapshots of learning happening from across the school this week.

Donated Trees- Thank you to Cameron and his parents Paul and Suzanne nominating St Joseph's school to receive five trees from NZ Forest Service. These will be added to the native plants being ordered and planted as part of our science inquiry next term when we are planning to have planting days across a week and will send out details closer to the time. 

School Care- Please note St Joseph's provide before and after school care each day from 8 - 8.30am for a charge of $3 a day or $10 a week.  We also ask that students remain please at the front entrance if arriving before 8.30am.

Note Teacher Only Days
The school will be closed on the following days:

Monday 1st November Tuesday 30th November (new one) - this is for professional development in planning for 2022 and completing our school wide inquiry around learning engagement.

Manaaki te Atua,
God Bless

Nicola Winders

Acting Principal

2. Special Character Week 9 Term 3 2021

Kiaora Whanau,Malo e Lelei 

School Mass: 

Last week's zoom Mass, Ruma Hoiho-Year 5/6 presented the gospel. This week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Kakapo- Year 4/5.Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Kiwi. Malo 'Aupito

Mass Facts

After a brief introductory dialogue, the celebrant begins the Preface. The preface tells of the wonderful actions of God, both throughout history and in our lives, giving thanks to God for all these things. The preface concludes with the Sanctus in which the whole assembly joins the song of the angels giving praise to the Father in heaven. Listen here to the Sanctus (Holy, Holy) in Te Reo. 

Faith Facts: 20th – 24th September

21st- St Matthew

All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle, for justice, love and peace. 

The final two Beatitudes for the modern Christian, given to us by Pope Francis...
"Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help others."
"Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christian."

Thank you
Malo Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

3. School Notices - Week 9, Term 3 2021


Birthday Greetings

Zachary & Isaiah Castro, Tommy McGeown, Genne Rosas Riquelme and Fe'ofa'aki Tahitu'a

Cross Country
A great day was had by all and it was wonderful to see every child giving it a go.  Many thanks to our wonderful parents who helped as marshall and to our spectators who came out to watch.  Special thanks goes to David and Rebecca Heffernan for their help with the day.  We were truly blessed with the weather.

Certificates and trophies will be presented at assembly next Friday at the earlier time of 2.15 pm.

Junior Swimming

It has been wonderful to see the junior school children participate in their swimming lessons this week and I am very pleased to say that it has been 100% attendance rate from the swimmers who were able to.  The children have swimming next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  

School Photos

Our school photos will be on the first day of term 4 - Monday 18th October.  Please ensure everyone is here for their photos and to wear the correct summer uniform.

This year photographs will be available for you to view and order OnLine with PhotoLife Studios.

Your son or daughter will shortly bring home an OnLine slip with their unique Access Key detailed on it.  This Access Key will display all the photographs of your child.  It is then an easy process for you to shop on-line and purchase the photographs you want.

If you place your order within two weeks of receiving your Access Key you will receive free delivery for your photo orders.  PhotoLife has agreed to despatch all the orders back to the school and your child will bring their photographs home.

Any orders placed after this two-week period will be sent directly to your specified delivery address and will incur a $6.00 Postage & Packing charge.  You will see this message when you go Online to view and order your photographs.

Summer Sports Teams

Touch Rugby and Futsal team lists will be sorted next week.  

Swimming Togs

If anyone has spare swimming togs for either boys or girls and are not being used anymore, we would love for you to donate them to the school.  Sometimes when our children go for their swimming lessons, a child forgets to bring their togs sometimes and this way we can ensure they still go swimming.  Please drop them off at the office.

Winter Sports Uniforms
Can all winter sport uniforms please be returned to the office by the end of next week.

Thursday 16 September 2021

1. Acting Principal's News Week 8 Term 3 3021

Nau mai, haere mai, kotou katoa. Welcome back everyone. Over the week from returning to school from Alert Level 3, students have been enjoying each other's company and settling back into learning routines. It has been appreciated that parents are wearing masks and signing in if visiting onsite. 

Teachers have been busy accommodating and prioritising learning needed for the remaining weeks of term in a condensed time frame. This means, the Singing Cup and House Choirs will now be modified and postponed until Term 4, as there are no singing guidelines under Delta Alert Level 2. We are, however, excited to be holding the school Cross Country event next Friday September 24 from 11.45 am at the racecourse. 

Our school focus on Science remains on top and learners are thinking like scientists and being able to follow scientific processes in gathering and interpreting data and back up with evidence, using scientific language and being excited about results priming curiosity along the way. This learning will develop into inquiry work which could lead to an informed and scientific approach to a school-wide planting project in term 4.

Mrs Miislioi's class has been investigating science experiments of changing colours of flowers. Learners from looking closely at the flowers have hypothesised that the hollow stems act like straws and draw up the dye into their petals. Flowers with woody stems on the other hand, are not able to do this so well and the flower colour remains unchanged.

Here are some photos of students enjoying each other's company in the playground over a break time.

Some photos of learners in action this week.

Our Principal Mrs Frances Rees Update
Good news is that Mrs Frances Rees is well on the way to recovery after her surgery which was done on the day we went into the swift lock down. Teachers are now in training in being able to keep up with Mrs Frances Rees when she gets back with a brand new hip. 
Mrs Frances Rees will return in the last couple of days of this term in helping to prepare for term 4. 

Cross Country 
Please support us in our main community event this term with the Cross Country being rescheduled for next Friday,  24th September from 11.45 am. Please find details in an email sent from the office on Tuesday. 

Note Teacher Only Days
The school will be closed on the following days:

  • Monday 1st November 
  • Tuesday 30th November (new one) - this is for professional development in planning for 2022 and completing our school wide inquiry around learning engagement. 

Manaaki te Atua,
God Bless

Nicola Winders

Acting Principal

2. Special Character Week 8 Term 3 2021

Kiaora Whanau,Malo e Lelei 

School Mass: 

On Thursday the 12th August, Ruma Takahe-Year 7/8 presented the gospel. Due to NZ nationally going to Lockdown Level 4 the school was closed and there was no mass in Week 4. This week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Hoiho- Year 5/6. Due to restrictions of numbers during Level 2 to only 50, we are having school mass via zoom. Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Kakapo. Malo 'Aupito

Mass Facts

The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with the preparation of the gifts and the altar. As the ministers prepare the altar, representatives of the people bring forward the bread and wine that will become the Body and Blood of Christ. The celebrant blesses and praises God for these gifts and places them on the altar. In addition to the bread and wine, monetary gifts for the support of the Church and the care of the poor may be brought forward. 

The Eucharistic Prayer-After the gifts and altar are prepared, the Eucharistic Prayer begins. This prayer of thanksgiving is the heart of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. In this prayer, the priest acts in the person of Christ as head of his body, the Church. He gathers not only the bread and the wine, but the substance of our lives and joins them to Christ's perfect sacrifice, offering them to the Father.

First Holy Communion: 

On Sunday the 22nd of August, it was planned to have our First Holy Communion for our Sacramental children. An email from Adrienne went out to all parents stating that Holy Communion is deferred as it was unlikely that we will be at Level 1 on Sunday. As soon as we return to Level 1 we will select a date and let parents and children know. Please take care.

Faith Facts: 13th – 17th September

12th- 18th Social Justice Week

13th September to 19th September (13-19 Mahuru) Maori Language Week 

13th St John of Chrysostom

14th Feast of the Holy Cross

15th Our Lady of Sorrows

16th St Cornelius and Cyprian.

Social Justice Week 2021 runs from September 12-18 and will highlight the Beatitudes with the theme of encounter and community.

All-powerful God. Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth. Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light.  

More on the Beatitudes- Pope Francis said just as Christian saints have done so throughout the ages, Christ's followers today are called "to confront the troubles and anxieties of our age with the spirit and love of Jesus." New situations require new energy and a new commitment, he said, and then he offered an additional six beatitudes for modern Christians. Here is the first one...

"Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inflicted on them by others and forgive them for their heart.

Three more Beatitudes for the modern Christian, given for us by Pope Francis...

"Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and marginalized and show them their closeness."

"Blessed are those who see God in every person and strive to make others also discover him."

"Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home."

Kia Kaha
Malo Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

3. School Notices - Week 8, Term 3 2021


Birthday Greetings
James L and Isla A

Goes to Charlie, Daniel, Eva and Warren who got selected for the U12 North Otago Touch Rugby team last Friday.  This team will compete in tournaments against teams from Otago.  Well done to you all.

Cross Country
A notice went home this week regarding our school cross country next Friday at the Oamaru Race Course.  Please note the later start time of 11.45 am.  If you can help in any way, please contact Mrs Brien.  A copy of the notice is on another page in the blog.

Food Festival
As per previous email notifications, the St Joseph's Food Fair which was meant to be held on Sunday 26th September has been cancelled this year due to Covid Level 2 regulations.

Junior School Swimming
A swimming notice has gone out to all junior school families regarding their child's swimming lessons starting next Tuesday. We require more adults to walk with the children to and from school so we have the correct adult to child ratio when walking to the pool. A copy of the notice is on another page in the blog along with the swimming groups.  Please let Mrs Brien know if you can help.

Please note if your child has a cold, they will not be allowed to swim under present Covid Level 2 guidelines.

Friday 17th - Subway lunches
                   - Yr 7 & 8 Technology
Sunday 19th - Hungry Horse Cafe
Monday 20th - permission slips due back for summer sports
Tuesday 21st - junior swimming lessons
Wednesday 22nd - junior swimming lessons
Thursday 23rd - junior swimming lessons
Friday 24th - school cross country
                    - Technology for Yr 7 & 8

Subway Lunches
There will be subway lunches for tomorrow but there will be none on Friday 24th September as we are away from school during lunch and they cannot be delivered.  It will resume again on Friday 1st October.

Summer Sports Notices
Thank you to the families who have returned/emailed their confirmation/permission forms for Futsal and Touch Rugby.  Summer sports notices have been handed out to your children and also emailed out to everyone.

We have put the list of touch teams from term 1 on another page in the blog and added the new children to these teams.  We still require families from term 1 to confirm if they are playing.

The Yr 1/2/3 teams have had an influx of new players wanting to play next term, however we have not received confirmation back from some term 1 players.  We need to know if your children are playing again as we can make another Yr 1/2/3 team.  We do not want to be in the position of creating another team and term 1 players have opt-out which would have created room for these new players. Please let us know by next Monday 20th September.

We require an adult for each team to be on the sideline to manage the team and substitute the players on and off the court.  You do not need to know the rules for Futsal as you will pick these up as the game progresses. The guidelines on how to play Futsal will be given to each player once the team is registered.

Yr 1 & 2 - we have enough players for this team  (9) - Aachoo, Carter, Hunter, Emere, Manase, Gavin, Evan, Jane and Ares.
Yr 3 & 4 - we currently have 5 players and need another 1 more player
Yr 5 & 6 - we currently have 4 players and need another 3 more players
Yr 7 & 8 - we currently have 3 players and need another 4 more players

Further information will be sent out later.

We warmly welcome Arianna, Ezmeralda and Allison who started in our junior school recently.

Winter Sports Uniforms and Gear Bags
We would like all clean winter sports uniforms and gear bags to be returned to the office asap.

Community Notices
  • OSCAR @ Fenwick is taking bookings for our Before and After School Programme. Before School care opens at 7:20am and After School care closes at 6pm. We pickup and drop off to all Oamaru area schools. Contact Jessica Shaw on 0211565871 or book directly at
    The Waitaki Out of School Care and Recreation Trust (OSCAR @ Fenwick) is looking for committee members. We meet the third Tuesday of each month at 6pm and childcare is provided. Please contact Jessica on 0211565871 if you are interested in contributing to the future of our great programme. 

4. Touch Rugby Teams


The highlighted names are the new players and players confirmed from term 1.

Yrs 1/2/3



Yrs 1/2/3



Yr 4/5/6



Yr 4/5/6 



Yr 4/5/6



Yr 7/8 



James A 

William A

Manaia D 

Taylor D

Hunter F 

Olivia G

Mark L

Gavin P

Dihviyn S

Evan S

Carter F

Tala T

Jane V

Zachary C

Emma H 

Jayden H

Eric J

Emere K

Taera K

Arian L

Roger L

Isla A

Aachoo D

Annabel G

Reynaldo M

Lydia M

Angelina P

Manu A

Mele A

Eva F

Milly F

Soane M

Fe’ofa’aki T

Cooper v R

Liam L

Milah A 

Pippa C

Ellie C

Lewis G

James L

Luke L

Theo M

Siale T

Analiese W

Charlie B

Luke B

Marconi H

Blake M

Warren P

Vilivea T

Daniel W

Iverson WT

Clarence C

Isaiah C

Lachlan K

Marc M

King M

Mazvita R

Kacymea T

Kenton T







Coach: Victoria Forrest

Coach: Liz Koni

Coach: Max Fatafehi

Coach: Adele Whiston

Coach: Lee Woodhouse

Coach: Saluni P (Kenton’s brother)  

5. Junior School Swimming Notice and Groups

 2021 Swimming Groups and Times for Yrs 1-3  

Hi Everyone

The junior school begin their annual swimming lessons next Tuesday and they have 6 sessions over the two weeks.  As we are currently in Covid Level 2 and the number of people allowed in the Aquatic Centre is 50, it means we will be sending 3 groups of children down to the pool.

The Yr 3 class will be going as one group and Mrs Brookes and Mrs Misiloi’s classes will be split into two groups as some of them are in specific literacy groups near that time.

The swimming times are 1.00 pm, 1.30 pm and 2.00 pm for all 6 sessions.  The dates are:

Week 9 - Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd September

Week 10 - Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th  September

**  We require parents, caregivers and/or grandparents to accompany the children to and from the swimming pool for their swimming lessons so there is a ratio of two staff members and 2 adults with each class.  Please let Mrs Brien know asap if you can help by emailing or reply back to this office email.

**  The Aquatic Centre has given me a list of children who have lessons and which level they are at.  On the first day, there will be some children who need to be assessed and put in their correct groups for the next lesson.

** Please ensure the children bring their swimming togs, towels and goggles on the swimming days.

**  Children who have a cold are not allowed to swim as per Covid Level 2 guidelines.

**  Children are to wear their PE gear to school on swimming days. Their PE days will be their swimming days. 

**  Swimming is a part of our curriculum and we expect all children to take part in the lessons unless there is a medical reason, in which we require a note.

** The children will have their lunch before they go to their lessons.

This is the timetable for each year group and we require adult walkers with each group.

12.25 pm - Mrs Misiloi’s group - leave school and swim at 1.00 pm

12.55 pm - Mrs Brookes’ group - leave school and swim at 1.30 pm

1.25 pm - Miss Sollano’s class - leave school and swim at 2.00 pm

A list of names and times is on the back of this page.

Any queries, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Paula Brien Sports Coordinator

2021 Junior Swimming Groups

Swim TimeMrs Misiloi's Group
1.00 pmBennysonRyan
leave schoolCoglePhoebe
at 12.25 pmDarlingManaia
Mino ZubiriEva

Swim TimeMrs Brookes' Group
1.30 pmAllardiceJames
leave schoolChenAllison
at 12.55 pmClarkNilah
Lopez CampbellArianna
Lopez CampbellEzmeralda
RobbHoney Belle
Rosas RiquelmeIan

Swim TimeMiss Sollano's Class
2.00 pmAllardiceWilliam
leave schoolCastroZachary
at 1.25 pmDarlingTaylor