Friday 25 November 2022

1. Principal's News Term 4 Week 6 2022

 Tabloid Sports

We have had a fun, collaborative morning this morning.  Thank you to our year 8s for organising tabloid sports for the school.

Year 8 Leadership
Today's tabloid sports is the last major event our year 8 leaders have organised for 2022.  An outstanding feature of this year is the building of the house team spirit.  The house leaders have been proactive in organising, coaching, and running a different sports tournament each term.  One of the strongest feedbacks we get about St Joseph's is a sense of family/whanau and this has been promoted really well by our year 8 leadership team this year.  Thank you, year 8 and Mrs Winders.

Year 7
Our year 7s are presently preparing their leadership applications for 2023.  We do it like a job process to teach them how to go about applying for a job.  First, they have to make their curriculum vitae (CV) and write a cover letter.  They have to determine how their personal qualities will help them with the position they are interested in.  They have to approach adults to ask them to be referees for them.  Then they go to an interview with me and the referees are checked.  This teaches the students to reflect on their personal qualities, to see how these can be used to help others (this is leadership) and it helps them to build the confidence to present this to someone else and convince them.  It is a key part of what we offer at St Joseph's.

We love having a mixed year 7 & 8 class and it is really encouraging to see the year 8s helping the year 7s with their leadership applications as well as actively training them as apprentices to do the jobs they will be leaving behind.  This is something the year 8s have chosen to do for themselves and we really applaud them.

Junior Nativity
Our junior school has started to prepare for their nativity presentation at our final mass for the year.  Each year it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful they sound.  It is as if angels have arrived in the building.

Upcoming Events
We are looking forward to meeting and sharing with you in our upcoming events:

Multicultural Day - Tuesday 29th November - wear clothes that represent your culture, or a culture in the background of your family.  Please bring a meal which will be shared at lunchtime.  It would be awesome if the meal represents your culture.  After lunch, starting at 1.45pm we will be sharing some multicultural performances.  We would LOVE for you to join us for lunch and stay to watch the performances.  Lunch will be at 12.30pm.

Disco - This is for years 1-6 and is Friday 2nd December, starting at 5.30pm until 7pm.   $3 entry includes a glo stick, chips and a drink.  Further glo sticks are 50c each.  Parents can stay and pre-schoolers can come with parent supervision.

Family Fun Day - We would love you to join us at the 9.30am Mass on Sunday 4th December and a BBQ in the school grounds, provided by Claybrooke Farm.  There will be a slippery slide for children so please bring togs.

End of year Mass, prize-giving, year 8 graduation and nativity production - Thursday 15th December.  Meet at school at 5.45pm (Juniors in the production may get further instructions) wearing full summer uniform.  The JJ awards will be presented for each class as well.

End of year assembly - head students' speeches, handover of year 8 leadership, presentation of leavers' certificates, carols.  Friday 16th December starting at 11.45am.  School will close at 12.30pm.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)


2. Special Character Week 6 2022

Special Character

This week for our Religious education we are teaching the first week of Advent:

The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming.” Advent was a time of preparation for Jesus' birth. Advent is a chance to focus our thoughts on the gift God has given us in his son Jesus who stepped down from Heaven and took the form of a man so that we might believeThe tradition for the first Sunday of Advent includes lighting the candle of hope. This candle of hope symbolizes promises delivered through the prophets from God as well as the hope we have in Christ

School and Family Mass 

Thank you to Ruma Kiwi- Year 2/3 for presenting Mass last week.

This week Mass was presented by JH1 -Year 1.

Faith Facts

Week 6  21- 25 November (Green)











World Youth Day


The Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary


St Cecilia, virgin, martyr



Sts Andrew Dũng-La. c, priest, and companions, martyrs





The Feast of the Presentation is the Feast day when we celebrate the day when Mary was presented in the Temple in Jerusalem. It is the feast day of the Presentation Sisters who came to teach in New Zealand in 1950 from Ireland and a small group arrived in Green Island Dunedin in 1954. Their Foundress was Nano Nagle. St Peter Chanel School in Green Island was started by the Presentation Sisters. The Nano Nagle Trust supports many families and children throughout New Zealand in Catholic Schools.

God Bless

ngā mihi

Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 6, Term 4 2022


Birthday greetings to:
Molly O

The presentation of athletic trophies and certificates will be handed out at assembly next Friday starting at 2.20 pm.

North Otago Athletics - good luck to our children who are representing our school at these athletics on Monday afternoon.

Photos from last week's school athletics.

A couple of weeks ago Elias F competed at the Otago Primary School's swimming championships in Dunedin against children from all schools throughout Otago.  Congratulations to Elias who got third place in both the 12-year plus 50-metre backstroke and breaststroke.

Futsal Draw
The draw is for Monday 28th November.  Please note the Yr 3/4 and the Yr 7/8 team will be short of players due to the North Otago Athletics happening at the same time.  The Yr 5/6 team will default their game because most of their team is competing in athletics.

Yr 1/2 - St Joseph's White v Papakaio Pumas at 4.00 pm on the main court, half court B
Yr 3/4 - St Joseph's Red v Fenwick  Falcons at 4.30 pm on the main court, half court A
Yr 5/6 - default
Yr 7/8 - St Joseph's Black v OIS FC Oamaru at 5.30 pm on the back court

The last game of futsal for the season is on Monday 5th December.  If you have not yet paid your futsal fees, please ensure these are paid asap.

Library Books
Can all library books be returned to school by Friday 2nd December as we wish to do a stock take of the library books starting Monday 5th December.  Please drop them off in the box outside the office.

Monday 28th - North Otago Athletics after school
                      - Futsal after school
Tuesday 29th - Multicultural Day
                       - Touch rugby after school
Wednesday 30th - Intermediate interschool in Timaru
Friday 2nd - Athletic trophies and certificates presented at an assembly at 2.20 pm
                  - School Disco for Yr 1-6

Touch Rugby
The draw will be sent out on Monday to you.  Below please find a message from North Otago Touch about behaviour concerns at the fields. This message was sent to all schools.

The past few weeks we have been dealing with an increasing number of referees being argued with and sworn at, and in general bad behaviour with swearing and disrespect around the fields. We've even had a padlock used to lock the gate stolen this week! It is not everyone, but it has been spread between players, coaches and supporters. We are asking that schools work with us and maybe send a reminder about behaviour around your touch communities? We are hoping for a much more positive week next week! 

Please remind your children about good sportsmanship and positive behaviour.

Yr 7 & 8 Interschool against St Joseph's School, Timaru
This a reminder about the interschool happening this Wednesday.  Please ensure the children are aware of what items they need to bring and what time they have to be at school.

Community Notices

  • Toot for Tucker - on Monday 5th December from 6.00 pm.  A combined Lions Club of North Otago Project for Oamaru Food Bank.  Listen for the 'tooting' in your street. Please give your donation of a non-perishable food item.

4. Diary Dates - Week 6, Term 4 2022



Monday 28

North Otago Athletics

Tuesday 29

Multicultural Day

Wednesday 30

Interschool for Yr 7 & 8 in Timaru


Thursday 1

Yr 8 transition to high schools *

Friday 2

Athletic trophies and certificates presented at 2.20 pm *

Yr 7 interviews *

School disco for Yrs 1-6

Sunday 4

Mass and bbq afterwards *

Tuesday 6

Board of Trustee meeting

Friday 9

Road Patrol Celebration *

Social for Yr 7 & 8

Thursday 15

End of Year Mass, Prizegiving and nativity

Friday 16

Yr 8 leadership, presentations, speeches, carols *

School finishes for 2022

January 2023

Tuesday 31

School starts for term 1 2023

February 2023

Thursday 2

Whole school swimming lessons 

Friday 3

Whole school swimming lessons 

Monday 6

Waitangi Day - school closed *

Tuesday 7

Whole school swimming lessons 

Wednesay 8

Whole school swimming lessons 

Tuesday 14

Whole school swimming lessons 

Friday 17

Whole school swimming lessons 

Tuesday 28

Senior school swimming sports 

Friday 18 November 2022

1. Principal's News Term 4 Week 5 2022


We have put a lot of preparation into our athletics celebrations this week.  The children have worked hard and improved their skills and the junior celebration yesterday was lovely.  All the children did their best and everyone was a good sport.  The senior athletics today will be a little more serious and some of our children will qualify to go to North Otago athletics.

All photos will go on our Facebook page in due course.  For the moment, here is a selection from the junior athletics yesterday.

Upcoming Events

Here are some notices about our upcoming events.  We will keep you in the loop as they get closer.  Please put them in your diaries.

The disco is for years 1 to 6.  

Thank You

Thank you to Adele Whiston who has done a TREMENDOUS job over the years helping at school.  Congratulations to you Adele on your new job at the doctor's surgery and we will miss having you around the school as much as we used to.  We will miss you on SO many ways, but will enjoy when you are around.  Thank you to Jess Crawford who has stepped forward to manage the Subway orders.  The school uniform shop will be managed by the office staff.  Just pop in if you need something.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)


2. Special Character Week 5 Term 4 2022

Special Character:

Communion of Saints-Te Kotahitanga o te Hunga Tapu

A key idea that you would like to talk about with your child and a prayer to say together as a family at home:

Mary is Jesus' mother and first disciple and model to all Christians 

Recognising Mary's special closeness to God we ask her to pray for us

"Hail Mary, Full of grace,
The Lord is with you,
Blessed are you among women,
And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death. Amen

School and Family Mass 

Thank you to Ruma Kakapo- Year 4/5 for presenting Mass last week. This week Mass was presented by Ruma Kiwi -Year 2/3. Next week Mass will be led by Ruma Pukeko and Kereru- Year 1/2. Malo aupito- Thank you very much.

"Christ and the Good Thief"

Faith Facts: 

Week 5  14 - 18 November (Green)










World Day of the Poor







St Elizabeth of Hungary, religious





God of Justice, open our ears to hear the cry of the poor and to seek them where they are. Let their cries for healing and wholeness move us to action. Open our hearts to deepened relationship with those in need that we may draw near in love and our shared identity as your children. Open our mouths to advocate for health care as a human right, not a privilege of the economically secure. Let us hear in the cry of the poor the hope of future liberation grounded in the love of a good God. Remind us that what we do to the least ones, we do to you. Amen.

God Bless
tēnā koutou

Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 4 2022


Birthday Greetings to:
no birthdays this week

The junior children showcased their athletic skills yesterday in a display of 6 minute rotations at each different rotation.  There was the long jump, high scissor kick on the mat, throwing both the discus and shotput styles, obstacle course and sprints. There are certainly some young budding athletes coming along. Thank you to the parents who came to watch and support their children.

Today we were very fortunate with the weather gods who granted us a great day to have athletics, neither hot not cold and it didn't rain!!
Thank you so much to Jack Feng, Annette Lawson and Molly-May Mestrom who helped with our athletics and to the students who supported one another in their events. There were certainly some exciting close finishes amongst the children.
Trophies and certificates will be handed out at our next assembly.

North Otago Athletics
The children who qualified for the North Otago Athletics will receive a permission slip on Tuesday which needs to be returned back to school by Wednesday as these entries have to be sent away.  The North Otago Athletics are on Monday 28th November at Centennial Park at 4.00 pm.

Futsal Draw
The futsal draw for Monday 21st November is:

Yr 1/2 - St Joseph's White v Ardgowan Hornets at 4.00 pm on the main court, half court B
Yr 3/4 - St Joseph's Red v Papakaio Penguins at 4.30 pm on the main court, half court B
Yr 5/6 - St Joseph's Blue v Ardgowan Hawks at 5.00 pm on the back court
Yr 7/8 - St Joseph's Black v  OIS Atletico Oamaru at 6.00 pm on the main court

Mufti Day

 St Joseph’s school are holding a mufti day on Friday, November 25th to raise funds for making meals for the parish freezer. Students are asked to bring a gold coin for the mufti day. Meals made from the proceeds of the mufti day will be then frozen and delivered to whānau in need as part of our pastoral care.

Please note, House Captains and Year 7&8 will also be running a school Tabloid Sports Day from 10 am -12.30 pm on the same day. Parents are welcome to come along and support children. 

Please ensure children wear mufti clothing that is also suitable for participating in Tabloid Sports. 

Monday 21 - Scholastic Book Club orders close
                   - Futsal after school
Tuesday 22 - touch rugby after school
Friday 25 - mufti day 

School Photos
Photolife has emailed the unique code to parents for the school photos.  If you haven't received the email, please check your spam folder.  If you appear not to have received an email, please contact the office.

We warmly welcome Czar S to our new entrants class this week.

Community Notices
  • Out of Hours Violin Lessons - Ministry of Education - held at Waitaki Girls High School 2023.  Violin lessons for primary school children are being offered at Waitaki Girls High School in the music suite on Ouse Street.  No prior instrumental experience is required.  If you have learned violin lessons previously, please let us know.  Age 8+ is the recommended age.  Depending on the enrolment, the lessons will be starting in a group of a maximum of three for half an hour.
  • Cost:  lessons are free.  Instrument and books.  Violin - you can hire or purchase a right-sized violin for your child.  Please contact us about the violin size.  If you need further information, please contact Helen Beckingsale on 027 431 4268 or Mari Williamson on  021 0284 2875 after 5.00 please.