Thursday 26 February 2015

2. Special Character News. Week 4, Term 1 2015

Classes are all learning about Jesus.  Last year the staff worked on three key concepts of things we would like the children to know and understand about Jesus.  These are:

  1. Jesus is fully human (covered in year 1 & 5)
  1. Jesus came to show us how to live and to save us (covered years, 2 (showed love), 4 (by example), 6 (repent and live a good life), 7 (our Saviour), 8 (Beatitudes))
  1. Jesus is God (covered year 3 & 5)


If you'd like to know more about this check out the information about Jesus on the Teaching and Learning Site

Specifically at each year level classes will focus on the following aspects of Jesus:
Year 1 – Jesus my Friend
1.      Jesus’ life as a human child in Palestine
2.      Jesus is human – our tuakana – and the Son of God
3.      Jesus’ invitation to be his friend

Year 5 – What I know about the life of Jesus
1.      The structure of the New Testament.
2.      The context in which Jesus lived his life.
3.      Jesus’ life story.
4.      Jesus – fully human, fully divine

Year 2 – Jesus showed his love in different ways
1.      The different ways Jesus showed love and respect.
2.      How to follow Jesus’ example of loving and respecting
3.      Learning about Jesus in the Bible

Year 6 – Jesus the Fullness of God’s Revelation
1.      Jesus is the Son of God who revealed God as Abba – Loving Father.
2.      Through the Holy Spirit Jesus invites people to repent and live a life of faith, hope and love in worship and action.
3.      Jesus lived his life in love for God and people.

Year 3 – Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist
1.      Jesus’ gift of himself as a Meal that helps people grow in holiness.
2.      How Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist.
3.      The celebration of the Eucharist – giving thanks to God

Year 7 – Jesus Saviour and Liberator
1.      Jesus saves people from sin and death through his life death and resurrection.
2.      Scriptural titles of Jesus.

Year 4 – Jesus came to show people how to live and lead them to God
1.      Jesus invites people to grow in holiness through His grace.
2.      Sharing in Jesus’ mission of worshipping God and bringing about God’s reign.
3.      How Jesus exercised tika, pono and aroha.
4.      Jesus was sent to reveal God’s love and reconcile people to God.

Year 8 – Jesus’ values and the role of the Disciples today
The Beatitudes and their place in the lives of Christ’s disciples
1.      Original, personal and communal sin, the struggle against sin and Christ’s message of forgiveness.
2.      Working for justice and peace as a follower of Jesus, advocate for the poor.
3.      Jesus as Risen Lord.

3. School Notices - Week 4, Term 1 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 28th February - Ben Cullimore, Elizabeth Plieger and Mackenzie Cunningham
Sunday 1st March - Michael Misiloi, Rhea Ratgali and Kelsey Mills

Birthday Greetings to
Noah Jenkinson, Joel Kunnethedan and Samuel Bridges

Swim Dates for next week
Monday 2nd March

School Directory
A complimentary School Phone and Address Directory will be available for families to be in contact with one another e.g. school sports teams, fundraisers etc.  It is optional to be included in this directory.  Please advise the office by Friday 6th March if you do not wish for your name, phone number or address to be included in this directory.  You can email the office on

Terrific Thursdays
Will commence on Thursday 5th March for all 4 year old children who will be starting school at St Joseph's.  Please sign the register book at the office.

Lost Items
David Kilgour has lost his named purple Reading Folder which includes his Home Learning Diary and reading books since last Wednesday.  If found, please return them to the office.

A brown pair of Oroton sun glasses has been handed into the office.

Home & School 
Don't forget the AGM is this Tuesday at 7.00 pm in Ruma Koru.  We would love to see you there.
The family donation of $10 required to buy food for the Food Fair is due tomorrow Friday 27th February and is to be handed into the office. 

Walking and Wheeling Week
Next week is Walking N Wheeling week which is an initiative run by Sport Waitaki and the Waitaki District Council to promote and encourage active transport to school.  Please help encourage your child/children to walk/bike/scooter to school as there are great prizes up for grabs.  Mr Moore will be keeping an eye out each day so please walk/bike/scooter past the Reed Street crossing into school so you will be noticed.

ICAS Exams
As in previous years, we provide the opportunity for children to sit the International Competitions and Assessment Exam (ICAS) papers.  ICAS forms the largest assessment program for schools in Australia, New Zealand, India, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, South Africa, Hong Kong, China and the Pacific Region.

Every student entering the ICAS receives a certificate acknowledging their participation.  Students are eligible for awards including UNSW Medals and prestigious High Distinction, Distinction and Credit Certificates.

ICAS is a not-for-profit organisation and offers these exams at a low fee to cover their costs.

The entry fees for 2015 are:
Science, Digital Technology (Computer Skills), Mathematics and English are $8.50 per paper.
ICAS Spelling is individually marked and costs $10.50.  These exams are available for Yrs 4 and up.

The school will be offering financial support for any children who would like to participate in these exams.  Please come and talk to Mrs Jackson.  ICAS forms are available from the office for anyone interested or taking part. 

Please either drop or email in all ICAS entries to the school office at no later than Thursday 19th March.  Each entry should have the child's name and exam that they are sitting on it.

Good Luck
To some of our students who are competing at the South Island Town and Country Swim meet in Blenheim this weekend against swimmers from all over the South Island.

St Joseph's Cricket Team
On Monday our Yr 7 cricket team went to St Kevin's to play in the quarter final of the Active Post Cup 20/20 cricket tournament.  Our boys played well against a strong Oamaru Intermediate team (OIS) .  OIS batted first and scored 205 runs and we got 110 runs.  OIS  now go on to play the winner from the Dunedin competition.  Many thanks to the Cameron, Fowler and Whiston families for their help with transport and coaching and to the supporters who cheered on the team.

Summer Sports Draw
Cricket 4th Grade - Saturday 28th February - St Joseph's v Valley A at SKC 1

Kiwi Cricket - Fridays at Whitestone Contracting Stadium at 4.00 pm

Touch Rugby - Tuesday 3rd March - the draw was unavailable at the time the news blog went to print.  Please check the notice board or go to the touch rugby website for the draw.

Community Notices
-  Scotts Own Sea Scouts - Open night on Wednesday 4th March from 6.00 to 7.30 pm for boys and girls.  Held on Waterfront Road next to Portside.  Bring along a wetsuit/old clothes, old shoes, towel, change of warm clothes.  You can get more information by going to  

4. Diary Dates - Week 4, Term 1 2015


Friday 27                                -  Yr 7 & 8 Technology at St Kevin’s College

Monday 2                              -  Walking and Wheeling Week
                                                -  Swimming lessons for Yr 3-8

Tuesday 3                              -  Walking and Wheeling Week 
                                                -  Swimming lessons for Yr 3-6  (Please note Yr 7 & 8 do not swim)
                                                  -Home & School AGM at 7.00 pm

Wednesday 4                        -  Walking and Wheeling Week

Thursday 5                            -  Walking and Wheeling Week 
                                                -  School Mass with Miss Hul's class * 
                                                -  Swimming lessons for Yr 3-6
                                                -  Terrific Thursdays start up at 2.00 pm *
                                            -  Early Childhood Buddies and Young Vinnies - Yr 7
Friday 6                                  -  Walking and Wheeling Week
                                                -  Yr 7 & 8 Technology at St Kevin’s College
                                                -  Swimming lessons for Yr 3-6
                                            -  No celebration Kotuitui today
                                            -  School Directory Information due in today *

Wednesday 11                      -  St Joseph’s School  swimming sports for Yr 4-8 from 9.30 am to
                                                   12.00 pm)
                                                -  Pasifika Fono at 7.00 pm

Thursday 12                           -  School Mass with Mr Cartlidge's class *

Sunday 15                               -  St Joseph’s Home & School Food Fair
Wednesday 18                     -  North Otago Swimming Sports
                                             -  Family Learning Hui 2 from 6.00 to 7.30 pm
                                             -  Pagsasama from 7.30 to 8.30 pm

Thursday 19                         -  School Mass with Mrs Dooley's class *
                                             -  St Joseph's Day *
                                             -  ICAS Exam entries due in *

Monday 23                           -  Otago Anniversary Day
Thursday 26                         -  School Mass with Miss Day's class *
Friday 27                              -  Rippa Rugby Tournament *
Tuesday 31                           -  Board of Trustees Meeting *

Thursday 2                           -  Holy Week Liturgies *
                                             -  School finishes at 3.00 pm for Term 1 *
Friday 3                                -  Good Friday *
Sunday 5                              -   Easter Sunday *
Monday 6                             -   Easter Monday *
Monday 20                           -   Term 2 begins *
Monday 27                           -  ANZAC Day observed (holiday) *

Friday 20 February 2015

1. What's new ? Principal updates Week 3 Term 1 2015

Engagement in learning
As we come to the end of our third week of the new school year, I will share my personal experiences teaching in Senior Hub 2 and general observations across the school.

I had a chance to teach the Year 7 class for Religious Education this morning and was extremely impressed with their work ethic, the way that they focused on the task and the engaged manner in which they worked individually or with a partner to complete the task. This is the digital link to the task. 

The children could make the following choices:

  • To access the task via devices (the digital link was accessible in their docs) or they could access a paper copy of the task. Some children used the school chrome books or their own devices.
  • Where to sit or stand to complete the task. Some children chose the leaners, others were at tables, some on bean bags and some worked on the floor.
  • To work independently or with a partner. This was about a 50% split.
  • To write their answers on the task sheet or in their books or type their answers into the document. 
  • To access the bible passages using search engines on devices or locate the passages in real 'book' bibles. 
This simple variation in choices for the children created an environment that catered for the needs of a diverse range of learners. As a result, every student was engaged in their learning. They took ownership of the task by self - managing the way that they engaged with it. 

What role did the teacher play? After the initial introduction to the task, my role was to roam around the learning spaces and engage with the children. I was available to guide, support, assist, discuss, recommend, encourage and challenge the learners. I was also ensuring that all children were on task. 

This lesson is an example of what happens across the hubs during other learning times. Senior Hub 2 has the advantage of 3 classroom teachers. The children have the opportunity to choose to work in the independent workroom (Year 8 homeroom), the group work room (Yr 7 homeroom ) or the Workshop room (Year 6 homeroom). When one teacher is assigned to run workshops, there are 2 teachers available to take on the roaming role. 
Parents and caregivers of our senior children will know that we have high expectations for our children's behaviour ; their actions and the way that they use their devices. There are no excuses for using the devices for anything other than learning and this has been made very clear to everyone. Respect for the environment and for each other is still a focus right across our school in all learning hubs as behavioural expectations are established.

During my visits over the past few weeks throughout all learning hubs I have seen children settling into new routines with their teachers at the start of a new school year. Children have begun to learn to take responsibility for their own actions as they develop valuable self management life skills that will continue to develop as they progress through the school to St Kevin's and beyond.

If you have any questions, concerns or queries about anything that is happening in our learning hubs across the school then Mrs Frances- Rees (DP and Learning Hub Facilitator) or I  would be happy to discuss these with you. Both of us will be available during the goal setting meetings next week. Don't hesitate to share anything with us. It's always better to address issues as they arise. Talking about these with our school leaders and teachers who are 'at the coalface' and in direct contact with your children is a positive and pro active way to look for answers and solutions rather than searching for answers from other parents in outside school forums. 

Parent Reference Group - open school forum 
This is a school based forum where parents can meet with school leaders (usually the principal) to ask questions and have discussions about learning and school based activities and events. We have moved these meetings to the new time of Fridays fortnightly from 8:30 - 9:00 am  and will have our first meeting in Ruma Koru next Friday. Anyone is welcome to join us. We encourage you to take the opportunity to use this forum as the best place to discuss answers to your queries and questions.

Board News : . message about concerns

Every year the board shares with our community the 'Concerns Flowchart' procedure to ensure you understand the pathway to take should the need arise.
This is an ideal time to clarify that the role of parent trustees on the board is not to listen to concerns or complaints and provide answers for you. Approaching a parent trustee on the board in this manner puts them in an awkward position. The board wishes to make this quite clear. Parent trustees will direct you to follow the proper channels for your answers as indicated on the Concerns and Complaints procedure.

First you go to your child's teacher, then to the principal and then if after this your concerns haven't been satisfactorily addressed then you put them in writing to the board of trustees. It is at this point that your concern is brought to the table at a board meeting and the whole board together will discuss and address the concern.
It is only when parent trustees are together at a board meeting that they can discuss the concerns that have come to the table in writing. They cannot address them in any other manner outside of these meetings. 

We have recently created a board blog. This will replace the termly board news updates. If you check the blog you will be able to read the board reports and keep up to date with board news. Here is the link. You can also access this from the Teaching and Learning site under the 'communication' tab.

Uniform news from the board
As a result of responses to the survey carried out with the community last year, the board have recommended that the school ties be phased out for children from Year 1-6 during the winter terms (Terms 3 and 4). Ties will remain a compulsory part of the Year 7 and 8 uniform to help prepare them for wearing ties at high school.

Health Promoting School News and Healthy Lunches and Subway changes
This is a repeated message from a previous newsblog post.  If you need to discuss this further then please contact me for any clarification.
We will be removing the option of chocolate chip cookies and drinks off all future Subway orders as part of being a Health Promoting School. Orders will still be $5 with the fruit option remaining available instead of the cookie.
We wish to continue our procedure of only drinking water and school milk at St Joseph's and the fruit option with the Subways orders is a healthy alternative to the cookie.

Year 8 leadership retreat
It was a pleasure to accompany Mr Moore and the Year 8's to the Deep Stream Walking Track with many wonderfully supportive parent helpers. This day formed part of the Leadership Retreat days that have taken place during the week. 

Pasifika Fono

This were some of the members of the group who joined us for a meeting this week (a few of the group had already left before we took the photo). We looked at our Pasifika reading, writing and maths data and spoke about continuing the weekly learning and cultural group on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. The first one will commence next week. We also looked at how to access the Teaching and Learning Site and links via the school Facebook Page.

 Goal Setting Meetings 24th and 26th February 3.30 until 8.00 pm and Winter Sports registrations
Our Sports Coordinator Mrs Souness will be at the Goal Setting Meetings taking registrations for Winter Sports. Please make sure you catch up with her.

These are our first meetings for the year where you get a chance to meet with your child's teacher and your child and plan their initial goals for the year. We aim for 100% attendance to these important meetings. We are happy to organise a translator if you need a support person for these meetings.

You can book a time for your meeting by going to and typing in our school code 2VS6K then look for your class teacher's name and choose a time that suits you. Alternatively, Anne and Paula in our office are more than happy to make a time for you if you ring the office or come and see them.

I will be contacting any families that haven't made a booking on Monday to support you with making a time for a meeting. As I mentioned above, Mrs Frances Rees and I will also be available to meet with you.

Thanks for your continued support as we keep reaching for the stars as lifelong learners in the Catholic Faith together. Remember to follow your children's learning by accessing our Teaching and Learning Site here.

2. Special Character News Term 1, Week 3


This Wednesday we celebrated Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, a six week liturgical season leading up to the celebration of Easter.  At the end of Lent we celebrate Holy Week, the days leading up to the crucifixion.  As Jesus died to redeem us from our sins, it is fitting at the beginning of Lent that we are marked with ashes as a sign of our own repentance and to remind us that we are of this Earth.  

We welcomed Father Pat McMullan who celebrated Ash Wednesday mass with us.  He suggested that throughout Lent we make a special effort to remember that we are human beings which ties in with being humble and of this Earth.  He urged us to make a special effort to look after our Earth.

During the six weeks of Lent leading up to Easter we traditionally make more than our usual effort to pray, fast and give alms.

Prayer has many forms, from the traditional prayers such as the Our Father, to personal prayers e.g. asking God for help in a time of need, or simply an awareness of God’s presence in our lives – which can come from the smile of a child, sunrise over water or any of the other marvels of nature all around us.  The Church beckons us in Lent to make a special effort to pray more.  More could just mean better – perhaps making a concerted effort to keep one’s mind from wandering during prayer, or attempting to see God more frequently in the world around us.

A common understanding of Lent is we “give something up” – like sugar, or coffee or a similar treat/necessity.  It may be more meaningful to give up something which will help others or help make ourselves better people, such as giving up: bickering, judging, criticising, “white lying” or any of the other little traps we can easily fall into.   


Means helping the less fortunate.  This could be by making a commitment to the parish Caritas Lenten appeal.  Or it could be once again remembering to see Jesus in the people around us and making an extra special effort to help our neighbours.  


3. School Notices - Week 3, Term 1 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 21st February - Lachlan Brookes, Joseph Spillane and Seth Sinclair
Sunday 22nd February - Joel Kunnethedan, Tess McAtamney and Emily Hayman

Birthday Greetings to
Niamh Jackson, Johnny Tapueluelu, William Moore and Jack O'Neill

Swim Dates for next week
Wednesday 25th March

Goal Setting Meetings - Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th February - 3.30 pm until 8.00 pm
You can book a time for your meetings by going to and typing in our school code 2VS6K.  Look for your class teacher's name and choose a time that suits you.  Alternatively, you can contact the office on 434 8856 who will make a time for you.  We are happy to organise a translator if you require a support person for these meetings.

Winter Sports Sign Up
The winter sports booklet is available on the school website for you to have a look at.  The sports offered are basketball, football, hockey, miniball, netball and rugby.  All enrolments for winter sports will be taken at the Goal Setting meetings next week.  If you are interested in coaching or managing a team, let Mrs Souness know.  Any queries, please contact Tina Souness on

For Sale - School Garden
There will be a few vegetables for sale from the school garden tomorrow afternoon at 3.00 pm by the school garden.  It will be a first in, first served situation.  Gold coin donations.

Don't forget that you can order Thai lunches on Wednesdays and Subway lunches on Fridays.

Wanted Wooden Puzzles
Does anyone have any pre-school wooden puzzles or a 'shape sorter' that they no longer require as we require them for a student within the school.  If you are able to supply these items, please drop them at the office.

Home & School
The AGM of the Home and School has been moved from Tuesday 24th February to Tuesday 3rd March at 7.00 pm because of the Goal Setting Meetings.  All present and new members most welcome.

Summer Sports Draw
Cricket - 4th Grade - Saturday 21st February - St Joseph's v Albion Gold at St Kevin's 1.  The draw till the 21st March is on the St Joseph's school website.

Kiwi Cricket - Fridays at Whitestone Contracting Stadium at 4.00 pm

Touch Rugby - Tuesday 24th February - the draw was unavailable at the time the news blog went to print.  Please check the notice board or go to the touch rugby website for the draw.

Starship Mobile Phone Schools Campaign
Three good reasons to support this campaign!
1.  Phones collected help raise funds to keep the Starship National Air Ambulance Service flying
2.  Phones collected are counted towards our schools chosen rewards from the Starship Mobile Phone Schools Campaign i.e. cameras, sports packs, i-pads and book vouchers.
3.  Campaign helps to ensure NZ landfills are free of an array of hazardous toxic substances
Schools have participated by collecting unwanted mobile phones and swapping them for a wide range of rewards whilst at the same time raising funds for this worthy cause.
Please bring in your old phones and drop them at the office.

Hatuma - The Growing Minds Fund
The Growing Minds Fund is an initiative from Hatuma Dicalcic Phosphate Ltd and was established to help New Zealand's rural primary schools like yours nurture our children into fantastic young adults.  When a farmer places an order for Hatuma Dicalcic Phosphate, they will contribute 20 cents to their school of choice (St Joseph's Oamaru) in which the school can use these funds for any of their projects.

North Otago A & P Show - events for children to enter are:
Friday 27th February
- Oamaru's Got X Talent.  Anyone can enter at Mainstreet Music, Jae Bedford's School of Music or the North Otago A & P Office.  Entries close Wednesday 25th February.

Saturday 28th February
-  Master A & P (4-10 years) 11.45 am
-  Miss Junior A & P (4-7 years) 12.30 pm
-  Miss Junior A & P (8-10 years) 1.20 pm
Entries on the day at the Secretaries office

Community Notices
Pathfinders Gymnastics Club - held in the Drill Hall in Itchen Street. Classes for boys and girls aged 8 years and over are held on Mondays from 6.00 - 7.10 pm.  Classes for boys and girls aged 5 -7 years are held on Wednesdays from 6.00 to 7.10 pm.  Cost is $60.00 per term.  Contact Kim on 027 483 2261 for further information.

Softball - Give It A Go - players are welcome to give softball a try on Thursday 26th February and Thursday 5th March at 4.00 pm at Centennial Park.  All welcome.

Aorangi Agrikids NZ Regional Final - Saturday 28th February.  This competition is a skills-based challenge aimed at kids that like to get out there, get involved and get their hands dirty.  Teams of 3 enter online for free at

Quiz Night for Oamaru Tap Dancing Association for Relay for Life - Held on Monday 2nd March at 7.00 pm.  $30.00 per team (up to 6 in a team).  Quick fire raffles on the night.  Phone Dianne Mills on 434 0470 to register a team.

Fast and Furious Swim Meet - Come give swim racing a go!.  Held on Friday 6th March at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre.  Warm up at 5.00 pm and start at 5.30 pm. Fill out the form with your details and return to the pool office by Thursday 5th March.  For further information email

Waitaki Girls High School Gala - held on Friday 6th March from 4.00 pm onwards at Waitaki Girls High School.  Fun family entertainment, food stalls, produce. crafts, sweets etc. 

9th Annual Kakanui Trail Ride - held on Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th March.  Four tracks to suit all abilities from peewee beginners to expert.  Track open from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm each day.  Enquiries to James Symes on 027 522 6470 or follow on Facebook - Kakanui Trail Ride

Out of Hours Art & Craft Classes - are available for Year 7 and 8 students at Oamaru Intermediate School on Wednesdays for 30 weeks from 3.30 - 5.30 pm.  Tutor is Sue McLean.  Please phone Oamaru Intermediate 437 0822 for further information.

Out of Hours Music Classes - are being offered for primary school aged children who wish to learn violin, brass and keyboard at Waitaki Girls High School.  These group lessons are free and there is a limited number of violins and brass instruments to hire.  Please contact Helen Beckingsale at 434 9062 or email with your details.

Want to Make Healthier Food Choices? - would you like to take part in a 5 week nutrition labelling study using your smartphone?  To join visit:

4. St Joseph's School Swimming Sports 2015

Wednesday 11th March at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre for Years 4-8

Dear Parents

Our first race will be at 9:30 am and will be finished by 12.00 pm. Children need to be at school in their full PE uniform before 8.50 am as we will be walking the children down in classes as close to 9.00 am as possible.  Please ensure that your child has plenty of food and a water bottle as they get quite hungry at the pool.

This year we hope to have at least three timekeepers per swimming lane, for our six lanes.  If you are interested in timekeeping, please see me at school or email  You will be shown how to time keep beforehand at the pool

The children are encouraged to wear their house colours once they arrive at the pool.  Face paint and vivid markers are not allowed.

The order of events is: 4 lengths Medley, non-swimming and then the non-competitive and competitive events. There will be no finals run, only heats as they will be timed.

 We have entered the children in races they are confident in and the swimming instructors and teachers have both been looking at them. If you want to ensure that your children are in the races you feel they should be, please contact your child’s teacher.

 Ages are taken as at 1st of March for the age groups for the swimming sports.

Places will be determined on times recorded. Each swimmer will earn a house point for entering, 3rd place will earn two, 2nd place will earn 3 and 1st place will earn 4. There will be no width events.

The starting procedure is, a whistle for quiet, ‘on your marks’, followed by a bang. Please be quiet when the swimmers are under starter’s orders.

The various swimming events will be put on a whiteboard, which will go past.  Each teacher will have a copy of the order of events as well. Please listen carefully for the marshalling calls.

 We will have house relays to end the sports with time permitting.

Please do not approach the recorders for results, as they will be extremely busy making sure the times are recorded correctly.

Parents please sit either at the deep end of the pool or on the diving board side.  Children will be required to stay in the stands as we won’t have time to find them if they miss their races.

North Otago and Otago Swimming Sports

The swimmers qualifying for the North Otago championship will be required to perform the stroke correctly. We will have someone checking on technique at the sports and the children will be disqualified if they are using an incorrect technique.

Entry for North Otago swimming sports is taken on times not places, hence our recording of times on the day.  The North Otago swimming sports are on Wednesday 18th of March. The children who qualify for the North Otago swimming sports will be notified.

Otago Primary School’s swimming takes place on Saturday 28th March at Moana Pool in Dunedin.  The first race is at 9.00 am and the entry fee is $5.00 per race entered.  If you wish for your child to take part in this, you MUST contact me before our swimming sports as their entries close on Friday 13th March.

Thanking you

Tina Souness
Sports Coordinator

5. Congratulations - Week 3, Term 1 2015

St Joseph's School Cricket Team
On Tuesday, our boys cricket team competed in the North Otago Active Cricket Cup school tournament and won against Papakaio school in a 20 overs game.  St Joseph's scored 142 runs with Lachlan Brookes scoring 41 before he retired and Jacob Fowler with 38. They got Papakaio out for 124 runs.  Next Monday, the cricket team will play against Weston School in the morning and if they win that game they will compete against Oamaru Intermediate in the afternoon for the final.  Good luck boys.

Up and Coming Athletes
Congratulations to Sebastian Spillane who got selected in the Otago Athletics team to compete in an inter provincial meet in March.  Sebastian and Paddy Spillane competed at the Otago Children's Athletic Champs in the weekend where Sebastian got 2nd in the 200 metres and both boys were part of a team that got 3rd in the 4 x 100m relay for 8 year olds.  Well done.