Thursday 27 September 2018

1. Principal's News Week 10 Term 3 2018

School Garden
Our environment leaders Lily and Levi have been thinking about how we will manage our school garden in term 4.  Lily has been out with the junior school weeding and preparing for planting next term.  Mrs Jones-Hogan and myself went to our first meeting in the Enviroschools project and we're looking forward to becoming more involved in our local environment and developing our school understanding of sustainability over the next few years.

Uniform Survey
All parents have been emailed a link for feedback about the school uniform.  This is the process:
Responses to your surveys will be presented to the board in the first board meeting of term 4. The board will consider the feedback/forward and some selected ideas presented back to the community for further consideration. The final decision on any changes will be made in term 1 of 2019.

As we start preparing for year 8 camp it's a real reminder of our community.  Once again Dennis Brown is guiding our expedition.  Dennis has been doing this for St Joseph's for about 20 years and remarked the other night, "It's my school, my community."  It's fantastic to have these connections and supports in our wider community.

A big thank you to Jeremy and Louise Dyson who have donated 30 pack liners for camp, that we can keep for future camps.

Singing Cup
The house choirs are sounding great.  The solo and duet competitions will be performed and judged starting at 9.15am on Friday.  We expect they will be finished by 11am.  Parents are welcomed to join us.  We also hope parents will join us on Friday afternoon.  The format starting at 2pm is:
Chloe preparing for Singing Cup

  • Welcome
  • Guzman House Choir
  • Sienna House Choir
  • Presentation of year 7 & 8 solo trophies
  • Lima House Choir
  • Presentation of duet trophies
  • Prayer to end the term
  • Staff Choir

The Internet
Natalie enjoying a book
We have recently reviewed our reading curriculum.  Children don't learn to fully discern the value of texts until they are working at level 4 which is year 7 & 8.  That means they are not equipped to do meaningful Internet searches for research until this level.  It also means that they MUST know how to do it at level 4.  That is why we have limited devices up to year 7 and in year 7 & 8 we ensure that the school provides every child with a device for the times they need it for learning.  Both our year 7 & 8 classes have had lessons on Cybersafety from Constable Carrie Hamilton in the last couple of weeks.   They are also specifically taught how to use the Internet as a tool for learning.

IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE WITH OVER INDULGENCE IN THE INTERNET AT HOME - our computer technician Andy McKee can help you.  He can install something which cuts the Internet off for your children at a certain time, but not for you.  He is happy for you to contact him on:  021504180.

The best way to monitor Internet use and device time is to start young:
  • Postpone access to devices - we are finding children coming into school are having difficultly tracking from left to right with their eyes as they are used to their eyes moving around on a screen.  That means it takes a long time to be ready to read.  
  • Limit the time on devices.
  • Keep them in public places in the house. 
  • The light from devices stops the sleep hormone Seratonin so they should be put away a good hour before you hope for your child to sleep.
Waitaki Library
A reminder that Waitaki Library is open during the holidays.  Even young children can have a library card and it gives them a great sense of responsibility.  There are lots of fun activities planned at the library and Forester Gallery in the holidays.  Check them out: Holiday Fun.

Have a safe and happy holiday,

God bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Term 3 Week 10

Faith fact this week:- 
Image result for vincent de paul nz

Thursday 27 September is the Feast Day of St Vincent De Paul.  He died on this day in 1660 aged 79 years after a life of compassion, humility and generosity.  He devoted his life to serving the poor.  In 1833, Frederic Ozanam started the Society of St Vincent de Paul, which still exists today and has conferences (groups) throughout the world, including many of the parishes in the Christchurch Diocese.  Today the
Society of St Vincent de Paul operates charity shops, and coordinates distribution of food and funds to those in need.      

Holiday Prayer 

Image result for family clipart  We thank you Lord, for this term. For the challenges, the successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. 
Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends. 
Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith.
 Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others. 
Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun.
 Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term.
 We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents and a community that cares for us. 

Blessings to you and your families.

Nicola Winders

3. School Notices - Week 10, Term 3 2018

Altar Servers
Saturday 29th September - Samuel Plieger, Sam Asi, Max Fatafehi and Nye Jones-Hogan
Sunday 30th September - Daniel & Jonathan Jorgensen, Anika Winders and Alexie Phillips
Saturday 6th October - Joshua & Lachlan Criddle, Indya Cunningham and Mariah Cunningham
Sunday 7th October - Henry Robinson, Hana Davies, Lilly Kelcher and Morgan Baillie
Saturday 13th October - Samuel Plieger, Nye Jones-Hogan, Max Fatafehi and Sam Asi
Sunday 14th October -Annalise Kilgour, Alexie Phillips and Anika Winders

Birthday Greetings to
Elias Maher, Ziah Rollan, Ava Harrower, Adriana & Iverson Wylie-Taukolo, Lavina Ma, Troy Chikowore, Mariah Cunningham, Paddy Spillane, Stephanie Morondoz, Kenton Tokai, Ashlyn Marshall, David Kilgour, Paige Geypen, Xiao Hui Li, Mia Catalan-Gomez, Analiese Whiston and Liam Lindsay.

Tomorrow our Singing Cup solos and groups will be held in the morning with house choirs and presentation of trophies at assembly starting at 2.00 pm.  There will be no presentation of school certificates this week.

Food Fair
Thank you to the parents who have contributed their $10 towards the food fair. If you have not paid your $10, please internet bank it to St Joseph's School Home and School, bank account 03 0937 0221742 00.  Use your name as reference and put Food Fair.  Our cake wheel list is slowing getting filled up but we still require 12 more cakes/slices to be donated.  Please email the office or write your name down on the list outside the office.

FoundThere are 4 scooters in the caretakers shed which have been there for a while.  If they are yours, please come and claim them.
A phone has been handed into the office this week as well.

Pies and Milo
This lunch option will not be available next term as it was only for the winter months.

School Photos
We are having our school photos on Tuesday 16th October (first Tuesday back) in their summer uniforms.  Family photos will be taken from 8.15 to 9.00 am in the hall or the junior school playground.  Class photos will be taken from 9.00 am.

Summer Uniform
The summer uniform is to be worn next term and don't forget to bring your hats.

The Developing Brain - The Big Picture of 0-18 Years 
Nathan Wallis provides an informative narrative on how our day-to-day interactions with children and young people, significantly the early years, plays a critical role in defining later outcomes for our children and for our future.  Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear Nathan Wallis speak.  Get in quick as this event will sell out.  Held at St Kevin's College on Monday 1st October from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm.  Tickets available at

Uniform Shop
The shop will be open on Monday 15th October from 8.30 to 9.00 am for anyone wanting summer uniform items.

Hardball Cricket - will be trialled on a Thursday night starting at 4.30 pm next term and will likely start after Labour Weekend. Practice days will be advised next term.
Softball Cricket (Primary Grade) - at this stage we will not be fielding a team next term due to lack of numbers.
Superstar Academy - this skills session will start on Saturday 3rd November from 9.30 to 10.15 am for children aged 5-8 years.  Other ages are welcome to join in if there is enough players and you will be put into separate groups.
Friday Night Cricket - will start up again in term 1.

North Otago School Holiday Programme - held at St Kevin's College on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th October.  Softball and beginners from 9.00 to 10.30 am and hardball cricketers from 10.45 am to 12.15 pm.  Costs $20 for two days.  To register, email Sam at

Touch Rugby
These are the team lists for touch rugby for next term. If for some reason, your child is not going to play, please let Mrs Brien know asap otherwise these teams will stay as they are. Hard copies of the team lists and notice went home to each family on Tuesday.

When you sign up to play a team sport, you are committed to that team to play each week unless you let the coach know prior. When you do not turn up for your game or you arrive late, you are letting your team down so please ensure you arrive on time.  Last term there were instances where one team could not start a game due to players not advising their coach they were not playing or running late.  A team contact list will be sent home next term to ensure everyone is contactable.  If your child needs a ride to the grounds, please contact someone on your list.

This year the touch season commenced in term 1 and continues in term 4 so teams are to remain the same for both terms 1 and 4.  There have been some players added and withdrawn from teams so I have altered some teams.
Your child has confirmed to me they would like to carry on next term or is a new player wanting to play touch for term 4.  The cost for new players for term 4 is $10.00 and this is to be paid by Tuesday 30th October but if you have played in term 1, it will not cost anything as you have already paid. There has to be a minimum of 2 girls in each team.

Touch is played on Tuesday afternoons at Whitestone Contracting Stadium.  The first game of touch rugby is on Tuesday 23rd October (second Tuesday back in week 2).  Games are played at 3.45pm, 4.15pm, 4.45pm and 5.15pm.  Teams are made up of Year 1 – 3, year 4 – 6 and year 7 - 8 depending on availability of players and coaches.  The last day of touch for this season is Tuesday 4th December.

Coaches – We have two teams that require coaches.  Older brothers and sisters we would love for you to coach!! If you can co-coach with another parent or take turns turning up each week, please let Mrs Brien know if you can help. I have a set of basic rules which can be emailed or printed off for you.

Coaching Skills Session there will be a free coaching session for new coaches or coaches who want a refresher course held on Tuesday 16th October at 4.00 pm at Whitestone Contracting Grounds.  They will go over the basic skills needed to play touch rugby.

This term, North Otago Touch is changing some aspects of the way Junior Touch is run.
1.    Duty schools.  A requirement of having teams play Touch is that schools will need to provide a small number of people (2-3) to be “on duty”.  This will be rotated around schools and means that each school will only be “on duty” once per term. 
2. Learning the requirements of being on duty.  On Tuesday 16 October 5 – 5.15 pm (same day as “Coaching the Coaches” and straight after) there will be a quick run-through of what to do when on duty.  It would be great to have one parent from each team attend this.

If you have any questions please contact me via the school office or by email at  Thanks Paula Brien, Sports CoOrdinator.
Touch Teams – Term 4 2018 27/9/18

Tigers - Yr 1/2/3

Cameron Aston
Jacob Bartley
Jac Bradley
Eva Fatafehi
James Laming
Theo Mestrom
Alex Perniskie


Broncos - Yr 1/2/3

Pippa Campbell
Millie Fogarty
Moana Hafoka
Warren Pardede
Aki Tahitu’a
Vilivea Tahitu’a
Iverson Wylie-Taukolo
Cooper van Rooy

Pumas - Yr 1/2/3

Lewis Geypen
Cruz Illingworth
Indianna Illingworth
Liam Lindsay
Blake Meek
Leah Kofoed
Lucas Kofoed
Daniel Woodhouse

Co-Coaches – Suzanne Aston and Emma Perniskie
Co-Coaches – Jada-Rose Keno & Kristiana Whiston

Coach: Rebecca Meek
Rockets - Yr 4/5/6

Hamish Fowler
Lewis Gough
Hunter Gough
Indeg Jones-Hogan
Eva Keno
Paddy Spillane
Kacymea Tahitu’a
Michael Woodhouse

Ferns - Yr 4/5/6

Luse Asi
Sam Asi
Milly Campbell
Ben Gillies
Lilly Kelcher
William Pardede
Mya Robinson
Kenton Tokai
Riley Tuffley


Turbos - Yr 7/8

Makayla Bean
Liam Cameron
Troy Chikowore
Taine Dyson
Jack Hayman
Nye Jones-Hogan
Elias Maher
Jada-Rose Keno
Andrew Sinclair
Kristiana Whiston
Coach – Justin Fowler ?
Co-Coaches Charmaine Fisher and ?
Coach: required
Dynamos - Yr 7/8

Elenoa Asi
Hotili Asi
Max Fatafehi
Campbell Fowler
Eleni Hausia
Cody Marshall
Samuel Plieger
Sebastian Spillane
Anika Winders
Matthew Woodhouse

Coach: Lee Woodhouse

Community Notices
  • Youthtown are running an exciting new workshop called ‘AquaBlast!’ these holidays and they are excited to extend the offer to year 7 & 8 students. The workshop will take place at the Oamaru Harbour – Wednesday of Week 1 & Thursday of Week 2. It will include water safety instruction using our epic stand up paddle boards + raft building + a whole lot of FUN! The cost is $35 per person & times are subject to tides/weather. The promotional flyer is attached to the email. Booking online is also easy – just visit Our contact information is on the flyer and we are happy to speak to anyone if they have any further questions or queries
  • Forrester Gallery & Oamaru Library Spring Holiday Fun - see the attached flyer to the email for what is happening in the holidays.  Also don't forget to view our children's school artwork at the Forrester Gallery during the holidays.