Thursday 15 August 2019

3. School Notices - Week 4, Term 3 2019

Altar Servers
Saturday 17th August - Mariah Cunningham, Cooper & Madison Jones and Jayla Strong
Sunday 18th August - Lilly Kelcher, Alexie Phillips, Henry Robinson, Ivy-Belle & Molly-May Mestrom

Birthday Greetings to
Henry Robinson, Rheanna Coscos and Hunter Gough,

Cross Country
This notice has also been given to the children. A copy of the maps has been attached to the email.

Dear Parents/Caregivers

St Joseph’s and Oamaru North School are holding their school cross country together (this is the first time for cross country) next Tuesday 20th August in the morning as Pembroke School are using the course in the afternoon.  The course is very similar to the North Otago course.
All children are to participate whether walking or running unless a medical reason is given by a parent.
Cancellation - the postponement date is Wednesday 21st August. If it is cancelled due to weather, we will make the decision at 8.00 am on the morning and notify you via email and Facebook.
Venue - the cross country is held at the Oamaru Race course on the left hand side of the racing track and the entrance for parents will be through the main southern entrance and you walk along the southern side of the track to start the course. 
Carparking – is at the southern carpark.  No cars are allowed on the track.
Grounds – will be quite damp and muddy and there are a few animal droppings around.  There may be some water to go through so children will need another pair of shoes to wear afterwards e.g. school shoes. (Yr 1 & 2 children will not be going through water).
Buses – the whole school will be travelling by buses and will be leaving at 9.20 am. The children will be told to go to the toilet beforehand. The first race is at 10.00 am. The buses will drop the children off at the carpark and they will walk along the fence to the cross country paddock. 
The buses will be taking the junior children back to school at 11.00 am which is for years 1-3 only. The other year levels will go back at the end of the morning at approximately 11.45 am.
Year Levels – the children will be running in gender year levels together with Oamaru North e.g. Yr 1 girls first then Yr 1 boys, Yr 2 girls then Yr 2 boys etc.
Timetable – approximate 5 minutes between each race
10.00 am – Yr 1 girls
10.05 am – Yr 1 boys
10.10 am – Yr 2 girls
10.15 am – Yr 2 boys
10.20 am – Yr 3 girls
10.25 am – Yr 3 boys
10.30 am – Yr 4 girls
10.35 am – Yr 4 boys
10.40 am – Yr 5 girls
10.45 am – Yr 5 boys
10.50 am – Yr 6 girls
10.55 am – Yr 6 boys
 11.00 am – Yr 7 girls
11.05 am – Yr 7 boys
11.10 am – Yr 8 girls
11.15 am – Yr 8 boys
Course – a copy of the course is on the noticeboards for all year levels.  This year the children are going through and over jumps and we will have a marshall at each of these jumps. (last year we were not allowed to use them).  The Yr 1 & 2 children will go under one jump.
The children from Yrs 3-8 will go through a very shallow creek and walk on a wooden bridge as well. (This will depend on how much rain has fallen recently).
Marshall Stations – we have parents, teacher aides from both schools and SKC students helping out as marshalls.  All marshalls and starter will be wearing high viz vests. Marshalls are to meet at the track at 9.30 am for a debriefing.
Children – will wear their PE gear to school and bring the following:
  • 1-2 pr warm trousers (in case they fall over) and school jacket
  • A spare pair of socks and shoes and a hand towel
  • A plastic bag to put dirty socks and shoes in it
  • Extra food and drink for the day as they will take their school bags with them to the event.
  • Named medications e.g. inhalers and give them to the class teacher
Tarpaulins – we urgently require tarpaulins for the children to sit on.  Please name them and give them to your class teacher.
Photos – if you take photos we would love to see some for our records.
North Otago & Otago Cross Country – the top 6 children from either school in years 4-8 will qualify for the North Otago Cross Country on Monday 2nd September and will be given a notice. The Otago Cross Country is on Friday 30th August and entries have to be in by Tuesday 27th August.  If you wish for your child to attend please let me know.
Please contact me if you have any queries/questions about the cross country.  Thanks Paula Brien

Chinese Song Competition

Dear parents,

Please click the link below to vote for our Y2 students' Chinese Song "Two tigers". They are participating Chinese Song Competition now. Your thumbs up is what we need. Thank you very much
Best wishes

Amy Xu, Mandarin Language Assistant

Home and School meeting
There is a Home and School meeting tonight at 7.00 pm at the Northstar.  All welcome.

There will be NO muffins next week for sale.

Singing Cup Auditions
Will be held next Friday for Yrs 5-8 during school time.  A notice regarding this was sent home earlier this week.

Sports Uniforms
As winter sports are finishing, can you please return all washed winter uniforms and gear bags to the office. Thank you.

We warmly welcome Lucy Fogarty who started school in the new entrants class this week.

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