Thursday 13 April 2017

1. Principal's News - Term 1 Week 11, 2017

Three Easter Abilities We Would Like for our Students to have when they leave St Joseph's

The Ability to be Randomly Kind
Veronica helped Jesus by wiping His face when he was carrying the cross.  The imprint of His face was left on the cloth.

It was a simple and random act of kindness.

We need to  encourage our children of all ages to do something kind without reason, without praise, without notice, even to someone who is not kind to them.

The Ability to take Full Responsibility

Pontius Pilate washed his hands and handed Jesus back to be killed.  He thought he was innocent of Jesus' blood.  Every time we stand back and do nothing when someone else is hurt, or someone says something unkind or when we know things are not quite right, we wiggle out of our own responsibility.  As children get older they can start to see their responsibility for making good things happen beyond their own private world.

The Ability to be a Free, Self-Determining, Fully Aware Human Being

Back in the day when we were living in caves and hunting animals for food, we could easily be picked off if we were weak or separated from the group.  So we have an instinct to be part of the group and keep safe.  On Palm Sunday the crowd hailed Jesus as King singing, "Halleluia!"  A few days later the same crowd was crying, 'Crucify Him!"

It is very difficult to step away from the crowd and be a fully aware, critical thinker.  We work towards our young people at their year 8 endpoint of St Joseph's being people with the commitment and integrity to stand up for what is right and to take responsibility to be a change agent in the world.

Some Housekeeping Items

Before School
There are still a lot of children arriving and waiting outside before 8.30 am.  We have before school care available for children for a very small fee.  Children arriving on the 8.20 am bus should go up to the library and join the care program for free.

For other children waiting outside the main door, please be aware that as we are not open and they are not in our before school program, they are not supervised at this time.

As its getting colder we are seeing children arriving at school with a variety of hoodies and jackets. School uniform for the winter is a polar fleece and a school jacket.  There are secondhand jackets in the school uniform shop.  Other jackets should not be worn. Everyone is to wear the school tie.

Thank you for ringing up promptly and letting us know absences.  When we record absences we have to put a reason for the absence.  Please tell us the reason when you ring up otherwise we have to put it down as unjustified absence.

God bless all our St Joseph's Community at the Joyous time of Easter
Have a safe and happy holiday.

Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character - Week 11, Term 1 2017

The Events of Holy Week
All parents were warmly invited to walk with us for the Stations of the Cross today at 2.30 pm, where Year 8 students will be re-enacting the events of Holy Week leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.
Image result for holy week 2017

On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, as we celebrate Our Lord's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem where he was welcomed by crowds worshiping him and laying down palm leaves before him. It also marks the beginning of Holy Week, with the greatest tragedy and sorrow of the year.

Jesus' triumphant return to Jerusalem is only one side of the story. He spent time with Gentiles in the Temple, and on Wednesday left for the Mount of Olives. Here he foretold the apostles the events of the next several days, including His impending death.

He returned to Jerusalem on Thursday, to share the Last Supper with His apostles. He was subsequently arrested and tried. He was crucified at Calvary on Friday, outside the gates of Jerusalem.

He was buried the same day, and arose three days later, on Easter Sunday.
All of this is done by our Lord for forgiveness of our sins, and for life everlasting with Him.

God Bless and wishing you all a safe and joyous Easter.
Nicola Winders

3. School Notices - Week 11, Term 1 2017


Altar Servers

Holy Saturday - Elenoa Asi, Samuel Plieger and Kristiana Whiston
Easter Sunday - Molly-May Mestrom, Jonathan & Daniel Jorgensen and Arthur Cartlidge

Saturday 22nd April - Indya Cunningham, Bronson Bartlett, Molly Whittaker and Anika Winders
Sunday 23rd April - Hana & Zara Davies, Seth Bartley, Morgan Baillie and Jada-Rose Keno
Saturday 29th April - Paddy & Sebastian Spillane, Joshua Criddle and Nye Jones-Hogan
Sunday 30th April - Libby Seddon and Ben Taufa

If your child arrives at school after 9.00 am, can they please come to the office and let us know when they have arrived so we can mark them off the roll.  Thank you.

Birthday Greetings to:
Andrew Sinclair, Molly-May Mestrom, Daniel Woodhouse, Molly McGeown, Lewis Gough, Hana & Zara Davies, Sandrene Mordeno, Yi Qun Zhong, Matthew Woodhouse, Milly Fogarty and Cooper van Rooy.

Caregiver Contact list and Education Outside the Classroom Form
It is important that we receive the information on these forms, please complete them and hand them into the office as soon as possible.  Every family should have received them.

Caritas Challenge
Thank you to our Yr 8 leaders who organised the Caritas Challenge last Friday and we raised $200 towards their appeal.  They experienced three things: Move It (finding out what it is like in other places to have to carry water a long way); Live It (making a shelter out of cardboard boxes) and Make It (making basic food).

Easter Mass Times

The Easter Mass times at St Patrick's Basilica are:
Holy Thursday - 7.00 pm
Good Friday - 3.00 pm
Holy Saturday - 5.00 pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday - 9.30 am

Holy Week Celebrations
Yesterday the Yr 5 children presented 'The Washing of the Feet' and 'The Last Supper' and the Yr 6 children sang, danced and played musical instruments for their Easter Song. Today the Yr 8 children represented 'Walking of the Cross' in the school hall at 2.30 pm. It was a lovely way of celebrating Holy Week.  Please click to the link to look at the photos.  Holy Week Celebrations

Home & School Raffle Results

Congratulations to the Home and School for organising a great Easter Holiday Raffle which raised over $3000.  Thank you to everyone who donated items, bought the raffle tickets and sold tickets at the supermarkets, your help was very much appreciated.  The raffle winners are:

1st - Money Tree - Cant Family
2nd - Trailer Load of Wood - Eva Fatafehi
3rd - Easter Hamper - Josh Criddle
4th - Easter Basket - Pat
5th - Easter Games and Treats - Marie McLay
6th - Colouring Books and Pencils - Noeline Bean
7th - Wazooka Water Pistol - Carol Hanson
8th - Bird Feeder - Grandad on the Boat
9th - Hat & Books - Riley Tuffley
10th - Bird Feeder - Peter Cameron
11th - Easter Treats - Katrina Miller
12th - Bird Feeder - Kay Johnston
13th - The Jungle Book - Quinn
14th - The Spiderman Chair - Zhong Family
15th - Colouring Books - Katie McKeown

Chloe Bartley has lost her named school jersey.  There is a large number of items in the lost property area so please check to see if any items belong to you.

St Kevin's College Open Day
St Kevin's is holding an Open Day and Evening on Thursday 11th May.  The Principal will welcome you at 1.00 pm and 7.00 pm.  Letters have been sent to all St Joseph's Yr 6,7 & 8 students from St Kevin's.

Small Sticks Hockey
Lynne Parkhill from North Otago Hockey has been coaching our students hockey skills during the last two weeks in which they learnt to control their hockey sticks and dribble the balls to each other. Everyone enjoyed the sessions and came away learning new skills.  Please click the link to look at the photos.  Small Sticks Hockey

Swim Dates - Juniors
Next term, children from Yrs 1-3 will commence 10 swimming lessons in the afternoon between 1.30 and 2.30 pm.  The first dates are confirmed with the other 4 still to be announced.
Monday 12th June, Tuesday 13th June, Wednesday 14th June, Monday 19th June, Wednesday 21st June, Thursday 22nd June

Sports Uniforms
These have been handed out to the children and if your child did not receive one, please email Miss Pope on  Coaches gear bags are in the process of being handed out and will be given to you at the beginning of next term.


  • There will be a practice for the St Joseph's Ferns (Yr 5) team at 3.30 pm at St Kevin's courts on Monday 1st May.  Any queries, please contact the coaches Tivinia Misiloi on 021 0263 5053 or Jessie Conlan on 022 326 5026.
  • Both teams have been amended with changes to the coach and practices
          • FOOTBALL 2017 (amended 13-4-17)          
St Joseph’s All Whites
Primary Grade

Heath Cartlidge
Holly Cartlidge
Hunter Gough
Liam Lindsay
Samuel McEvoy
Rolfe Patalbo
Ethan Rathgen
Reuben Simpson
Freya Spooner
Daniel Woodhouse

St Joseph’s Beanotown United
Intermediate Grade

Bronson Bartlett
Arthur Cartlidge
Hana Davies
Zara Davies
Lisiate Hausia
Cooper Jones
Annalise Kilgour
Paolo Mordeno
Zyanya Pe
Tavis Simpson
Sunny Tian
Riley Tuffley

Numbers on field : 5

Numbers on field :  9
Coaches: Maree/Andrew Simpson

Contact Parent Rep:  Ralph Davies

Coach: Ralph Davies

Contact Parent Rep:  Ralph Davies
Practices: Wednesdays from 3.15 pm at St Joseph’s

Practices: Wednesdays from 3.15 pm at St Joseph’s

First Practice: Starts Wednesday 12th April

First Practice: Starts Wednesday 12th April

  • As St Joseph's does not have enough players for own teams this hockey season, North Otago Hockey have kindly put us with other teams for the competition.
  • Practice days are still to be advised for all teams
  • The draw is posted each week on the North Otago Hockey Facebook page, so parents are advised to follow this page as it also has any cancellations.
  • The draw will also be on our school news blog and noticeboard

Magic Sticks
Combined with Maheno 
 Yr ¾

Speedy Sticks
 combined with Ardgowan 
 Yr 5/6

Turbo Sticks
Combined with Glenavy 
 Yr 7/8

Jonathan Paton
Mia Robinson
Rajbir Singh (Yr 2)

Mia  Cant
Troy Chikowore
Jacob Robinson

Joshua Criddle
Taine Dyson
Jack Paton
Zyanya Pe
Kristiana Whiston (Yr 6)
Coach:  TBA

Practice:  TBA

Coach:  Jo Cant

Practice:  TBA
Coach:  TBA

Practice:  TBA
Game:  Wednesdays
Game:  Wednesdays
Game:   Tuesdays

Teacher Rep:  Miss Mulholland

Parent Rep:  Jo Cant

The Rebels and Thunder team lists have been amended.  Thank you to Jacob Fowler who has offered to coach the Thunder team.
(amended 13-4-17)
St Joseph’s Breakers

Bronson Bartlett
Liam Cameron
Levi Heffernan
Cooper Jones
Cody Marshall
Jacob Robinson
Nye Jones-Hogan
Sam Asi

St Joseph’s Rebels

Jada-Rose Keno
Ofa Tokai
Annalise Kilgour
Hannah  Fowler
Eva Keno
Ashlyn Marshall
Alexie Phillips

St Joseph’s Thunder
Yr 5/4/3

Lewis Gough
Lochlan McLaren
Thomas Miller
Jonathan Paton
Hamish Fowler
Hunter Gough
Rolfe Patalbo

Players in a team:   5
Players in a team: 5
Players in a team: 5

Coaches:  Claire/Glynn Cameron
Coach: Tracy Marshall
Manager:  Megan Phillips

Coach:  Jacob Fowler

Practices:  The first four Sundays from 3.00 – 4.00 pm at the Waitaki Rec Centre till further notice

Practices:  The first four Sundays from 3.00 to 4.00 pm at the Waitaki Rec Centre till further notice

Practices: The first four Sundays from 3.00 to 4.00 pm at the Waitaki Rec Centre till further notice
First Practice: Sunday 30th April at 3.00 pm

First Practice:  Sunday 30th April at 3.00 pm

First Practice:  Sunday 30th April at 3.00 pm

  • We are still looking for another person to co-coach the 5 year old Rippa Rugby team.  Please email Justin Fowler on   if you can help.
  • Practices for the Rippa Teams are still to be advised
  • Competition starts on Saturday 6th May
  • Socks can be bought at the Uniform Shop
  • On Thursday the 20th and 27th April, North Otago Junior Rugby will be running skills sessions for all kids interested through the 9/10 and 11/12 year old age groups.  Please only these age groups.  This will be very similar to last year and will run from 10.00 am to around 12.00 pm and it will be held at the park behind the grandstand.  Dependent on numbers there will be different rotations for the kids to work around from basic run, catch, pass through to the tackle and good cleanout techniques.
  • North Otago Rugby Skills Smart will now be held on Saturday 29th April at 10.00 am at the park.
Small Blacks

Cameron Aston ®
Clarence Coscos
Marconi Hausia ®
Lucas Kofoed ®
Blake Meek ®
Kaveinga Taufa
Fitu Tuuefiafi ®
Lewis Geypen

Warren Pardede
Stirling Heffernan ®
Jonathan Miller ®
Anioso Tuakoi
Iverson Wylie-Taukolo ®
Jack Bradley
Kacymea Tahitu'a
Vilivea Tahitu'a
Fe ‘Ofa’ Aki  Tahitu'a

Lusi Asi ®
James Bremner ®
Hamish Fowler ®
Elias Fraser ®
David Kilgour ®
Thomas Miller ®
William Pardede
Ally-May Rawson ®
Sione Tuuefiafi ®
Michael Woodhouse ®
Kenton Tokai
Coach:  William Kofoed to co-coach

Practice:  TBA
Coach:  David Taukolo

Practice:  TBA

Coach:  Lee Woodhouse

Monday 3.30 pm at St Kevin’s
Game:  Saturdays

Parent Rep:  Justin Fowler
Teacher Rep:  Mrs Jones-Hogan
Game:  Saturdays

Parent Rep:  Justin Fowler
Teacher Rep:  Mrs Jones-Hogan
Game:  Saturdays

Parent Rep:  Justin Fowler
Teacher Rep:  Mrs Jones-Hogan

Junior Blacks
Super Blacks

Sam Asi ®
Morgan Baillie ®
Liam Cameron ®
Troy Chikowore
Neight Fraser ®
Lewis Gough ®
Jack Hayman
Magnus Heaphy ®
Levi Heffernan ®
Nye Jones-Hogan ®
Cody Marshall ®
Patrick Spillane ®
Sebastian Spillane ®
BenTaufa ®
Hunter Rzepecky  - Pembroke

Hotili Asi ®
Conavar Brown ®
Levi Crowder ®
Max Fatafehi ®
Campbell Fowler ®
Corbin Fraser ®
Sam Keno – OIS – ®
Sam McCarthy – Papakaio ®
Harvey Dundass – Papakaio ®
Logan Howell – Glenavy ®
Hayley Fong – Papakaio ®
Matthew Woodhouse
Coach:  Glynn Cameron

Thursday 3.30pm at St Kevin’s
Coaches:  Dan Keno & Justin Fowler

Monday 3.30 pm at St Kevin’s

Game:  Saturdays
Game:  Saturdays

Community Notices
  • Sport Otago strives to help coaches across the region improve their skills and knowledge and from April to June we are presenting our next series of coaching seminars.  These are all generic courses suitable for any sport; they are not skill specific.  They are open to coaches of all levels of experience and are valuable to both the novice and experienced coach.  - see the attached flyer to the email for further information.
  • Benders Shout Highlanders v Stomers rugby game - kids under the age of 13 get free entry to this game on April 28th with a paying adult.
  • Waitaki Boys High School Community Assn is hosting Jake Bailey on 15th May in the school auditorium where he shares his inspirational journey overcoming cancer. Tickets cost $15.00 and includes supper and can be purchase from Oamaru Paper Plus or WBHS office.  Further information is attached on the email.
  • Check out the Forrester Gallery and Oamaru Library for holiday programmes