Parent-Teacher-Student Meetings
It was great to see so many families joining us to discuss your children's learning this week. Most classes had 100% of families come to the meetings. Meeting and talking with you really helps us to help to know our learners better.
If you have any concerns or queries at any time please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher. Continue looking out for Educa posts. This term we are posting on Health and Physical Education, Writing and RE.
Cross Country
We have been looking forward to our Cross Country event today. Thank you to the many parents who have offered their help - this is very much appreciated. I will post pictures of the event next week. In the meantime here are some of our senior students (Jac, Marc and Emily) in training.
Newsblog next week
Please note as both Mrs Brien and myself are on camp with the year 7 & 8s next week and there is very limited wifi, there will be no newsblog next week.
Principal's Hui
This week we welcomed other North Otago principals who are part of the Maori Achievement Collaboration initiative of which I am a part. The children welcomed them to school with our welcome waiata (song) - E Te Ariki and the children were interested to see the principals rise to sing back to them. After this everyone had a bite to eat for morning tea.
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