Thursday 3 February 2022

4. School Swimming lessons

2022 School Swimming Lessons for Years 1-8

Hi Everyone

Our whole school swimming lessons for Years 1-8 begin on Monday 14th February at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre.  As we are currently in the Covid Red settings, our school will be the only school at the pool and will not cross over with other schools or the public.  All the staff at the Waitaki Aquatic centre who are involved with swim teaching / lessons are fully vaccinated.

We require vaccinated parents, caregivers and/or grandparents to accompany the children to and from the swimming pool for their swimming lessons so if you can help, please email me at or contact the office.

There will be 6 sessions over two weeks and all lessons are in the afternoon.  The swimming times are: 1.00 pm, 1.30 pm and 2.00 pm.  The dates are:

Week 3 - Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th February

Week 4 - Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd February

Week 5 - Friday 4th March - senior school swimming sports for Yrs 4-8 from 9.30 to 12.00 pm

All children have been put into swim groups based on their swimming ability from last year. If your child is involved in swimming lessons at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre during last year and has moved up a level since then, please email me with their details.  On the first day there will be a few children who need to be assessed or moved from a group and will be put in their correct groups for the next lesson.

*  On the swimming days, all children are to wear their PE gear to school as it makes it easier to change at the pool. 

*  Please ensure the children bring their swimming togs, towels and goggles on the swimming days.

*  Children who have a cold are not allowed to swim as per Covid 19 guidelines and are to stay at home.

*  Lunch will be at the earlier time of 12.00 pm on the swimming days.

*  Swimming is a part of our curriculum and we expect all children to take part in the lessons unless there is a medical reason, in which case we require a note.

*  All EOTC forms need to be completed and returned to the office in order for your child to go to the pool.

Each child has been put into a swimming group based on their ability to swim and in some classes, some children will swim with another class at a different time.  This is to fit in with the number of instructors and pool space available.

This is the timetable for each year group and we require vaccinated adult walkers with each group.

12.35 pm - Yr 1 & 2 (Mrs Brookes and Mrs Misiloi) and Yr 4 & 5 (Miss French) - leave school and swim at 1.00 pm.

1.05 pm - Yr 2 & 3 (Miss Sollano) and Yr 7 & 8 (Mrs Winders) - leave school and swim at 1.30 pm.  (Some Yr 7 & 8 children will swim at 2.00 pm with the Yr 5 & 6 group and will walk back with that group).

1.35 pm - Yr 5 & 6 (Mrs Thomas) - leave school and swim at 2.00 pm

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Paula Brien, Sports Coordinator

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