Thursday 10 February 2022

2. Special Character Week 2 Term 1 2022

 Faith Facts

Week 2: Green 7th - 11th February
6th Waitangi Day
8th Saint Jerome Emiliani and Saint Josephine Bakhita
Saint Scholastica
11th Our Lady of Lourdes

       Prayer for Waitangi Day from our national Anthem

E Ihowā Atua,
O ngā iwi mātou rā
Āta whakarangona;
Me aroha noa
Kia hua ko te pai;
Kia tau tō atawhai; 
Manaakitia mai

People of every creed and race,
Gather here before Your face,
Asking You to bless this place,
God defend our free land.
From dissension, envy, hate,
And corruption guard our state,
Make our country good and great,
God defend New Zealand.

Mā tō mātou Ariki mā Hehu Karaiti, Āmene 

Special Character Focus:

Prayer and Charism.

This week our focus for R.E teaching is REVERENCE Gospel- Colossians 3:12, Action point: "Love one another". "Kindness towards each other".  "reverence" and "Set your hearts..where Christ is." Our call to always have a clean heart. As Christians we are called to be virtuous and righteous, to be filled with love for Jesus, Others, and Yourself. 

Charism: Our school charism focuses on the Dominican charism of Veritas-Truth, Joy, God. Therefore children have been learning about this last week and this week. 

Dominican Sisters Celebration: This Saturday and Sunday we are celebrating Mary Horn- the last Dominican but we also celebrate the life of our Dominican sisters who were the founders of our school- St Joseph's and worked for our parish. You are welcome to join us at Mass at the Basilica on Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 9:30 am. There is also a service at the cemetery at 12:30 pm 


School Zoom Mass
Thank you to Ruma Takahe year 7/8 for leading mass last Thursday.  This week Ruma Hoiho year 5/6 is leading Mass and next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Kakapo Year 4/5.

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The first reading emphasises trust in God over the things of this world. Today's Psalm, the first Psalm serves as an introduction to the Book of Psalms. It makes clear the choice between the ways of the wicked and the ways of the Lord in Paul's letter we read the salvation rests on Christ's death and resurrection. The Gospel is a reminder of the true values of God's kingdom. Trust in God, do good, avoid the temptations of this world and you can have faith in eternal life. 

Dear Lord:
Help me to recognise your gifts for what they are. Allow me to remember the guidance of St Ignatius to appreciate these gifts as they allow us to progress while not allowing them to get in the way of the true end.  (Greighton University of Online Ministries)

Ngā manaakitanga

Tua Misiloi Co DRS

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