Thursday 10 February 2022

3. School Notices - Week 2, Term 1 2022


Birthday Greetings for this week
Arian L, Lincoln M and Honey Belle R

Admin Forms
There are still a few admin forms that need to be returned.  Remember they need to be returned in order for your child to leave school to walk to the pool for their swimming lessons.

Goal Setting Meetings
These zoom meetings will be held on Tuesday 22nd and Thursday 24th February from 4.00 to 7.30 pm as we are unable to meet in person due to the red traffic light system.  To book your meeting, go to   and login with the code uacvx

Friday 11th - Yr 7 Leadership Retreat
Monday 14th - sport forms due back
                      - swimming for years 1-8
Tuesday 15th - swimming for years 1-8
                       - vision check for all year 7 children
Wednesday 16th - swimming for years 1-8
Speech and Drama
Giant Leaps Speech and Drama are accepting enrolments for their classes in Oamaru.  Enrol by phoning 0800 4 speech or email or their web page

Lunches start up again tomorrow.  The prices are the same as last year with the availability of chocolate milk for $2.00.  Envelopes are available from the office.

Summer Sports
Cricket and touch forms were given to each family yesterday.  Please return all the permission slips by Monday as teams need to be formalised and entered that week.  Late entries may not be accepted if teams are full.

Swimming Lessons
These lessons start on Monday for the whole school.  Please ensure your children's PE shirts and shorts are named (as well as underwear) as it is easy for children to misplace or drop them in the changing rooms.  We would prefer if the girls did not wear tights under their PE shorts as it takes too long for them to put them on again after swimming.

Children are to come to school in their PE gear on the swimming days including seniors.  Swimming is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week.

I have received two offers of help to walk with the children to the pool.  If there is anyone else available to help, we would appreciate it.  MASKS have to be worn at the pool for adults. Children aged 12 years and up have to wear a mask entering and exiting the pool.

Winter Sports
North Otago Basketball are holding their AGM on Thursday 10th March at 7.30 pm at the Northstar.  They are looking for new members to join their committee and anyone is most welcome.

Community Notices
  • Waitaki Whitestone Geopark - Beach Clean Up
Bring the whole family and join us for a fun day out at one of our beautiful local beaches to collect litter. Please bring your own gardening gloves.

  • When: Sunday, 27 February, 2 - 3pm
  • Where: Kakanui Beach Reserve (Beach Rd, opposite Old Bones Lodge)
Under the Red Traffic Light rules, events are now only allowed if Vaccine Passes are used, with up to 100 people. We have made the decision to go ahead with our Beach Clean Ups, however are now requiring everyone that joins us to present their Vaccine Pass on arrival.

You and your friends may register at: 

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