A reminder please if you haven't already to fill out form and return to school as soon as possible with Sponsor's name and Saint chosen along with $5.
The students will undertake Reconciliation after Mass. They will also have a practice with Father Wayne next Wednesday morning for Confirmation.
Confirmation Mass is on Sunday July 1 @ 9.30 am
Please would each family bring a plate to share for the gathering after the Confirmation Mass in the Dean O'Reilly lounge.

Also, it is the
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This image of Jesus was first imagined in
early as the 13th century and maintained deviation through to the 16th
and 19th century even to today.
This image of Christ depicts Jesus’
and Jesus love for humanity.
John the Baptist - John the Baptist was a
contemporary of Christ who was known for evangelization and his baptising of
Jesus Christ.
John the Baptist was born through the
intercession of God to Zachariah and Elizabeth.
John began public ministry around 30 AD, and was known for attracting
large crowds across the province of Judaea and around the Jordan River. Pope
Francis invites all of us to evangelize by our word and deeds, witnessing to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John the
Baptist's feast day is June 24th. Did you know that our diocesan patron saint is St
John the Baptist!
God Bless
Nicola Winders
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