Thursday, 29 June 2017

1. Principal's News, Week 9 Term 2 2017

Staff Versus School Council Basketball Game
We had a very enjoyable basketball game yesterday against our school councillors.  The school council organised a sports-themed mufti day to raise money to buy new basketball nets in which we raised $164.90.  I am very impressed with the School Council as they have tackled something realistic that they can actually do something about and they've done it.  Thank you school council.  We won't go into who won.  There are more photos further on the blog.

Next Friday's Celebration Assembly

Assembly on the last day will be at 11am.

Children's reports for years 4-8 are coming home on Friday.  Children in years 1-3 who are due an interim or anniversary report will also be receiving their's.  Please check your child's bag. Parent/student interviews for years 4-8 are next week, please make sure you've made a booking.  The parent voice is an important part of our assessment information.  We use what you tell us and what you want, to form the goals for your children.

I've written last week about how I think we can do a better more holistic report - which will take time to do right, but we're working on it.  The judgements given this time about where your children are in relation to national standards are a prediction to the end of the year as there is no mid year national standard.

NZ Catholic Principal's Conference
Last week I attended the NZ Catholic Principal's Conference.  I was representing the Dunedin Diocese speaking about how we have developed Religious Education at St Joseph's.  I was surprised to be given the big conference room as my speaking venue, so our word was well and truly spread.

This is a selection of my colleagues with Pope Francis:

God bless
and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

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