Thursday 24 September 2015

4. What's Been Happening in Week 10

Singing Cup 2015

Well done to all the children who participated in the house choirs and performed admirably in the soloists and duets.  The trophy winners for 2015 are:

Yr 5  -  Riley Little and Elenoa Asi
Yr 6  -  Joshua Criddle and Dawn Gargar
Yr 7  -   Halalova Asi and Jordan Clarke
Yr 8  -  Joel Kunnethedan and Trish Chikowore

Yr 5/6 Duet  -  Ellie Jorgensen and Kaliopeta Katoa
Yr 7/8 Duet  -  Trish Chikowore and Sivaenga Katoa

House Choir - Guzman

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Ambulance Visit

On Monday the Junior Hub 2 had special visitors from the St Johns Ambulance service.
They were allowed to have a tour inside the ambulance and see all the equipment that they used to
help people who are hurt or sick.  They taught us why it is so important to know your phone number
and address in case of an emergency!
They had a lot of fun and learnt heaps! Thank you Mr Barber!

Pikelets and Smoothies
Today the Yr 6/7/8 hub were involved in a Rich Learning Task where you do real things in which it relates to your learning in real life.  During the term they have been learning about fractions, decimals, ratios and percentages in their mathematics.  They used this knowledge and applied it in a practical situation as part of their learning this term and a celebration of their work.  Different groups either made smoothies or pikelets and at the end they were allowed to enjoy the spoils of their work.  Going by the delicious smell in the corridor, I think they well and truly succeeded their tasks!!

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