Thursday, 3 September 2015

2. Special Character - Week 7 Term 3 2015

Stewardship banner 2014
The Catholic social teaching principle of Stewardship – kaitiakitanga – is about being responsible guardians. We are kaitiaki - guardians of the earth. Exercising stewardship is caring for the gifts God has given us, including the environment, our own personal talents and other resources.
Pope Francis announces a “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation”  - REUTERS
Pope Francis announced 'World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation' to be celebrated on September 1st annually.
On Tuesday 1st September St. Joseph's celebrated 'World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation' with a special liturgy at Koutuitui (1.50 pm). We shared some 'Youtube' clips that showed us some ways that we are destroying our earth but also ways that we, as responsible guardians of our earth, can take care of our earth so that it will still be able to provide for our future generations. We finished with some prayers, Pope Francis' prayer for creation and a song. 
Click on the link to share and discuss some of these issues at home.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

We are now in our second week of  'The God Strand'. For some ideas to discuss with your children refer to the pages in your  'Family Whanau' book. 

Here is also a link to the 'Family Whanau'. book

Family Whanau Book
Year 1: God is Creator/Page 17
Year 2: Our Gracious God/Page 20
Year 3: God is present in the World/Page 23
Year 4: God is Love/Page 26
Year 5: God is Faithful/Page 29
Year 6: Who is God?/ Page 32
Year 7: God's Desire for Humanity/Page 35
Year 8: The Mystery of God/Page 38

The Family Whanau Book is full of ways to support you and your child/children on their Faith Journey. If you need any further help or support please feel free to ask your child's teacher or me. We are all on this journey together.

Here are a few other pages you might find very useful.
  • Simple tips for good conversation in families/Page 12
  • Conversation starters/Page 12
  • Prayer - Karakia- in the Family - Whanau/Page 13.
  • Traditional Prayers of the Church/Page 54
  • Glossary of words used in the Religious Education Programme/Pages 47-51
  • Glossary of Maori terms/Page 52
Take Care and God Bless
Ann Dooley/CO. DRS

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