Thursday 24 September 2015

1. Principal's news, week 10 Term 3

Student slideshow of the week
This week I would like to share a slideshow. Last week, I came across a group of boys working diligently on a project in the corridor outside Senior Hub 1. I was impressed with the way they were collaborating and sourcing information to put into their own words. These students were in Year 4. Here is a link to their very informative slideshow entitled "The Ozone". I asked Liam to share the slideshow with me so I could read it in more detail and decided to share their learning with you this week. Thanks for sharing this informative slideshow Liam Cameron, Magnus Heaphy and Cody Marshall.

Singing Cup
Thanks Mrs Brookes for organising this year's Singing Cup and for the teachers and Year 8 leaders for supporting the awesome house choirs. Congratulations to Guzman for being the winners. Although Mrs Frances-Rees expressed her impartiality, I am sure she used to be a Guzman girl ! It was lovely to see Lorraine and her boys back in Oamaru for the Singing Cup. Thanks to Mrs Barbara O'Brien who judged the soloists and duets this year. All of the children were outstanding and shared their gifts and talents with us today.

Guzman House Choir

Siena House Choir

Lima House Choir

Staff news for 2016
At the end of the year we will farewell Mr Moore and Miss Huls. Mr Moore is spreading his wings and moving to Wanaka to teach at Wanaka Primary School. It is a big school with 650 students. Miss Huls is spreading her wings even further and is utilising her leadership opportunities in her new position as principal at Barrytown school on the West Coast. 

As a result, there will be some staffing changes for 2016. Our DP, Mr Paul Cartlidge is going to move upstairs and become the Year 8 teacher in 2016. Miss Morgan Tangney will reman as our Year 7 teacher. We will advertise the vacancies and will let you know more early in Term 4.

We farewell and thank Mrs Jen Gower for her work with science and maths in Term 2 and 3 in Senior Hub 2 and in Mr Cartlidge's class. This was an extra enrichment opportunity for the two terms but we have changes in place for Term 4. I know many budding scientists appreciated the rich learning Mrs Gower gave the children during her time in Senior Hubs 1 & 2.

Hub developments 
We will be making some slight changes to Senior Hub 2 and will commence this next term. 
In Term 4, as I mentioned last week, Year 8 will become a single class for their final term and prepare for the transition to high school. This means that Year 6 and 7 will operate as a two class hub for Term 4 2015.

In 2016, for term 1 and 2, Year 6 will operate as an independent class while they spend the time learning and adapting. During this time, Year 7 & 8 will work as a 2 class hub. In term 3 and 4, Year 6 & 7 will operate as a hub with Year 8 spending the final two terms as an independent class. It will look like this:

Term 1 & 2                  Yr 6 independent class                 Yr 7 & 8 Senior Hub 2
Term 3 & 4                  Yr 8 independent class                 Yr 6 & 7 Senior Hub 2

Film Group
A huge congratulations to our film making group who received 4 awards at the film festival on Monday night at the Opera House!!!  Our film - 'Lord of the Swings" achieved 2nd place out of 10 schools.  Laura won best actress, Sebastian won the best actor categories and Niveek runner up best actress.  We are so proud of you all and special thanks to Maddie Maxwell and Bridget Ellis for their work with our film group.  Thanks to Creative Communities funding for making this project possible for our school.

End of Term 3 feedback
Thanks to the four families who have responded with feedback about their children's learning opportunities so far. I am continuing to interview children and will collate and respond to your feedback in the new term. Here is the link to the feedback questions.

On behalf of the staff, we wish you and your families a wonderful term break. We thank the hardworking Home & School parents, our board of trustees, parent helpers and staff for their support for our students and look forward to welcoming you all back in summer uniform for Term 4 on Monday 12th October. Every blessing for a safe and relaxing break and savour every precious moment with your children.

2. Special Character Week 10 Term 3 2015

For parents of the children entering the Sacramental Programme in Term 4 (mainly Year 3 children) these talks will be invaluable. In particular, Catholic Essentials and Celebrating Sacraments. These talks are not only for Catholics but for all parents of children (both Catholic and Non-Catholic) who have recently been through the sacramental programme 2014-2015 and parents who are interested in the Catholic Faith. In fact these talks are invaluable to ALL of us who are on this faith journey together. 

Caritas Information

To learn more about what we are focusing on this week in our Religious Education programme this week click on the link above.
On Tuesday 22nd Year 4 led the Junior School in prayer with a special liturgy focusing on positive ways we can all contribute to our families at home and our school family. Our entrance display shows some of the things we can all do to make home a happy place to be.

Hopefully the next two weeks will be full of Family Ups :) 
God Bless and take care of each other.
Ann Dooley

SJW game image and logo.

3. School Notices - Week 10, Term 3 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 26th September - Elizabeth & Samuel Plieger, Matthew Gough and Isabella McNaught
Sunday 27th September - Ellie Jorgensen and Stefanie & Sylvia Lavrijsen

Saturday 3rd October - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Lachlan Brookes and Seth Sinclair
Sunday 4th October - Michael & Jerome Misiloi, Tess McAtamney and Joel Kunnethedan

Saturday 10th October - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham, Ben Cullimore and Joshua Criddle
Sunday 11th October - Rhea Ratgali, Grace Keno and Seth Bartley

Birthday Greetings to:
Tegan Souness, Ziah Rollan, Antonia Black, Jonathan Paton, Stephanie Morondoz, Kenton Tokai, David Kilgour, Paige Geypen, Yneke Edzes, Ayla Vincent, Ashlyn Marshall, Ellie & Timothy Jorgensen, Troy and Trish Chikowore and Adriana Wylie-Taukol

Good Luck
To all of our children who will be participating in sporting and cultural fixtures during the holidays, especially Cameron Mather, Duran Cooper, Jacob Fowler and Toby Lewis who are competing in the U13 North Otago Boys Basketball South Island tournament in Invercargill in the holidays.

There will be no gymnastic club on Friday 25th September as it is the last day of the term.

Pet Day 2015
The school council is organising a Pet Day on Friday 16th October (first Friday in term 4) and all forms have to be handed back into the office by tomorrow.  Further information will come out at the beginning of week 1 in term 4.

School Photos
Reminder that there will be school photos on the first Tuesday of school.  Family photos will be taken in the morning before school starts and further information will sent home on Monday 12th October.

School Transport Assistance
An assistance form for transport is available from the Ministry of Education for students attending a state or state-integrated school.  To be eligible the student's home must be more than:
-  3.2 km from their nearest appropriate school (St Joseph's) if they are in years 1-8
-  suitable public transport is not available anywhere between the student's home and their nearest appropriate school

This assistance is for students who either have to travel by car to catch a bus which is more than 2.4 kms from their roadside gate of their home to school or the students have to change buses more than once on their journey to school.

Please go to the Ministry of Education website  if you require further information or to download a form.

Summer Sports
Any children interested in playing a summer sport apart from Touch Rugby, please email Mrs Souness  as soon as possible what sport your child would like to play, their name and age or leave your details at the office.

-  T-Ball/Softball - game day is Wednesday nights and if there is enough interest in either T-Ball or Softball, the competition will start up again.
-  Summer Hockey - starts Monday 19th October at 4.00 pm
-  Cricket - this is for all types of cricket including Milo cricket.  Practices will be Wednesdays at 3.15 pm and the games are on Saturday mornings. Milo cricket details will be available next term.

Uniform Shop
The shop is open on Mondays from 8.30 to 9.00 am and again on Thursday afternoon from 2.30 to 3.00 pm. They require any summer uniforms, small jerseys and any good second hand school shoes which can be donated and is much appreciated.  Remember term 4 is summer uniform and school hats.
Community Notices
  • U13 North Otago Boys Basketball Car Wash - held on Saturday 26th September at the old Caltex next to Resene Paints.  Costs $5.00 per car.  Proceeds goes towards their South Island tournament.  Help support 4 of our children with their fundraising.
  • Tuvalu Language Week - celebrate Tuvalu language week at the Oamaru Library and the local Tuvalu Community will host a performance at 4.30 pm.
  • Tennis 2015/2016 Registration - register your child for juniors on Friday 25th September from 4.00 to 5.00 pm at Waitaki Girls and seniors on Saturday 26th September from 1.00 - 3.00 pm at Waitaki Girls courts.  If you cannot make these days, please register online at
  • Illuminating New Zealand Celebration of Light - held at the Otago Museum on Sunday 27th September.  Cost is free.  There will be public talks, science show, hands on science activities and technology demonstrations and light matter kits to take home.
  • Active Kids Holiday Programme - running from Monday 5th to Friday 9th October from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm at the Waitaki Community Rec Centre.  $6 per day or $25 for the week.  Sports include squash, touch, duathlon, croquet, petanque, badminton, karate and an amazing race.  Go to or contact Sport Waitaki to register.
  • Battle of the Books - held at the Oamaru Opera House on Tuesday 6th October. Join in for this fast paced and epic Battle of the Books.  Teams will compete in three rounds, presenting 60 second re-enactments of key parts of books.  Prizes for every participant.  This activity runs from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm with lunch from 12.00 - 12.30 pm then continues till 3.30 pm.  Ages 8 and up.  $5 registration fee and lunch is provided.  For bookings and information email
  • School Holidays Tennis Coaching and Game Play - Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th October from 9.00 to 11.00 am either at the Weston or Waitaki Girls Tennis courts.  Cost is $30 daily or $70 for the 3 days when you book and pay online  Enquiries to 027 284 9578
  • Rainbow Confectionery 5 km Rainbow Run - held on Saturday 17th October at the Oamaru Racecourse at 11.00 am.  Wear a white outfit and get covered in coloured powder at each of our 5 rainbow stations as you walk or run the 5 km course.  Costs $10 per person or $30 for a family pass of 2 adults and 2 children, extra child $5.00.  For more information and registration go to  Registrations are vital as numbers are limited.
  • Waitaki Boys High School Amazing Race - held on Sunday 1st November. Teams of two consisting of one adult and one child  (yr 3-8)  complete a set of varied tasks and challenges.  It will be lots of fun for young and old no matter what your fitness levels are.  For more information and entry forms go to

4. What's Been Happening in Week 10

Singing Cup 2015

Well done to all the children who participated in the house choirs and performed admirably in the soloists and duets.  The trophy winners for 2015 are:

Yr 5  -  Riley Little and Elenoa Asi
Yr 6  -  Joshua Criddle and Dawn Gargar
Yr 7  -   Halalova Asi and Jordan Clarke
Yr 8  -  Joel Kunnethedan and Trish Chikowore

Yr 5/6 Duet  -  Ellie Jorgensen and Kaliopeta Katoa
Yr 7/8 Duet  -  Trish Chikowore and Sivaenga Katoa

House Choir - Guzman

Made with Slideshow Embed Tool

Ambulance Visit

On Monday the Junior Hub 2 had special visitors from the St Johns Ambulance service.
They were allowed to have a tour inside the ambulance and see all the equipment that they used to
help people who are hurt or sick.  They taught us why it is so important to know your phone number
and address in case of an emergency!
They had a lot of fun and learnt heaps! Thank you Mr Barber!

Pikelets and Smoothies
Today the Yr 6/7/8 hub were involved in a Rich Learning Task where you do real things in which it relates to your learning in real life.  During the term they have been learning about fractions, decimals, ratios and percentages in their mathematics.  They used this knowledge and applied it in a practical situation as part of their learning this term and a celebration of their work.  Different groups either made smoothies or pikelets and at the end they were allowed to enjoy the spoils of their work.  Going by the delicious smell in the corridor, I think they well and truly succeeded their tasks!!

Made with Slideshow Embed Tool

5. Diary Dates - Week 10, Term 3 2015

Friday 25                    -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s College
                                    -  Home & School Raffle prize or money to be handed in
                                    -  End of Term 3

Monday 12                  -  Term 4 begins in summer uniform
Tuesday 13                  -  School photos
Thursday 15                -  Yr 8 camp meeting  with parents and Denis
                                    -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies
                                    -  Chinese Cultural Meeting new date *
Friday 16                     -  Pet Day *

Tuesday 20                  -  Keeping Ourselves Safe programme – Yr 4-6
Wednesday 21             -  Family Learning Hui from 6.00 to 7.00 pm in the school hall
Thursday 22                 -  Open Morning from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
                                     -  Young Vinnies – Yr 8
                                     -  Yr 8 parent helper meeting for camp from 6.30 to 7.30 pm
                                     -  Pasifika Success FIAFIA  EVENING

Monday 26                   -  Labour Day
Tuesday 27                  -  Home & School raffle cards to be sent home to each family

Tuesday 3                    -  Senior school athletics
Wednesday 4               -  Yr 8 parent helpers meeting for camp from 6.30 to 7.30 pm
Friday 6                       -  Multicultural Celebration Day

Monday 9                    -  Yr 8 Camp to  Staveley
                                     -  Home and School Raffle Cards due back today
Tuesday 10                 -  Yr 8 Camp to Staveley
Wednesday 11            -  Yr 8 Camp to Staveley
Thursday 12                -  Yr 8 Camp to Staveley
Friday 13                     -  Yr 8 campers arrive back in Oamaru

Tuesday 17                  -  Yr 7 Camp to IONA *
Wednesday 18             -  Yr 7 Camp to IONA *
                                    -  Pasifika Fono from 6.00 to 7.00 pm *
Thursday 19                -  Yr 7 Camp to IONA *
Friday 20                     -  Yr 7 Camp to IONA *

Monday 23                  -  North Otago Athletics *
Wednesday 25             -  Family Learning Hui from 6.00 to 7.00 pm *
                                     -  Pagsasama from 7.30 to 8.30 pm *
Thursday 26                 -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s College *
Friday 27                      -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s College *

Thursday 17 September 2015

Principal's News and Updates, Week 9 Term 3 2015

Student blogger of the Week
This week's student blogger of the week is Ellie Jorgensen in Year 6. Ellie's reflection on sacrifice and Jesus making the ultimate sacrifice is a shining example of the uniqueness of our Catholic character school and all that we stand for. 
The Catholic review team who visited this week said that we are to be proud of the rich and authentic Catholic education that our children receive. That is the reason for the existence of our school and we work hard to ensure a high standard of modern education in a faith filled environment. Our thanks and blessings go to our families who are committed through and through to a Catholic education for their children.

Staff appointments and hub plans for 2016
It is with great pleasure that we announce confirmation of the appointment of Mr Paul Cartlidge to the Deputy Principal vacancy. Mr Cartlidge is a wonderful asset to our senior leadership team and I am looking forward to working closely with him and our Assistant Principal Mrs Siobhan Burke as we begin to make plans for 2016.
I am also pleased to confirm the appointment of Miss Christina Gray and Miss Megan Day for 2016. 
We are also in the process of reviewing our hub environments. In term 4, Year 8 will resume as a single class in order to prepare for their transition to high school, their school camp and end of term leadership plans and activities. We will also be reviewing the junior hub classes with the growing number of New Entrants from this term and will provide details next week.
Plans have begun to be developed for some adaptations to the organisation of classes in Junior Hub 1 and Senior Hub 2 for 2016.
I will keep you fully informed.

Promotion of the video and movie night
The Filmmakers in Schools Film Festival is to be held at the Oamaru Opera House at 7pm on Tuesday 22nd September and is open to everyone. The cost is $5 per person or $15 for a family with up to 3 children, payable at the door. Our school entry is called Lord of the Swings. Please come along and vote for our school's entry.

Learning update from our speech and drama teacher Mrs Bridget McNally
Students are busy preparing for their exams  at the moment. Mrs McNally explains:

I must say, this time last year I was chasing students to get their talks done for exams and it was quite a task getting them motivated to write their own. This year however with the invention of google docs and all of your wonderful teaching I am having no problems.The students are extremely motivated and share their docs with me so I can help them shape it for speech. They have their own personal voice and the personalities are shining through which is exactly what we want in a talk.
In a nutshell I am really impressed at the ownership students are taking of their learning and the initiative they are taking when researching for their topics.
This is exactly what we want our students to do at St Joseph's and we thank Mrs McNally for her input into this process that gives the children self esteem and confidence with their learning.

Do we engage our learners in deep learning for success ?
This is the feedback from our twelve visiting principals last week. They were very impressed with our children and the way that they take ownership for their learning. They particularly liked the fact that we have a blended learning environment. Our children use devices as one of the many means to engage children in their learning along with pen and paper.

Free School Absentee and Calendar App
We have recently joined the community of schools who are keeping parents up to date through a free app called Parent, teacher and calendar PTC app. Thanks to advertising sponsors both locally and nationally, you can access information easily and quickly from your phone. Mrs Brien has included extra details about accessing this further in this newsblog.

We have had some beautiful Spring days this week and the children have enjoyed playing in the sunshine. The children in Junior hub 2 were motivated to write about the blossom on the tree in the playground. See if you can find the tree based on Atlanta's rich piece of writing.

The blossoms look like a flock of pink, fragile butterflies flapping their wings. The petals look like a ballerina's tutu when it's spread out. It smells like heaven. They are as soft as a sheep's wool.

Thanks to all of our staff for your support this week during our Catholic review. You are all showing us how to Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith.

2. Special Character Week 9 Term 3 2015

Caritas Information

If you would like to find out more about Caritas just click on the link above.
Years 1 - 4 will be sharing a Liturgy next Tuesday after Koutuitui. This will focus on 'Family Ups and Downs' and will be lead by the Year 4's. Family, friends and parishioners are welcome to join us.

SJW game image and logo.Next week, we will focus on Family Ups and Downs in our Religious programme. It looks at the joys and struggles of our families. Our entrance display shows some of the things we can all do in Social Justice Week to make a positive contribution to our home, school and parish.

Here are some of the things we will share at Koutuitui next week.

Ø Be Friendly

Ø Make new students welcome in my class.

Ø Ask others to join in a game.

Ø Invite others to sit with you at lunchtime

Ø Be helpful

Ø Ask Mum and Dad how I can help out at home.

Ø Maybe clean the living room or my room or help clean out the garage.

Ø Bring in the wood.

Ø Set or clear the table.

Ø Offer to help my teacher (before she has to ask).

Ø Be Encouraging

Ø Encourage others when they are having a hard time.

Ø Encourage my brothers, sisters and friends when they are doing something really well. Tell them, “You’re really good at that.”

Ø Make a card for Mum, Dad or a caregiver to say thank you for the things they do for you.

Ø Be Supportive

Ø Offer to help look after younger children when I can see an adult needs a rest.

Ø Give Mum and Dad a hug when they need it.

Ø Be Involved in creating happy events. Help to organise a birthday party in my family.

Ø Be Faithful

Ø Pray about important things with my family.

Ø Be Positive

Ø Prepare a nice surprise for someone who is a bit sad. Maybe bake a cake or pick some flowers.

Ø Be Generous

Ø If I have more toys than I need, I could check with my parents and give some away to be donated to other children who need them more than I do.

Ø I can put some money in the mission box.

SJW 2015 It's our story

Take Care and God Bless.
    Ann Dooley Co. DRS

3. School Notices - Week 9 Term 3 2015

Altar Servers 
Saturday 19th September - Joseph & Sebastian Spillane, Maximus Fatafehi and Vince Vidallon
Sunday 20th September - Laura & Cameron Mather, Antonia Black and Sebastian Whiston

Birthday Greetings to:
Arthur Cartlidge, Hamish Fowler, Ella Murphy, Charlotte Thornley and Hotili Asi

Parent and Teacher Calendar Ap
This app can be used to report absences, check on diary dates and reminders about school events. You can download our school calendar app for free by either going through iTunes or Android.  I have attached the QR Code (which you have to download a scanner code from the Apps Store) via the email link where you can scan the codes or you can download it using the following information. (I used this information from an i-phone but is very similiar to other brands)

Sig 2
  1. Go to your App store and search for 'Parent Teacher Calendar' App
  2. Select 'PTC Calendar'  and press 'Get' and 'Install' via your iTunes account
  3. Once downloaded, choose the region (Otago) then scroll down to get to St Joseph's Oamaru and select 'Choose'.
This App is still a 'work in progress' and the calendar dates will be updated soon.

Home and School Disco
If parents have not returned the disco slip with the number of children attending (so we can buy hot dogs), please text 027 237 8234 with the family name and the number of children attending by 4.00 pm today or you will miss out.  There is no disco theme.

School Athletics
Please note that the senior school athletics have changed from Monday 16th November to Tuesday 3rd November.

Scholastic Book Club
The orders for the book club close tomorrow Friday 18th September.

We warmly welcome Joaquin Perez who started school this week to our new entrants class.
Community Notices
  • OSCAR - join the OSCAR holiday programme for a fun two weeks of animal crafts and games plus outings to visit rock pools, movies, playgrounds and the pool.  For more information, ring Jenny on 021 156 5871 or email
  • Holiday Programme Spring - check the attached flier to the email for things to do in the holidays at the Oamaru Library, North Otago Museum, Waitaki Aquatic Centre and the Forrester Gallery.

4. Congratulations - Week 9, Term 3 2015

Addams Family Theatre Show
Joel Kunnethedan and Seth Sinclair both auditioned for the part of 'Pugsley' who is a 12 year boy in the Addams Family in which they both get to portray him in the show with Joel acting one night and Seth the next night.  They have been practicing for approximately 4 months for at least once a week and closer to the time they practiced every day for up to 4 hours.  Joel and Seth have enjoyed working in the theatre environment where they have learnt heaps, had lots of fun, worked with really really nice people and the learning has been engaging.   They reckon the long nights have been hard on their sleep and their singing but have enjoyed every moment of it.  The  Addams Family is about a quirky family and their daughter called Wednesday who falls in love with a normal boy called Lucas and her family doesn't like him so they try to stop the relationship.  The show opened last Friday and is on till this Saturday 19th September.  There is a matinee show on this Saturday at 2.00 pm and the other shows start at 7.30 pm. It is a comedy show and is suited for all ages.  Joel is acting tonight and Saturday afternoon and Seth is acting Friday and Saturday nights.

Top Schools Gymnastics Competition
Yesterday saw some girls competing in the Top Schools Gymnastics competition held in the Drill Hall where they competed against other primary schools.  We had 9 girls compete in the 8 & 9 year old division in two teams which came 2nd and 3rd respectively.  We also had 5 girls compete in the 10 & 11 year old division and they came 2nd place.  The overall winner for the Top School was North School and hopefully next year with a bit more practice, St Joseph's will do even better.

The teams are:
8 & 9 years - Eden Davison, Bella & Summer Moriarty, Atlanta Williams-McDowell, Molly-May Mestrom, Mya Lindsay, Kristiana Whiston, Jada-Rose Keno and Niamh Jackson.
10 & 11 years - Ellie Jorgensen, Sylvia & Stefanie Lavrijsen, Aria O'Connell and Ayla Vincent

5. Special Character

Here are some Catholic Character reflections which are throughout the school and classrooms.
Junior School

Junior Learning Hub 2
Dear God
Thank you for all the wonderful creations you have made in our peaceful world. You have made a lot of things like food, water, flowers and trees. If I had to choose my favorite thing it would be my family and my house. Love you my friend.

Dear God
I am here to say thank you for my family and my friends and I mean this thank you for making Ash my friend and for making me. You are the best God ever! I love you allthe way to the moon and back. Thank you for making all the food for me and thank you for making my sister. Thank you for the flowers, the sun, the birds, the snow and all the things in the world. Thank you for my Mum and Dad and all the animals and thank you for the church. Guess what you are AWESOME!
Love from
Eva K
Dear God

Thank you for my friend and food! I love the world you made and thank you for your son Jesus. Thank you for the sun, the trees, the water and for making me. Thank you for being our guardian.
From Lewis
Dear God
Thank you for… my Mum and Dad who make me yummy food. I like peas, meat and broccoli.
From Ella
Dear God
Thank you for all the things you gave all of us. You are my hero and you make sky and you made the world beautiful. You are the king of the world. Thank you for all the fruit.
Yours sincerely Sunny
Dear God
Thank you for my family and friends. Thank you for our parish and my sheep. Thank you for our food that we eat at school and home. Thank you for my wonderful home, my pink and red rose garden, for Chole, Ivy-Belle, Isobella, Ella, Brooke and amazing Lydia and Zac.
From Holly