Thursday, 2 July 2020

3. School Notices - Week 12, Term 2 2020

Birthday Greetings
Indeg Jones-Hogan, Kaycee-Mae Gibbins, Ellie Jing, Marianne Alegre, Emily Chen and Manase Oakes

Cross Country
Our school cross country date has been set for Tuesday 18th August and it will be held at the Oamaru Race course.  The holidays are a good opportunity for the children to start preparing for this school event.  Parents/caregivers, we would love your help if you are available.  The cross country is run in the morning only.

Junior Quadrangular Permission Slips
The permission slips and money need to be returned and paid before Tuesday 21st July

Pies and Milo
This initiative starts back on the first Wednesday of term 3.  Please bring your wrapped named pie and/or named cup and 50 cents for Milo and put them in the hall on the kitchen counter.

Rugby Draw - Saturday 4th July
7/8 years - 10.30 am - Valley Gold v St Joseph's at Weston
9/10 years - 10.30 am - St Joseph's v Kurow at SKC
11/12 years - 11.00 am - St Joseph's v Kurow at WCS 1

Fees - these need to be paid before the children receive their winter sports uniform as the children play the first week back in term 3.

Basketball, miniball, hockey and netball - start their competition in the first week of term 3.  Please look out for the draws which will be sent out to you on the first day of school if they are available.

Basketball and Miniball Score bench Rosters  - there will be score bench rosters emailed tomorrow for basketball and miniball families so if your team is on score bench duty, please ensure you turn up to do your duty otherwise the competition points do not count for your child's game.  The roster ensures all families do their part to help the team and it is not left to one or two families to do it each week. If your family is down to do a duty on a particular date and our school is not on duty, that is a bonus for that family as the roster goes from week to week.

Friday 3 July - subway lunches half price
                      - technology for Yr 7 & 8
                      -  celebration assembly at 2.30 pm
                      - last day of term 2
Monday 20 July - school starts for term 3
Tuesday 21 July - junior quadrangular tournament permission slips due back
                           - miniball starts today
Wednesday 22 July - basketball starts today
                                - hockey starts today
Thursday 23 July - school mass at 9.15 am                       

Subway Lunches
They start back again tomorrow and they cost half price.  $3.00 for 6 inch and $4.50 for foot long.

We warmly welcome 8 new students to our junior school who are starting in the first 3 days of term.

Wheels Day
Tomorrow is the last day to bring your scooters, bikes and skates and of course your HELMET.

Waitaki Aquatic Centre
Is reopening this Saturday 4th July at 9.00 am. Waitaki Swim School and Squads are looking forward to welcoming back all of our swimmers and those who have not yet given it a go.  Registrations are now open for the July holidays block and term 3 lessons.  More information can be found on our Facebook page or by phoning the Aquatic Centre on 433 0410.

Community Notices
  • School Holiday Programme - see attachment to email 
  • Head First Travel NZ - Oamaru July School Holiday Action - bus trips on the Double Decker bus around town, Vanished World in Duntroon, Riverstone Kitchen, Timaru (Leap) and (Aquatic Centre).  Please see the attachment to the email for further information.
  • Waitaki Whitestone GeoPark - a presentation by Brian Miller speaking about the introduction to the Waitaki Whitestone Geopark Proposal e.g. What is a Geopark and why is the Waitaki District special?; The formation of New Zealand and the discovery of Zealandia; How an undersea volcano created the Victorian town of Oamaru.

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