Friday 24 July 2020

3. School Notices - Week 1, Term 3 2020

Altar Servers
Saturday 25th July - Paddy Spillane, Isaiah Castro and David Kilgour
Sunday 26th July - none from St Joseph's

Birthday Greetings to
Eva Fatafehi and Mazvita Rondozai

Please contact the office if your child is going to be away from school before 9.00 am each morning.  If your child is sick, you still have to let us know each day if they will be away. Please contact us on:
  • phone number where you can leave a message - 434 8856
  • school cell phone - 027 4344 8860 - text a message
  • email -
Cross Country
Our school cross country will be held on the morning of Tuesday 18th August at the Oamaru Race course.  We require parents/caregivers who will be marshals and if you can help, please let Mrs Brien know.  Information regarding the day will be sent out later.  
The children have started preparing for this.  Senior children are to come to school in their PE gear on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and bring their uniform to change into.
Junior children come to school in their PE on Tuesdays as normal and wear their normal school uniform for the other days.  Please bring their sport shoes on a Monday and Friday for trainings.

Home and School Fundraiser
The fundraising this year has been limited due to Covid but there is a gig at the Hungry Horse Cafe at the Oamaru Race course on Saturday 16th August.  The roster times for this race meet are:
10.00 am to 12.00 pm
12.00 to 3.00 pm
3.00 to 5.30 pm
Please contact Rebecca Heffernan on 027 432 4056 to be put on the roster.  This is a fun way to get to know other parents and help raise money for our school.  You do not need to have ANY experience to do it.

There are 3 more race meetings this year for the Hungry Horse Cafe and the dates are:
Sunday 20th September, Sunday 18th October and Saturday 21st November.

Junior Quadrangular Permission Slips
Please ensure these are returned by tomorrow and payment has been made thanks.

Lost Property
We have a huge number of lost clothing items which are unnamed and need a home to go too.  These will be distributed to a charity at the end of next week if not collected before hand. There are shoes, shorts, jackets, sweatshirts etc.

Pastoral Care Parish Freezer
During the year some of our school families experience times of need; like the death of a close family member, severe illness/injury or hardship. During the year all classes will have an opportunity to contribute to the Parish Welfare Freezer.

Junior School: We would be very grateful if the families could kindly donate baking or cooked meal items in term 3.  The items can be baking or a main meal e.g. soups, casseroles, lasagna, muffins etc.  If you are in a position to contribute, thank you.  For further information, please feel free to contact Rebecca Heffernan (Home and School Chairperson) on 027 432 4056.  Please bring your kindly donated food to the school office on Monday mornings or by arrangement.  Thank you.

The Home and School have resumed the pies and milo lunches on Wednesdays.  Please bring your named wrapped pies or other reheat food and $1.00 for milo and a named cup to the hall before school starts on a Wednesday.

Plastic Free Day
Next Tuesday 28th July is our St Joseph's Plastic Free Day.  We need your help to reduce the plastic that we use.  Some ways to do this are to use paper wrappers, re-usable tubs or bring in healthy fresh fruit.  Support our Enviroschool and Let's Make Our School Environment Plastic Free

Scholastic Book Club
Book Club orders need to be in by Friday 31st July.

Subway Lunches
A reminder that subway lunches are back to full price tomorrow i.e. $6.00 for 6 inch and $9.00 for a foot long.  Envelopes are available in the office to take home and fill out prior to Fridays.

Singing Cup
This year's Singing Cup for all Year 5, 6 7 and 8 students is going to continue to promote our talents in singing as well as hold the prestige that was shown at last year's finals.  We encourage all year 5-8 students to audition and there are house points for all entries.
  • Auditions - Tuesday 11th August from 11.00 am 
  • Finals - Thursday 27th August from 11.00 am for solos and groups
  • House Choirs and Presentations - Friday 28th August at 1.30 pm
Students will choose from the song list below and sing one verse and one chorus.  This year the Duet/Group competition will also include groups of 3-6 participants.  Auditions for duets/groups need to be able to present their song choice with harmony.  Duets/groups can be mixed girl/boy and mixed houses.
Song choices for auditions are:

Soloist                                                                     Duet/Group
1.  Hold my Hands                                                  1.  Te Aroha
2.  Gifts                                                                   2.  Holy Ground
3.  Blessed be God                                                  3.  Own Choice
4.  Own choice

There is an audition pack available from the class teachers.

Choose their own song and accompanist but we can help you.  Backing tracks may be used but they must only be instrumental.  A TIME LIMIT of 3 minutes is required.  Finals will be held on Thursday 27th August in our school hall from 11.00 am.  Parents and caregivers are most welcome.

The Judge has the following marking criteria
  • tune
  • volume
  • diction
  • timing
  • presentation
We are looking for excellence and participation and look forward to the final results.  
Kind regards, Leanne Brookes - Teacher in Charge

We warmly welcome 9 new students who started in the junior school this week and to Phoebe Cogle and Lucas Yu who started school in the last week of term 2. Welcome Michaela Coetzee, Annabel Gillan, Jayden Hu, Shun Jalac, Jasvee Kumar, Lydia Martin, Amos and Rose Muir and Manase Oakes.

Winter Sports
The sports draw is on another page of the newsletter. All sports have now started or will start on Saturday.  Good luck to all teams and please ensure all players, supporters, coaches and managers adhere to our school's Sports Code of Conduct.
We would love to have any photos of the teams and players sent through to us for our newsletter and notice boards.  Please send them to or come into the office and we can download them for you.

Young Vinnies Help
Do you know of anyone who would like to donate their time for approximately 60 - 75 minutes each Thursday from 10.45 am to 12.00 pm to help with our Yr 7 & 8 Young Vinnie students.

The jobs could be driving the students to the rest homes and supervising them or supervising the children at the church when they start on the cleaning roster and other various things as they arise.  Please contact Mrs Adrienne Spillane on 021 207 2871 if you know of someone.

Community Notices
  • Kitchen Chaos at the Oamaru Opera House - Mess, Magic and Fun with Food - Kitchen Chaos at 2.00 pm on Saturday 25th July at the Oamaru Opera House.  Tickets just $7.50 for $20 for a family pass.  Circus, slapstick and magic combine in this fantastically fun adventure for children aged 3-11 years and their grown ups.  Your little ones are invited to join us on a story filled with joy, laughter and the messiest juggling you have ever seen.
  • Vacancy for a Cleaner at the Rec Centre - Monday to Friday, preferably early morning start (however that is negotiable/flexible).  4 hours daily (20 hours per week).  Attention to detail and the ability to work unsupervised, great initiative and being a team player are key attributes for the role.  Email your CV to or phone Diane on 021 0815 0688 for more details.  Applications close Wednesday 29th July (NZ residency and valid NZ work visa required).
  • Dance Classes Oamaru - Term 3 sees Dance Evolution Studios expanding their exceptional dance tuition to the lovely folks in Oamaru.  If you are looking for a fun dance class with no exam expectations, that will keep you inspired, fit and achieve excellent technical ability then look no further than our DEVOS DANCE FUSION CLASSES for ages 3-12 years.  These classes are held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Waitaki Recreation Centre.  Suitable for both beginners and seasoned dancers wanting to challenge themselves in all genres of dance.  Free trial classes from July 21st to 29th.   Go to for more information.

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