Thursday 10 August 2017

3. School Notices - week 3, Term 3 2017


Altar Servers 
Saturday 12th August - Kristiana Whiston, Elenoa Asi, Madison Jones and Jada-Rose Keno
Sunday 13th August - Annalise Kilgour

Birthday Greetings to:
Campbell Fowler

Tomorrow assembly starts at 2.15 pm as we are presenting Cross Country certificates and a performance by the Kapahaka children.

Football - Congratulations to Lisiate Hausia and Samuel Plieger who made the North Otago U11 and U13 respective football grades.  Lisiate is travelling to Nelson and Samuel is going to Queenstown in the October holidays.  Both players will have lead up games of football at the Festival of Football tournaments in Alexandra and Timaru in September.
Kapahaka Group
Next Tuesday, our Yr 3,4 and 6 classes will be attending the North Otago Hui Ako Kaupapa Maori Festival at the Oamaru Opera House in the second session which starts at 12.00 pm.  We are performing 5th in this session.  Good luck to all of you and if you can't make it on Tuesday, they are doing a dress rehearsal at assembly tomorrow.

Lost Property
-  David Kilgour has lost his named polar fleece and jacket.  Please check your child's clothing to see if they have picked it by mistake.
-  there is a huge number of sweat shirts, track pants, unnamed school jackets, polar fleeces and other items of clothing in the lost property.  Have a look to see if anything belongs to you otherwise it will be given to the Uniform Shop and St Vincent de Paul clothing shop.

News Blog

It has been brought to our attention that some people think the news blog has only the Principal's and the Director of Religious Studies news on it.  The school notices, sports draw and diary dates are on the blog but you have to click that particular page at the bottom of the blog.  For some reason, the blog has decided to do this all by itself!!

Friday 11th - assembly starts at 2.15 pm with presentation of cross country certificates and kapahaka
Monday 14th - First Holy Communion meeting
Tuesday 15th - Assumption of Mary Mass at 9.15 am, ICAS Maths exam and Kapahaka Festival
Wednesday 16th - speech competition finals for Yr 4-8, pie and milo lunch

School Masses
We are attending Mass for the Assumption of Mary on Tuesday 15th August at the basilica at 9.15 am and this Mass will replace the Thursday Mass for the week.  Everyone is welcome to attend.


We warmly welcome Elise Hedlund to our new entrants class and Evan Adams to our Yr 2 class.

Winter Sports 
Netball - our Yr 7/8 top netball team has made the Intermediate Prem final which is the first time in a few years.  The game starts at 10.30 am and our Yr 5 team is also in a final starting at 9.45 am so we would love to see your maroon and navy support!!
We are holding a netball break-up for Yrs 1-8 next Thursday from 3.15 to 4.15 pm in the school hall where certificates will be presented to the players from Yr 3-8 and afternoon tea will be served.  Can each family please bring a plate.
Uniforms - Please return your washed winter sports uniforms and bags to the box under the stairs thanks.

Community Notices

  • Jack and Jill Family Portrait Photos - a fundraiser for Athletic Netball Club - will be held on Sunday 13th August at Fenwick school hall.  Costs $10 for a sitting.  For further information phone Amber on  027 777 7303.

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