First Communion Mass August 20 at 9.30 am This week's faith fact. What is Pope Francis motto and what can we learn
from it? Pope Francis’ motto, "Miserando atque eligendo",
means lowly but chosen; literally in Latin 'by having mercy, by choosing
him'. We are all called to show mercy by living out the Gospel values shown
to us by Jesus.
1st August 100 years ago 1917 Pope Benedict XV tried to
offer a peace proposal to end World War 1. It was largely ignored by all waring
nations. He asked for a peace linked to justice rather than
military conquest, a demand for a cessation of hostilities, a reduction of
armaments, a guaranteed freedom of the seas and international arbitration. Throughout the war, Pope Benedict wrote 12 letters pleading peace.
In 1920, the Muslim
Turks erected a statue of him in Istanbul to commemorate "the great pope
of the world tragedy ... the benefactor of all people, irrespective of
nationality or religion." God Bless Nicola Winders
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