Altar Servers
Saturday 5th August - Samuel Plieger, Annalise Kilgour, Michael Woodhouse and Nye Jones-Hogan
Sunday 6th August - Hana Davies, Morgan Baillie, Molly-May Mestrom and Seth Bartley
Birthday Greetings
Cruz Illingworth, Warren Pardede and Fergus McMullan
Voice for Life North Otago invites you to our 2017 Annual General Meeting at the Brydone Hotel, Moeraki Room at 6.45 pm on Friday 18th August. The AGM will be followed by a presentation by guest speaker Brendan Malone from Focus on the Family.
Euthanasia - we can live without it
Do you know someone who has considered suicide?
Do you know someone with a disability?
Do you know someone elderly or frail?
Come and hear why David Seymour's End of Life Choice Bill poses a serious threat to these people. Contact Jacqui de Ruiter, VFL President on 437 0919 for further information.Congratulations
Rugby - Congratulations to Morgan Baillie, Liam Cameron, Max Fatafehi, Jack Hayman, Levi Heffernan and Sebastian Spillane who got selected for the North Otago 11 year old rugby team.
Cross Country
Due to the recent weather conditions we have decided to hold our annual cross country at St Kevin’s College this year on Tuesday 8th August. The races will begin later in the morning than on previous years and therefore everyone is to come to school first. The whole school will be travelling out by buses at 10.30 am.
Below is a timetable of approximate times for each race. Children will run in their year level not age groups as in previous years.
Yr 8 12.00 am
Yr 7 11.50 am
Yr 6 11.40 am
Yr 5 11.30 am
Yr 4 11.20 am
Yr 3 11.10 am
Yr 2 & 1 11.00 am
Once the children have finished their race, they will be transported back to school in instalments.
Children are to wear their PE gear to school and bring with them warm trousers (navy or black), school jersey or jacket, sport shoes and a drink bottle. Any children with asthma or allergies are to make sure they have with them any medications required and hand them to their class teacher.
In order for this event to run safely Olivia Pope require lots of parents to help out as marshals. Please email her at or let the office know if you can help. We also require a number of picnic rugs and tarpaulins for the students to sit on, so please drop them to your class teacher if you have any.
The postponement date has changed and you will be notified next week. Children qualifying for North Otago Cross Country on Monday 21st August will be given a note home.
First Communion Mass - Volunteers required urgently
If anyone can help with the serving of morning tea to the First Communion children and their families after mass on Sunday 20th August, please let Mrs Adrienne Spillane or the office know.
Garden Club
Donations of either horse or sheep poo are wanted for our school garden. If you have any lying around, please drop it off beside the junior school garden. Any donations of gardening gloves and tools would also be kindly appreciated.
Tuesday 8th August - whole school cross country at 11.00 am at St Kevin's College
Wednesday 9th August - scholastic book club orders due back today
Veritas Award
Congratulations to Anika Robinson (Yr 8) who received the Veritas Award at assembly last Friday. Anika received this award because she is well respected by her classmates and always works hard and is the first person to help anyone. Anika is polite, caring and a great role model for our school values. Anika is a very deserving recipient of this award.
We warmly welcome Hannah Rathgen who started school this week to our new entrants class.
Community Notices- Short English Language Courses starting August in Oamaru. Speak Better English - this course will help you improve your speaking skills for everyday communication and work. For example asking for information, explaining a problem, making an appointment or talking to people in a bank or school. Held on Thursdays from 9.30 to 11,30 am from 24th August to 19th October. Preparation - this course will help you learn how to approach each section of the IELTS test. You will get feedback on your writing and speaking and learn how to improve your reading and listening skills. Thursdays 12.45 to 2.45 pm from 24th August to 19th October. Fees per course cost domestic $82 and international $270.10. Phone 0800 24 24 76.
- International Language Week - Community Morning Tea - held on Sunday 13th August from 2.30 to 4.30 pm at the Scottish Hall, 10 Tyne Street, Oamaru. Celebrate our multicultural community, language, food, music and culture. Please bring a plate of food to share for afternoon tea.
- Netball South Canterbury Jellybean Tournament Sunday 27th August - held at the netball courts, Aorangi Park, 70 Morgans Road, Timaru. Year 7-8 teams (7 aside) and Year 5-6 teams (6 aside). This tournament is a FUN DAY and teams should wear uniforms but may include a dress up feature that does not interfere with player safety (e.g. stripey socks, face paint). Entry fee is $40.00 per team (no refunds) which includes a lucky draw and goal shooting competition over four sections - Year 5, 6,7 and 8 players. An umpire must be provided for each team and they will umpire their own teams. Please complete the on-line registration via by Monday 21st August. Any queries to Sarah Harvey on
- North Otago Lions Club Special Needs Pool Party - held at the Aquatic Centre on Saturday 2nd September from 6.00 to 7.30 pm. Any person with special needs is welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Contact the Aquatic Centre on 433 1410 to register by 30th August.
- Oamaru Rocks Free Community Rock Painting Sessions - held on Saturday 12th August at Fenwick School hall and Saturday 19th August at Pembroke School hall from 12.00 to 2.00 pm. Along with creating magical rock art, there will be entertainment games and spot prizes. It is free and all the rocks and paints are provided.
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