Thursday, 6 May 2021

2. Special Character Week 1 Term 2 2021

Warm Greetings to you all and Welcome to Term 2. 

Happy Mother's Day

The Month of May- within the cycle of a year, the Church unfolds the whole mystery of Christ. In celebration this cycle, the Church honour with special love, Mary the Mother of God. The month of May is dedicated to Mary.

Thank you, God, for mothers who love and show us how to be good. Bless my mother with what she needs and help me to be a blessing. Amen.  

Thank you, God, for Grandma and her love for me. I love her and she loves me. Give her enough energy to keep up with me because she says "I wear her out". Amen.

Thank you, God, for the other mothers, such as Aunt____ and Aunt___, my teacher and ___ who looks after me while Mum works. Take care of them and bless them on Mother's Day. Amen.

Week 1-3rd- 7th May  (White)

3rd- St Phillips and James 

9th- Mother's Day

School and Family Mass: 

Today Mrs Winders' class-Year 7&8 (Kakapo) was presenting the gospel at mass. Next week gospel presentation will be Mrs Thomas class- Year 5&6. You are welcome to join us celebrating Mass.

Why do we go to Mass? If you look around you will see that God calls all kinds of people. Everyone is there for one reason, we believe in God- the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When we are at Mass we are called a liturgical assembly of faithful people. The whole assembly gathers to give praise and thanks to God. 

Sacramental Program- Confirmation

This is just a reminder that our Confirmation meetings are on Monday 10th May and Monday 17th May at 7.00pm at Dt Joseph's School.

Confirmation will take place at the 9.30 Mass on Sunday 30th May. Please remember you will need a copy of your child's Baptismal certificate. If your child was baptised in Oamaru please provide the date this took place.

There will be a practice with Bishop Michael probably on the afternoon of Friday 28th May. All candidates will need to attend.

Adrienne & Mark W, Fr Wayne and myself are Looking forward to seeing you all on Mon 10th May. Thank you for all your support and we are looking forward to work with and alongside you and your child during his or her faith journey and receiving the sacred Sacrament of Confirmation. 

Special Character Focus

This term for our Religious Education focus is Prayer Module, Jesus Strand, Holy Spirit and God Strand.

Malo Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

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