Birthday Greetings to
Laura Patterson, Neight Fraser and Emily McGeown
Covid Level 2 Guidelines
All adults have to sign in at the front door and use hand sanitizer if you come into the school building. If you come into school after 9.00 am, please come to the office as you are not allowed to go to the classrooms. We will pass on messages, lunches etc to the children.
Parents are also asked to wait outside the school at 3.00 pm and not meet in the school grounds.
Cross Country
What a wonderful bunch of resilient children we have here at school who all completed our cross country course on Tuesday with determination and satisfaction. It was a pleasure to watch our students compliment each other on their completion and our older children encouraging the junior children with cheering, high fives and shoulder lifts. The smiles said it all.
A massive thank you goes to Rebecca Heffernan who helped with the set up of the course and checking last minute details on the day. Your time and help is very much appreciated by all. Also huge thanks to our wonderful marshalls who made this day possible because without these adults, the day could not have gone ahead . Thank you to the Oamaru Race Course and Pony Club for allowing us to use their grounds.
The top 6 children from Years 4-8 who have qualified for the North Otago Cross Country on Monday 31st August will find out either tomorrow or next week if it will go ahead. If we move to Covid Level 1, we will be able to hold the event, otherwise it may be cancelled. These children will be notified.
Certificates and Trophies - these will be presented to the first 3 place getters from Years 1-8 at assembly on Friday 4th September at 2.15 pm providing we are at Covid Level 1.
Further photos are on our Facebook page and will be put on our blog tomorrow.
Drink Bottles
A blue drink bottle with the 'Frozen' movie picture on it has been lost at our cross country. Please check to see if your child has the correct drink bottle. A blue and black Katmandu bottle was left on the bus from the cross country. Please claim it from the office.
This week is Conservation Week and Kiwi kids throughout NZL have put together a list of 50 things that they would like to do in nature. For any family who wanted ideas of how to enjoy nature this weekend, here are 50 different ideas from children throughout New Zealand: https://www.doc.govt.nz/50things
Thank you to our amazing coaches who coached our rugby boys and children from other schools this season. The children enjoyed the season albeit a short one. There is a Town v Country game being played tomorrow night at 5.30 pm at Maheno for the 9/10 year grade. Congratulations to the following boys from our school and team who made the town team:
- Hamish Fowler, Blake Meek and Vilivea Tahitua
- Romeo Harris and Francis & Taafaki Taafaki
The 11/12 year town team could not field enough players to make a competitive team this year.
All JAB rugby is now finished for the year as there originally was going to be a couple of development days for all the clubs to combine but due to Covid Level 2, this won't be happening. Can all the gear bags and rugby tops please be washed before returning them back to the office.
Our 9/10 year rugby team
Scholastic Book Club Orders
The order forms will be given to the children tomorrow and all orders have to be handed in by Friday 28th August.
St Kevin's 2021 Enrolments
All Yr 8 students who are looking at enrolling at St Kevin's College next year should have received an application form from St Kevin's. If you have not received a form, there are spare ones at our school office. All application forms have to be returned either to our school office or St Kevin's within a couple of weeks as they need to start organising class sizes for next year. If your child is not attending St Kevin's next year, please let our office know.
We warmly welcome Irina who started school last week to our junior school.
Tomorrow is the last day you can purchase the yo-yos from the office. The prices range from $8.00 to $24.00.
Sports Draws and Covid Level 2 Guidelines
Due to Level 2 guidelines, all netball for years 1-6 has been cancelled until further notice. When we go back to Level 1, it will resume again. All teams are asked to continue practicing in the meantime.
The (Gold) Yr 8 team and the (Rebels) Yr 5/6/7 team play in the intermediate grade and all their games will play at 9.00 am. Courts will open at 8.40 am.
Further information regarding the Covid Level 2 guidelines for Saturday games will be sent out in a further email. Please look out for it.
Draw - Saturday 22nd August
9.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v OIS Tactix - court 8 Sport & Outdoors
9.00 am - St Joseph's Rebels v Twizel Lightning - court 5 Darryn Stewart Painters
Basketball and Miniball
The draws were unavailable at the time the newsletter was typed. These will be emailed out tomorrow along with the health and safety guidelines for Covid Level 2.
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