Thursday, 6 August 2020

2. Special Character Week 3, Term 3 2020

Welcome/Kiaora/Malo e Lelei
Special Character Focus
School and Family Mass- 
Presenting the Mass and Gospel is a service opportunity and Ministry for our children in spreading God’s word. You are welcome to join us for Thursday Mass at 9:15 am in the Basilica. 
Thank you to Year 5/6 Mrs Streats class.for the presentation of the gospel at Mass last Thursday. Today the Mass and Gospel presentation lead  by Year 4/5 Mrs Winders class. Next Week Thursday Mass will be Year 3/4- Kiwi-Miss Sollanos class.

Welcome and Mihi presentation

 Acting of the gospel

Religious Education: Church Strand-For Parents
Key Ideas
1. The Church is the people united with God
The Church is the people of God united with each other and united with God. St Paul wrote, "Together you are the body of Christ.  Each one of you is part of his body." (1 Corinthains 12:27).

2. We all have a responsibility in the Church
To be a Christian means being part of church. The community of believers is the church, in communion with each other and with God. Every member of the church has a part to play. 

3. There are formal responsibilities in the Church

4. The mission of the Church is to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth.
 "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." God's will being done on earth would look something like the early Christian communities described in the Acts of the Apostles:

Faith Facts
Week 3 3rd - 7th August

3rd St Dominic
4th St John Vianney
6th The Transfiguration

Image result for St Dominic for kids

Pope Francis prayer intention for August
The Maritime World - We pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families.
Look up

Mariner's Prayer

Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Mother of God and our Mother, you know all the dangers of soul and body that threaten mariners.

Protect your sons and daughters who work and travel on the waters of the world, and protect also their families that await their return.

Star of the Sea, Mother of the Church, give light and strength to those chaplains and lay ministers who bring the love of your Divine Son among mariners.

Fill their hearts with a supernatural and life-giving zeal for the apostolate.

Star of the Sea, light shining in the darkness, be a guide to those who sail amid the storms and dangers of life.

Enlighten the hearts of ardent disciples and bring us all to the safety of heaven’s port.


Thank you/Malo 'Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

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