Thursday 20 August 2020

1. Principal's News Term 3, Week 5 2020

 Cross Country

We are so grateful to our sports coordinator, Paula Brien, who was determined that we would have our cross country no matter what.  Thank you to the parents who came forward to help.  Thank you to the parents who watched from behind the fence, obeying our Covid restrictions.  Personally, I found it really hopeful to come together in the best way we could to celebrate the children's endeavours.  Fr Wayne has remarked that he felt this year even more so than past years as there was a deeper caring and support between the students.  Well done to our place-getters.  We also acknowledge those who ran solidly but were not place-getters. and those who walked because running was hard but they did it anyway.  Fantastic resilience St Joseph's!

There are lots more photos on our St Joseph's Facebook page.

Our Enviroteam is now in the process of planting out our school gardens.  This year we are thinking of crops that will harvest AFTER our Summer break and hopefully not take too much of a battering in this time.  We are also planting some permanent plants that will yield fruit year after year - blackberries, boysenberries, raspberries,  herbs as well as separating out our strawberries.

Junior Hub 1 Reshuffle
We have been delighted to have a large influx of children into JH1 this term.  Our Board has funded some extra teaching time so that for all of their literacy learning, the JH1 group can work as three separate classes.  This keeps class sizes low so that children can benefit the most from individualised learning in this core area of their learning.

Allowing this extra time has now freed up more of our learning support staff and we can provide more of the specialist programs that help children a little further up the school who need an extra boost.  Thank you to St Joseph's Board of Trustees who continue to focus on our children and their learning as the first priority.

Pies and Milo

Thank you to your Home and School (Judith) who continues to heat up pies and provide Milo on a Wednesday lunchtime. Please bring your named pie wrapped in foil and a cup with your name on it and $1.00 for the milo.

Upcoming Dates

Singing Cup Finals - 11.00 am on Thursday 27 August - if Level 1 please come, if Level 2 we will endeavour to live stream.  If you are able to come at Level 1, please wait until the singer has finished singing their songs before you enter the hall.

Singing Cup House Choirs, Trophy Presentations and Staff Choir - 1.30 pm on Friday 28 August - if Level 1 please come, if Level 2 we will endeavour to live stream.

Welcome Mass for children new to our school in the last year - Sunday 30th August - if  Level 1 all on.  If Level 2+ the mass will be postponed.

Cross Country Certificates and Trophies - this will be held on Friday 4th September at 2.15 pm - if Level 1 everyone welcome, if still at Level 2, we may postpone.

Aroha and God Bless

Lorraine Frances-Rees

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