Altar Servers
Saturday 8th August - Clarence & Rheanna Coscos and Luse Asi
Sunday 9th August - Lilly Kelcher and two others
Birthday Greetings to
Jana Gulinao, Warren Pardede, Emma Hu and Lucy Fogarty
Cross Country
Our cross country is in two weeks time and we urgently need volunteers to help out as marshalls. We have staff from both Oamaru North and St Joseph's helping but still need more helpers. Please let Mrs Brien know if you can help out. Maps of the course will be put on the notice board next week and sent home along with a reminder notice. Marshalls need to be there from 9.30 am to 11.30 am at the latest.
Cross Country
Our cross country is in two weeks time and we urgently need volunteers to help out as marshalls. We have staff from both Oamaru North and St Joseph's helping but still need more helpers. Please let Mrs Brien know if you can help out. Maps of the course will be put on the notice board next week and sent home along with a reminder notice. Marshalls need to be there from 9.30 am to 11.30 am at the latest.
Home and School
URGENTLY need volunteers for their race meeting in two weeks time (Saturday 16th August). They cannot run the cafe successfully with only 3 volunteers!! Each session is between 2-3 hours and no experience is needed, just a willingness to give some time to the school. The roster shifts are:
10.00 am to 12.00 pm
12.00 pm to 3.00 pm
3.00 pm to 5.30 pm
Please contact Rebecca Heffernan on 027 432 4056 or email heffholdings@xtra.co.nz.
Immigration Changes
You may be aware there have been recent changes to immigration policy which will significantly effect both employers, migrant workers and their families. Tony McNeill, Relationship Manager from Immigration NZ will explain the latest policy updates on a zoom meeting on Monday 10th August from 9.30 to 10.30 am. There will be opportunities for questions.
Join us if you can so you are informed on how this will affect your business, agency and the labour availability in Waitaki.
Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 4668 5398
Passcode: 595626
Kind Regards
Christine Dorsey
Waitaki Newcomers Network Coordinator
Supporting Newcomers and Migrants
Ned's Mindset Mission
On Tuesday morning at 9.15 am the whole school will be involved in a zoom meeting about NED's Mindset Mission. A world-class performer takes our students on an interactive educational journey filled with story telling, illusions, yo-yo tricks and humour. NED's message and memorable friends inspire students, promote academic achievement and support our school goals.
NED - Never given up, Encourage others, Do your best
The school is selling yo-yos on behalf of NED and please note you do not have to purchase a yo-yo. A hard copy of the notice was given to all families regarding this and the cost of the yo-yos which range from $8.00, $14.00 and $20.00.
This is a promotional link regarding NED
Friday 7th - technology for Yr 7 & 8
- swimming certificates and trophies presented at assembly
Tuesday 11th - 'Ned' Zoom meeting for all classes
- swimming certificates and trophies presented at assembly
Tuesday 11th - 'Ned' Zoom meeting for all classes
- singing cup auditions
Wednesday 12th - pies and milo
Singing Cup Auditions
These will be held for children in Yrs 5-8 from 11.00 am in the school hall.
Swimming Certificates and Trophies
These will presented at assembly on Friday at 2.30 pm.
Wednesday 12th - pies and milo
Singing Cup Auditions
These will be held for children in Yrs 5-8 from 11.00 am in the school hall.
Swimming Certificates and Trophies
These will presented at assembly on Friday at 2.30 pm.
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