Thursday, 27 August 2020

Principal's News Term 3 Week 6 2020

Singing Cup

We have seen some spectacular talent at Singing Cup today.  It was live streamed to our Facebook page and is still there for those who wish to catch up with it now.  A credit to our youngsters who had the courage to stand up and sing.   Tomorrow all year 4+ children will be live streamed with their house choirs, starting at 1.50 pm.

We lost sound on the year 8 girls' group but will see if we can fit it in again tomorrow.  In order for you to find your item(s) of interest, here is the schedule:

10.50 am - welcome and house keeping.

11.00 - Year 8 soloists - Mariah, Alexie Paddy

11.15 - Year 5 soloists - Kaycee-Mae, Mikayla, Jac, Joaquin, Vilivea

11.35 - Year 6 soloists - Milly, Mya, King

11.50 - Year 7 soloists - Kacymea, Paige, Lilly, Tommy, Lachie

12.10 - Junior Groups - Indeg, Ally-May, Milly, Xanthe, Mya 

Fe’ofa’aki, Iverson, Marconi, Michael, Joaquin, Xiaohui 

12.20 - Senior Groups - Hannah, Libby,Serah, Ziah, Laura, Bella, Atlanta, Mariah  

Kacymea Vilivea 

We are presently preparing artwork to share the digital Burns Memorial exhibition at the Forrester Gallery. Here is a preview of Kakapo's (year 4/5) Maori myths artwork.
Taking Action

Tying in with our work on Caritas earlier in the year and having studied the pandemic and knowing that our community is suffering some adverse financial effects, Hoiho (year 5/6) has embraced the technology curriculum and is making soap. This is part of our taking action capability. The soap is likely to be sold to raise money for local charity, probably through our St Vincent de Paul shop. Well done Hoiho on making a difference. Thank you to St Vincent de Paul who gave us a grant last year for materials.

Welcome Mass
Sadly we have had to postpone our Welcome Mass due to still being at Level 2. I will let families know when this is rescheduled.

Thank you to all families for your continued support for us to do the best we can for your children.

Aroha and God Bless
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 6 Term 3 2020

 Welcome/Kiaora/Malo e Lelei

Special Character Focus

School and Family Mass- 
Presenting the Mass and Gospel is a service opportunity and Ministry for our children in spreading God’s word. You are welcome to join us for Mass at 9:15 am on Friday in the Basilica. 
Thank you to Year 1/2 Pukeko-Mrs Brookes' class.for the presentation of the gospel at Mass last Thursday. Today the Mass and Gospel presentation lead  by Year 1/2 Kereru -Mrs Misiloi's class. Next Week Thursday Mass will be Year 8- Mrs Jones Hogan's class.

Welcome Mass for children and families new to school this year-Sunday 30th August at 9:30am is now postponed. 

Religious Education- CHURCH -Community of Disciples – TE WHĀNAU A TE KARAITI – STRAND - The children were learning about Church Strand for our R.E program in the last 4 weeks. For the next 4 weeks, children will be learning about SACRAMENT- HAKAREMETA STRAND.

Faith Facts

Week 6 24th - 28th August
24th St Bartholomew
27th St Monica
28th St Augustine

Saint Bartholomew the Apostle Hand-Painted Icon - BlessedMart
Add caption

St Bartholomew was one of the twelve apostles. His name means "son of Tolomai" and scholars believe he is the same as Nathanael mentioned in John’s Gospel, who says he is from Cana and that Jesus called him an "Israelite...incapable of deceit." He preached in India and Greater Armenia.

St. Monica Fun Fact Image Saints Fun Facts: St. Augustine of Hippo - Saints & Angels ...
Thank you/ Malo Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 6, Term 3 2020


Altar Servers 

Saturday 29th August - Lachlan & Mikayla Criddle and Luse Asi
Sunday 30th August - Clarence & Rheanna Coscos and Lisiate Hausia 

Birthday Greetings to
Serah Staju, Charlie Bremner, Joaquin Perez, Moana Hafoka and Aria Oakes

Cross Country Certificates and Trophies
These will be presented at assembly at 2.15 pm  next Friday 4th September, if we are in Level 1 otherwise we will postpone it for a couple more weeks.

North Otago Cross Country
This has been cancelled due to our region still being at Covid Level 2.

Junior swimming lessons
The junior school children in years 1-3 did not complete their 6 swimming lessons in term 1 due to Covid 19 and are entitled to two more lessons.  These are booked in for Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th September (week 10) at 1.15 pm and 1.45 pm.

We are asking for parents to help walk the children to and from the pool on both days and if you can help, please let Mrs Brien know asap.
If your child is currently having swimming lessons at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre and has moved up a level from term, please advise us.

Singing Cup
Congratulations to all our finalists who showed great resilience by singing in front of their peers and the school. Our school has some wonderful talent and it was on display today in front of an audience and via live stream. They all did an amazing job and the judge had a hard time deciding the winners.  

House Choirs and the presentation of trophies and certificates will be tomorrow afternoon. As we are in Level 2, sadly parents are unable to attend.

Sports Draws
Netball - Saturday 29th August
9.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v OIS Steel on court 9
9.00 am - St Joseph's Rebels v Valley Diamonds on court 5 - Darryn Stewart Painters

Basketball and Miniball
At this stage the draw is coming out on Friday's so it will be emailed out to you on Friday's.

Community Notices
  • Volunteer Recruitment Campaign - have you forty minutes a week to spare?  Are you needing a new focus which guarantees to foster many positive feelings?  Perhaps you are wanting a change of career and are ready to explore different avenues / gain experience / acquire new skills or just want to enjoy the company of some fine older people doing fun activities?
          I am looking to increase our volunteer team at Harbour View Rest Home and am keen to match 
         folk with like-minded residents e.g. for walking / strolling, playing cards, crafts and painting, 
         manicures, music appreciation, gardening, talking and reminiscing and more. 
         If you are interested in joining us or need more information, contact me on 021 448 602 after
         4.00 pm or leave a message at our office on 03 434 5001.  Cheers Susie.

4. Diary Dates - Week 6, Term 3 2020



Friday 28

Monday 31


Friday 4

Sunday 6

Tuesday 8

Saturday 19

Tuesday 22

Wednesday 23

Thursday 24

Friday 25

Saturday 26


Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday 21


School Mass at 9.15 am *

Scholastic Book Club orders due back 

House Choirs & Singing Cup Presentation at 1.30 pm 

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm *

Cross Country certificates presented at assembly at 2.15 pm only if in Level 1

Fathers Day *

Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm *

Netball finishes for Yr 1-4 

Miniball and Hockey finish 

Junior swimming lessons for yrs 1-3 *

Basketball and Hockey finish 

Junior swimming lessons for yrs 1-3 *

Last day of school for term 3

Netball finishes for Yr 5-8 

Teacher Only Day - school closed 

School starts for term 4 

School Photos *

Thursday, 20 August 2020

1. Principal's News Term 3, Week 5 2020

 Cross Country

We are so grateful to our sports coordinator, Paula Brien, who was determined that we would have our cross country no matter what.  Thank you to the parents who came forward to help.  Thank you to the parents who watched from behind the fence, obeying our Covid restrictions.  Personally, I found it really hopeful to come together in the best way we could to celebrate the children's endeavours.  Fr Wayne has remarked that he felt this year even more so than past years as there was a deeper caring and support between the students.  Well done to our place-getters.  We also acknowledge those who ran solidly but were not place-getters. and those who walked because running was hard but they did it anyway.  Fantastic resilience St Joseph's!

There are lots more photos on our St Joseph's Facebook page.

Our Enviroteam is now in the process of planting out our school gardens.  This year we are thinking of crops that will harvest AFTER our Summer break and hopefully not take too much of a battering in this time.  We are also planting some permanent plants that will yield fruit year after year - blackberries, boysenberries, raspberries,  herbs as well as separating out our strawberries.

Junior Hub 1 Reshuffle
We have been delighted to have a large influx of children into JH1 this term.  Our Board has funded some extra teaching time so that for all of their literacy learning, the JH1 group can work as three separate classes.  This keeps class sizes low so that children can benefit the most from individualised learning in this core area of their learning.

Allowing this extra time has now freed up more of our learning support staff and we can provide more of the specialist programs that help children a little further up the school who need an extra boost.  Thank you to St Joseph's Board of Trustees who continue to focus on our children and their learning as the first priority.

Pies and Milo

Thank you to your Home and School (Judith) who continues to heat up pies and provide Milo on a Wednesday lunchtime. Please bring your named pie wrapped in foil and a cup with your name on it and $1.00 for the milo.

Upcoming Dates

Singing Cup Finals - 11.00 am on Thursday 27 August - if Level 1 please come, if Level 2 we will endeavour to live stream.  If you are able to come at Level 1, please wait until the singer has finished singing their songs before you enter the hall.

Singing Cup House Choirs, Trophy Presentations and Staff Choir - 1.30 pm on Friday 28 August - if Level 1 please come, if Level 2 we will endeavour to live stream.

Welcome Mass for children new to our school in the last year - Sunday 30th August - if  Level 1 all on.  If Level 2+ the mass will be postponed.

Cross Country Certificates and Trophies - this will be held on Friday 4th September at 2.15 pm - if Level 1 everyone welcome, if still at Level 2, we may postpone.

Aroha and God Bless

Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 5 Term 3 2020

Welcome/Kiaora/Malo e Lelei

 Special Character Focus

School and Family Mass- 
Presenting the Mass and Gospel is a service opportunity and Ministry for our children in spreading God’s word. You are welcome to join us for Thursday Mass at 9:15 am in the Basilica. 
Thank you to Year 3/4 Kiwi-Miss Sollano's class.for the presentation of the gospel at Mass last Thursday. Today the Mass and Gospel presentation lead  by Year 1/2 Pukeko -Mrs Brookes' class. Next Week Thursday Mass will be Year 1/2- Kereru-Mrs Misiloi's class.

Welcome Mass for children and families new to school this year- Sunday 30th August at 9:30am if we are at Level 1. 

Faith Facts

Week 5 17th - 21st August
20th St Bernard
21st St Pius X

 St. Pius V a man who embraced and implemented change for the good. He is known for his contributions enacting the monumental reforms to the church after the Council of Trent 1553. He took on responsibility of rebuilding a scattered and broken Church. Change is slow in the Catholic church, but it does happen. Another major council for change was help from 1962-1965. Let’s pray for those who are brave enough to call for a change for good and those who have the determination and courage to implement it.

On the Feast Day of St. Pius V – Christus Rex

Thank you/ Malo Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 3 2020


Birthday Greetings to
Laura Patterson, Neight Fraser and Emily McGeown

Covid Level 2 Guidelines
All adults have to sign in at the front door and use hand sanitizer if you come into the school building. If you come into school after 9.00 am,  please come to the office as you are not allowed to go to the classrooms.  We will pass on messages, lunches etc to the children.
Parents are also asked to wait outside the school at 3.00 pm and not meet in the school grounds.

Cross Country
What a wonderful bunch of resilient children we have here at school who all completed our cross country course on Tuesday with determination and satisfaction. It was a pleasure to watch our students compliment each other on their completion and our older children encouraging the junior children with cheering, high fives and shoulder lifts. The smiles said it all.

A massive thank you goes to Rebecca Heffernan who helped with the set up of the course and checking last minute details on the day. Your time and help is very much appreciated by all.  Also huge thanks to our wonderful marshalls who made this day possible because without these adults, the day could not have gone ahead . Thank you to the Oamaru Race Course and Pony Club for allowing us to use their grounds.

The top 6 children from Years 4-8  who have qualified for the North Otago Cross Country on Monday 31st August will find out either tomorrow or next week if it will go ahead.  If we move to Covid Level 1, we will be able to hold the event, otherwise it may be cancelled.  These children will be notified.

Certificates and Trophies - these will be presented to the first 3 place getters from Years 1-8 at assembly on Friday 4th September at 2.15 pm providing we are at Covid Level 1.

Further photos are on our Facebook page and will be put on our blog tomorrow.

Drink Bottles
A blue drink bottle with the 'Frozen' movie picture on it has been lost at our cross country.  Please check to see if your child has the correct drink bottle.  A blue and black Katmandu bottle was left on the bus from the cross country. Please claim it from the office.

This week is Conservation Week and Kiwi kids throughout NZL have put together a list of 50 things that they would like to do in nature. For any family who wanted ideas of how to enjoy nature this weekend, here are 50 different ideas from children throughout New Zealand:

Thank you to our amazing coaches who coached our rugby boys and children from other schools this season.  The children enjoyed the season albeit a short one.  There is a Town v Country game being played tomorrow night at 5.30 pm at Maheno for the 9/10 year grade.  Congratulations to the following boys from our school and team who made the town team:
- Hamish Fowler, Blake Meek and Vilivea Tahitua 
- Romeo Harris and Francis & Taafaki Taafaki
The 11/12 year town team could not field enough players to make a competitive team this year.
All JAB rugby is now finished for the year as there originally was going to be a couple of development days for all the clubs to combine but due to Covid Level 2, this won't be happening. Can all the gear bags and rugby tops please be washed before returning them back to the office.

                                                                  Our 9/10 year rugby team

Scholastic Book Club Orders
The order forms will be given to the children tomorrow and all orders have to be handed in by Friday 28th August.

St Kevin's 2021 Enrolments
All Yr 8 students who are looking at enrolling at St Kevin's College next year should have received an application form from St Kevin's.  If you have not received a form, there are spare ones at our school office.  All application forms have to be returned either to our school office or St Kevin's within a couple of weeks as they need to start organising class sizes for next year. If your child is not attending St Kevin's next year, please let our office know.

We warmly welcome Irina  who started school last week to our junior school.
Tomorrow is the last day you can purchase the yo-yos from the office. The prices range from $8.00 to $24.00.

Sports Draws and Covid Level 2 Guidelines

Due to Level 2 guidelines, all netball for years 1-6 has been cancelled until further notice. When we go back to Level 1, it will resume again. All teams are asked to continue practicing in the meantime.

The (Gold) Yr 8 team and the (Rebels) Yr 5/6/7 team play in the intermediate grade and all their games will play at 9.00 am. Courts will open at 8.40 am.

Further information regarding the  Covid Level 2 guidelines for Saturday games will be sent out in a further email.  Please look out for it.

Draw - Saturday 22nd August
9.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v OIS Tactix - court 8 Sport & Outdoors
9.00 am - St Joseph's Rebels v Twizel Lightning - court  5 Darryn Stewart Painters

Basketball and Miniball
The draws were unavailable at the time the newsletter was typed.  These will be emailed out tomorrow along with the health and safety guidelines for Covid Level 2.

4. Diary Dates - Week 5, Term 3 2020



Friday 21

Thursday 27

Friday 28

Sunday 30

Monday 31


Friday 4

Saturday 19

Tuesday 22

Wednesday 23

Friday 25

Saturday 26


Monday 12

Tuesday 13


Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

Singing Cup Finals in the hall from 11.00 am 

Scholastic Book Club orders due back *

House Choirs & Singing Cup Presentation at 1.30 pm 

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

Welcome Mass at 9.30 am if we are at Level 1 *

North Otago Cross Country 

Cross Country certificates presented at assembly at 2.15 pm *

Netball finishes for Yr 1-4 

Miniball and Hockey finish 

Basketball and Hockey finish 

Last day of school for term 3

Netball finishes for Yr 5-8 

Teacher Only Day - school closed 

School starts for term 4 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

2.Special Character Week 4 Term 3 2020

 Welcome/Kiaora/Malo e Lelei

Special Character Focus
School and Family Mass- 
Presenting the Mass and Gospel is a service opportunity and Ministry for our children in spreading God’s word. You are welcome to join us for Thursday Mass at 9:15 am in the Basilica. 
Thank you to Year 4/5 Mrs Winders' class.for the presentation of the gospel at Mass last Thursday. Today the Mass and Gospel presentation lead  by Year 3/4 Kiwi-Miss Sollano's class. Next Week Thursday Mass will be Year 1/2- Pukeko-Mrs Brookes class.

What is the key message for us to take away today?
Jesus said to the her "You are a woman with great faith, and you will have what you asked for".
 To Live Justly, To Love Tenderly, and To Walk Humbly with God. 

Week 4 10th - 14th August
10th St Lawrence
11th St Clare
14th St Maximilian Kolbe
15th Assumption of Mary

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: This day celebrates the mystery that the Virgin Mary was taken into heaven body and soul. This was declared a doctrine of faith by Pope Pius XII in 1950. Mary’s assumption into heaven is also the patronal feast of the Catholic people in New Zealand. In other words, she is the Patron saint of New Zealand and this week is her feast day.

Virgin mary ascension blessed image Royalty Free Vector Saints Fun Facts: St. Clare of Assisi - Saints & Angels - Catholic ... 
Religious Education: Church Strand
Key Ideas/Main Concepts
1. The Church is the people united with God
2. We all have a responsibility in the Church
3. There are formal responsibilities in the Church
4. The mission of the Church is to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth.
To understand that the Church is the continuation of Jesus' mission to live God's Kingdom on Earth.
Foyer Display-Thank you to Kakapo Class for the beautiful Church display.

Mary Pray For Us- Amen

Thank you/Malo 'Aupito
God Bless
Tua Tua Misiloi Co DRS

1. Principal's News Term 3 Week 4 2020

Singing Cup

Well done to our senior students who auditioned for our annual Singing Cup this year.   I'm not sure how long Singing Cup has been happening at St Joseph's - but it is at least 40 years.  It is a real legacy to the musicality of the Dominican Sisters who founded our school.  Katrina Crowder, our judge this year really encouraged the students to give it a go and have fun.  Each child received feedback on their singing in terms of tune, volume, diction, timing, and presentation.

The finals are on Thursday 27th, 11.00-12.30.  I hope we will be in Level 1 and would love to welcome our parents to the finals.  The house choirs, presentation of trophies and staff choir are on Friday 28 August starting at 1.30 pm.  This is usually a great celebration for our school and again, I hope you will be able to join us.  If we are not in Level 1 we will endeavour to life stream the performances.

Cross Country

We are also hoping our Cross Country can happen next Tuesday 18th August as planned.  We will wait until Friday to see what is happening and a paper notice will go home on Friday.  Please check your children's bags for the notice.

As we are in Level 2, this means that Oamaru North School cannot join us for our cross country as they are in a separate school bubble and cannot join our bubble as it would be over 100 people.  Our school is one bubble.  This means we are short of 10 people to help as marshals for our cross country and if you can help please let Mrs Brien know asap otherwise we may have to hold the cross country at St Joseph's.

Ned's Mindset Mission

We had planned to have Ned's Mindset as an assembly but instead it was Zoomed into each class this week.  Children learnt:

-  The Power of Yet – If you’re not good at something, it just means you’re not good at it yet

-   How to spark courage in others

-   How to keep learning and growing, even when they think they already know something

This ties in with our teaching on growth mindset.  Many of the children have purchased yo-yos to "pay it forward" so other children can see the presentation.  I was pleased to see we were selling yo-yos because I can do yo-yo.  I can make it go up.  And I can make it go down.  Then I saw what the children can do.....

Tik Tok

I've been around a wee while and there is always some "trend" in schools that causes some concern but eventually passes.  As educators we can see the effect of the "trends" in the children we educate.  Attitudes, demeanour, and language tend to reflect the latest trend.  At the moment, I am worried about some of the attitudes some of our girls aged 8-11 are showing.    I have checked out the Tik Tok app and after about 10 minutes of random scrolling there were several things I thought were pretty poisonous and if children are using Tik Tok, they will be seeing this sort of thing too.   The biggest concern for me was the language, the body image and attitude (it's a sassy and not a particularly tolerant or respectful attitude) portrayed by young women and copied by very young girls.   Please check out your child's use of Tik Tok because like all quick dopamine rushes, it is addictive.


We have been learning about Church at the moment.  If you want to find out more as a parent in order to have conversations with your child please check out our blog.

I will send out emails if things change or if there is information I think you need to know.

God Bless and Aroha

Lorraine Frances-Rees