Altar Servers
Saturday 14th March - Annalise & David Kilgour, Lachlan & Mikayla Criddle
Sunday 15th March - Ivy-Belle Mestrom, Lisiate Hausia and Indeg Jones-Hogan
Birthday Greetings to
Marconi Hausia and Mark Laming
Cricket Draw - Friday 13th March
Please note that next Friday is the last game for the season which is the anniversary weekend for those teams wishing to play.
Intermediate A - St Joseph's Volts has the bye
Primary - St Joseph's Sparks v Albion on SKC Artificial 2.
A set of keys has been handed into the office with a unique key ring and keys that open things other than doors. Please contact the office if you think they are yours.
Good Luck
This weekend we have swimmers competing at the South Island National Swimming competition in Timaru. They are competing against the best swimmers in their age groups from the South Island and the North Island are holding the same event. Good luck to Marianne Alegre, Willow Bartlett and Elias and Neight Fraser.
Home and School AGM
They are holding their AGM on Thursday 26th March at 7.00 pm in the staffroom. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Parish Freezer
A reminder about the Year 7 & 8 classes being rostered for the parish freezer meals this term. Please bring your meals to the office. Meals that have already come in this term have been given to families who have been extremely appreciative of them.
Friday 13 - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
- Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm
Sunday 15 - Commitment Mass at 9.30 am
Monday 16 - Junior Swimming lessons
- Sacrament of Reconciliation meeting at 7.00 pm
Tuesday 17 - Junior swimming lessons
- Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm
Wednesday 18 - North Otago Swimming sports
- Scholastic Book Club orders due in
Thursday 19 - St Joseph's Day
- Junior swimming lessons
Scholastic Book Club
Orders have to be into the office by Wednesday 18th March.
Staying Healthy at School
The Ministry of Health has advised us to continue to advise our school community:
- wash your hands often with soap and water before and after eating as well as after attending the toilet.
- cover coughs and sneezes with clean tissues or your elbow
- put used tissues in the bin
- stay at home if you are unwell

Junior Swimming - the last swim dates for next week are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you to the wonderful parents who walk with the children and/or help them change at the pool.
Senior Swimming sports - well done to everyone who competed at the swimming sports last Friday and to our parents and St Kevin's children who helped out. Trophies and certificates will be presented at assembly on Friday 27th March along with the North Otago swimming certificates.
North Otago Swimming sports - children have been notified if they qualified for these sports which is on next Wednesday 18th March. Good luck to all our swimmers.
Winter Sports
Names have been collated and put in the various sports. Some sports are short of players and require another couple of players to fill a team. Lists are on another page in the blog.
Community Notices
- To Let-Long or Short Term Accommodation - Holiday Cottage and Ocean View Apartments - if you are looking for accommodation, please contact Nicola or Peter Mountain on 437 1422 or 021 659 757.
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