3rd Week of Lent (Pray, Fast, Give)
17th St Patrick’s Day
19th St Joseph
Jesus reveals himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. In Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman, we learn about the fullness of God’s mercy. The woman is a Samaritan, and Samaritans were people with whom observant Jews had no contact. She is also an outcast in Samaritan society. Yet Jesus reaches out to this woman and brings her hope and a new knowledge God.
Let’s pray for the outcast in our society. May we and others have the courage to reach out to them and like Jesus bring mercy and hope.
4th Week of Lent (Pray, Fast, Give)
The Gospel for the Fourth Week of Lent John 9:1-41
Spiritual Reading
LAUDATO SI’ – Caring for our Common Home
Caritas Lenten Booklet: By giving sight to the blind man, Jesus exposed the blindness of the Pharisees who could not see God’s commandment of love … “We reflect: In what ways are we similar to the Pharisees? Are we insular – unaware of people around us in need? The Pharisees were so concerned with following the law that it prevented them from fully accepting Jesus. Are our rigid beliefs and practices an inhibition to God’s love. What gifts do we have that we can use to serve God in those around us?” Maybe we could think ‘outside the square’ of our routine.
Prayer: E te Atua, when you gave sight to the blind man, he told people about you. As you give us new sight, make us teachers who share your message of mercy, justice and truth, especially to those most in need of your healing love. Amene.
Malo 'Aupito/Many thanks
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS
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