I will continue to update our community by email if and when there is information to share.
The Ministry has shared this useful graphic with us which explains what we are doing. In our case the faces in yellow are all the children who are in the same class. The faces in green are the rest of the school. The green faces are those people who have kept more than 1.5m away from the red face. Or they have been close to the red face but for less than 15 minutes. We're praying we have no red faces, but if we do.... we know what to do.
We are trying our best to keep business as usual whilst maintaining close sustained proximity to only class groups.
The wonderful children
We've been a bit low on activities this week but I would like to share some photos of our wonderful children at play. They are having some quite thoughtful conversations about the bigger picture at the moment and yet they are carefree and happy.
Happy St Joseph's Day
Thanks to Rainbow Confectionary for helping us celebrate St Joseph's day.
I wish everybody well and hope everyone remains healthy and positive. Have a lovely weekend.
God bless and aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees
Thursday, 19 March 2020
2.Special Character Week 7 Term 1 2020
Faith Insights/ Facts: Special Dates
The Gospel for the Third Week of Lent John 4:5-42
Jesus reveals himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. In Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman, we learn about the fullness of God’s mercy. The woman is a Samaritan, and Samaritans were people with whom observant Jews had no contact. She is also an outcast in Samaritan society. Yet Jesus reaches out to this woman and brings her hope and a new knowledge God.
Jesus heals the man born blind and reveals himself to him as the Son of Man. Young people today are often bombarded with so much stimulation that it is easy for them to miss what is right in front of their eyes. This Sunday’s Gospel reminds us that Jesus helps us see what is truly important in life.
Jesus cures the blind man. “Some of the Pharisees said, ‘This man is not from God for he does not observe the Sabbath …’ “
3rd Week of Lent (Pray, Fast, Give)
17th St Patrick’s Day
19th St Joseph
Jesus reveals himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. In Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman, we learn about the fullness of God’s mercy. The woman is a Samaritan, and Samaritans were people with whom observant Jews had no contact. She is also an outcast in Samaritan society. Yet Jesus reaches out to this woman and brings her hope and a new knowledge God.
Let’s pray for the outcast in our society. May we and others have the courage to reach out to them and like Jesus bring mercy and hope.
4th Week of Lent (Pray, Fast, Give)
The Gospel for the Fourth Week of Lent John 9:1-41
Spiritual Reading
LAUDATO SI’ – Caring for our Common Home
Caritas Lenten Booklet: By giving sight to the blind man, Jesus exposed the blindness of the Pharisees who could not see God’s commandment of love … “We reflect: In what ways are we similar to the Pharisees? Are we insular – unaware of people around us in need? The Pharisees were so concerned with following the law that it prevented them from fully accepting Jesus. Are our rigid beliefs and practices an inhibition to God’s love. What gifts do we have that we can use to serve God in those around us?” Maybe we could think ‘outside the square’ of our routine.
Prayer: E te Atua, when you gave sight to the blind man, he told people about you. As you give us new sight, make us teachers who share your message of mercy, justice and truth, especially to those most in need of your healing love. Amene.
Malo 'Aupito/Many thanks
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS
3. School Notices - Week 7, Term 1 2020
Altar Servers
Saturday 21st March - Mariah Cunningham and Serah Staju
Sunday 22nd March - Alexie Phillips, Lilly Kelcher and Rolfe Patalbo
Birthday Greetings to
Ayla Beattie
There is no Friday assembly until further notice however certificates will be awarded to the children in their classrooms.
This week has seen the cancellation and postponements of all summer and winter sport due to the COVID-19 outbreak as per Ministry of Health and Sport NZ guidelines. This is a rapidly changing situation and we will share the updates when we receive them.
These sports activities which affect our school have been cancelled or postponed until further notice
Easter Timetable for St Patrick's Parish
Please note this timetable could change in the foreseeable future
Altar Servers
Saturday 21st March - Mariah Cunningham and Serah Staju
Sunday 22nd March - Alexie Phillips, Lilly Kelcher and Rolfe Patalbo
Birthday Greetings to
Ayla Beattie
There is no Friday assembly until further notice however certificates will be awarded to the children in their classrooms.
This week has seen the cancellation and postponements of all summer and winter sport due to the COVID-19 outbreak as per Ministry of Health and Sport NZ guidelines. This is a rapidly changing situation and we will share the updates when we receive them.
These sports activities which affect our school have been cancelled or postponed until further notice
- North Otago Swimming Sports
- Otago Primary School Swimming Sports
- North Otago Rippa Rugby Tournament - is being postponed to a later date
- Touch Rugby
- Community Cricket including junior cricket
Winter Sports
Across all the sports codes, this is the same message being relayed that all trials, training's and games be postponed until further notice.
Our school will not go ahead with naming teams until we get the all clear message for sport to go ahead however if anyone still wants to play a sport, please let us know. We urgently need girls to play in the miniball team from Years 4-6 but if there is a capable Year 3 girl who would like to play, please let us know. We also require coaches for rugby in the 7 & 8 year team and the girls miniball team. Netball coaches will be confirmed when trials have been completed for the top 2 teams.
This is the update from each sport.
The season does not start until Term 2 and their start date will be advised at a later date. No other information was available at this stage.
The Football Waitaki Saturday morning competition and First Kicks (Friday nights) is not due to start until later in May. They will continue to adhere to the regulations set out by NZ Football due to Covid 19. Therefore, definitely training is postponed and they will be in touch regarding the season.
All club, school and community hockey postponed until Saturday 2nd May effective Thursday 19th March. This includes all training activities, pre-season trials and hockey matches.
All netball competitions to be postponed until Saturday 2nd May at the earliest effective Thursday 19th March. All community events, competitions, programmes, tournaments, workshops and player development programmes to be postponed until 2nd May.
Recognising the need for teams to prepare for a competition starting from 2nd May at the earliest, clubs and schools in the process of trialing, naming teams and commencing trainings are to postpone until 4 weeks before the start of their competition or the first week in April at the earliest. Given the changing environment, this position may change in coming weeks.
- Yr 7 & 8 Development Camp is postponed until the July holidays.
- Yr 7 & 8 Development Sessions - held on Mondays from 4th May for 6 weeks. Registrations open
in April.
- Yr 5 & 6 Development Camp is postponed until later in the year.
- Junior Booklet - North Otago Netball are in the process of developing a junior booklet. Any ideas to go in it, please let Mrs Brien know and she will forward it to the person concerned.
- Umpire sessions are now postponed until a later date.
All rugby including rippa, junior and school rugby is suspended until Saturday 18th April. This includes all games and contact training. Our school will still complete the NZ Player Rugby Registration form on your behalf so we are ready if rugby goes ahead.
Easter Timetable for St Patrick's Parish
Please note this timetable could change in the foreseeable future
- Holy Thursday 9th April - Mass of the Last Supper at the Basilica at 7.00 pm
- Good Friday 10th April - Commemoration of Jesus Christ's Death at the Basilica at 3.00 pm - Friday Ecumenical Walk - 10.00 am gather at House of Breakthrough Church at 33 Wansbeck Street. You are welcome to walk with the cross through St Luke's Gardens at the corner of Tees and Thames Streets then Main Street to St Paul's for the service at 11.00 am at 7 Coquet Street. All welcome. You are invited to join in at any part of the morning.
- Easter Saturday 11th April - Vigil Mass - 6.00 pm at Kurow and 8.00 pm at the Basilicia
- Easter Sunday 12th April - Mass at 9.30 am at the Basilica. There is no Mass at Hampden
Second Hand Sports Equipment and Gear
If you have any old sports equipment and gear surplus to requirements, please donate them to our school for other children to utilise. This applies to both summer and winter sports and any gear that comes in we will advertise in the newsletter e.g. football / rugby boots, cricket pads, bats etc.
Swimming Trophies
These will be presented to the children at assembly when assembly is up and running again.
4. Diary Dates - Week 7, Term 1 2020
Friday 20
Monday 23
Tuesday 24
Thursday 26
Friday 27
Sunday 29
Wednesday 1
Thursday 2
Friday 3
Thursday 9
Friday 10
Saturday 11
Sunday 12
Monday 13
Monday 27
Tuesday 28
Friday 1
Monday 4
Friday 8
Sunday 10
Monday 11
Tuesday 12
Friday 15
Monday 18
Friday 22
Sunday 24
Friday 29
Sunday 31
Monday 1
Friday 3
Monday 20
Friday 25
Monday 12
Yr 7 & 8 Technology
Otago Anniversary Day - school closed
Sacrament of Reconciliation Parent meeting at 7.00 pm
Board of Trustee meeting at 5.30 pm *
Home and School AGM at 7.00 pm at school
Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Sacrament of Reconciliation Mass
HPV vaccination for Yr 8
Wheels Day
Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Holy Thursday – last day of school for term 1
Good Friday
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
ANZAC Day observed – school closed
Term 2 starts
Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Teacher Only Day *
Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Mother’s Day *
Confirmation Parent meeting at 7.00 pm *
Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm *
Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Confirmation Parent meeting at 7.00 pm *
Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Home & School Racecourse Fundraiser *
Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Confirmation Mass at 9.30 am *
Queen’s Birthday - school closed *
Last day of school for term 2
School starts for term 3
Last day of school for term 3
School starts for term 4
Thursday, 12 March 2020
1. Principals News - Week 6, Term 1 2020
What's Been Happening
Swimming sports were a great success last week. Thank you to Mrs Brien for organising everything and staff and parents for doing all the jobs that make it possible. There are lots more pictures on our Facebook page.
The junior school have been swimming.
Our teachers have been busy with professional development. They have started working on investigating further teaching methods in writing (seniors) and reading (juniors) to help support some of our learners. Junior teachers have attended phonics training and our senior leadership team is training in coaching leadership. Mrs Misiloi continues to attend the Pasifika cluster meetings as does Mrs Stringer.
Our year 8s are developing their leadership relationships. Sometimes this is about reflecting and improving. Our physical activity leaders have started to plan and prepare physical activity lessons for some of our younger children. This is learning for our older children too because they have to make physical skills explicit and engage in the necessary literacy (reading and writing and oral language) to prepare and organise the learning. They engage the capability of critical inquiry which at year 8 includes being able to:
Also our year 8 and year Kakapo class have started a joint learning inquiry into our school garden. This is using our school Enviroschool context in order to engage in authentic learning. As the project progresses they will use their literacy and maths skills as well as learning about science, project planning and critical thinking as they review and refine their work.
Learning about Jesus
All classes are presently learning about Jesus. Please help your children at home by talking with them about Jesus or asking them to explain what they are learning. Support for parents to give you an overview of their learning is on our RE blog which includes some videos you could share with your children.
Thank you to all parents who have supported us with helping to walk to swimming, with senior swimming sports, volunteering to be Winter sports' coaches.
God bless and aroha,
Lorraine Frances-Rees
Swimming sports were a great success last week. Thank you to Mrs Brien for organising everything and staff and parents for doing all the jobs that make it possible. There are lots more pictures on our Facebook page.
The junior school have been swimming.
Our teachers have been busy with professional development. They have started working on investigating further teaching methods in writing (seniors) and reading (juniors) to help support some of our learners. Junior teachers have attended phonics training and our senior leadership team is training in coaching leadership. Mrs Misiloi continues to attend the Pasifika cluster meetings as does Mrs Stringer.

- Challenge their own and others’ ideas using evidence.
- Respond positively to change and alternative perspectives.
Also our year 8 and year Kakapo class have started a joint learning inquiry into our school garden. This is using our school Enviroschool context in order to engage in authentic learning. As the project progresses they will use their literacy and maths skills as well as learning about science, project planning and critical thinking as they review and refine their work.
Learning about Jesus
All classes are presently learning about Jesus. Please help your children at home by talking with them about Jesus or asking them to explain what they are learning. Support for parents to give you an overview of their learning is on our RE blog which includes some videos you could share with your children.
Thank you to all parents who have supported us with helping to walk to swimming, with senior swimming sports, volunteering to be Winter sports' coaches.
God bless and aroha,
Lorraine Frances-Rees
2. Special Character Week 6 Term 1 2020
Welcome & Malo e Lelei
Special Character Focus
We are still continue teaching the Jesus Strand and Caritas lenten Program. This study will give our children the resources to gain and apply knowledge and skills, attitudes and values to understand and integrate into their lives.
1.That Jesus is God, fully human and fully divine- second person of the Trinity.
2. That Jesus is our Tuakana, elder brother of all, whose life is a model for all Christians
3.The we believe in in Jesus Christ through the grace of the Holy Spirit are invited into a loving relationships with Jesus, to follow him as his disciples and live his way through conversion of heart through faith, hope, justice, integrity and love as embodied in the Catholic Teaching.
Our key ideas are:
1.Jesus was human (as well as God)
2. Jesus came to show us how to live and to save us.
3. Jesus is God (as well as human)
Sacrament Commitment Mass
Please just a reminder that we are having the Sacrament Commitment Mass this Sunday-15/3 at 9:30am at St Patrick Basilica. Followed by a meeting with the prayer partners.
Special Dates:
2nd Week of Lent (Pray, Fast, Give)
13th March Anniversary of Pope Francis election 2013
Sundays first reading was Genesis 12:1-4, The Call of Abram
The Lord had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you. "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
Pope Francis 2019 The courage to take a risk for God's promise
"The Lord's call... it is the loving initiative whereby God encounters us and invites us to be part of a great undertaking. ...Every vocation is summons not to stand on the shore, nets in hand, but to follow Jesus on the path he has marked out for us, for our happiness and for the good of those around us."
We give thanks God for all those who have chosen the vocation of parenthood. May you always be a blessing to your family and to others. May you remember you have been and are blessed.
Spiritual Reading
Special Character Focus
We are still continue teaching the Jesus Strand and Caritas lenten Program. This study will give our children the resources to gain and apply knowledge and skills, attitudes and values to understand and integrate into their lives.
1.That Jesus is God, fully human and fully divine- second person of the Trinity.
2. That Jesus is our Tuakana, elder brother of all, whose life is a model for all Christians
3.The we believe in in Jesus Christ through the grace of the Holy Spirit are invited into a loving relationships with Jesus, to follow him as his disciples and live his way through conversion of heart through faith, hope, justice, integrity and love as embodied in the Catholic Teaching.
Our key ideas are:
1.Jesus was human (as well as God)
2. Jesus came to show us how to live and to save us.
3. Jesus is God (as well as human)
Sacrament Commitment Mass
Please just a reminder that we are having the Sacrament Commitment Mass this Sunday-15/3 at 9:30am at St Patrick Basilica. Followed by a meeting with the prayer partners.
Special Dates:
2nd Week of Lent (Pray, Fast, Give)
13th March Anniversary of Pope Francis election 2013
Sundays first reading was Genesis 12:1-4, The Call of Abram
The Lord had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you. "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
Pope Francis 2019 The courage to take a risk for God's promise
We give thanks God for all those who have chosen the vocation of parenthood. May you always be a blessing to your family and to others. May you remember you have been and are blessed.
Spiritual Reading
Our Lenten Journey
Renewed by the Spirit - Ka tū tātou - Stand together!
This week, 3rd Sunday of Lent - Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well.
“ …. give me this living water … ”
This week, 3rd Sunday of Lent - Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well.
“ …. give me this living water … ”
Malo 'Aupito/Many thanks
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS
3. School Notices - Week 6, Term 1 2020
Altar Servers
Saturday 14th March - Annalise & David Kilgour, Lachlan & Mikayla Criddle
Sunday 15th March - Ivy-Belle Mestrom, Lisiate Hausia and Indeg Jones-Hogan
Birthday Greetings to
Marconi Hausia and Mark Laming
Cricket Draw - Friday 13th March
Please note that next Friday is the last game for the season which is the anniversary weekend for those teams wishing to play.
Intermediate A - St Joseph's Volts has the bye
Primary - St Joseph's Sparks v Albion on SKC Artificial 2.
A set of keys has been handed into the office with a unique key ring and keys that open things other than doors. Please contact the office if you think they are yours.
Good Luck
This weekend we have swimmers competing at the South Island National Swimming competition in Timaru. They are competing against the best swimmers in their age groups from the South Island and the North Island are holding the same event. Good luck to Marianne Alegre, Willow Bartlett and Elias and Neight Fraser.
Home and School AGM
They are holding their AGM on Thursday 26th March at 7.00 pm in the staffroom. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Parish Freezer
A reminder about the Year 7 & 8 classes being rostered for the parish freezer meals this term. Please bring your meals to the office. Meals that have already come in this term have been given to families who have been extremely appreciative of them.
Friday 13 - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
- Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm
Sunday 15 - Commitment Mass at 9.30 am
Monday 16 - Junior Swimming lessons
- Sacrament of Reconciliation meeting at 7.00 pm
Tuesday 17 - Junior swimming lessons
- Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm
Wednesday 18 - North Otago Swimming sports
- Scholastic Book Club orders due in
Thursday 19 - St Joseph's Day
- Junior swimming lessons
Scholastic Book Club
Orders have to be into the office by Wednesday 18th March.
Staying Healthy at School
The Ministry of Health has advised us to continue to advise our school community:
Altar Servers
Saturday 14th March - Annalise & David Kilgour, Lachlan & Mikayla Criddle
Sunday 15th March - Ivy-Belle Mestrom, Lisiate Hausia and Indeg Jones-Hogan
Birthday Greetings to
Marconi Hausia and Mark Laming
Cricket Draw - Friday 13th March
Please note that next Friday is the last game for the season which is the anniversary weekend for those teams wishing to play.
Intermediate A - St Joseph's Volts has the bye
Primary - St Joseph's Sparks v Albion on SKC Artificial 2.
A set of keys has been handed into the office with a unique key ring and keys that open things other than doors. Please contact the office if you think they are yours.
Good Luck
This weekend we have swimmers competing at the South Island National Swimming competition in Timaru. They are competing against the best swimmers in their age groups from the South Island and the North Island are holding the same event. Good luck to Marianne Alegre, Willow Bartlett and Elias and Neight Fraser.
Home and School AGM
They are holding their AGM on Thursday 26th March at 7.00 pm in the staffroom. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Parish Freezer
A reminder about the Year 7 & 8 classes being rostered for the parish freezer meals this term. Please bring your meals to the office. Meals that have already come in this term have been given to families who have been extremely appreciative of them.
Friday 13 - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
- Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm
Sunday 15 - Commitment Mass at 9.30 am
Monday 16 - Junior Swimming lessons
- Sacrament of Reconciliation meeting at 7.00 pm
Tuesday 17 - Junior swimming lessons
- Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm
Wednesday 18 - North Otago Swimming sports
- Scholastic Book Club orders due in
Thursday 19 - St Joseph's Day
- Junior swimming lessons
Scholastic Book Club
Orders have to be into the office by Wednesday 18th March.
Staying Healthy at School
The Ministry of Health has advised us to continue to advise our school community:
- wash your hands often with soap and water before and after eating as well as after attending the toilet.
- cover coughs and sneezes with clean tissues or your elbow
- put used tissues in the bin
- stay at home if you are unwell

Junior Swimming - the last swim dates for next week are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you to the wonderful parents who walk with the children and/or help them change at the pool.
Senior Swimming sports - well done to everyone who competed at the swimming sports last Friday and to our parents and St Kevin's children who helped out. Trophies and certificates will be presented at assembly on Friday 27th March along with the North Otago swimming certificates.
North Otago Swimming sports - children have been notified if they qualified for these sports which is on next Wednesday 18th March. Good luck to all our swimmers.
Winter Sports
Names have been collated and put in the various sports. Some sports are short of players and require another couple of players to fill a team. Lists are on another page in the blog.
Community Notices
- To Let-Long or Short Term Accommodation - Holiday Cottage and Ocean View Apartments - if you are looking for accommodation, please contact Nicola or Peter Mountain on 437 1422 or 021 659 757.
4. Winter Sport Teams
Names of children who are playing a winter sport for school will be displayed on the sports notice board. Anyone who has offered to coach a team will be notified next week and will be given a list of names for their respective team. Some teams are a couple of players short and we will be looking for more players.
Some sport teams may not have enough players and we will endeavour to place them in a team with a club. If you wish for your child to play a sport and there is spaces in the team, please let Mrs Brien know.
If for some reason you withdraw your child from a sport, please let the Sports Coordinator know as this affects both the coaches and the team and involves a lot of paper work as each sport has to register all players and their contact details with their nominated sport associations.
Fees - once your child is placed in a team, these fees have to paid or in a payment plan before the competition starts. Some codes have not yet given us their fees for the season.
If you have any old sports equipment and gear surplus to requirements, please donate them to our school for other children to utilise. This applies to both summer and winter sports and any gear that comes in we will advertise in the newsletter e.g. football / rugby boots, cricket pads, bats etc.
Midget - the children who are in the midget grade go to a skills based session organised by Football Waitaki and it is usually on a Friday night at 4.00 pm. These children will play under St Joseph's and be given a football top. Further information will follow.
Midget Players - Marco Alegre, William Allardice and Zachary Castro.
Other Grades - unfortunately we do not have enough children to make up teams in the higher grades and we will notify the children of a club they may want to join up with.
Fees - waiting for confirmation
Fun Sticks Grade - this is a skills based session for Yr 1 & 2 children from all schools and is run at the North Otago Hockey turf on Wednesday nights starting on Wednesday 6th May.
Fun Stick Players - Roger Luo
Mini Sticks, Kiwi Sticks and Kwik Sticks Grade
The Mini Sticks for Yrs 3 & 4 and the Kiwi Sticks for Yrs 5 & 6 is played on Wednesday nights starting on Wednesday 6th May. The Kwik Sticks for Yrs 7 & 8 is played on Tuesday nights and starts on Tuesday 5th May.
As we do not have enough players to make a team in either of the above grades, we will forward your names to North Otago Hockey and they will place you in a team. Our school will register your name and fees will be invoiced from St Joseph's, not the club you will be playing for.
Hockey players to be placed in teams - Rheanna Coscos, Mya Robinson and Lachlan Wilkinson
Fees - waiting for confirmation.
This competition is for Yr 7 & 8 players (and sometimes includes Yr 6's) played on Wednesday nights and usually starts in the second week of term 2 which is yet to be confirmed.
Coaches and managers will be confirmed and notified for both teams once we get a couple more players for the boys team. Team lists will be confirmed later on.
Fees - waiting for confirmation
Girls Team
We have 10 players, a coach and manager for this team so this team is complete.
Players are - Mariah Cunnigham, Hannah Fowler, Jana Gulinao, Lavina Ma, Laura Patterson, Alexie Phillips, Ziah Rollan, Mazvita Rondozai, Atlanta Williams-McDowell and Kacymea Tahitu'a.
Boys Team
We currently have 6 boys and require another couple of boys to join this team. If you know of anyone wishing to play basketball from Yr 6 upwards, please let Mrs Brien know.
Players are: Sami Asi, Paddy Spillane, Riley Tuffley, Lachlan Wilkinson, Michael Woodhouse and Hamish Fowler.
This competition is for Yr 4-6 players (and sometimes include Yr 3's) played on Tuesday nights and usually starts in the second week of term 2 which is yet to be confirmed.
Coaches - we require coaches for both the boys and girls teams and a manager for the boys team.
We need another boy and 3 more girls to complete these teams. If you know of anyone wishing to play miniball from Yr 3 upwards, please let Mrs Brien know.
Fees - waiting for confirmation
Boys Team - Blake Meek, Joaquin Perez, Vilivea Tahitu'a, Iverson Wylie-Taukolo, Tevita Leo, Liam Lindsay and Fe'ofa'aki Tahitu'a.
Girls Team - Luse Asi, Miley Newlands-Robertson, Mya Robinson, Evie Phillips and Aria Oakes
Starts on Saturday 2nd May for Years 5-8 and Saturday 9th May for Yrs 1-4. This year our Yr 5/6 team will be playing 7 aside netball as North Otago Netball have introduced 7 aside for the Yr 6 grade.
Trials -for all Yr 5-8 players with the date to be confirmed. These will be held at school.
Coaches - we have coaches for all grades and coaches will be notified and confirmed when trials are completed.
Yr 1-2 - this is a skills based session for all schools held at the North Otago Netball courts starting at 10.00 am.
Yr 3 & 4 - this is a 5 aside team and there are enough players for this team.
Yr 5-8 - at this stage we have 17 players who will go into two teams.
Fees - confirmed at $25.00 for Yrs 1 & 2 and $50.00 for Yrs 3-8.
Umpire Workshop
There will be a Yr 7/8/9 umpire workshop on Friday 3rd April from 3.45 to 4.45 pm at the Taward Street Courts.
Yr 7 & 8 Development Camp
Held on 20 & 21 April from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Rec Centre in Oamaru. Two days of netball fun, fitness and skills. Cost is $20.00 for the 2 days. Registration closes 6th April and go to
Yr 5-8 - Eva Fatafehi, Milly Campbell, Indeg Jones-Hogan, Ally-May Rawson, Mariah Cunningham, Hannah Fowler, Bella Hubber, Lilly Kelcher, Lavina Ma, Ivy-Belle Mestrom, Laura Patterson, Alexie Phillips, Mazvita Rondozai, Libby Seddon, Paige Strachan, Atlanta Williams-McDowell
Yr 3-4 - Manu & Mele Ahotaeiloa, Pippa Campbell, Hila'atu Leo, Jayda Meikle, Georgia Moore, Aria Oakes, Evie Phillips, Holly Ridgway and Sephrin Staju.
Yr 1 & 2 - Celina Mascarenhas, Mia Ridgway, Lilani Roos and Dihviyn Soane
Usually starts in the first Saturday of May. We may have to combine with another club depending on numbers and/or a new format will be introduced but this will be brought up at the North Otago JAB Rugby meeting in April.
Weights - we need to weigh all the rugby players this year and all players are to complete the NZ Rugby registration form. We will fill out the registration forms on your behalf here at school.
Coaches will be notified and confirmed within the next week. We do require a coach for the 7/8 year old team and if you are interested, please let Mrs Brien know.
Fees - waiting for confirmation
5 & 6 year olds - Manase Oakes and William Allardice
7 & 8 year olds - Milah Anderson, Cameron Aston, Jac Bradley, Luke Bremner, Millie Fogarty, Lewis Geypen, Marconi Hausia, Theo Mestrom, Jack Phillips and Fe'ofa'aki Tahitu'a.
9 & 10 year olds - Luse Asi, Hamish Fowler, Elias Fraser, Stirling Heffernan, Marko Hubber, Blake Meek, Warren Pardede, Kacymea Tahitu'a, Vilivea Tahitu'a, Daniel Woodhouse and Iverson Wylie-Taukolo.
11 & 12 year olds - Sami Asi, Isaiah Castro, Paddy Spillane and Michael Woodhouse. James Bremner and William Pardede from OIS.
Names of children who are playing a winter sport for school will be displayed on the sports notice board. Anyone who has offered to coach a team will be notified next week and will be given a list of names for their respective team. Some teams are a couple of players short and we will be looking for more players.
Some sport teams may not have enough players and we will endeavour to place them in a team with a club. If you wish for your child to play a sport and there is spaces in the team, please let Mrs Brien know.
If for some reason you withdraw your child from a sport, please let the Sports Coordinator know as this affects both the coaches and the team and involves a lot of paper work as each sport has to register all players and their contact details with their nominated sport associations.
Fees - once your child is placed in a team, these fees have to paid or in a payment plan before the competition starts. Some codes have not yet given us their fees for the season.
If you have any old sports equipment and gear surplus to requirements, please donate them to our school for other children to utilise. This applies to both summer and winter sports and any gear that comes in we will advertise in the newsletter e.g. football / rugby boots, cricket pads, bats etc.
Midget - the children who are in the midget grade go to a skills based session organised by Football Waitaki and it is usually on a Friday night at 4.00 pm. These children will play under St Joseph's and be given a football top. Further information will follow.
Midget Players - Marco Alegre, William Allardice and Zachary Castro.
Other Grades - unfortunately we do not have enough children to make up teams in the higher grades and we will notify the children of a club they may want to join up with.
Fees - waiting for confirmation
Fun Sticks Grade - this is a skills based session for Yr 1 & 2 children from all schools and is run at the North Otago Hockey turf on Wednesday nights starting on Wednesday 6th May.
Fun Stick Players - Roger Luo
Mini Sticks, Kiwi Sticks and Kwik Sticks Grade
The Mini Sticks for Yrs 3 & 4 and the Kiwi Sticks for Yrs 5 & 6 is played on Wednesday nights starting on Wednesday 6th May. The Kwik Sticks for Yrs 7 & 8 is played on Tuesday nights and starts on Tuesday 5th May.
As we do not have enough players to make a team in either of the above grades, we will forward your names to North Otago Hockey and they will place you in a team. Our school will register your name and fees will be invoiced from St Joseph's, not the club you will be playing for.
Hockey players to be placed in teams - Rheanna Coscos, Mya Robinson and Lachlan Wilkinson
Fees - waiting for confirmation.
This competition is for Yr 7 & 8 players (and sometimes includes Yr 6's) played on Wednesday nights and usually starts in the second week of term 2 which is yet to be confirmed.
Coaches and managers will be confirmed and notified for both teams once we get a couple more players for the boys team. Team lists will be confirmed later on.
Fees - waiting for confirmation
Girls Team
We have 10 players, a coach and manager for this team so this team is complete.
Players are - Mariah Cunnigham, Hannah Fowler, Jana Gulinao, Lavina Ma, Laura Patterson, Alexie Phillips, Ziah Rollan, Mazvita Rondozai, Atlanta Williams-McDowell and Kacymea Tahitu'a.
Boys Team
We currently have 6 boys and require another couple of boys to join this team. If you know of anyone wishing to play basketball from Yr 6 upwards, please let Mrs Brien know.
Players are: Sami Asi, Paddy Spillane, Riley Tuffley, Lachlan Wilkinson, Michael Woodhouse and Hamish Fowler.
This competition is for Yr 4-6 players (and sometimes include Yr 3's) played on Tuesday nights and usually starts in the second week of term 2 which is yet to be confirmed.
Coaches - we require coaches for both the boys and girls teams and a manager for the boys team.
We need another boy and 3 more girls to complete these teams. If you know of anyone wishing to play miniball from Yr 3 upwards, please let Mrs Brien know.
Fees - waiting for confirmation
Boys Team - Blake Meek, Joaquin Perez, Vilivea Tahitu'a, Iverson Wylie-Taukolo, Tevita Leo, Liam Lindsay and Fe'ofa'aki Tahitu'a.
Girls Team - Luse Asi, Miley Newlands-Robertson, Mya Robinson, Evie Phillips and Aria Oakes
Starts on Saturday 2nd May for Years 5-8 and Saturday 9th May for Yrs 1-4. This year our Yr 5/6 team will be playing 7 aside netball as North Otago Netball have introduced 7 aside for the Yr 6 grade.
Trials -for all Yr 5-8 players with the date to be confirmed. These will be held at school.
Coaches - we have coaches for all grades and coaches will be notified and confirmed when trials are completed.
Yr 1-2 - this is a skills based session for all schools held at the North Otago Netball courts starting at 10.00 am.
Yr 3 & 4 - this is a 5 aside team and there are enough players for this team.
Yr 5-8 - at this stage we have 17 players who will go into two teams.
Fees - confirmed at $25.00 for Yrs 1 & 2 and $50.00 for Yrs 3-8.
Umpire Workshop
There will be a Yr 7/8/9 umpire workshop on Friday 3rd April from 3.45 to 4.45 pm at the Taward Street Courts.
Yr 7 & 8 Development Camp
Held on 20 & 21 April from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Rec Centre in Oamaru. Two days of netball fun, fitness and skills. Cost is $20.00 for the 2 days. Registration closes 6th April and go to
Yr 5-8 - Eva Fatafehi, Milly Campbell, Indeg Jones-Hogan, Ally-May Rawson, Mariah Cunningham, Hannah Fowler, Bella Hubber, Lilly Kelcher, Lavina Ma, Ivy-Belle Mestrom, Laura Patterson, Alexie Phillips, Mazvita Rondozai, Libby Seddon, Paige Strachan, Atlanta Williams-McDowell
Yr 3-4 - Manu & Mele Ahotaeiloa, Pippa Campbell, Hila'atu Leo, Jayda Meikle, Georgia Moore, Aria Oakes, Evie Phillips, Holly Ridgway and Sephrin Staju.
Yr 1 & 2 - Celina Mascarenhas, Mia Ridgway, Lilani Roos and Dihviyn Soane
Usually starts in the first Saturday of May. We may have to combine with another club depending on numbers and/or a new format will be introduced but this will be brought up at the North Otago JAB Rugby meeting in April.
Weights - we need to weigh all the rugby players this year and all players are to complete the NZ Rugby registration form. We will fill out the registration forms on your behalf here at school.
Coaches will be notified and confirmed within the next week. We do require a coach for the 7/8 year old team and if you are interested, please let Mrs Brien know.
Fees - waiting for confirmation
5 & 6 year olds - Manase Oakes and William Allardice
7 & 8 year olds - Milah Anderson, Cameron Aston, Jac Bradley, Luke Bremner, Millie Fogarty, Lewis Geypen, Marconi Hausia, Theo Mestrom, Jack Phillips and Fe'ofa'aki Tahitu'a.
9 & 10 year olds - Luse Asi, Hamish Fowler, Elias Fraser, Stirling Heffernan, Marko Hubber, Blake Meek, Warren Pardede, Kacymea Tahitu'a, Vilivea Tahitu'a, Daniel Woodhouse and Iverson Wylie-Taukolo.
11 & 12 year olds - Sami Asi, Isaiah Castro, Paddy Spillane and Michael Woodhouse. James Bremner and William Pardede from OIS.
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