I just read a passage from a little book called 'Painting Rainbows with Broken Crayons' by Bernadette McCarver Snyder, which has prayers for teachers, parents and other caregivers. I think this passage could apply very much to how many of us are thinking at the moment.
Do I too often see without seeing?
Lord, today I was thinking about something I heard a long time ago. Some wise person said that each day you should take the time to stop and look at something in your world and say, Isn't that beautiful?"
I know that the world at-large and my private world runneth over with beautiful things, but it's easy to take them for granted or to just not notice anymore. I speed along the highway, passing fields of rainbowed wildflowers; I hurry through a mall, not noticing the faces of those walking past; I race through an art gallery, looking with one eye at the masterpieces because the other eye is busy checking to see what the children are touching that is untouchable.
I see without seeing.
I have allowed complexity and busy-ness to crowd into my life until there is too little room left for beauty. What a loss, what a shame.
I am ashamed, Lord. When I take the time, I revel in the beauty of the world. I love to gather wildflowers, watch a waterfall, sit in a crowd and notice the amazing diversity of the faces you have made. But I too seldom take the time.
How can I gift children with the love of beauty if I do not cultivate it more in myself? Slow me down, Lord, so I can learn and then teach this lesson: At least once each day, let me stop to look closely at one of the wonders of this world and say, "Isn't that beautiful?"

Take Care and God Bless
Ann Dooley/DRS
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