A very warm and happy welcome back to Term 4.
On Sunday 16th October some of our children will be enrolled into the Parish Sacramental Programme at the 9.30am Mass at St. Patrick's Basilica. Families and prayer partners will meet in the Dean O' Rielly lounge for morning tea after the Mass. Each family is asked to bring a plate and leave at the lounge before Mass. Thank You. Mr & Mrs Wylie have sent out information and dates for the parent meetings.
On Monday after school all teachers and support staff met to discuss what RESPECT looks like and means to our school. We will all be focusing on this with our children. Mrs Lorraine Francis-Rees will also be asking senior children and parents for their input. Remembering we are all in this together and we need to be supporting each other on life's journey. None of us can do it on our own. Jesus wants us to be happy. The happier we make other people, the happier we become ourselves. What a wonderful place the world would be if this was to happen everywhere.
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