Saturday 18th June - Joseph & Sebastian Spillane, Max Fatafehi, Samuel Plieger and Vince Vidallon
Sunday 19th June - Antonia Black, Cameron Mather, Sebastian Whiston, Morgan Baillie and Arthur Cartlidge
Birthday Greetings to:
Lester Cavinta, Joshua Criddle, Liam Cameron, Lochlan McLaren, Jayla Strong, Mia Davison and Lars Finn
Congratulations to the children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday and to everyone who helped out with this celebration.
Enrolment days and Tuesday and Wednesday next week for anyone wishing to enrol their child for 2017 including children who are turning 5 next year and transfers.
We are looking at starting our gymnastics and dance club again for those children who are interested. This will start on Friday 24th June after school in the school hall. During the session, children will be split into different groups including vault, beam, floor, bar, dance and trampoline. Miss Lind and the year 6 girls will be running these sessions.
Once registered to take part, each child will hire a leotard for $5.00 to do gymnastics in. This leotard will be handed out at the beginning of the season and collected in again at the end. You can wear long black leggings underneath the leotards.
Gymnastics will run on Fridays from 3.00 to 4.00 pm and has no cost. This is available from Yr 3 and above. We will need parent helpers to set up, supervise and pack the gear away each week. Any questions, please email Suzy Lind at or Tina Souness on
Home and School Phone Book Reminder
Please drop off the book (in good condition) or the money to the office by Monday 20th June.
Ladies Night Out
Our Home & School are hosting a 'Ladies Night Out' for all our mums and carers from our school community on Thursday 23rd June at 7.30 pm at the Last Post. Please RSVP to Megan Pink by either texting 027 437 1479 or email by Monday 20th June so they can organise catering. See the attached flyer to the email.
Lost Clothing
Troy Chikowore has lost his named pair of Canterbury track pants and Rheanna Coscos has lost her named school jacket which has her named printed on the outside of the arm on the white band. Please check your child's clothing to make sure they have the correct clothes.
Measles Outbreak
See the notice on the next page of the blog.
Parent Meetings
To book an interview time with your teacher either on Monday 4th or Wednesday 6th July, go to and put this code in z7hpv The interview times range from 3.15 to 8.00 pm and go for 10 minutes each.
Parish Freezer
Plastic Bags
We urgently require plastic supermarket bags so if you have any spare, please send them to the office. Thanks.
Rugby Game - Crusaders v Highlanders
If your child is going to watch the game on Thursday 23rd June, please send a note or email to your child's teacher mentioning they will be leaving school earlier.
School Ties
A reminder that the new school ties are to be hand washed only and not put in the dryer.
We warmly welcome Andrew Sinclair who started school this week to our Yr 6 class.
Community Notices
- OSCAR@Fenwick July Holiday Programme - come aboard our sailing ship for an exciting adventure to visit other countries and cultures. For enrolment forms or more information about our service, please call Jenny on 021 156 5871 or email
- Galleon Family Complex - Kids Bowling League held on Tuesdays from 3.30 to 4.30 pm. Afternoon tea and drinks provided. Cost is $8.00 per person.
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