Saturday 4th June - Joseph & Sebastian Spillane, Bronson Bartlett, Max Fatafehi and Isabella McNaught
Sunday 5th June - Jonathan Jorgensen, Arthur Cartlidge and Fritz Arsi
Birthday Greetings to:
Jonathan Jorgensen, Lilly Kelcher, Jordyn Shaw and William Pardede
Basketball Trials
There are basketball trials for U13 on Monday 13th June at the Waitaki Recreation Centre. The girls are at 3.30 pm and the boys are from 4.15 pm. Remember you cannot turn 13 this year to trial.
Busy Bumbles - Driver Wanted
Would like to be able to offer 'Before and After School Care' for the families in Oamaru. We would like to include children from Oamaru Intermediate and Ardgowan schools but to do this, we would need someone to drive our Busy Bumbles van at 8.30 am each morning from St Joseph's school and drop these children back to their schools and collect them again at 3.00 pm. You would be paid for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon but it should take less time than this. We would only require this when we had children from these schools and it would only be during term time. If you think this is something you would like to do, please chat to Jocelyn for more information. We would love to hear from you.
Enrolment Days
If your child is turning 5 next year or you know of someone who wants to come to St Joseph's next year, we are holding enrolment meetings on Tuesday 21st and Thursday 23rd June. Please contact the office to make an appointment.
Free colour pencils
New World are currently running a special on Macleans toothpaste where you buy 2 big tubes of toothpaste and receive a free packet of colouring pencils. Only while stocks last.
Head Lice
It is that season again when these mites are doing the rounds and this time they are in the Junior Hubs. Please check your child's hair and treat if necessary.
Holy Shop
This shop is still open in the presbytery while alterations are being done to the outside. It is open from 9.45 am to 12.00 pm. Prior to Confirmation the shop can be opened before school or up till 2.00 pm. Other times by arrangement. Phone Elaine on 434 8543 at the parish office from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm.
Junior School Swimming
Over the last 3 weeks the junior school have had 10 swimming lessons where they have been taught how to swim, water and survival safety and the use of wearing life jackets. We have noticed how much the children's confidence has grown during this time and some of them can now swim a length in the big pool. Many thanks to all the parent helpers who helped with walking and helping out at the pool.
Jonathan Paton has lost his named school jacket. Please check your child's jacket to ensure they have the correct one.
Mobile Phone Appeal

Please drop any unwanted mobile phones you may have in the collection box at the school office.
Mother's Group
Invites you to join us for a craft night next Wednesday 8th June at 7.30 pm, venue to be confirmed. It would be fabulous if you could come. RSVP to Daniela on 027 386 2732. Thank you.
Netball Practice for Yr 3/4 teams
St Joseph's Steel and Maroon teams will be having practices on Thursdays at lunchtime. Please make sure they are in their PE gear and have suitable footwear.
Parish Freezer
Recently a few of us from our 'Mums Group' met to make some meals for the parish freezer at Kate Finn's place. We value the wonderful contributions made by families through the Home and School year level that happens a few times a term. We realise that is difficult providing a main meal for a family and decided to prop up the food in the freezer in support. Please let us know of any families that need a meal because of sickness, bereavement, new baby in the family, shifting or any other reason that enables us to show our care and concern. Thank you Jocelyn Marsh.
Pastoral Care
Junior Hub 2: We would be very grateful if the families could kindly donate either non-perishable food items or cooked food items before the end of term. The items can be tinned foods, boxed cereals, baking or a main meal e.g. soups,casserole, lasagna, muffins or biscuits. If you are in a position to contribute, thank you. Please list the food ingredients to alert those people with food allergies. Please bring your kindly donated food to the school office in the morning.

Last week the Home and School gave a phone book to each family to try and sell and the cut off date was today in which we have only received replies from 30 families. Can you please try to sell your book asap. Thank you.
Community Notices
- Earth, Space & Weather Photography Competition - from lightning storms to star clusters, capture the natural beauty of Earth, Space and Weather. Get your entries in by 26th June to Fantastic prizes to be won.
- Forrester Gallery What's On - Fine Art Prelim: Colin Wheeler Working Drawings, What is Art For: The Self Portrait, The Lost Object Ensemble: Jane Venis, Wonderlab: Art & Anatomy and New Dreams, Old Treasures.
- Barnardos Kidstart Childcare - looking for childcare or want to work from home, contact Susan on 027 202 3029 and look out for the attached flyer to the email.
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