Thank you to the parents for the support you have given your children while preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. We are also very grateful for the support Mr and Mrs Wylie have given the parents in preparing them to support their children. Remember, WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. So if you ever have any queries about the Sacramental Programme please ask anyone of us. The children will begin their preparation to receive the Sacrament of 'The Holy Eucharist' early next term.
Many thanks to the wonderful Year 5 parents (especially Mrs Rose Wylie-Taukolo) who organised the morning tea (and the cleaning up afterwards) on Sunday after the Confirmation Mass.
Thank you to the parents who have sent along their $15 to cover costs of the certificates and medals (this covers Confirmation and Holy Communion). If you have not done so already please send it to the office or have it debited your account.
Take care and God Bless.
We are all currently teaching The Church Strand. Information of what we are teaching can be found in 'The Family Whanau Book' It also has many ideas that will help you support your child with what we are teaching at school.
We are all in this together.
We are 'THE CHURCH".

Church Strand/Community of saints
We are all in this together.
We are 'THE CHURCH".
Church Strand/Community of saints
te whanau a te karaiti
Year 1/belonging
year 2/gathering, celebrating, living god's presence
year 3/called to be like jesus
year 4/called to service
year 5/the church celebrates
year 6/the church as a pilgrim people
year 7/the teaching church
year 8/the living church
year 7/the teaching church
year 8/the living church

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