Saturday 11th June - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham, Joshua Criddle and Troy Chikowore
Sunday 12th June - Rhea Ratgali, Seth Bartley, Jonathan Jorgensen and Henry Robinson
Birthday Greetings to:
Magnus Heaphy and Lachlan Brookes
Basketball Trials
There are trials for both girls and boys for the U13 grade on Monday 13th June at the Waitaki Recreation Centre. Girls are from 3.30 to 4.15 pm and boys from 4.15 to 5.00 pm. Any queries to Susan de Geest on 027 222 2187 or email
Change of Addresses
If you have moved recently, can you please let the office know your new address and contact details.

Home & School Phone Books
Three weeks ago the Home and School gave each family a Big Print Phone Book to take home and sell on their behalf. There are 94 families who have not yet sold their books so can we please have the money or the unsold book returned to us in excellent condition by next Thursday 16th June otherwise you may be charged for the book. Thank you.
Permission Forms
The Catholic Quadrangular permission form needs to be returned to the school office by Monday at the latest. No form means you cannot attend the tournament.
Ski Meeting & Family Learning Hui
We warmly welcome Hannes Roos who started school this week to our year 6 classroom.
Sports Code of Conduct
Parents and supporters are reminded about our Sports Code of Conduct when on the sideline of a game.
For anyone standing on the sideline of any game, please remember .....
- The players are kids
- The referees are human
- The coaches are volunteers
- Spectators are supporters of the players, referees and coaches
St Joseph's Code
of Conduct for Parents, Spectators and Supporters:
Encourage your child to learn to play
within the rules and the principles of fair play.
Players are involved in their chosen
sport for their own interests and enjoyment.
You play a major part in their efforts but ensure that you respect that
they are involved for their own personal reasons.
Turn defeat into victory by helping your
child work towards skills development and good sportsmanship. Never ridicule, degrade or yell at any player
for making a mistake. Encourage your
child to lose with grace.
Children learn the most from the examples
you set. Always act in a positive manner
and demonstrate self-discipline on the side line. Use correct and respectful
language at all times.
Always remember coaches are volunteers. Their time and efforts are for the benefit of
your child.
Discourage unfair play and arguing with
Show your appreciation of volunteers who
are giving up their own time and those who help make sport happen. It is easy to criticise but not so easy to
take up the challenge yourself.
Always support officials and coaches by
accepting their decisions and judgements.
Remember – No official, no coach – no game.
Community Notices
- Basketball July Holiday Camp - Basketball Otago is proud to offer a school holiday program that will include basketball skills and other fun activities. Led by Basketball Otago (BBO) Development Officer and local coaches and players. Come with a great attitude and be ready to learn and have fun. Ages from 6-12 years - no experience needed. Dates from 11-14th July from 8.30 am to 12.00 pm at the Edgar Centre in Dunedin. Cost is $100.00 per person or $50.00 for additional children from same family. To register contact
Netball - Saturday 11th June
There is a netball course being offered on Friday 10th June
by Netball South called ‘Back to Basics Workshop’. It costs $5.00 per coach and you get a
resource booklet to take away. Workshops
will be split into 2 x 1 hour blocks.
Attack Focus from 6.00 to 7.00 pm and Defence Focus from 7.00 to 8.00
Intermediate 1.1
9.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v Valley
Steel – Adore Spa
Intermediate 1.3
9.00 am - St Joseph’s Rebels v Athies
Mini Gold - BNZ
Year 5/6 Big Hoops
10.00 am - St Joseph's Ferns v Valley
Mystics – Court 2
Year 5/6 Small Hoops
11.00 am – St Joseph's Warriors v Kurow
White – Fitness 24
Year 3/4
10.00 am – St Joseph’s Maroon v Fenwick
Flames – LJ Hooker
11.00 am - St Joseph’s Steel v Fenwick
Flash – LJ Hooker
Year 1/2
10.00 am – Pearsons court
11.00 am – Yneke Edzes
Rugby - Saturday 11th June
The next rugby skills session will be held on Sunday 12th
June at 10.00 am at Whitestone Contracting Stadium. This is a continuation of what was started a
few weeks back for the 9/10s and 11/12 year old children. The next one will be on Sunday July 3rd
before the school holidays. The holiday
programme will be held on Tuesday 12th July and Tuesday 19th
July at the park.
5 yrs
10.30 am – St Joseph’s Blue v St
Joseph’s Maroon – WCS 9a
7/8 yrs
10.00 am – Excelsior v St Joseph’s – WCS
9/10 yrs
10.00 am – St Joseph’s v Athletic – WCS
11/12 yrs
11.00 am –Athletic v St Joseph’s – WCS 5
Football - Saturday 11th June
11.00 am - St Joseph's Little Whites v Meadowbank
Magic – Showgrounds M1
9.30 am - St Joseph's White Knights v Awamoa
Aces – Awamoa Park
9.30 am – St Joseph’s United v Awamoa
Knights – Awamoa Park
Hockey – Tuesday 14th June
5.00 pm – QuickSticks v Papakaio
Hockey – Wednesday 15th June
4.30 pm – Mixed Monkeys v Upper Waitaki
5.00 pm – Mixed Magic v Combo Cats
Miniball - Tuesday 14th June
3.45 pm – St Joseph’s Thunder v Ardgowan Arrows – front court
4.15 pm – St Joseph’s Breakers v Ardgowan Aces – front court
St Joseph’s Rebels has the bye
Referee and Score bench
3.45 pm – St Joseph’s Breakers – referee
4.15 pm – St Joseph’s Thunder – referee and score bench
Basketball - Wednesday 15th June
St Joseph’s Bolts, Cavaliers and Raptors have a bye due to the
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