Friday, 26 September 2014
Thursday, 25 September 2014
1. Principal News Week 10 Term 3
How do we engage every student in deep learning for success?
This morning I had a chance to visit Manuka's "open classroom" and saw engagement in deep learning in action. The Year 7's shared their well researched project findings with an engaged audience of children from the younger classes. The interactive projects like the erupting volcano and the manipulative brains were of particular interest to these wide eyed juniors. I was personally drawn to the suspension bridge project having excitedly travelled across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco earlier this year. The depth of detail, learning and understanding around these projects by the Year 7's was commendable. A discussion with the "learning leaders" yesterday focused on personal topic choice as a major driver in engagement. Congratulations to all of the Year 7's who shared the results of your learning with such confidence and expertise.
St Joseph's future-focused learning plans 2015
Everyone should have received a copy of our plans for 2015 with regards to personalised learning and digital devices. The next parent hui will be a practical hands on learning session. We have made two dates for this one, to ensure we can meet the needs of all of our families: Wednesday 15th October at 7.00 pm and Thursday 23rd October at 5:30 pm.
Staff Farewells
Tomorrow we bid a final farewell to our wonderful Deputy Principal Mrs Siobhan Patterson and wish her our best wishes and blessings in her new role as principal of Tirau School. We thank her for everything that she has contributed to our school during her time here as teacher, leader, parent and colleague. Please join us in the library for a farewell cuppa with Mrs Patterson tomorrow at 2.00 pm and then in the hall for our final thank you and end of term assembly.
We also say thanks and farewell to Susan Meikle Morrison who has been running our B4 school programme. Susan has a new full time administrative role at ABC Early Learning Centre. I will be running this programme for Term 4.
A huge thank you and farewell also must go to Natasha O'Connor and her family as they depart for Christchurch. Mrs O'Connor has been a valuable part time staff member and relief teacher.
New classroom and new appointments for Term 4
We announced a few weeks ago that Miss Nicky Clouston will be joining our staff next term as we open a 5th junior classroom. Mrs Brookes has been hard at work transforming Ruma Koru into the New Entrant classroom and it was opened for our Terrific Thursday visitors this afternoon. The community staffroom is now a shared space within our library.
We recently advertised a permanent Year 5 teaching position. We are delighted to announce that Mr Paul Cartlidge has successfully won the permanent Year 5 position. We are thrilled that Paul, Rebecca and the family have made the decision to stay in Oamaru.
We also advertised the Deputy Principal vacancy and are thrilled that Mrs Frances-Rees will be our new DP commencing next term. Mrs Frances- Rees is our present Assistant Principal and Year 7 teacher. She will continue to teach Year 7 in her new leadership role.
Singing Cup
Last night we celebrated another Singing Cup finale. A huge thank you goes to Mrs Frances- Rees for coordinating this event. Special thanks also to Mrs Brookes as accompanist, Katrina Crowder and Sonia Creedy the judges. Our Year 8 Catholic Cultural Leaders, Tia, Antonio and Ryan did an excellent job hosting the evening. Look further on our newsblog for results and photos of our finalists. Congratulations to all of our students who bravely auditioned and participated in this annual event and to all Year 4-8 children who performed in the house choirs. Well done to the staff as well !!! All of you showed us how we can "Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners in the Catholic faith."
Special Message from Fr Wayne
Please read below for a special message from Fr Wayne.
End of term thanks
A huge thank you to all staff, students and families for your valued support this term. We wish you all a very safe and relaxing holiday period and look forward to welcoming you back in your summer uniform next term.
This morning I had a chance to visit Manuka's "open classroom" and saw engagement in deep learning in action. The Year 7's shared their well researched project findings with an engaged audience of children from the younger classes. The interactive projects like the erupting volcano and the manipulative brains were of particular interest to these wide eyed juniors. I was personally drawn to the suspension bridge project having excitedly travelled across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco earlier this year. The depth of detail, learning and understanding around these projects by the Year 7's was commendable. A discussion with the "learning leaders" yesterday focused on personal topic choice as a major driver in engagement. Congratulations to all of the Year 7's who shared the results of your learning with such confidence and expertise.
St Joseph's future-focused learning plans 2015
Everyone should have received a copy of our plans for 2015 with regards to personalised learning and digital devices. The next parent hui will be a practical hands on learning session. We have made two dates for this one, to ensure we can meet the needs of all of our families: Wednesday 15th October at 7.00 pm and Thursday 23rd October at 5:30 pm.
Staff Farewells
Tomorrow we bid a final farewell to our wonderful Deputy Principal Mrs Siobhan Patterson and wish her our best wishes and blessings in her new role as principal of Tirau School. We thank her for everything that she has contributed to our school during her time here as teacher, leader, parent and colleague. Please join us in the library for a farewell cuppa with Mrs Patterson tomorrow at 2.00 pm and then in the hall for our final thank you and end of term assembly.
We also say thanks and farewell to Susan Meikle Morrison who has been running our B4 school programme. Susan has a new full time administrative role at ABC Early Learning Centre. I will be running this programme for Term 4.
A huge thank you and farewell also must go to Natasha O'Connor and her family as they depart for Christchurch. Mrs O'Connor has been a valuable part time staff member and relief teacher.
New classroom and new appointments for Term 4
We announced a few weeks ago that Miss Nicky Clouston will be joining our staff next term as we open a 5th junior classroom. Mrs Brookes has been hard at work transforming Ruma Koru into the New Entrant classroom and it was opened for our Terrific Thursday visitors this afternoon. The community staffroom is now a shared space within our library.
We recently advertised a permanent Year 5 teaching position. We are delighted to announce that Mr Paul Cartlidge has successfully won the permanent Year 5 position. We are thrilled that Paul, Rebecca and the family have made the decision to stay in Oamaru.
We also advertised the Deputy Principal vacancy and are thrilled that Mrs Frances-Rees will be our new DP commencing next term. Mrs Frances- Rees is our present Assistant Principal and Year 7 teacher. She will continue to teach Year 7 in her new leadership role.
Singing Cup
Last night we celebrated another Singing Cup finale. A huge thank you goes to Mrs Frances- Rees for coordinating this event. Special thanks also to Mrs Brookes as accompanist, Katrina Crowder and Sonia Creedy the judges. Our Year 8 Catholic Cultural Leaders, Tia, Antonio and Ryan did an excellent job hosting the evening. Look further on our newsblog for results and photos of our finalists. Congratulations to all of our students who bravely auditioned and participated in this annual event and to all Year 4-8 children who performed in the house choirs. Well done to the staff as well !!! All of you showed us how we can "Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners in the Catholic faith."
Special Message from Fr Wayne
Please read below for a special message from Fr Wayne.
End of term thanks
A huge thank you to all staff, students and families for your valued support this term. We wish you all a very safe and relaxing holiday period and look forward to welcoming you back in your summer uniform next term.
1. End of Term Message from Fr Wayne Healey
Our grateful
thanks to Staff for their continued and committed enthusiasm in their
classrooms, to members of the BOT, parents and the Home and School Committee who support
not only in word but in service. You all play a very important role in wisdom
and support to keep the high standard of learning we have come to expect.
would like to take this opportunity of thanking coaches especially during the
past term who have truly given dedicated support and expertise to students in the
various codes of sport. I greatly appreciate and admire your dedication. I’m so
proud to be there especially on Saturdays to see the students compete in a
wonderful manner. Coaches and students you need to be proud of yourselves.
Students, never be too slow in coming forward and thanking your coach or
coaches for their time, expertise they gave you during the season.
Thanks, is
the memory of the heart. The word Eucharist means thank you. My dream or
thought would be to see students and parents attending Mass over the weekends
to give thanks to Christ Jesus for what we have and what we have been given, in
season and out of season.
Love and
Fr. Wayne.
2. Special Character News Week 10
3. School Notices - Week 10, Term 3
(a) Altar Servers
Saturday 27th September - Ben Cullimore, Joseph Spillane, Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger
Sunday 28th September - Abbey Mabon, Mekeisha Hurley, Tia Hunter and Kelsey Mills
Saturday 4th October - Lachlan Brookes, Mackenzie Cunningham Nicholas Plieger and Antonio Frances-Rees
Sunday 5th October - Antonia & Francesca Black, Laura & Cameron Mather
Saturday 11th October - Halalova Asi, Elizabeth Plieger, Joseph Spillane and Ben Cullimore
Sunday 12th October - Abbey Mabon, Mekeisha Hurley, Kelsey Mills and Samantha Jorgensen
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Tegan Souness, Ziah Rollan, Antonia Black, Jonathan Paton, Stephanie Mae Morondoz, Kenton Tokai, Yneke Edzes, Ayla Vincent, Ashlyn Marshall, Ellie Jorgensen, Troy & Trish Chikowore, Adriana Wylie-Taukolo, Timothy Jorgensen and Bethany Pope.
(c) Home & School Notice
Require your teams to be registered for the quiz night now!! and there have been only half the families bringing in a prize for the night. We are still collecting these prizes.
(d) Summer Uniform
Is to be worn this term and remember to bring your school hats.
(e) Singing Cup
Can all the Singing Cup trophies please be returned to the school office by tomorrow Friday 26th September. Thank you.
(f) School Photos
Will be taken on Tuesday 14th October in the morning of the first week back. Family photos will be taken from 8.30 am onwards.
(g) Lost Property
There is a big collection of jackets and other clothing in the lost property area. Please check to see if any of this belongs to your child.
(h) Community Notices - please see the notice board for full information
Saturday 27th September - Ben Cullimore, Joseph Spillane, Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger
Sunday 28th September - Abbey Mabon, Mekeisha Hurley, Tia Hunter and Kelsey Mills
Saturday 4th October - Lachlan Brookes, Mackenzie Cunningham Nicholas Plieger and Antonio Frances-Rees
Sunday 5th October - Antonia & Francesca Black, Laura & Cameron Mather
Saturday 11th October - Halalova Asi, Elizabeth Plieger, Joseph Spillane and Ben Cullimore
Sunday 12th October - Abbey Mabon, Mekeisha Hurley, Kelsey Mills and Samantha Jorgensen
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Tegan Souness, Ziah Rollan, Antonia Black, Jonathan Paton, Stephanie Mae Morondoz, Kenton Tokai, Yneke Edzes, Ayla Vincent, Ashlyn Marshall, Ellie Jorgensen, Troy & Trish Chikowore, Adriana Wylie-Taukolo, Timothy Jorgensen and Bethany Pope.
(c) Home & School Notice
Require your teams to be registered for the quiz night now!! and there have been only half the families bringing in a prize for the night. We are still collecting these prizes.
(d) Summer Uniform
Is to be worn this term and remember to bring your school hats.
(e) Singing Cup
Can all the Singing Cup trophies please be returned to the school office by tomorrow Friday 26th September. Thank you.
(f) School Photos
Will be taken on Tuesday 14th October in the morning of the first week back. Family photos will be taken from 8.30 am onwards.
(g) Lost Property
There is a big collection of jackets and other clothing in the lost property area. Please check to see if any of this belongs to your child.
(h) Community Notices - please see the notice board for full information
- Football Waitaki 12th Grade Rep Team Fundraiser - Disco - Friday 26th September from 6.30 to 8.30 pm for yrs 4-8 at the Old Baptist Church Hall. $5.00 entry.
- Waitaki Aquatic Centre Holiday Programme - Tuesday 30th September, Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd October from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. Cost is $30 for the 3 days, bring your togs, lunch and a filled water bottle. To register, contact the Waitaki Aquatic Centre on 434 0410.
- Holiday Tennis Coaching Camp - Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th October from 9.30 to 11.30 am. Cost is $25 daily or $60 for 3 days. All ages from 5 yrs to 12 yrs. Inquiries to Steve on 027 284 9578 or 03 686 6855. Venue to be confirmed.
- Oamaru Tap Dancing Competitions - Saturday 11th October from 8.30 am to 9.00 pm at the Oamaru Opera House. Great entertainment for all ages and there is a small door charge.
- School Holiday Fun at the Forrester Gallery & Custom House Gallery, Oamaru Library and North Otago Museum from Wednesday 1st October to Friday 10th October.
- Weston School Senior Camp Fundraiser - Car Boot Sale and Kids Market stalls held on Saturday 11th October at the Weston School Hall from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm.
- Steampunk HQ opens 'New" Infinity Portal Installation in time for the school holidays
- St Joseph's Quiz Night - Friday 17th October 2014 at St Joseph's school hall
4. Congratulations - Week 10, Term 3
Principals Award
Congratulations to Ben Cullimore and Michael Misiloi who receive the Principals Award this week for being fantastic senior boy role models at the gymnastic competition last week.
We warmly welcome Hamish Fowler who started school this week to Ruma Kauri.
St Joseph's Yr 5/6 Rippa Rugby Team
Congratulations to our Yr 5/6 Rippa Rugby team who have been selected to play at Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin as part of a curtain raiser display before the North Otago v South Canterbury Heartland Rugby game. Four schools have been selected from North Otago and South Canterbury to display their Rippa Rugby skills. They play from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Thank you to Jason Forest from North Otago Junior Rugby for organising this experience for the children. Good luck.
We warmly welcome Hamish Fowler who started school this week to Ruma Kauri.
St Joseph's Yr 5/6 Rippa Rugby Team
Congratulations to our Yr 5/6 Rippa Rugby team who have been selected to play at Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin as part of a curtain raiser display before the North Otago v South Canterbury Heartland Rugby game. Four schools have been selected from North Otago and South Canterbury to display their Rippa Rugby skills. They play from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Thank you to Jason Forest from North Otago Junior Rugby for organising this experience for the children. Good luck.
5. Touch Rugby Teams Term 4, 2014
Touch Rugby Teams for Term 4, 2014
Pumas - Yr 7 & 8
Jack Souness
Jerome Misiloi
Brendan Tiffen
Saluni Pala
Jack Pine
Samuel Bridges
Cameron Pink
Tess McAtamney
Maria Wallace
Siva Katoa
Turbos - Yr 4,5,6
Tegan Souness
Antonia Black
Grace Keno
Eleni Hausia
Seth Sinclair
Jacob Fowler
Kaleb Cant
Toby Lewis
Sam Keno
Taine Cooper
Coach – Marty McAtamney
Coach – Mel Lewis
Ferns - Yr 4,5,6
Campbell Fowler
Levi Crowder
McKenzie Cunningham
Indya Cunningham
Makayla Bean
Tyla Bolitho
Seb Spillane
Jack Hayman
Joseph Spillane
Michael Misiloi
Sebastian Whiston
Dynamos - Yr 4,5,6
Tessa Souness
Elenoa Asi
Elizabeth Plieger
Isabella McNaught
Max Fatafehi
Jack Cameron
Samuel Plieger
Halalova Asi
Baxter Lewis
Hotili Asi
Coach – Ashley Pink/Emma Slater/Niamh
Coach – Glynn Cameron
Tigers - 1,2,3
Charlotte Thornley
Joseph Vaiomounga
Lachlan Criddle
Patrick Spillane
Riley Tuffley
Liam Cameron
Cody Marshall
Jada-Rose Keno
Eva Keno
Ashlyn Marshall
Kristiana Whiston
Broncos - Yr 1,2,3
Lochlan McLaren
Jimmy Jackson
Nico Mendoza-Gonzales
Riley McLaren
Sami Asi
Ruby McNaught
Samuel McNaught
Ella Murphy
Molly May Mestrom
Alexie Phillips
Hamish Fowler
Summer Moriarty
Coach – Tracey Marshall/Jack Souness
Coach – Jane McNaught
6. Singing Cup
Congratulations to all our competitors who competed in our Singing Cup competition this week. The trophy winners are:
Year level winners
Yr 5 Joshua Criddle, Kaliopeta Katoa and Nisha Wilson
Yr 6 Seth Sinclair and Jordan Clarke
Yr 7 Joel Kunnethedan and Trish Chikowore
Yr 8 Jerome Misiloi, Polly Harper and Kelsey Mills
Duet Winners
Yr 5 & 6 Seth Sinclair and Kaleb Cant Yr 7 & 8 Kelsey Mills and Taylor Pickworth
Best House Choir
Below are the finalists in the 2014 Singing Cup Competition
Year level winners
Yr 5 Joshua Criddle, Kaliopeta Katoa and Nisha Wilson
Yr 6 Seth Sinclair and Jordan Clarke
Yr 7 Joel Kunnethedan and Trish Chikowore
Yr 8 Jerome Misiloi, Polly Harper and Kelsey Mills
Duet Winners
Yr 5 & 6 Seth Sinclair and Kaleb Cant Yr 7 & 8 Kelsey Mills and Taylor Pickworth
Best House Choir
Below are the finalists in the 2014 Singing Cup Competition
7. Rippa Rugby Skills
During the last 2 weeks, development officers from North Otago Junior Rugby have come to teach all our children Rippa Rugby skills. Each class has half an hour where they are taught catching and passing a rugby ball, learning to dodge from players and to pull a ribbon tied to a players waist.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
1. Principal News Week 9 Term 3
St Joseph's future-focused plans for 2015
As we are preparing to share our plans with you for 2015 based on consultation and engagement during meetings and gatherings this year, I thought it timely to reflect on the excellent education that we provide for your children.
Here are some quotes from our 2013 ERO review. Not many schools achieve the status of a high performing school with a 4-5 year return and it's important to remind ourselves of the hard work that goes into achieving and sustaining this recognition.
The board and staff believe that this is a high
performing school and set expectations for students to be successful.The
principal and senior leaders place a strong emphasis on increasing best
teaching practices to benefit students. Students' learning is well supported
by:very good to high quality teaching.
The leadership of the principal and senior managers is highly effective.
The principal leads by example and models best practice. Communication is open
and regular, ensuring that parents, staff and students are well informed,
regularly consulted and their views are highly valued.
The support that promotes high performance for all teachers is a strength with the emphasis on self reflection and continuous improvement. The staff culture is one of cohesion, openness to change and preparedness to trial new ideas.
'Teaching is an art that we practice and improve all the time' (excerpt from St Joseph's future focused plan information leaflet for 2015 prepared by Mrs Frances-Rees). We continue to work to provide the highest quality teaching that we possibly can and decisions we make are not made on a whim but are thoroughly researched and based around our schoolwide goal to engage EVERY student in deep learning for success.
On Monday we will be sending home an information leaflet that clearly outlines our plans for deep learning and engagement for 2015. Please look out for this and read it. We will come together early next term to explain the importance of our plans 'in the context of our deep commitment to learning and success for your children.'
and senior leaders effective in defining curriculum and leading changes.
and deliberate approach to changes.
The support that promotes high performance for all teachers is a strength with the emphasis on self reflection and continuous improvement. The staff culture is one of cohesion, openness to change and preparedness to trial new ideas.
'Teaching is an art that we practice and improve all the time' (excerpt from St Joseph's future focused plan information leaflet for 2015 prepared by Mrs Frances-Rees). We continue to work to provide the highest quality teaching that we possibly can and decisions we make are not made on a whim but are thoroughly researched and based around our schoolwide goal to engage EVERY student in deep learning for success.
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Look out for this leaflet on Monday. |
Successful Literacy Strategies in Year 4-8
Mrs Patterson has prepared a report to share at the Accelerated Literacy Impact day in Christchurch today. The report is a summary of the excellent work that all of the senior school teachers have done to improve the writing skills of our learners. 90% of targeted learners are feeling much more confident about achieving success with their writing and the results show this. Some of the successful strategies being used include paired writing (learning with a trained class buddy and workshops (learners join in to strengthen a particular skill, for example spelling). Any strategies aimed at accelerating achievement for targeted learners, improve engagement and learning for all learners.
On Friday 26th at 2pm there will be a special thank you afternoon tea in the library for parents to come and join us to thank Mrs Patterson on her last day. Please come along and show your appreciation of the excellent work she has done during her time at St Joseph's. This will be followed by a final thank you assembly at 2:30 in the hall.
Board report
The Term 3 board news was sent home to all families yesterday. Thank you to Claire Cameron, mother to Jack Year 6 and Liam Year 3 and wife to Glynn, who is willing to share her voice and talents on our board as a parent trustee.
Thank you to Miss Jackson and a team of enthusiastic parent helpers for your support at the gym competition yesterday. The children will be presented with their certificates and ribbons at assembly tomorrow.You can learn more by visiting our school facebook page or looking for the excellent photos from Miss Huls further down on our newsblog. Special thanks to the Keno family for sponsoring the leotards and singlets.
There will be no more gym for the rest of the term but it will recommence in Term 4 if there are enough parent helpers. Plans for a gymnastic display involving all children are underway. You can check out Miss Jackson's gym blog
Through their willingness to share their gifts and talents, our gymnasts, parents and staff are showing us how to Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith.
2. Special Character News Week 9
This is Social Justice week.
The principles of Catholic Social Teaching are:
The principles of Catholic Social Teaching are:
These have been explained briefly over the past two weeks' special character news blogs. Videos showing these social justice principles in action can be seen at the Caritas website:
We were very pleased to welcome Cody into our church family on Saturday through the Sacrament of Baptism. It was a very special occasion for all involved.
Cody's baptism from stjoelfr
3. School Notices - Week 9, Term 3
(A) Altar Servers
Saturday 20th September - Halalova Asi, Lachlan Brookes, Antonio Frances-Rees and Seth Sinclair
Sunday 21st September - Rhea Ratgali, Jerome & Michael Misiloi and Samantha Jorgensen
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Arthur Cartlidge, Polly Harper, Ella Murphy, Charlotte Thornley, Hotili Asi and Abbey Mabon
(c) Winter Sports Uniforms and Bags
We require all washed winter sports uniforms, school sports bags, bibs and other items to be returned underneath the stairs by Wednesday 24th September. Thank you.
(d) Summer Sports Notice
The final day for summer sports forms to be returned is tomorrow as the teams will be finalised on Monday. We still require a coach for the Yr 1-2-3 Touch team otherwise the team will not be entered into the competition. Please see Mrs Souness if you are interested in coaching this team.
(g) Community Notices - please check the community notice board for full details
Saturday 20th September - Halalova Asi, Lachlan Brookes, Antonio Frances-Rees and Seth Sinclair
Sunday 21st September - Rhea Ratgali, Jerome & Michael Misiloi and Samantha Jorgensen
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Arthur Cartlidge, Polly Harper, Ella Murphy, Charlotte Thornley, Hotili Asi and Abbey Mabon
(c) Winter Sports Uniforms and Bags
We require all washed winter sports uniforms, school sports bags, bibs and other items to be returned underneath the stairs by Wednesday 24th September. Thank you.
(d) Summer Sports Notice
The final day for summer sports forms to be returned is tomorrow as the teams will be finalised on Monday. We still require a coach for the Yr 1-2-3 Touch team otherwise the team will not be entered into the competition. Please see Mrs Souness if you are interested in coaching this team.
(e) Lost Property
Tannah Rintoul has lost her named school jacket. Please check your child's jacket to see if they have the correct jacket. If found, please return it to the office.
(f) Library Books
All school library books are due back by Friday 19th September at the latest.
(g) Community Notices - please check the community notice board for full details
- St Joseph's Home & School Quiz Night - Friday 17th October 2014, it is still not too late to enter a team. Ph Adele on 027 434 3338 to register your team.
- North Otago Cricket October Holiday Programme - Wednesday 1st to Friday 3rd October for children aged from 6 to 12 years of age. Times for 6 to 8 years are from 9.00 am to 10.45 am and 9 to 12 years from 11.00 am to 12.45 pm and held at the St Kevin's gym and fields. Cost is $30 per child. To enrol: email or phone 027 649 0000
- Fun Run / Duathlon Series - Wednesdays from 5th November to 10th December 2014 for 6 weeks at the Oamaru Harbour playground, Friendly Bay. Open to all ages. Starts at 6.00 pm with registration 5.30 pm and briefing at 5.45 pm. Entry fee is $10 per event or $40 for series. To enter phone Adair Craik on 021 309 439 or or on the day.
4. Congratulations - Week 9, Term 3
Principals Award
Congratulations to Vannisah Ramu (below) who received the Principal's Award last week for helping Mrs McCartie in the library after school. She helped sort out books and put them away without being asked.

We warmly welcome Patricia Morondoz (right) who started school last week to Ruma Kauri.
Joseph Spillane, Lewis and Matthew Gough who competed in a national Tae Kwan Do 2 day tournament in Christchurch at the weekend. They had 2-3 fights each over the weekend and they competed in belt, age, and height and weight groups. Congratulations to Joseph and Matthew who both received silver medals.
The St Joseph's United football team had their end of season break up at the pool last Saturday. Special thanks to Jasmine Kunnethedan, Neil Gilbert, Mr Moore and to all our supportive parents.
We warmly welcome Patricia Morondoz (right) who started school last week to Ruma Kauri.
Joseph Spillane, Lewis and Matthew Gough who competed in a national Tae Kwan Do 2 day tournament in Christchurch at the weekend. They had 2-3 fights each over the weekend and they competed in belt, age, and height and weight groups. Congratulations to Joseph and Matthew who both received silver medals.
5. Jump Rope
On Tuesday the whole school participated in the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser where they had to do different activities involving skipping ropes and hoops for an hour. Some of the activities included: chalk drawings of healthy food, jumping with long ropes, different types of skipping, hula hoops, skipping to music and much more.
Children were given sponsorship forms attached to a brown jump rope envelope which is to be returned to the office. A percentage of the money raised for the Heart Foundation comes back to the school.
Children were given sponsorship forms attached to a brown jump rope envelope which is to be returned to the office. A percentage of the money raised for the Heart Foundation comes back to the school.
6. Pathfinders Gymnastic Competition
Miss Huls took some photos of the children competing in the 7 years and under gymnastic competition yesterday.
7. Rugby Skills
For the next two weeks on a Thursday, Jason Forrest and Lemi Masoe from the North Otago Junior Rugby Development will come to St Joseph's school for half an hour to teach boys from the 9 & 10 year old grade and the 11 & 12 year old grade some new training and back to basic skills for their development. We apologise for the colour in the photos.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Principal News Week 8 Term 3
Staff v Year 8 Daffodil Day Netball Challenge
Congratulations to the victorious Year 8 team who broke the drought and won the annual Daffodil Day fundraising game last Thursday 12 goals to 8.
This netball challenge began in 2010 and the staff have managed to win all of the previous games !!!
The game was played in good spirits for a very worthy cause. Thank you for all of your donations.We raised a total of $282 for the cancer society.
School Garden Club
Our new school garden came to life this afternoon with the support of the Community Garden Coordinators, helpers and students. Thanks to our whanau for donations of cuttings. The children planted potatoes, lettuces,onions, strawberries, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower. A tray of vegetables were also donated to us from from Mitre 10. Our garden club will take place every Thursday afternoon from 2-3 pm. We still need some more parent helpers. Please let us know if you would like to join the gardening team and help our children reap the rewards.

Bagpipe Lessons
Mr Olsen, the principal of St Kevin's and some student helpers have started coming to school each Thursday to teach our Year 7's to play the chanter. This is in preparation for them learning the bagpipes.Thanks Mr Olsen.
Staff as Learners
On Tuesday our teachers joined the staff from Weston and Papakaio schools at Weston for our second combined staff learning event as part of our Learning and Change Network. The first one was held here at St Joseph's a few weeks ago and focused on consistency of 'kid's speak' learning progressions in reading, writing and maths across our network. This time we focused on 'student agency'. Miss Huls has already shared some of this learning on her blog. You can learn more about student agency by clicking here.
This is the short video that I made that explains how we are learn together us part of a community of learners as part of a sustainable network. You can read more about this by clicking here.
Congratulations to the victorious Year 8 team who broke the drought and won the annual Daffodil Day fundraising game last Thursday 12 goals to 8.
This netball challenge began in 2010 and the staff have managed to win all of the previous games !!!
The game was played in good spirits for a very worthy cause. Thank you for all of your donations.We raised a total of $282 for the cancer society.
School Garden Club
Our new school garden came to life this afternoon with the support of the Community Garden Coordinators, helpers and students. Thanks to our whanau for donations of cuttings. The children planted potatoes, lettuces,onions, strawberries, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower. A tray of vegetables were also donated to us from from Mitre 10. Our garden club will take place every Thursday afternoon from 2-3 pm. We still need some more parent helpers. Please let us know if you would like to join the gardening team and help our children reap the rewards.
Bagpipe Lessons
Mr Olsen, the principal of St Kevin's and some student helpers have started coming to school each Thursday to teach our Year 7's to play the chanter. This is in preparation for them learning the bagpipes.Thanks Mr Olsen.
Staff as Learners
On Tuesday our teachers joined the staff from Weston and Papakaio schools at Weston for our second combined staff learning event as part of our Learning and Change Network. The first one was held here at St Joseph's a few weeks ago and focused on consistency of 'kid's speak' learning progressions in reading, writing and maths across our network. This time we focused on 'student agency'. Miss Huls has already shared some of this learning on her blog. You can learn more about student agency by clicking here.
This is the short video that I made that explains how we are learn together us part of a community of learners as part of a sustainable network. You can read more about this by clicking here.
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Click here to go to this video |
2. Special Character News - Week 8, Term 3
Special Character News - Week 8
In last week's news we shared some descriptions of three of the Catholic Social Justice principles which were Human Dignity, Solidarity and Stewardship. This week we will have a look at the other four. If you would like to find out more check out the Caritas website which has lots of information for Social Justice week starting Sunday 14th September (
This comes from Jesus' teaching in the Beatitudes. We have to put the needs of the poor and the vulnerable in society - for instance the materially poor, the elderly, the sick, and the unborn, first.
This means working for the good of everyone. When considering the impact of our actions we need to consider if the group as a whole will benefit or will it only be some group members over others.
This means that decision-making and empowerment happens at the lowest level. It means that the people who are affected by the problem need to be part of solving the problem rather than having something done to them.
We all have a responsibility to be part of our local and global communities. Making the world a better fairer place is not someone else's job. Its the job of each and every one of us.
In last week's news we shared some descriptions of three of the Catholic Social Justice principles which were Human Dignity, Solidarity and Stewardship. This week we will have a look at the other four. If you would like to find out more check out the Caritas website which has lots of information for Social Justice week starting Sunday 14th September (

3. School Notices - Week 8, Term 3
(a) Altar Servers
Saturday 13th September - Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger, Joseph Spillane and Mackenzie Cunningham
Sunday 14th September - Antonia & Francesca Black, Cameron & Laura Mather
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Emma O'Connor and Ezekiel De Maiwat
(c) Sports Information
Saturday 13th September - Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger, Joseph Spillane and Mackenzie Cunningham
Sunday 14th September - Antonia & Francesca Black, Cameron & Laura Mather
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Emma O'Connor and Ezekiel De Maiwat
(c) Sports Information
Sports Uniforms & Bags
Players - please return your washed winter sports uniform
and place it in the basket under the stairs in the foyer outside the office.
Coaches/Managers - please clean any school sports bags,
bibs and other items and return them under the stairs. Thank you.
Sports Notice
A summer sports notice went home on Tuesday and is due back
by Monday 15th September as some codes require their entries to be
in early. If you are late returning your
form, you may miss out on playing that code.
Please ensure you read and sign the St Joseph’s Sports Code of
Conduct. Please do not send any money
with your form as an account will be sent.
Otago Junior Touch Representative Trials – Monday 15th September
Will be held at Whitestone Centennial Park (corner of
Tayward Street behind the new hockey building)
Registration is 15 minutes prior to the start of the trial.
Trial Times
U11 boys (born 2005, 2004) – start at 3.30 pm
U11 girls (born 2005, 2004) – start at 3.50 pm
U13 boys (born (2003, 2002) – start at 4.10 pm
U13 girls (born 2003, 2002) – start at 4.30 pm
Players need to be available for the following tournaments:
North Otago will play in the Otago Trials Tournament to be
held in Dunedin on Sunday 2nd November 2014. Best players will be selected for Otago teams
to attend tournaments on 30th November, 7th December and
20-21 December. Anyone with queries or
is interested in coaching or managing North Otago Teams, please contact Mark Robertson on
027 890 0713 or 437 1236.
(d) Lost Property
Alexie Phillips has lost her named school tunic and school jacket after gymnastics in the hall last Friday. Can you please check your child's clothing to see if they have got the wrong clothes by mistake.
Tannah Rintoul has lost her named school jacket, if found, please return it to the office.
An orange basketball has been lost at school, if found please return to the office.
(e) Library Books
All school library books are due back by Friday 19th September at the latest.
(f) Pastoral Care
As you maybe aware, some of our school families experience times of compassionate need; like the death of a close family member, severe illness/injury or hardship. In response to this, the Home & School in 2008 started a new initiative in line with the St Joseph's Strategic Plan, whereby all classrooms will have one month of the school year to contribute to the Parish Welfare Freezer. The month of September has been assigned to Ruma Tawa and families are asked to donate cooked food or non perishable items. The items can be tinned, baking or a main meal, e.g. casserole, lasagna, muffins or biscuits. If you are in a position to contribute, please contact Maria Dickie on 027 255 8268 or 439 5599. Please bring to school on Friday mornings. Thank you.
(g) Community Notices - please check the community noticeboard for further information.
- Hangi Fundraiser for Te Whare Koa Community Marae on Sunday 14th September. $10 a plate and pre orders to Mike on 027 229 9198.
- Quiz Night - Weston School Senior Camp Fundraiser on Monday 15th September at the North Star at 7.00 pm. Queries to Alan Pope on 027 436 9179.
- OSCAR@Fenwick School Holiday Programme - Monday 29th September to Friday 10th October from 7.30 am to 5.45 pm. Enquiries to Jenny on 434 8797.
- Orwell St Church School Holiday Programme - Monday 6th to Friday 10th October from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at Oamaru Intermediate school hall for kids aged 5-12 years.
- Forrester Gallery - Titokowaru's Dilemma from 6 September to 30th November.
4. Congratulations - Week 8, Term 3
5. Gardening Time at St Joseph's
There were some busy gardeners helping plant vegetables in our new school garden.
6. ANZ Olympic Schools Programme
What is the ANZ Olympic Schools Programme?
ANZ has developed the ANZ Olympic Schools Programme with the New Zealand Olympic Committe to inspire and motivate New Zealand's youth through the magic and celebration of the Olympic Games. Schools will be provided with resources and merchandise to provide opportunities, activities and incentives for students to live the Olympic values. By ANZ staff members referring ANZ to their fellow parents and social networks associated with their child's school, they will secure credits for their school (St Joseph's) to spend at the ANZ Awards Centre.
Here's how it works
For every successful ANZ home loan or home loan top up over $50,000 drawn down by someone connected to your school via an ANZ staff member, the school will receive 800 credits. The person drawing down the loan just needs to tell the home loan specialist that they want the credits to go to St Joseph's School, Oamaru and the ANZ staff member (Andrea Armstrong) who referred them when they draw down their loan.
St Joseph's can redeem the credits for a variety of items ranging from sports equipment to the latest in computer technology. Items include skipping ropes, basketballs, footballs, netballs, tennis racquets, cricket sets, cameras, video recorders, computers etc. 800 credits equates to approximately $400 of purchasing power at the ANZ Awards Centre.
7. PGG Wrightson Cash for Communities
Earn $$$ for St Joseph's School with PGG Wrightson Cash for Communities
Any farmer who purchases Ballance Agr-Nutrients fertiliser on their PGG Wrightson account, between 1 September and 30 November 2014, can earn cash for their school by nominating St Joseph's School at
By purchasing Ballance Agri-Nutrients fertiliser this spring, they will donate $1.00 for every tonne you buy. This is open to PGG Wrightson account holders only.
Any farmer who purchases Ballance Agr-Nutrients fertiliser on their PGG Wrightson account, between 1 September and 30 November 2014, can earn cash for their school by nominating St Joseph's School at
By purchasing Ballance Agri-Nutrients fertiliser this spring, they will donate $1.00 for every tonne you buy. This is open to PGG Wrightson account holders only.
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